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Archived Blog Posts

Ways Falmouth Residences Can Contain Mold Damage

4/10/2023 (Permalink)

containment barrier set up in a mold damaged room Wherever you find mold damage in your Falmouth home, team SERVPRO can help remediate the damage. Contact us 24/7 for services.

Falmouth Homeowners Benefit From SERVPRO Mold Remediation

Mold is a progressive problem in terms of damage to properties. The incident at your Falmouth home can leave a mild impact or develop into a full-blown crisis that requires elaborate restoration procedures. Unlike other property disasters, you can influence the result of mold damage in your property based on your actions.

The action you can take in Falmouth to contain mold damage might depend on the timing of discovery. If the issue is in its formative stages, you only need to take the steps that curtail microbial growth and perform the cleanup. However, removing deteriorated materials is necessary if the contamination has taken root. Whatever the situation, assistance from SERVPRO is beneficial.

Containing mold contamination requires:

  • Limiting growth
  • Limiting debris spread
  • Preventing harmful exposure

Mold requires sufficient moisture and a source of food. It develops when spores on surfaces sprout, spreading hyphae and creating a colony. Disrupting growth is possible by stopping all water sources supplying an area or inhibiting microbial growth processes. Our SERVPRO technicians help by extracting stagnant water or drying wet materials. Inhibiting growth processes is also by applying chemical agents with antifungal and antibacterial properties on surfaces. For example, after removing the carpet and pad, we use the biocide on the floor surface before laying a new carpet.

Handling Mold Debris

In a moldy property, debris comes from several sources, including loose colony fragments, deteriorated materials, and dust from the drilling or cutting process when removing unsalvageable materials. Any heavily contaminated porous material like drywall, carpet, pad or insulation is deemed unsalvageable since cleaning and other restoration procedures cannot remove the root-like hyphae that penetrate its surfaces. 

Controlling the spread of mold debris takes erecting physical barriers. Our SERVPRO technicians take the initiative to ensure such barriers are airtight. We use 6-mil plastic sheets supported with PVC pipes or spring-loaded metallic rods. An adhesive tape helps secure the edges. We also establish negative air pressure, which contains the debris released into the air when materials are disturbed through agitation, demolition, or cutting. 

Containment barriers are not necessary for every type of contamination. However, debris control is essential in all cases. If demolition is not required, more straightforward techniques can help control the spread of spores and moldy materials. The crucial thing is to understand what needs protection from such materials. Protecting cleaned areas while the remediation is in progress is a helpful step. Otherwise, it can turn too repetitive, taking unnecessary time. Residue capture is also an alternative solution since it directly removes soils from contaminated areas to the waste collection containers.

Specific actions that help include:

  • Directional cleaning 
  • Limiting airflow 
  • Extractive cleaning like vacuuming

Vacuum cleaning and air filtration are two great extractive cleaning solutions. Our SERVPRO technicians use devices fitted with High-Efficiency Particulate Air filters that capture 99.97 percent of residues. Such filters can remove residues as small as 0.3 microns. Vacuuming helps eliminate residues embedded in cracks or crevices. On the other hand, the air filtration process has additional benefits, such as minimizing odors by capturing or neutralizing malodor molecules.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands has the necessary resources to control mold damage "Like it never even happened." Call us at (508) 888-5985.

Diverse Reasons Why Falmouth Properties Develop Water Damage

4/10/2023 (Permalink)

air movers stacked in a water damaged home Our staff and technicians have extensive cleaning and restoration training and equipment to handle any size of water damage in Falmouth.

Can Falmouth Water Restoration by SERVPRO Deliver?

Many materials that form the house structure, whether in the floors, ceilings, walls, and trim, deteriorate if exposed unnecessarily to moisture. The water damage your Falmouth home develops can be instantaneous or gradual, taking weeks or months to become noticeable. The deterioration from gradual water exposure is usually dire since exposure time for materials is unlimited. 

Knowing why your home in Falmouth can develop water damage is essential in preventing or limiting extreme deterioration from gradual moisture exposure. Moisture retention or intrusion are the two most likely reasons for such damage. SERVPRO professionals can help inspect your home, revealing where such risks might emanate from. 

A house can retain moisture because of a drainage system problem that prevents regular evacuation, especially wastewater, as intended. Partial clogging is especially problematic since it might go unnoticed or ignored over a long time. Moisture retention can also happen without involving plumbing systems. Condensation is one of the main processes that can cause such retention. Condensation occurs when humid air cools down, converting the vapor it holds back to liquid water. The kitchen and bathroom are the most likely vapor sources of condensation in your house, leading to water damage. 

Water intrusion occurs from:

  • Pipe leaks
  • Roof leaks
  • Appliance malfunction

Effects of Moisture Exposure

Water is benign in everyday use, but when left to interact with materials over an extended period, it triggers several problems ranging from swelling, staining, warping, and delamination. For example, you might notice that doors operating smoothly suddenly start getting stuck, indicating warping trim or swelling door materials. 

Since water is by far a standard substance, the effects moisture has on materials depend on the physical properties of the said material. Some materials can withstand extended exposure for weeks or months, while others are ruined within a day. 

Factors Affecting Moisture Processes

  • Composition
  • Permeability
  • Porosity

High moisture levels readily damage highly porous materials and those made up of composite parts because of higher absorption rates and the deterioration of cement or glues holding the distinct materials together. On the other hand, permeability is the possibility of moisture passing through materials at standard vapor pressure. Permeance is measured in grains per hour on a square foot of a surface. Permeance determines which materials act as a vapor barrier locking in moisture within a material, thus hampering mitigation efforts such as drying. 

Professional assistance helps identify the uniqueness of materials and establish the best remedies to halt or reverse damages. Our SERVPRO technicians check for moisture barriers such as gloss paint on surfaces or 4-mil plastic sheets installed behind drywall which might stall drying. 

Whatever materials the intrusion effects, performing thorough drying is essential. Our SERVPRO crews facilitate drying by increasing airflow around the wet materials using specialized equipment. We successfully set up several air movers and a dehumidifier unit to cover the wet areas. An air mover is a technological device that uses fans to harness and direct airflow in a specific direction. We also apply heat when necessary, but in most cases, the warm exhaust from dehumidifiers is sufficient in providing the essential heat.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands can help evaluate your property to determine the source of water damage if it is not readily apparent. You can reach us at (508) 888-5985.

Simple Approaches Used in Falmouth to Ease Fire Damage Repair

4/10/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO box truck parked on the street We have state-of-the-art equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your Falmouth home after fire damage.

SERVPROs Simple Tactics Ease Falmouth Fire Restoration

Problems in Falmouth property can vary significantly after fire incidents. Hazardous structural areas, heavy soiling, and odors are some typical issues. Resolving the problems can be time-consuming, costly, and generally inconveniencing, so most people opt to hire a professional to handle fire damage. 

Although the Falmouth professional delivering fire damage restoration services may be popular for using advanced techniques or sophisticated equipment, simple actions also form a significant portion of the restorative actions taken. When done correctly, the process can be easier or faster. SERVPRO has developed various strategies over the years.

Simple strategies that ease cleaning

  • Doing a thorough inspection
  • Changing cleaning water frequently
  • Using products at the proper pH levels

Clearing heavy soiling from surfaces or materials can take longer if unnecessarily repetitive. The proper preparation processes and execution strategies can cut down the time involved. Our SERVPRO crews prioritize inspection before most of the other remediation steps. Assessment helps reveal the soil type or how stubbornly it is embedded on surfaces. Fire residues vary from fine dry soot to wet or smeary smoke residues. Wet residues are considerably challenging to wipe off from surfaces. Dry soot, on the hand, might penetrate beyond the surface since the intense heat of combustion opens up pores in materials.

The inspection done during fire restoration can be a simple or elaborate process. For example, rubbing a brightly colored cleaning sponge over surfaces to track residue spread patterns is a form of inspection. Other inspection approaches include doing chemical tests to establish the properties of residues or the affected materials. Chemical tests are beneficial when preparing to clean fabrics since they help reveal issues like propensity to stretch or dye bleeding.

Cleaning is more successful when applying unique approaches rather than standard techniques. Under most circumstances, that means using elaborate cleaning methods. However, it can also include simple techniques that you could easily dismiss while completing diverse tasks. Changing cleaning water constantly and maintaining the pH of the cleaning solution are two simple techniques that help improve the outcomes of fire cleanup exercises. Our SERVPRO FSRT-certified technicians manage pH levels by choosing products in the correct pH range which can be acidic or alkaline depending on the cleaning task. For example, heavy-duty cleaners that strip away greasy fire residues are highly alkaline, with a pH of around 10 to 14. Maintaining the pH level is also essential. Our technicians add a buffering agent in the cleaning solution to keep that range throughout the cleaning, thus maintaining its effectiveness.

Other Fire Damage Restoration Strategies 

Since most blazes are usually limited to a specific house area, the location or position of damage influences the ease of restoration. Heavy smoke deposits or charring on elevated house sections such as ceilings or wall sections are particularly challenging to address because of the difficulty reach. Also, when cleaning, it is easy to soil contents and materials lying below the affected area creating unnecessary damage.

Simple solutions include:

  • Doing move-outs
  • Elevated access resources
  • Special cleaning equipment

Manipulating contents or moving them from the property ensures they do not stand in the way or incur damages from debris and cleaning solutions. Our SERVPRO teams efficiently manage the contents that need to move out of the way since we have enough workforce and handy tools such as handcarts. For elevated reach, extension poles and ladders come in handy.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands helps simplify fire damage restoration. You can reach us at (508) 888-5985. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.

What Falmouth Residents Should Know About Fire Damage

4/9/2023 (Permalink)

a fire damaged oven with soot covering the wall behind it and around it Dealing with the aftermath of a fire can be quite stressful. Contact SERVPRO for trained technicians using trusted tools for the remediation tasks.

Fire Damage Restoration with SERVPRO Gets Results

With how frightening the fire statistics are across the United States, it is more essential than ever that home and business owners safeguard their properties from damage. However, fires are an awful reality and come without notice, so SERVPRO is here to help ensure Falmouth property owners know about the fallout of fire and how to proceed when picking up the pieces.

Housefire statistics in the United States

The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and other agents have released multiple statistics regarding fires across the country:

  • It takes 30 seconds for a minor flame to morph into a major blaze. 
  • Roughly 358,000 homes will have a structure fire each year.
  • Throughout a five-year span, home fires cause several thousand fatalities and billions in property damage.

Did you know?

Along with the statistics listed above, there are many other facts about housefires that property owners may not be aware of. For example, the top causes are electrical malfunctions, heating equipment, and cooking-related incidents. Throughout the fall months, roughly 45% of fires are caused in homes using fireplaces as a heating source.

SERVPRO is always here to help

Once you have a fire in your home, it helps to know you have a trusted restoration team you can turn to for cleanup and reconstruction. We handle everything from start to finish, ensuring we leave no stone unturned to make it “Like it never even happened.” From debris removal and contents cleaning, we carefully handle every aspect of your property to help you return your home to pre-fire condition. – General Contractor License #: CS-108357

Whether you had a fire break out in your kitchen or faulty electrical work that caused a great deal of smoke damage, we can be at your Falmouth property within hours to get started. Call us at (508) 888-5985, and our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team will mobilize and head to your location.

Rapid Water Restoration in Falmouth Businesses Minimizes Damages

3/6/2023 (Permalink)

water on office floor Our techs are ready 24/7, 365 days a year.

SERVPRO helps Combat Water Damage in Falmouth

Water intrusion in commercial spaces is a common occurrence. The after-effects can severely impact structural components and cause business interruptions. If no rapid measures are taken, the water gradually spreads through the building soaking into materials. Over time, wet materials expose employees to contaminants, and the materials risk developing mold. Therefore, water damage in Falmouth business premises should be addressed as swiftly as possible to avoid extensive damages and business interruptions. SERVPRO takes water damage matters seriously and rapidly responds by sending a well-equipped team.

Water restoration in Falmouth business premises should minimize damages and maximize recovery efforts. The worst water damages occur when repair efforts are not performed correctly. A quick clean-up may allow you to resume operations faster, but you risk facing closure later as anything you miss fuels continued deterioration. By involving a restoration company like SERVPRO, you can expect a rigorous inspection disinterring all damages.

Some ways water damage affects businesses:

  • Destruction of documents and records
  • Damage to equipment and furnishings
  • Water-logged flooring
  • Mold development
  • Lost revenue due to temporary closure

Water intrusion immediately impacts the flooring materials and other structural components but can also significantly affect stock. Books, documents, fixtures, and valuable equipment are vulnerable to damage. The longer the problem remains unresolved, the higher the chances of major financial loss since you won’t be able to provide service to customers. All these can be prevented by acting quickly before the damage escalates.

Water Restoration Equipment Facilitates Quick Recovery

Completing water extraction fast and setting up air moving and dehumidification equipment for drying helps speed up the recovery efforts. Specialized drying equipment, such as centrifugal and axial air movers or structural drying equipment, may be necessary for efficient property drying. SERVPRO restoration teams also help with delicate processes such as document recovery through methods such as:

  • Air-drying
  • Freezer drying
  • Vacuum freeze-drying
  • Vacuum thermal-drying

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands offers quick and thorough water restoration services allowing you to minimize business interruptions. Call us at (508) 888-5985. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

SERVPRO’s Fast Water Removal Service Saves Falmouth Homes

2/10/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO equipment drying floor Our techs are ready 24/7, 365 days a year.

Falmouth Homeowners Trust SERVPRO with Water Removal 

Removing the standing water from your property is a crucial and time-sensitive step in water restoration. If water removal from your Falmouth home does not happen quickly, water can seep into the structural components causing widespread damage.   

SERVPRO restorers employ several pieces of equipment during the water removal of your Falmouth property. While pumps and extractors remove the standing water, deep extraction tools and light wands remove water absorbed into the carpets and pads. 

Deep Extraction Tools in Water Damage Repair

One of the best ways to accelerate the drying rate is by removing as much liquid water from the structure as possible before using dehumidifiers and air movers. Once the pumps and extractors remove the standing water, the SERVPRO techs focus on the water absorbed into the carpet. 

We use the following types of extraction tools to remove this water-

  • Self-propelled tools have an independent motor moving the units over the carpet constantly. The tool compresses the carpet and the pad to squeeze out the liquid water and remove it using a vacuum system. Some tools are designed so that the restorer can stand on them while it works to provide additional weight. 
  • Stationary tools don’t have a motor, and the restorer extracts water section by section by manually moving the tool from one part of the carpet to the other. The techs must use their weight to increase the efficiency of the tool.
  • Light wands are used to remove residual water on the surface of the carpets after a stationary tool has been used.   

Water Removal is Necessary

Removing as much liquid water from the water-damaged structure as possible is crucial. Not only does liquid water continue to damage the structure, but it is also very difficult to remove by evaporative drying alone.  

Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985.

Steps to Conduct Mold Removal in Falmouth

1/4/2023 (Permalink)

Mold in Corner Call your local professionals at SERVPRO to ensure your home is dry and sanitary.

SERVPRO Can Assist with Mold Removal Services in Falmouth

Fungi exist naturally in many places outdoors, but issues can arise if a fungus grows inside your home. Mold only needs moisture, an organic food source like wood or paper, the proper temperatures, and time to develop. Once a fungus forms, its spores can get into the air and cause the contamination to spread to other parts of your structure. 

Luckily SERVPRO is available 24/7 for mold removal services in Falmouth. Since mold can cause problems, it is wise to call professionals to remediate the issues. If we take action before the spores spread, we can help prevent contamination of materials far from the initial source. 

When our SERVPRO technicians first arrive at your residence, we start by inspecting your building to determine where moisture entered. For example, if you found mold in your attic, we would look for leaks in your roof where the water entered. If the mold formed by rainwater enters a leak in your roof, then we can seal your roof so that no more moisture enters during the restoration process.

We can also use moisture sensors to find other places where building materials could be wet. During the initial inspection, we can inspect hidden, tight spots to ensure there aren't fungal formations anywhere else in your house. Once we find all of your structure's contaminated areas, we can spray them with an antimicrobial solution. Next, we can remove the contamination from the surface of the affected materials.

We can remove contamination in the following ways:

  • Dispose of contaminated materials in sealed bags
  • Sandblast surface mold from wood
  • Soda blast surface mold from various materials
  • Scrub surface mold on non-porous materials with steel wool or a sponge

We can also set up air scrubbers and seal affected areas while we work on restoration to prevent spores from getting into the air.

If you ever notice any black mold forming inside your house, call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985.

SERVPRO Provides Water Mitigation Services to Reduce Damage in Falmouth

12/6/2022 (Permalink)

Contact Us Sign Let SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands fix it, Don’t stress it.

Quick Water Mitigation Reduces Extensive Secondary Damage in Falmouth – Call SERVPRO

Residents of Falmouth appreciate the fast water mitigation service provided by SERVPRO. When water leaks occur, water spreads everywhere, seeps into every nook and crack, and is absorbed by porous materials. Even hardwood floors can be damaged if exposed to water and high moisture levels for an extended period.

SERVPRO believes in being onsite to begin water mitigation efforts in Falmouth homes and businesses within four hours of your call. Our technicians know that if they can quickly remove the water and the moisture, they can prevent significant secondary damage to porous materials. 

Carpets, underpads, subfloor material, hardwood flooring, drywall, and furniture/cupboards manufactured from particle board products can be damaged permanently if the water is not quickly removed.

Older carpets may delaminate and need to be replaced. Under-pad material soaks up water and causes the subfloor to lose structural integrity. The drywall expands and crumbles. Hardwood floor planks cup, buckle and warp if exposed to water for too long. Kitchen and bathroom cupboards made from particle board materials also disintegrate.

Mold can also infest a home in as little as twenty-four hours after a water leak. Mold likes to grow in dark warm areas with moisture and organic materials available, which are abundant in our homes.

SERVPRO utilizes high-capacity pumps, water extractors, vacuum floor mats, vacuum wands for difficult-to-reach locations, air movers, and dehumidifiers to rapidly remove water and moisture from your home. Our quick response and focused efforts reduce the probability of secondary damage significantly.

Our fast response to your water event can mitigate many of these issues. Don’t hesitate, call now.

Our services include the following:

  • Water clean up
  • Ceiling repairs from water damage
  • Mold inspections, remediation, and removal

Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands for water mitigation and restoration services. We provide service to Falmouth and nearby areas. We can help 24/7. Call (508) 888-5985.

SERVPRO Provides Fire Damage Restoration in Falmouth

11/3/2022 (Permalink)

ceiling after a fire Having an issue with fire damage on your property. Call SERVPRO for the help you need.

Need Fire Damage Restoration in Falmouth After a Fire – Call SERVPRO

Fire damage restoration in Falmouth involves removing contents and structures damaged by the fire, smoke deodorizing, cleaning, and repairing to return your home to its original condition "Like it Never Even Happened." After a fire has damaged your home or business, many factors must be considered.

SERVPRO provides fire damage restoration in Falmouth and surrounding areas to homeowners and business clients. We respond in less than four hours from your call and are available 24/7 to respond to emergencies. We provide board-up services to cover broken windows and doors and tarps to cover compromised roofs.

Our team assesses the home's condition once the firefighters give the green light for us to enter. 

Our initial objective is to confirm that it is safe to enter, avoiding live electrical circuits, slips and falls, and any structure that may be in danger of collapsing. Most fires are contained in one room, often the kitchen; however, smoke residues and odors may have penetrated the entire home.

SEREVPRO follows industry-approved processes during our fire damage restoration activities. 

These steps include:

  • Review the restoration plan with the client and the insurance adjuster
  • Remove contents damaged by the fire
  • Perform controlled demolition as required
  • Cleaning and deodorization of contents and structure
  • Reconstruction, repair, and restoration as needed

We customize smoke residue cleaning and deodorization to the type of residues produced by the fire. Grease fires have an oily residue, while hot fires tend to have fluffy nongreasy residues. We consider the types of chemicals made from burning plastics. Our SERVPRO team is fully trained to deal with all these variables while cleaning and restoring your home.

Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands for fire damage restoration services. We provide service to Falmouth and nearby areas. We can help 24/7. Call (508) 888-5985.

Keep Your Falmouth Business Open after Water Damage – Call SERVPRO

9/1/2022 (Permalink)

WATER SOAKED, CARPETED HALLWAY IN A HOTEL SERVPRO's skilled techs deploy advanced equipment to dry large commercial structures in Falmouth--We Keep Your Doors Open for Business.

Commercial Water Removal for a Falmouth Hotel

Hotels face challenges when it comes to water damage. These structures are massive compared to the average home or business, and there are many more chances for pipe leaks, burst plumbing, and other types of water damage to affect it. While commercial cleaners do great for day-to-day maintenance, removing water damage in wall cavities or ceiling tiles requires more specific equipment for extracting water.

If your Falmouth hotel needs commercial water removal from an experienced team of restoration specialists, SERVPRO is ready to help. These IICRC-certified pros receive extensive training in water damage mitigation and restoration techniques as indicated by IICRC standards, meaning your business can expect a consistently high standard of cleaning based on empirical measurements and tried-and-true methods.  

Preventing Water Damage to Your Hotel

  • Guest safety always comes first. Monitor sprinklers, plumbing, electrical systems, lighting, and smoke alarms carefully to ensure that guests all have safe and adequate infrastructure in their rooms, as well as in communal areas and conference rooms.  
  • Pay extra attention to plumbing. Water supply issues can come from various sources, from frozen pipes to leaks, to rust, and a little bit of maintenance goes a long toward preventing expensive repairs and unsightly stains.  
  • Have your maintenance crew look at the HVAC. Not only are climate controls essential to your guests' comfort, but something as simple as an HVAC leak can cause extensive damage with enough time and moisture.  
  • Maintain your concrete floors. Polished concrete is the ideal surface for handling the wear and tear of foot traffic, luggage, and renovations, but without proper sealing, it, too, can become vulnerable to damage.  

How SERVPRO Removes Water Damage Odors

SERVPRO has industrial-grade tools needed to address water damage in your hotel, from extraction wands and rovers for pulling moisture out of carpets and injecti-dry systems for drying wall cavities to EPA-registered antimicrobials for removing light odors and preventing bacterial and fungal growth.  

If there is a persistent odor from damage, odor control technicians can implement ultra-low volume (ULV) foggers in your structure to release deodorizing solutions. We use hand-pump or powered sprayers for disinfection, which goes a long way toward mitigating odors by removing bacteria. 

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands can leave your hotel or other business looking "Like it never even happened." Call (774) 252-7567 today if your facilities need cleanup fast. 

Falmouth Businesses Deserve Prompt Water Damage Repair

8/11/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Equipment Make sure that business resumes quickly after water damage in your office. Our crew is standing by 365 days a year for your emergency call.

Let SERVPRO tackle water damage repair and restoration at your Falmouth commercial location!

Whether you have ceiling leaks from a faulty HVAC system or encountered burst pipes, you need to act fast so that your Falmouth business does not miss a beat. To cut back on downtime and the cost of damages, SERVPRO offers commercial restoration services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Even if there is an in-house janitorial crew, many benefits come from hiring skilled technicians for water damage repair in Falmouth. We act fast to mitigate damage and get you the results you are looking for:

  • We Restore Your Commercial Space Quickly – Our Green Fleet is equipped with extractors, pumps, air movers, and dehumidifiers to handle all kinds of water clean-up jobs.
  • We Offer Expert Advice – Rather than feeling that all is lost, we can go over salvageable items, including important documents, office carpeting, and more. 
  • We Carefully Dry and Clean to Remediate Mold – The onset of mold and mildew is a significant concern with any water removal services we offer. We use moisture meters to detect hidden pockets and adjust our equipment and timing accordingly to achieve our drying goals. We wrap up each job with the application of EPA-registered antimicrobials.

Your commercial space deserves prompt attention from a highly-trained team of water damage repair technicians. Contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands by calling (508) 888-5985 – we are available for emergency response 24/7!

Aiding with Commercial Fire Damage Repair in Falmouth

8/11/2022 (Permalink)

Flames Under Ceiling Water Extinguisher SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands understands how important your business is. Let us help you out.

SERVPRO Helps with Fire Restoration in Falmouth

Whenever a fire breaks out inside any structure, several issues can occur. But if the building is a commercial property, there are more problems that a fire can create that must be solved. For example, a fire at your business can become costly if products and equipment get negatively affected. A fire could also cost your company a loss of business during the restoration process.

Whenever our SERVPRO technicians work on restoring commercial fire damage in Falmouth, we focus on trying to reduce loss of business while we repair your company’s building. In some cases, we can schedule our working procedures during times when your business is not operating. In other situations, we can complete the restoration process in sections so that your employees can remain working in parts of your building. We can also take extra measures to ensure that the fire did not create any safety hazards for your employees or our crew.

Ways we can help your business after a fire:

  • Smoke Remediation
  • Fire Debris Removal
  • Content Cleaning
  • Cleaning Soot from Walls and Ceilings
  • Structural Deodorization
  • Setting Up Ozone Generators
  • Restorative Carpet Cleaning

After we inspect your entire property and figure out the extent of the damage, we can then formulate a plan of attack. Suppose you have burnt building materials like your drywall or ceiling tiles. In that case, we can start our restoration process by removing any severely burnt materials and placing them in sealed plastic bags, so the soot does not spread across your building. If some items like your wall studs only have charring on the surface, we can sand or sandblast off the burnt material and seal it with a specialized sealant paint such as Kilz.

If your company ever suffers from a fire inside its building, call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985.

How Do I Know if My Carpet Pads and Floors are Wet Under the Carpet in Falmouth?

8/11/2022 (Permalink)

Water Soaked Carpet Water can quickly ruin carpet. Fortunately, SERVPRO has the know-how to dry and make it, "Like it never even happened."

Our Skilled SERVPRO Technicians Working in Falmouth Restore Your Carpet 

Excessive water leaking onto your carpet requires quick attention. It is not always as simple as letting the carpet dry on its own, even if the water is clean. Effectively extracting water may be more difficult in humid climates like Cape Cod. 

Technicians Use Moisture Sensors to Detect Excess Water  

Water Removal in your Falmouth home first requires that you detect and then possibly measure moisture levels. SERVPRO technicians use moisture sensors with long sharp probes to penetrate through carpet and padding, reaching to the floor underneath to determine the presence of water. Then, they may use moisture meters to determine the amount of moisture present. 

How Do Technicians Remove the Water? 

  • Water extraction is vital. The more passes made with portable extraction equipment, the better as it expedites the drying process.
  • Self-propelled extraction moves throughout the impacted areas as a technician stands on them, using their weight as they ride around the carpet, vacuuming up as much water as possible.
  • Restoration professionals may also use stationary extraction equipment that uses the technician's weight to remove water in one location. The technician then moves it to another section after 10-15 seconds. 

Why Do SERVPRO Technicians Use Air Movers and Dehumidifiers? 

  • Air movement, ventilation, and dehumidification are all critical in effectively drying the carpet to prohibit mold colonies from forming.
  • Air movers move warm, dry air over the impacted carpet while dehumidifiers pull moisture from the air.

Removing a soaked carpet may be tempting; however, our professionals have the tools and techniques to dry and restore your carpet adequately. For 24/7 assistance, contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985. We make it "Like it never even happened." 

Controlled Demolition After Falmouth Flood Damage

8/10/2022 (Permalink)

Drywall Removed We aim to restore your property as quickly as possible, “Like It Never Even Happened.”

Certain Materials Can Be Ruined by Flood Damage 

Flooding is one of the more complex and rapidly developing disasters impacting homes in the area. As violent and intrusive as these emergencies typically are, controlled demolition is often needed to protect the property from more significant harm and make restoration more efficient.

Recovering the Attic

Flood damage in Falmouth homes can often impact areas like the attic. Water penetration usually means damage to the roof, which must get repaired or rebuilt. Underlayment, insulation, damaged trusses, and other construction elements can often require removal to recover attics after flooding.

Cleaning the Basement

The basement level of your home is a typical area to experience intruding water for local homes and businesses. Falmouth properties contend a great deal with groundwater, and vulnerabilities in the foundation of residences can allow water to penetrate this lower level of the property directly. Demolition in this area might require wood framing, masonry foundation block, and subflooring for the main level.

General Building Materials 

Even without one specific area of the house being targeted by flood damage, certain materials used in the construction of your home are sensitive to absorption and saturation. Some of these include:

  • Flooring – Porous flooring absorbs flood damage from carpet to hardwood and can cause seams to bloat and warp.
  • Baseboards – Trim around the base of the walls can be heavily impacted when wall systems fall victim to flooding.
  • Drywall – Drywall gets used in the ceiling and wall assemblies and is one of the first materials to buckle underwater exposure due to its high porosity.

Many areas of a residence will become overwhelmed and even destroyed by flood damage. Because of the severity of these disasters, and the impact on the structure, our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands professionals, respond fast to get mitigation and emergency services started. Call us today at (508) 888-5985. 

The Coast Is Too Close to My Falmouth House

8/10/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Equipment Let SERVPRO help you take care of your Falmouth flood damage.

We Can Help You Through Your Falmouth Water Damage

Our coastal town of Falmouth is an enjoyable one. Its rich history and marine life are like no other in the country, as is our close-knit community. In the past years, we have continued to make history, but now it is more related to severe weather events that threaten our peace and leave us vulnerable to damage. Severe storms and downpours have left a significant number of homeowners in need of advice as they strive to restore their homes to mint condition. What many homeowners have come to realize is that a good insurance policy does not substitute for knowledgeable people guiding you in the restoration process.

SERVPRO works diligently to support our Falmouth community when there is flood damage. We understand the tribulation of seeing the water threaten your belongings; family heirlooms, pictures, and memories can fall victim to floodwaters, and it is your job to protect them. When disaster strikes, you can call our 24/7 hotline and let our Green Fleet arrive at your home as soon as it is safe. Keeping in mind any restrictions and guidelines imposed by local emergency workers, we begin to sort through the debris to minimize your losses.

Flood damage differs from a regular burst pipe in that the water entering your house can carry pollutants and bacteria. At SERVPRO, we recognize this critical distinction and design our work plan accordingly. Extracting water and removing any goods that can not be salvaged is a top priority for our team. We do this by understanding any environmental considerations in disposing of furniture or other porous materials and by bringing in potent pumps to remove the standing water and discard it through the appropriate sewage. A homeowner, does not need to know these intricacies; all you need to do is trust our knowledge and expertise as we restore your home.

Disinfecting your home is also of paramount importance. Eliminating organic matter requires a certain degree of education to apply targeted cleaning solutions to each surface. Once again, our SERVPRO crew knows the specific recommendations for each disinfecting job, and we count on up-to-date technology to be efficient in the process.

At SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands, we walk along your side when disaster strikes. Like you, we want to see Falmouth in its full glory and not ravaged by flooding. Let us be a part of the solution by calling (508) 888-5985 and let us leave your home "Like it never even happened."

Why Do Experts Recommend Professional Mold Removal?

8/10/2022 (Permalink)

Mold in Corner Area Let SERVPRO professionally take care of your mold issues Falmouth.

Microbial Outbreaks Can Surface Anywhere in a Home -- Why SERVPRO Uses a Scientifically Based Mold Removal Protocol for Outstanding Results for Falmouth Residents 

An unexpected discovery of mold colonies filling the building cavities opened during your Falmouth kitchen's remodeling brings work to a halt. Your contractor does not handle mold issues, so you must manage this roadblock another way. Although you are usually comfortable with even tough cleaning jobs, this problem seems beyond your capacity.

Is It an Overreaction to Seek Professional Mold Removal Services?

Hiring a remediation company for mold removal in your Falmouth home is a savvy move. Minor mold infestations might be within reach for homeowners to resolve. Still, the lifecycle of these fungi can frustrate even the committed significantly if the outbreak widens. Your extensive kitchen infestation qualifies as a circumstance that requires professional help, which is why we include mold remediation as a core service.

Can a Broadcast Spraying of an Antimicrobial Take Care of the Building Cavity Mold Problem?

Although innovations are always welcome to our mold removal practice, Falmouth residences with moderate to severe mold infestations need a structured remediation process for adherence to best research-based practices. It would considerably shorten an onerous work agenda if we could rely on an aerosol treatment. Still, much more is needed to bring mold colonies under control.

What Is the Mold Removal Approach Used by SERVPRO?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-developed protocol for mold remediation aimed at schools and commercial buildings is our choice. Fortunately, this protocol is scalable to a residential setting, which is why SERVPRO is confident it will work well for your home mold damage scenario.

Usually, property owners lead us to the mold, but we can arrange for testing if needed.

  • Contain the Workspace

With a significant infestation, the room needs wrapping in 1.6 mil polyethylene with plastic conduit supports. Technicians should wear personal protective equipment (PPE), and occupants should exclude themselves from the area.

  • Remove the Mold

Mechanical removal is most efficient, using brushes and scrapers. In many instances, porous materials can be saved using gentler "blasting" techniques using soda or dry ice as the abrasive.

  • Bag Up and Dispose of the Moldy Material

SERVPRO follows local rules for the disposal of hazardous waste. We vacuum using HEPA filters and wipe up the area.

  • Disinfection of Affected Surfaces

We depend on EPA-registered antimicrobials, applied directly, or sprayed. Coating surfaces with an antimicrobial-containing primer is an option to hinder mold regrowth.  

Count on our team's training and hands-on experience, why SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands reports good mold removal results. Call for a consultation at (508) 888-5985.

The Best Way to Handle Fire Damage Remediation in Your Falmouth Home

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

Fire Damage Kitchen fires happen. Don't stress about it alone. Call the professionals at SERVPRO today for remediation assistance.

Toxic Residues Complicate Fire Damage Recovery in Falmouth

The smoke and soot residues created by the fire in your Falmouth home differ significantly from everyday grime and dirt. Not only does cleanup require different products and techniques, but the residues can be hazardous when handled without precautions. Our fire damage mitigation and remediation managers and technicians master research-based strategies and techniques through the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) coursework to safely and efficiently clean fire residues. Our specialized qualifications can help you get through fire recovery.

Dangerous Substances Found in Smoke and Soot

Fire damage in Falmouth exposes the structure and contents of your home to a broad range of corrosive compounds. As various materials burn during a fire event, chemicals, including gases, tars, and particles, partially combust and become airborne. A typical household fire destroys organic and synthetic fabrics, foams, plastics, wood, and wood products, and even lead or asbestos-containing materials, among other items. The acidic properties of the residues discolor surfaces, tarnish metals, etch glass, and weaken building materials.

Cleanup Requires Air Scrubbing and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

When SERVPRO arrives, our experienced crew assesses the scene and then gets to work. We remove and properly dispose of contaminated firefighting water first and then turn to the lingering smoke and soot residues. Erecting a containment partition for the work area is a common tactic, using heavy-duty plastic. We seal off the space and improve its air quality with negative pressure air scrubbing technology. HEPA filters trap particles and the dirty air vents to the outside. Our Fire and Smoke Restoration Technicians (FSRT) wear PPE for their safety and prevent tracking toxic fire residues through other areas of your home as they complete remediation tasks.

Every Type of Soot Has Its Own Cleaning Protocol

Soot can smear, carries malodors, and often clings tenaciously to surfaces. SERVPRO technicians are masters at matching particular types of soot with cleaning products, tools, and cleaning techniques. We also have specialized cleaning resources at our production facility, including ultrasonic immersion tubs and industrial washing and drying systems. Heirlooms and other items you feared destined for the trash can find new function and life when our content technicians perform their magic.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands invests in the equipment and training needed to support safe and effective fire damage recovery results. As soon as the authorities permit, call us at (508) 888-5985 for help with toxic fire residues.

Avoid Delays When Dealing a Mold Infestation In East Sandwich

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

Mold on Wall When a mold infestation seems extensive, it's time to call for help. Contact SERVPRO for effective remediation services.

Why SERVPRO Is the Only Call to Make for East Sandwich Mold Remediation

Residences in East Sandwich are equipped with appliances to make daily tasks easier, allowing homeowners to manage busy lives better. One of the hardest working appliances used daily in any home is the dishwasher. Built-in models are plumbed directly to a freshwater supply line and drain used soapy and food-filled water into the kitchen’s waste pipe. There are numerous ways water can escape, including malfunctioning pumps, cracked hoses, or loose or defective connections. 

Recently we were called to check for mold by an East Sandwich homeowner who noticed a persistent musty odor in the kitchen. When our crew arrived, we noted the smell grew stronger near the dishwasher. The floor in front of the appliance also appeared damp, showing distortion of the hardwood strips near the base of the dishwasher.

We pulled the dishwasher from its niche, discovering active mold growth stemming from significant water damage behind the unit. Mold spores require a source of moisture and an organic surface to infiltrate as the organism multiplies. The wallboard behind the dishwasher absorbed nutrient-rich fluids from a leaky waste hose, providing the perfect environment for a rapidly multiplying mold colony.

As the picture shows, the plywood under the dishwasher also sustained water saturation, explaining the warped boards just under the toe kick. After careful assessment of the extent of the damage, our SERVPRO mold remediation team planned an appropriate intervention. Adhering to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protocols for safe and effective mold remediation, we contained the affected area and removed the mold. Because the wall was porous, the mold hyphae were well-established inside the building material. Our team cut out and disposed of the microbially compromised and wet drywall along with the rest of the moldy residue, following local hazardous waste regulations.   

Inhibiting the chance of mold rebound is why SERVPRO treated all affected surfaces with an EPA-registered antimicrobial. Then we dried the space thoroughly, returning all structural components to normal moisture levels compared to other areas in the home. Our general contractor license permits to streamline needed rebuilding and repair of the wall and floor. 

Wraparound remediation and construction capabilities are why SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands can manage even complicated mold scenarios. Make an appointment with our experienced assessment team by calling (508) 888-5985.

Contractor Licenses:

General: CS-108357

Easing Water Damage Repair in Falmouth Homes

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO equipment drying floor Don’t let water damage overwhelm you, call the professionals at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands.

Why SERVPRO Offers Convenient Falmouth Water Repair

You can address water intrusion relatively easily by extracting and drying all wet areas. It might also turn into a dire situation requiring various water damage repair actions. If you feel that the water volume or the materials in your Falmouth house might pose some challenges, you can seek professional assistance. 

The issues that complicate water damage repair in Falmouth properties can be simple or advanced. They might also develop immediately after the intrusion or as you handle the restoration. Intervention from SERVPRO helps streamline restoration, creating convenience for you and improving outcomes.

Water repair fixes

  • Rotting and mold growth
  • Corrosion and disintegration of materials
  • Swelling or warping in wood

Physical problems are expected after moisture levels spike in an indoor environment. Water penetrates through the spaces in porous materials, soaking them thoroughly. Fabrics such as carpets lose their tensile strength and can stretch or tear easily when wet. For others, especially wood, the cellulose in their core structure expands, leading to changes like swelling or warping. Our SERVPRO crews prefer a preventive approach rather than repairing the problems when they are already worse. 

Preventive Repair Solutions

Minimizing moisture interaction with materials is critical for preventive restoration. Our SERVPRO technicians use powerful water extractors to remove high volumes of water or improve extraction thoroughness, thus priming materials for drying. Regulating all restorative actions also prevents severe damage. For instance, gradually drying wooden furniture or structural materials ensures they do not crack or warp.

Some problems develop quickly, so preventive repair does not stop them from happening. Rather, it thwarts spreading or affecting nearby materials. Rusting of metal items or accessories is common after water exposure and can be easily addressed by refinishing or replacing the affected parts. However, permanent staining can develop if the rust spreads to nearby fabrics. Our SERVPRO technicians combat such staining by setting wax paper to separate metal parts from textiles, limiting the work needed.

Other helpful steps

  • Applying biocides to cleaned areas limiting bacterial growth
  • Limiting physical exertion to prevent delamination
  • Using drying chambers for better drying

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands handle water damage repair conveniently. Call us at (508) 888-5985. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster. 

Why Is Training So Important When Looking For a Mold Remediation Company in Falmouth?

5/2/2022 (Permalink)

Mold on wall Count on the professionals at SERVPRO if you find mold damage in your property.

Falmouth Residents Need Professional Mold Remediation

There are lots of situations where you need a highly-trained specialist. This is true if you are looking for a medical professional, beauty therapist, or mechanic in Falmouth. Some home repair jobs need a specialist touch.

When you need mold remediation in Falmouth, there are many things you will want to know about the company you choose. We will discuss some of those now – and talk about why training is so necessary.

What Does a Mold Remediation Company Do?

A mold remediation company in Falmouth handles fungal growth in your home. There are many steps to mold remediation, including:

  • Assessment of the situation and drawing up a cleanup plan
  • Putting up containment barriers so the mold spores cannot escape and set up camp elsewhere
  • Scrubbing, wiping, and abrasion as needed to remove visible growth
  • Drying to discourage regrowth
  • Deodorization and cleanup to leave your home “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands also handles restoration. This can include removing and replacing drywall, putting up new wallpaper, re-painting surfaces, and, in more advanced outbreaks, controlled demolition and rebuilding of severely damaged areas. Some mold situations are not advanced enough to require restoration, but it is good to know our people can handle it when needed.

How Do I Know Whether I Need Mold Remediation?

If you suspect you have mold in your Falmouth house, you need mold remediation. Signs of decay include damp patches on walls and ceilings and visible mold growth, which can be black, pinkish, white and fuzzy, or green-tinted. You might also notice a damp or musty smell.

SERVPRO recommends you call us as soon as you notice tell-tale signs of fungal growth. Mold spores are microscopic and can quickly break away from the colony to form new growth elsewhere in your home. Time is of the essence, so we can swiftly contain the situation.

What Should I Look For in a Remediation Specialist?

When searching for a remediation specialist, there are several things to look for:

  • Fast response – we recommend calling a company like SERVPRO that is available all day, every day
  • A company that uses industry-standard equipment to remove mold
  • Proper cleanup after remediation so you do not even know they were there
  • Excellent customer service, which includes following up with you after they finish the job (SERVPRO always does this)
  • A commitment to training their people to the highest standard

Why is Specialist Training Essential?

Mold remediation is not as simple as wiping down affected surfaces. To be effective, a mold remediation technician needs first to understand fungus and how and where it grows. Knowing the biological processes involved means that the technician knows why they must do things a certain way. This deeper understanding empowers them to make the best choices in each situation.

Before they commence cleaning, mold specialists must set up containment. We ensure our staff understands why containment matters and how to use it effectively to decrease the chance of spores spreading.

Mold remediation involves the use of a wide range of equipment and chemicals. For example, a technician might use a moisture meter or probe to measure dampness in the air. During remediation, they might be called on to use abrasive blasters, such as dry ice or baking soda blasters, to scour mold from hard surfaces.

When cleaning is complete, technicians will use dehumidifiers, fans, and air scrubbers to dry the area and capture loose mold spores. Air scrubbers also help deodorize the room.

At all points during remediation, technicians must remain aware of health and safety and take all necessary steps to ensure they meet health and safety guidelines.

What Kind of Training Does SERVPRO Offer?

Comprehensive training is at the heart of our service.

Franchise owners undertake a comprehensive fifteen-day hands-on course to make sure they have excellent knowledge of remediation work. We train all our staff to the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) standards. The IICRC is a non-profit specializing in training for the restoration industries.

We also invest in our staff with ongoing training opportunities. We offer a self-paced employee certification to all our technicians and give all staff access to online learning. Our team needs to be up to date with the latest cleaning techniques and equipment to obtain the best results.

Every franchise includes specialist mold technicians within its crew.

Proper training gives you peace of mind because every staff member who enters your home knows how to care for it and how to remediate mold properly. Well-trained workers do not only remove mold – they take steps to prevent it from regrowing, keeping your home fresher for longer.

If you are looking for a mold remediation company, call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985.

I Have Fire Damage in My Falmouth Property After a Kitchen Fire, How Do I Restore it?

5/2/2022 (Permalink)

Fire truck SERVPRO will get your house back to feeling like home again. Call on our professionals for help after a fire in your home.

Talk to SERVPRO Technicians in Falmouth to Handle the Fire Damage on Your Property.

Dealing with fire damage can be overwhelming to property owners. However, no matter how far the damage has spread, professional restorers can help you bring your property back to its original state. SERVPRO professionals in Falmouth can handle fire damage using approved techniques and advanced equipment to restore your home safely.

How Can I Help with the Restoration Process?

Most property owners want to begin restoration and do everything they can to make it more efficient. However, using household cleaning agents can worsen fire damage in your Falmouth property. The cleaning agents and unprofessional restoration techniques can cause the soot and smoke residues to smear and seep deeper into the affected materials.

It is best to let SERVPRO technicians handle the restoration process since we have the proper equipment, advanced products, and resources to restore the structures and contents of your house. However, you can help set aside contents that must be restored. That helps our restorers to be more efficient during recovery.

Which Items Should I Carry With Me?

We advise our customers to keep items with a high monetary value close to them at all times. They include content such as:

  •   Credit cards, checkbooks, and cash
  •   Personal documents
  •   Medications
  •   Artwork

Can You Remove the Ash-like Odor?

The ash-like odor can last for an extended period if not handled by professionals. Odors can linger in confined areas as well as other surfaces such as furniture. We can combine several deodorization techniques and products to eliminate the odor. Some of the products and devices we use to remove odors after fire damage include:

  •   Deodorant pellets or granules
  •   Odor counteracting beads
  •   Water-based odor counteracts
  •   Thermal foggers
  •   Hydroxyl machines

Is it Okay to Turn on my Air Conditioner?

We highly recommend our customers leave the HVAC unit off until our technicians inspect and clean the system. Fire damage may affect the unit, and turning it on can spread smoke residues throughout the property. Our technicians can use augers, brushes, and air whips to agitate and remove soils from all parts of the ventilation.

Handling fire damage without proper skills and equipment can be challenging. Contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 for fast restoration services. We can make the fire loss seem “Like it never even happened.”

What To Expect After Flood Damage to Your Sandwich Home

4/21/2022 (Permalink)

air scrubber and equipment drying carpet removed room Falmouth homeowners love the effort and results that SERVPRO technicians provide during flood damage cleanup and restoration

Two Flood Damage Scenarios Faced by Sandwich Homeowner

Properties can become flooded in gallons of water in as little as a few hours. These situations can either occur from external factors such as flash flooding or internal issues like malfunctioning drains or burst pipes. The resulting situation, a homeowner being ankle-deep in standing water, is the same. Circumstances involving flooding require immediate action to control losses and restore your property to normal.

Professional services can ensure that flood damage in your Sandwich home does not cause long-term issues with odor, microbial growth, or structural impact. As a homeowner, contacting SERVPRO to organize a restoration service is essential to the effective loss recovery procedure. External flooding issues should be left alone, as these situations can be Biohazardous waste scenarios due to contaminated groundwater.

Issues with burst pipes are often clean water emergencies, allowing a homeowner to carefully remove light furnishings from the affected area and onto the home's upper levels. This procedure can help preserve possessions while an experienced water restoration technician is on the way. However, water exerts extreme pressure on floors, walls, and cavities in the home; if you have doubts about the structural integrity of your property, wait for a professional.

Water incidents are time-sensitive, meaning that the longer the situation continues, the more damage it causes. SERVPRO technicians can deploy gas pumps to quickly remove standing water from the affected area and deposit it into a nearby sewer point. Once the water is removed, we can begin an inspection of items. In some cases, items can be cleaned on-site, others may need to be taken to an external cleaning facility, and some, unfortunately, may need to be discarded. SERVPRO technicians seek to restore items rather than replace them for the benefit of the homeowner.

In cleaning possessions, your technician can conduct initial tests on a small area to ensure that the item responds well to the cleaning solution and that no further damage is caused. Large furniture can be vacuum dried using water extractors or ventilation systems like box fans. Some fabrics may benefit from mechanical cleaning using Esporta washing machines. As your technician inspects the area, each item is earmarked and given an individual strategy for restoration. SERVPRO can significantly restore your storm-damaged home by keeping control of the small details.

Take back control of painful property damage by arranging a callout with our flood recovery team. Contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985.

Washable Fire-Damaged Falmouth Shop Surfaces

4/13/2022 (Permalink)

fire damaged rubble Fire damaged commercial sites in Falmouth benefit from SERVPRO's cleanup, removal, and build-back services

Inspections Determine the Salvageability of Fire Damage in Falmouth Properties

Our technicians first arrive at fire-damaged stores and inspect the building for several possible damages. It is vital to scope out the fire's impact on individual construction elements to get mitigation and restoration actions started quickly. Fire, smoke, and related threats affect porous materials with:

  • Odors
  • Soot
  • Smoke Residues
  • Water Damage

Can the Material Be Wet Cleaned?

The term washable refers to the ability of responding technicians to overcome fire damage in Falmouth shops using chemical products in our inventory. Wet cleaners are often the type to dissolve or emulsify soils on the surface to wipe them away, but all affected services cannot withstand added moisture. Washable contents and building materials make salvageability more affordable and manageable without requiring replacement or intricate off-site cleaning. 

What Dry Cleaning Methods Exist?

Dry cleaning is when no added moisture is used to overcome soot deposits on surfaces. Typically, equipment from our inventory, like chemical sponges, is used to remove loose debris in cleaning these structural elements. Dry smoke damage is often removed using dry cleaning approaches.

Demolition and Repairs of Non-Salvageable Structure

The affected building materials of your store can also show too much damage for cleaning and restoration services to be effective. We rely on our General Contractor License #: CS-108357

to perform controlled demolition and necessary repairs in these cases. We offer a wealth of build-back services to overcome the reconstruction needs of commercial properties and get your shop back open as soon as possible.

Fires affect several surfaces in your shop differently. While some will require dry cleaning approaches like chemical sponges to remove residues, others will need more complex wet cleaning solutions using potent chemicals from our inventory. However, our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team can help, we are ready to get you back in business when you call (508) 888-5985.

We Have Effective Removal Strategies in Falmouth After Flooding

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

contact us   sign Contact SERVPRO for rapid flood damage mitigation to your Falmouth property.

Flood Damage Falmouth – Dealing with the Damage

Anytime there is severe flooding, consumers are stressed, and worried about their homes, their contents, and where can their family reside until the house is ready to live in again. How can the family recover from such a significant loss, and who can complete all of the repairs? Many are overwhelmed in the first hours and days after a significant flood.

Fortunately, SERVPRO has dealt with many flood damage events in Falmouth and surrounding areas. We understand how important it is to quickly assess the situation and provide our clients with a road map to repair or reconstruct their homes. We also take the time to protect the building by providing board-up services as well as placing tarps on the roof if needed.

Developing a Recovery Plan

The first step for the SERVPRO crew chief once he has arrived on site is to introduce himself and his team. Next, the client is asked to show the flood damaged area. The crew chief also needs to know the customer's priorities, unique items that should be found and cleaned, and any concerns the customer has about the damage. The technicians also require space to offload tools and test equipment.

While SERVPRO cannot make any promises about what can be replaced or repaired until the insurance adjuster has also reviewed the situation, we can develop a plan to remove debris, clean your home and make emergency repairs. We also inspect the building for any safety hazards. Electricity, bio-hazards, mold, as well as pre-existing damage, are verified.

SERVPRO reviews the recovery plan with the insurance adjuster and our client, and then begins the necessary work to return your home to its original condition, "Like it never even happened."

We are a licensed Commercial Contractor, License # General: CS-108357, and can coordinate all of the repair and construction work, saving time and reducing total costs.

Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands at (508) 888-5985 for 24/7 service. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.

How SERVPRO Restores Water Damaged Finished Basements in Falmouth

3/18/2022 (Permalink)

Basement Room Water This finished basement experienced a water loss event. Our team removed the water and restored the home. Call us today!

Recovering a Falmouth Finished Basement After Substantial Loss 

Several inches of standing water can present a uniquely damaging scenario for the subterranean levels of Falmouth homes. Our technicians have encountered many finished basements that required substantial water loss recovery. Recently a local home needed our efficient extraction approach and restoration tactics to make their disaster “Like it never even happened.” 

When we approach a situation where flooding or substantial water removal for Falmouth finished basements is necessary, we assess the conditions quickly. We have multiple avenues that must get addressed immediately in the mitigation phase, including removing exposed furniture and contents to prevent their destruction. This recovery effort in this flooded basement required a fast response from our professionals. Our technicians safely address submerged objects like surge protectors and the residential dehumidifier. Powered electric outlets and machines can be a danger to occupants of the house and our SERVPRO technicians first arriving on the scene. 

Expect that simple water extraction in these situations is not sufficient for recovering your finished basement. Upon arrival to this standing water, our professionals deployed the highest efficiency extractors available to our technicians, including the use of the engine-driven extractor truck and our gas-powered trash pumps. These extractors provided continual water removal without requiring reliable electricity. 

Flood cuts to the drywall are needed, with structural cavities also receiving the same standing water concerns. Our air movers and dehumidifiers have better access to these cavities, with portions of damaged drywall removed. With lower flood cuts, we can utilize our low-profile air movers to access these spaces and protect installed construction materials as much as possible. 

Drying mats remove moisture and saturation from the vinyl plank flooring where it could stay installed. Our moisture detection equipment verifies the presence of dampness pockets to prevent lingering water damage that can develop into microbial threats. 

After substantial water loss incidents, you might think that your finished basement can never go back to looking like it did. Our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands professionals have the expertise and cutting-edge equipment to offer fast mitigation that saves our customers time and money. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster. Contact us anytime at (508) 888-5985.

Our Professionals Discuss How Important Esporta Washing Is After A Fire In Your Falmouth Home

3/10/2022 (Permalink)

kitchen on fire Give our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands professionals a call today at (508) 888-5985.

How Esporta Washing Can Help Protect Fire-Damaged Falmouth Homes

The landscape of fire recovery is continuously changing, and that means that Falmouth homeowners do not have to wade through overwhelming circumstances and prolonged restoration periods to see their property and its contents restored fully. The commitment to having the latest equipment and approaches for on-site and off-site content management is a trademark of our SERVPRO fire recovery team. The more we can advance this aspect of our service, the less loss that our customers ultimately experience.

Because we seek out the most practical and efficient strategies and equipment to overcome Falmouth fire damage. We have become pioneers of innovative machines and products infiltrating the restoration market. The Esporta Wash System is a patented design that makes soft content recovery after a fire loss incident easier to manage and much more successful. There are many ways that this equipment has helped change the way we help our customers, and it can benefit you to know a little more about this effective system.

How Does it Work?

The system uses hydraulics to simulate a less aggressive washing method similar to waves impacting a shoreline. This force can remove contaminants, dirt, and sediment from affected soft materials. This device is a mobile machine, meaning that this work can get performed on-site to prevent the removal of your belongings when possible.

What Are “Soft Contents?”

Soft contents refer to items and belongings in your home that can get easily damaged or marred by aggressive cleaning methods. These possessions can include clothing, shoes, bedding materials, and other fabric-based items within the property. These objects get set aside and earmarked by our SERVPRO team during the inspection of your home.

Are There Other Content Management Solutions?

Much of the content management options that our professionals can offer happen off-site at our warehouse. We have submersion techniques with ultrasonic tanks that can work to remove soot from hard surfaces. We have ozone chambers that can neutralize odors in entire lots of removed possessions from your home. No matter what your belongings need, we have a way to help.

Fire recovery is a niche of the restoration industry where our team has considerable experience. When combined with our advanced equipment like the Esporta Wash System, we can genuinely make losses “Like it never even happened.” Give our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands professionals a call today at (508) 888-5985.

Falmouth Water Damage Repair for Wet Furniture

3/3/2022 (Permalink)

Before and After Couch Damage Let your local SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands professionals resolve your water damage problems.

SERVPRO Water Restoration Techs Sanitize and Dry Upholstery

Water damage typically impacts much more than the source of the damage. A small plumbing mishap or clog can quickly grow into a ceiling or wall leak that pours water onto furniture and possessions. Fast action can prevent potential mold growth, stains, and odors from impacting Falmouth homes without the exorbitant restoration costs.

SERVPRO water damage restoration technicians in Falmouth use extensive training and sophisticated technologies to address home water damage 24 hours a day. The team’s comprehensive water mitigation response includes necessary structural material repairs and furniture restoration when needed.

Treating Wet Furniture to Prevent Spots, Stains, and Mold

SERVPRO water restoration technicians observe restoration industry best practices to address wet furniture depending on the materials’ condition and makeup. These strategies include:

  • Gently wet the surface of a piece of fabric-covered furniture before drying to prevent water spots and seams from wet stains.
  • Pre-treatment with EPA-registered, OSHA-approved antimicrobial solutions
  • Hot water extraction with portable or truck-mounted units that can deploy biocides or detergents compatible with the fibers being treated
  • Tenting cushions and pillows for drying with air movers and dehumidifiers and accelerating the process by erecting polyethylene drying chambers
  • Deodorizing furniture with injection solutions, sponge treatments, and wet fogging, among other odor control solutions. Sanitation also addresses odor-causing microbes.

SERVPRO restoration technicians can also perform furniture refinishing and staining for wood components and treat carpet affected by stains before they set and permanently discolor carpet fibers. Antiques and other pieces that require specialized care can be referred to licensed professionals as needed.

Homeowners needing 24-hour services after disaster strikes on their property can contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands by phone at (508) 888-5985 to begin the mitigation process.

What Bourne Water Damage Repairs are Common?

2/18/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Equipment We aim to restore your property as quickly as possible, “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO Technicians Handle Water Restoration in Bourne

When SERVPRO handles commercial water cleanup in a Bourne business or multi-family structure, each job is unique, but the science behind the mitigation remains the same. The technicians apply their knowledge to each restoration service for the best outcome. 

Time is one of the biggest challenges in any size Bourne water damage repair job. Business owners and persons who reside in apartment buildings or other multi-family dwellings do not want limited access to the building during a restoration job. SERVPRO technicians can estimate during the initial scoping the following:

  • How long the cleanup efforts will take
  • Repairs can ensure structural integrity
  • Restoration actions needed to bring the home to a pre-water damage condition

Estimating Water Cleanup Concerns

Property owners with renters will want to know how long until their tenants can move back into their homes. Business owners will usually ask if the building needs to close during cleanup and for how long. The estimations created by the SERVPRO crew chief are accurate, and the technicians strive to stay on the quoted time service. That is just one reason the drying phase of the mitigation gets monitored so closely, to ensure the job stays on the cited timeline given to the client.

Frequently Needed Repairs 

Water rapidly disintegrates sheetrock and can cause glue-down carpet and tile to become loose, creating slip and fall hazards. Sagging walls and ceilings can also pose a safety threat. When making a list of the repairs needed, the techs consider security for all. Tenants and employees should never have to worry about entering an unsafe structure.

Final Restoration Actions

This SERVPRO holds a general contractor license #CS-108357 and can manage any needed rebuilding or cosmetic touches necessary to restore the building to a pre-water damage condition fully. 

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 helps the local Bourne community with water damage repairs as needed to local properties.

How Does SERVPRO's Falmouth Fire Damage Restoration Inspect for Cleanability?

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Van Outside Home In Upper Cape Cod Each job is unique. Call SERVPRO today to help return your property like new.

SERVPRO Techs Bring Years of Experience to Falmouth Fire Cleanup

Before the heart of the fire cleanup begins in a Falmouth property, the technicians perform various inspections on articles within the home to ascertain their cleaning potential. This helps technicians to:

  • Target areas where smoke residues are within the structure
  • Determine if the article can undergo restorative cleaning
  • See if the damage or stains occurred due to the fire or were pre-existing

SERVPRO techs inspect before the Falmouth fire damage restoration services begin to gather the information about the unique aspects of the house fire to create an accurate estimate for the property owner. The assessment made during this process includes the list of actions needed to restore the damaged areas within the home to their pre-fire condition, including the option to allow SERVPRO to handle any required reinstallation, rebuilding, or cosmetic touches needed. This location holds a general contractor license #CS-108357 and can work with homeowners from start to finish.

One of the first questions the techs cover with homeowners is to learn if any cleanup has been attempted and, if so, actions taken by the homeowner. During the initial inspection phase of the mitigation service, it is not unusual for the technicians to use this time frame to set up cleaning stations outside the worksite and organize the items from within the structure based on the type of cleaning needed. For example, one area set up by SERVPRO may handle abrasive cleaning while another handles immersive removal of smoke damage from items. 

Depending on the construction materials for the item getting evaluated for cleanings, different kinds of inspection may occur, such as carpet fiber examination for color-fastness and shrinkage. Another would be on countertops to choose cleaners specially formulated for granite or Formica in older properties.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 has the experience and tools to repair fire damage within Falmouth properties. SERVPRO's trained and certified techs are available 24/7.

How to Safely Cleanup Flood Damage in Sandwich Properties

2/2/2022 (Permalink)

Ice On Floor Inside If you find yourself in need of assistance with water damage remediation, call SERVPRO at (508) 888-5985.

SERVPRO Brings Storm Damage Mitigation to Sandwich Homes 

Tree limbs and flying debris from storms in the Sandwich area frequently result in structural damage. Snow and ice storms can bring down limbs and cause roof damage from ice dams. The end effect is that rain or groundwater can enter a home and quickly generate considerable damage. 

Sandwich homes with flood damage often need repairs outside the property before the water cleanup efforts begin. SERVPRO technicians have the training and tools to make solid temporary repairs to areas of the home such as:

  • Tarping over roofing damaged by tree limbs or high winds
  • Broken window temp repairs
  • Sandbagging around doorways to limit further water entry

SERVPRO technicians can assist with cleaning downed tree limbs as they perform the water mitigation service for the structure. A tree limb hitting the roof can cause problems from torn-off shingles to dents and crushing of the support. This situation can be particularly bad if the limbs have added extra weight from snow and ice. 

When a roof or window has water damage, the technicians use their equipment to determine how much, if any, moisture penetrated the walls and surrounding area. Rain coming in through a broken window can ruin the walls, insulation inside, and flooring directly under the window. These areas need to be inspected carefully to see if it needs extraction and drying efforts from the techs.

The techs choose the proper size and type of water removal equipment to ensure that the maximum amount of moisture is removed. When needed, insulation and damaged walls can be opened to allow for airflow and complete drying. 

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 brings fast and thorough flood damage cleanup to Sandwich properties. Our trained and certified experts are available 24/7 to make the situation "Like it never even happened."

Soot Removal Obstacles in Sandwich Homes After Fires

1/23/2022 (Permalink)

 Damaged walls and ceiling that is covered in soot from fire Dealing with fire damage after an event can be quite overwhelming. Contact SERVPRO right away for effective fire damage remediation services.

Overcoming fire damage in Sandwich homes means addressing specific conditions immediately

Fires are foundational elements and chemical processes recognized as a definitive element of civilized life. However, when fires occur in your home, they are destructive and ruinous. Our professionals respond fast with mitigation tools and products to resolve concerns like smoke and soot residues that impact comfortable living. 

How Does Soot Form? 

One of the most challenging forms of fire damage in Sandwich homes and businesses is soot. Soot particles are a product of combustion, which is a chemical process converting a solid into a gas through heat. Partial combustion can create microscopic, carcinogenic particles that become aerosolized in the environment.

Where Do Smoke and Soot Particles Go During a Fire? 

Appreciating the behavior of smoke and soot during a fire can help homeowners understand the prioritization of certain areas during restoration and recovery. During the decomposition of burning materials, solids and aerosols are present in the air as smoke. The changing of temperatures can cause considerable turbidity in the airflow during a fire, coating many surfaces with loose soot and debris that must be cleaned.

Different Types of Soot Residues 

The composition and subsequent ease or difficulty of soot removal change dramatically based on the type of fire and materials involved. High heat fires produce less and more manageable smoke particles, while smoldering fires create thick and formidable soils that require wet cleaning solutions and mechanical action to resolve. Some of the types of fires producing soot damage include:

  • Dry Smoke
  • Wet Smoke
  • Fuel Oil
  • Proteins

Fire cleanup in homes and businesses requires immediate mitigation and emergency services. Our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team moves fast to create a safe work environment against the hazards and threats of soot. Call now at (508) 888-5985.

How Does Mold Impact Building Materials in Sandwich Homes?

1/18/2022 (Permalink)

mold growing on the wall by the floor Quick action is required when facing a mold infestation on your property. Team SERVPRO technicians are standing by 24/7 for your emergency call.

Mold damage is destructive to organic materials used in constructing Sandwich residences

When damp areas exist in a home following storm damage or water loss, mold can develop in as little as 72 hours. Our SERVPRO team responds fast to help remove these active colonies.

Why Mold Must Be Addressed Quickly

Mold damage in Sandwich homes can impact the property in several ways, beginning even before physical signs of infestation exist. Some of the threatening qualities of mold include:

  • Moves quickly
  • Replicates and grows
  • Destroys organic hosting material
  • Can cause health effects

The Deterioration of Drywall

Drywall is particularly susceptible to hosting spores and organisms moving through a household. Sheetrock is porous, so moist conditions can leave these building materials damp and welcoming to migrating microbes. In a short period of physical signs of mold exposure, the wall system material becomes unsalvageable and requires discarding and replacement.

Delaminating and Damaging Carpets 

Carpeted floors are a common staple for area homes, so when mold damage spreads in the residence, these fibrous floors are commonly impacted. The presence of mold and mildew on carpets, the backing of these upper layers, padding, and subflooring all contribute to the need for removal and replacement when conditions like delamination have started.

Destroying Wood Structure 

Wood framing, subflooring, and OSB board are all surfaces highly likely to support mold and microbial colonies as sufficient conditions exist. Even after only a few days, mold spores can severely compromise the structural integrity of these building elements to the point of requiring repair or replacement. 

Mold can be highly damaging and destructive to multiple types of materials found in the construction of area homes. Our professionals have effective remediation approaches to protect sensitive materials and contents when possible. Give our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team a call today at (508) 888-5985.

How Should Attic Flooding for Falmouth Homes Be Addressed?

1/13/2022 (Permalink)

water leaking in through the roof of an attic with a equipment set up to dry area Attic flooding often results as part of a storm damage scenario. Call our certified SERVPRO technicians right away to assess the situation.

Our SERVPRO fast response allows mitigation to begin immediately in flood-damaged Falmouth residences.

Flooding is one of the disasters that can quickly and thoroughly destroy a home. Even without main level penetration, flooding in an area like the attic can have far-reaching impacts. As leading storm disaster relief professionals, our SERVPRO team answers three questions when we first arrive at a property with a flooded attic. 

How Did the Attic Flood? 

One of the big questions when establishing the approach to resolve flood damage in Falmouth homes is how the flood happened. Water penetration through a structure's envelope must be identified and temporarily resolved to prevent further flooding or damage while mitigation and restoration get underway.

What Structural Damage Resulted? 

When flooding occurs through roofing materials, whether ice damming or storm damage, a structural compromise results. We have a general contractor license to help provide immediate board-up services and lasting full repairs once the flood damage inside the house has been mitigated.

Has the Water Spread to Other Areas? 

Another considerable concern for responding professionals is where the water damage has migrated from the attic. Moisture can move through materials quickly, especially with standing water on unfinished attic materials doubling as the ceiling system of the floor below. Some of the signs our team looks for to determine migration beyond our moisture detection tools are:

  • Ceiling staining
  • Drips
  • Moist materials
  • Mold spotting

Resolving Present Flood Damage 

As experienced flood restorers, we arrive with the necessary tools for extraction and drying. Attic flooding is less likely to involve contaminants, making the runoff cleanup less stringent, and more of the affected materials can be preserved.

Our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team can help with needed restoration and recovery when flooding impacts your home. Call today at (508) 888-5985. 

Can Professional Water Restoration Lessen Damage to Sandwich Properties?

12/23/2021 (Permalink)

air movers green SERVPRO transports a large inventory of drying equipment in our Green Fleet to mitigate water damage in Sandwich.

SERVPRO Technicians Have Extensive Training in Handling All Kinds of Water Damage in Sandwich Residences

Two big things matter when water damage happens within a Sandwich residence. The first is if the water in the home can have contaminants such as sewage or chemicals, and the second is how long it was waiting for the cleanup to start. Some property owners believe waiting for water to recede can lessen the damage to the home when the exact opposite is true.

Using professional water restoration services, Sandwich property owners tend to have a much better outcome after a water damage incident within their residence. This fact is particularly true in the case of a toilet backup or an incident where the home has water contaminated with harmful elements. SERVPRO techs have the protective equipment that allows them to handle this type of cleanup safely. The techs also have a diverse selection of tools such as:

  • Extraction pumps, including submersible units
  • Moisture detection devices for locating all areas that need attention
  • Drying equipment
  • Tools for any required controlled demolition actions

When the water in the home contains biohazards, contents within the house that have absorbed the water generally require disposal unless they are washable. SERVPRO techs rely on the Esporta Washing System, which has the power to sanitize and clean fabrics in a single cycle. For important documents and books affected by the water, the techs can use freezing and drying equipment to halt the deterioration of the articles. SERVPRO never has a one-size-fits-all approach to water cleanup. The equipment and applications used are determined by the needs of each job site.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 has the training and equipment to handle any size water restoration in Sandwich properties. The certified techs are available 24/7 to make the water damage, "Like it never even happened."

Does a Falmouth Dryer Fire Need Professional Fire Damage Restoration?

12/16/2021 (Permalink)

fire damaged washer and dryer charred Call SERVPRO to cleanup up after a clothes dryer fire in your Falmouth home

SERVPRO Technicians are Experts in Handling Fire and Smoke Damage Cleanup in Falmouth Properties

The fire and smoke damage left behind by a dryer fire in a Falmouth property can look overwhelming as to where to begin to clean it up. Many homeowners are surprised at the number of things that have the potential to get cleaned for reuse despite being covered in soot.

Using their training and experience, SERVPRO technicians bring professional fire damage restoration services to Falmouth properties intending to save homeowners from needing to replace items. The techs do an initial sweep and determine the items in the laundry room that require disposal due to charring or heat damage and things that can get cleaned through their professional cleansing applications. While the dryer that caused the fire most certainly will need disposal, the washing next to it can get cleaned and inspected by an industry expert to confirm it is ready for reuse by the homeowner.  But—we check the exhaust vent for obstructions that may have overheated the dryer. Perhaps, it can be salvaged after all. And, of course, we also clean out the venting system.

Smoke Damage Removal Methods

While a dryer fire is generally a high heat fire that does a large amount of damage quickly, fires burn at different temperatures as they move through a structure. As this occurs, different types of soot get created and deposited on surfaces. SERVPRO technicians know how to test to determine the smoke damage they are dealing with, so the appropriate removal methods are used. Some examples of this might be:

  • Wet smoke can be caustic and damaging to some surfaces, such as chrome. It usually needs a solvent-based cleaning agent to remove its grip on surfaces
  • Dry smoke should always be removed through dry methods
  • Chrome and metal fixtures should be cleaned and wrapped to avoid damage from soot

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 stands ready to assist Falmouth property owners with all types and sizes of fire damage restoration needed.

Frozen Pipes and Ice Damming Prevention Tips for Falmouth Residents

12/2/2021 (Permalink)

ice encrusted on side of house Ice damming can lead to major water damage on the exterior of your Falmouth home. Call SERVPRO to mitigate the damage and offer advice.

SERVPRO Supports Falmouth for All Types of Winter Water Damage Cleanup and Restoration Services

When the winter season rolls around in Falmouth, water damage from pipe bursts becomes a frequent issue. While this type of home disaster can lead to thousands of dollars in repair and restoration fees, it is largely preventable.

The first task for frozen pipes and ice damming prevention in Falmouth homes starts with learning where the vulnerable places are within the structure. Every property will have unique attributes, but commonly the most likely areas to have this type of damage are found within unheated interior spaces such as:  

  • Basements
  • Attached garages
  • Attics
  • Crawlspaces

Safely Thawing Frozen Pipes 

If only a tiny amount of water comes out of a faucet, there may be a frozen pipe. Do not thaw the pipe if it has already burst because the ice is the only thing keeping the water from flowing throughout your home. If a burst pipe is suspected, turn off the water at the main shutoff and bring in a professional. 

If the water is still running and there is no evidence of a break, you can probably safely warm the pipe. Turn on the cold water and let it run through the pipe, the water will melt the ice plug, and the flow will return to normal. An electric heating pad can be wrapped around a pipe, or a hairdryer on low heat can also be used. The idea is to bring up the temperature slowly.

Ice Dam Prevention 

An attic that allows the heat from the home to melt the snow on a roof can be the reason for ice dams forming. When the snowmelt runs towards the edge of the roof, it runs into ice and snow covering the gutters, downspouts, and pools. As it backs up, this water may run into the home, under shingles, and cause damage such as fallen gutters from the weight. Insulation to prevent excess heat loss, clean gutters, and snow removal are keys to avoiding ice dams.

Frozen pipes and ice damming prevention is a priority for SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands. If winter water damage cleanup is needed, the techs are available 24/7 at (508) 888-5985.

Does SERVPRO Offer Water Restoration Services for Commercial buildings in Sandwich?

11/17/2021 (Permalink)

Water damage ceiling tiles, from broken pipe. Commercial restoration services by SERVPRO are second to none. 24/7 365 days a year we are ready to help.

SERVPRO Provides Fast Response Water Restoration Services to Commercial Customers in Sandwich.

Water leaking around windows during heavy rain or a slow plumbing leak often goes unnoticed in Sandwich commercial buildings until an employee walks through puddles of water on the floor. In many cases, the leaks do not disrupt operations or affect employees and customers. A bit of water on the floor can easily be mopped up, and business continues until they notice the wall under the window has gone soft or they smell a musty odor.

SERVPRO provides commercial water restoration to business clients in Sandwich and the surrounding area. Leaky plumbing inside walls, or leaks around windows, or overflowing basins can quickly bring your operation to a halt. Slow leaks inside walls are sometimes the most difficult to detect and go unnoticed for days or even weeks. A slow leak can soak the insulation, be absorbed by the wallboard, causing it to lose integrity and crumble, and wood products to warp. Given sufficient time and the right temperature conditions, mold colonies will grow inside the walls.

SERVPRO can assist commercial customers with these conditions, make repairs and restore the structure as needed. We use moisture meters to detect moisture levels and moisture probes to check for moisture inside walls without opening the wall. We can check the insulation and the spaces inside the wall for water and high moisture levels. We also use specialty drying equipment to push air into cavities and inside walls to dry the area without removing the wall cladding.

In situations where the wall must be removed, SERVPRO can complete the demolition and make repairs to return your space to its original condition, “Like it never even happened.” Our services include:

  • Emergency services water restoration – 24/7 onsite in less than four hours
  • Minimally invasive moisture testing and drying to reduce recovery time and cost
  • Full commercial water damage repair and restoration

Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands for water damage repair in Falmouth and nearby areas. We can help 24/7. Call (508) 888-5985.

Need Help with Fire Damage Restoration in Falmouth – Call SERVPRO

11/12/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo Smoke and soot residue can be very messy. Let SERVPROs team of experts handle all the fire damage mitigation your home needs.

SERVPRO Provides Fire Damage Restoration and Cleanup in Falmouth

Fires produce copious amounts of smoke residues in homes and businesses in Falmouth. The amount of smoke produced depends on how hot the fire burned and the materials consumed in the fire, along with how long the fire was allowed to smolder. After the fire department leaves, the water and chemicals used to quell the fire, debris, ash from the fire, and smoke residue cover everything. Where do you start, and what cleaning agents work best to remove residues?

SERVPRO has provided fire damage restoration in Falmouth for the past 14 years. Coupled with 25 years of construction experience, we have the expertise to help with controlled demolition if needed, debris removal, house fire cleanup, and smoke residue removal.

The cleaning agents used to remove smoke residues while cleaning after a fire depend on the fire and the materials burned. Using the incorrect cleaning agent could cause greasy residue to smear and penetrate further into the fabric, especially if it is very porous. Our fire & smoke restoration experts examine the residues (Residues can vary throughout the building) and employ cleaning agents as required. In addition to soap and water, they use enzyme digestion, bleaching, oxidizing or strong acids for various cleaning tasks.

Enzymes, for example, digest proteins in soils such as blood, starch, dairy products, and other proteins commonly found in homes. They change the condition of the residues from insoluble to soluble. Water and detergents can usually remove these materials once they become soluble.

SERVPRO can help with all your needs related to fire damage restoration:

  • Controlled demolition and rebuild of the damaged structure
  • Fire and smoke damage cleanup
  • Fore restoration and repairs

Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands for fire damage restoration in Falmouth and nearby areas. We can help 24/7. Call (508) 888-5985.

Need Water Damage Repairs After a Water Leak in Falmouth? – Call SERVPRO

11/5/2021 (Permalink)

moisture meter on floor boards. When a water disaster strikes your home don't fret. SERVPRO water damage restoration team has the training and experience needed for any size disaster

SERVPRO provides Water Damage Repair and Restoration Services in Falmouth

Many of our customers experience plumbing leaks in Falmouth. The amount of water and the length of time the water is allowed to remain in contact with carpeting, hardwood flooring, and structural materials such as framing and drywall materials can dramatically impact the amount of damage. Short-term exposure limits the damage, while long-term exposure can cause much more secondary damage to these materials.

SERVPRO provides water damage repairs to residents and business owners in Falmouth. Our team responds in less than four hours from your call to help limit the amount of secondary damage from standing water and high humidity levels. We immediately focus on removing standing water and installing dehumidifiers and air movers to reduce humidity to dry your contents and structure.

Many wood products, including furniture, are made from particleboard covered with a wood veneer. While the wood veneer resists water penetration for a short period, once these materials begin to absorb moisture, the material swells, loses integrity, and may even disintegrate. Drywall can also absorb moisture and lose its shape from swelling. Wood framing absorbs moisture and warps. These materials must be either repaired or replaced if the damage is too extensive.

Hardwood flooring can also absorb moisture causing cupping and crowning. Removing the water and drying the various materials using our specialized equipment, e.g., floor drying mats for floors mitigates the damage and reduces the repairs required after a water leak.

Don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO after a water leak. With a fast response and appropriate drying techniques applied, we can significantly reduce the potential secondary damage. Our services include:

  • Fast response and water clean up
  • Water damage restoration and repair
  • Water extraction from hardwood floors, carpets, interior walls, and more

Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands for water damage repair in Falmouth and nearby areas. We can help 24/7. Call (508) 888-5985.

What Should a Falmouth Property Owner Expect During Commercial Fire Damage Restoration?

10/21/2021 (Permalink)

van and vehicle at job sit  SERVPRO SERVPRO's Green Fleet arrives swiftly to mitigate fire and water damage to commercial Falmouth structures and businesses

SERVPRO Techs Work Hard to Restore Properties with Fire Damage

When the need for fire cleanup happens in Falmouth commercial properties, it can look daunting to see the soot covering surfaces and charred building materials.

SERVPRO handles any size fire damage restoration services needed in a Falmouth property. The techs know that every minute a business remains closed, and there are often multiple issues to deal with, such as:

  • Removal of charred building materials
  • Cleanup of soot on surfaces
  • Addressing water damage within the structure
  • Inspection and cleaning of contents

Inspection and estimating the cost and time frame until completion is commonly done when the restoration services begin. The technicians are careful to determine the type of insurance issued by the carrier for the structure and stay within the scope of coverage.

During the inspection, SERVPRO techs ascertain the types of damage. It is not uncommon to deal with fire, water, and mold damage during a single call. The technicians routinely use infrared cameras and probes to determine areas of the property where water damage is resident. Determinations regarding the restoration potential for contents within the business is a normal part of the scoping. The techs use this time to put up containment as needed to keep the prospect of cross-contamination of soot particles to a minimum.

When handling the cleanup, controlled demolition is a common action performed by SERVPRO technicians. Items that have zero potential for reuse also get discarded during this step of the restoration process. Surprisingly, soot-covered washable fabrics such as chair covers in a conference room are not necessarily suitable for disposal but can undergo a single cycle in the Esporta Washing System and get completely sanitized and renewed. If the carpet fibers do not show damage from the heat from a fire, they can often get restored through steam or dry cleaning methods.

Before the property can reopen for business as usual, odor control measures likely need to get applied. SERVPRO techs can perform treatments as needed that neutralize odorous airborne soot particles. Also, the techs can clean the HVAC ductwork as necessary to get rid of residual smoke odors.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 has the tools and training to assist commercial properties in the Falmouth area needing fire damage restoration.

How Fast Can Water Removal Happen in a Sandwich Home?

10/13/2021 (Permalink)

techs placing equipment and photos of water damaged kitchen Our SERVPRO techs scope, set up equipment, document the water damage, and provide data to our Sandwich homeowners insurance company

SERVPRO Techs Restore Sandwich Homes with Water Damage

One of the best reasons to outsource water damage cleanup in a Sandwich home is because homeowners do not need to wait until the next business day. SERVPRO technicians are available around the clock to handle restoration services in local properties.

SERVPRO technicians arrive for water removal in Sandwich properties a short time after the initial call for assistance. The tech that handles calls takes pertinent information so the green service vans can get loaded with the equipment needed for the job. Portable pumps are not required for every cleanup in a local residence. In some cases, the water damage is so widespread that larger extraction methods are needed, such as ride-on units or truck-mounted.

The speed at which water gets removed from a house differs on every job SERVPRO handles. The reasons for this variation include:

  • The type and amount of water in the home
  • The length of time before the cleanup began
  • Interior and exterior humidity levels

Outsourcing the cleanup to trained professionals like SERVPRO is also a healthy choice. Even clean water can build up bacteria and degrade quickly. Water that contains contaminants or sewage has the potential for harm to both people and pets. The technicians use full-body protective gear as well as adhere to safety protocols for handling biohazard-level materials.

Post-extraction and drying cleaning is an important part of the restoration service. Water has a unique musty odor that can permeate porous objects, and once the area with the water damage gets dried, residual odors can remain. SERVPRO techs have access to several devices to neutralize odors in homes, so there are no reminders.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 perform water removal of any size in Sandwich area properties. The trained, certified techs are available 24/7 to make water damage "Like it never even happened."

What Are Common Problems Seen During Falmouth Commercial Water Restoration?

10/4/2021 (Permalink)

school blue flooring, covered with poly, dehu SERVPRO can rig equipment to dry usual and unusual water damaging situations in Falmouth commercial properties

SERVPRO Technicians Can Cleanup Any Size Water Damage in Falmouth Properties

Each water damage cleanup job in a Falmouth commercial property is unique. There are differing situations for each site that SERVPRO handles. However, there are certain types of issues that are not unusual to find.

During commercial water restoration in Falmouth commercial properties, the technicians from SERVPRO may deploy a host of advanced equipment and methods to limit the damage within the structure. Scoping is a very important part and is performed at the beginning of the services. The technicians do a visual inspection and follow up using devices such as infrared cameras and probes to determine if seepage or migration occurred. This early attention to detail ensures that no water gets left behind.

Walls and Ceilings

There are a number of considerations when working on structural elements with water damage. Along with scoping to determine where elevated collections of moisture are, the technicians look for warping, buckling, and sagging as signs of deterioration from water exposure.


It is not uncommon for glue-down tile or carpet to lose adhesion to the substrate after water damage. SERVPRO techs know how to determine if carpet or tile has the potential for restoration and can get dried in place. The technicians have specific drying applications to tackle water that migrated under flooring, such as:

  • Custom created tubing and tenting
  • Drying mats
  • Injecti-Dry

Data Centers and Electrical Equipment

SERVPRO techs can move out items as needed to avoid damage from moisture contact. When required, the techs can bring in industry professionals to inspect devices and recommend any repairs if required. This may be outside the scope of the restoration services.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 supports the local Falmouth area with professional water restoration services in commercial properties.

The Value of Content Cleaning After Fire Damage in Sandwich Offices

9/26/2021 (Permalink)

burnt interior by fireplace SERVPRO provides fire damage cleanup and demolition to Sandwich area homes and commercial buildings

Structure Fires Can Heavily Damage Sandwich Office Buildings. 

As with all businesses, specific contents, documents, belongings, and other items can become damaged during disasters like a fire. Rapidly spreading flames can overwhelm large areas of commercial structures, leaving furniture, electronics, and other contents suffering post-fire effects like soot, smoke, and odor damages. Our SERVPRO team can help with on-site and off-site cleaning. 

On-Site Content Cleaning Options 

Our professionals always want to protect and preserve as many damaged contents on-site during fire restoration in Sandwich offices as possible. In many cases, relocation alone can positively impact items in the path of migrating post-fire effects. Our cleaning technicians can use wet and dry cleaning approaches to restore compromised contents after evaluation. 

Pack-Out Process for Intricate Cleaning Needs 

When on-site cleaning is not possible, we can relocate furniture and contents of the office to our nearby SERVPRO warehouse for focused restoration and recovery. Our technicians can evaluate each item for its specific needs, ranging from surface cleaning, ultrasonic tank cleaning, or deodorization in our ozone chamber. 

Preparing for the Return of Contents 

While several items can often require the attention of our off-site cleaning technicians at our SERVPRO facility, preparing for the return of these items is equally critical. Before contents get loaded back into vehicles to return to the office, they get individually inspected for damage or odors. The areas where these items will get returned must also have work done to prepare for this arrival, including:

Fires are a devastating force that might overwhelm a business to the point that it never reopens. Let our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team help you overcome damage to the structure and its contents with our rapid response. Give us a call today at (508) 888-5985.

What Are Restoration Obstacles for Falmouth Basement Flooding?

9/15/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO vehicle outside job site. Flood damage to your home is no DIY project. SERVPRO technicians are trained and ready at a moment's notice.

Standing Water in the Basement can be a Harmful Situation for Your Falmouth Property. 

Severe weather events are not uncommon for the Upper Cape Cod area, making a storm response for situations like flood removal vital for area homes and businesses. However, standing water and spreading moisture is only part of the flooding concern, as properties can also suffer the possible contaminants and bacteria associated with this natural disaster.

Water Removal Services for Damaged Basements 

Storm and flood damage for Falmouth properties can sometimes lead to standing water threats in areas like the basement. Acting quickly in these situations ensures that the appropriate measures get taken to remove this pooling and any solids or debris before greater harm results. Truck-mount pumps and trash pump units are typically the start of this extraction effort. 

Repairing Penetration Points for Flooding 

With a general contractor license, our SERVPRO professionals can do more to help recover a flood-damaged home. We have the means to provide repairs, controlled demolition, and reconstruction where they are necessary after a flood damaged property.

Treating Against Possible Mold Growth 

Natural floodwater is known for possible contaminants and bacteria, which can amplify and increase the likelihood and severities of microbial colonization. Treating surfaces likely to experience mold growth before colonies form or become visible can often remove these organisms from hosting materials while simultaneously making the surface uninhabitable for further colonization. Some of the options for this include:

  • Antimicrobial products
  • Sporicides
  • Biocides
  • Disinfectants

Flooding of Falmouth basements is more common than many homeowners realize. Water penetration into this lower level can result in widespread damage and a pressing need for quality restoration services. Our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team can help you make flood loss situations "Like it never even happened," when you call (508) 548-1011.

How Can SERVPRO Avoid Controlled Demolition for Mold-Damaged Falmouth Homes?

9/7/2021 (Permalink)

mold in basement SERVPRO IICRC certified technicians are trained and experienced in all phases of mold remediation. Call now!

Remediation Strategies Seek to Avoid Tear-Out in Falmouth Properties. 

With the swift response of our SERVPRO team, we can often avoid the full spread and severity of mold loss incidents. Mold inspections can often determine where specific removal tactics are necessary, the affected and damaged contents, and how more aggressive approaches or even controlled demolition could also be needed.

Aggressive Cleaning and Deep Remediation Options

Mold remediation in Falmouth homes can often occur in multiple ways. While surface treatment options are among the first attempts at removing mold colonies, more aggressive and abrasive tactics are often necessary, such as:

  • Sanding – Among the more aggressive tactics available for removing mold and microbial threats is sanding. This abrasive tactic can affect hosting materials just beyond their surface layers. 
  • Media Blasting – When the air gets combined with specific materials like baking soda, dry ice pellets, or other products, more of the organism's hyphae can be removed. 
  • Abrasive Cleaning - Using tools like stiff-bristled brushes or even steel wool in conjunction with wet cleaning solutions, we can reduce the impact of mold on contents and building materials. 

When Controlled Demolition is Necessary 

When mold damage occurs, repairs and reconstruction are not always required. When controlled demolition is deemed necessary to clear out materials too badly damaged by present mold threats, we have a general contractor license to complete this work without requiring a secondary building contractor. 

Mold is one of the underestimated threats to area homes and businesses, but one that our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team is prepared to help you face. We have skilled professionals accredited through the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) to help with remediation and secondary needs like build-back or repairs. Give us a call today at (508) 548-1011. 

How Does Sanitation Mitigate Flood Damage in Falmouth?

8/20/2021 (Permalink)

Storm damage home Storm and flood damage remediation is no DIY project. Call SERVPRO for fast and immediate service.

SERVPRO Biocides Curb Mold and Malodors from Falmouth Flood Damage

Flood damage brings more than just water into a given Falmouth property. An inch of water is enough to cause over $27,000 in damages. Cleanup of the debris, chemical residues, sewage, microbes, and pests that come with floodwaters renders a do-it-yourself cleanup solution unsafe for homeowners. Fortunately, there is a team that can assist with these disasters.

SERVPRO professionals perform flood damage cleanup for Falmouth residences 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) certified firm deploys EPA-registered antimicrobials to address bacteria and odors from floodwater debris and mold.

SERVPRO Sanitation Methods Salvage Flooded Properties

In a flood scenario with standing water present, SERVPRO can implement OSHA-approved biocides with pump or trigger sprayers right away. Meanwhile, extractors and submersible sump pumps eliminate the excess water. This firm has access to over 100 proprietary cleanup solutions designed to mitigate microbes and malodors.

Treatment steps for flood-damaged surfaces include:

  • Applying sanitation solutions directly to salvageable flooring. Flood-damaged carpet and pad requires removal and replacement.
  • Careful cleaning of home contents, either on-site or in a SERVPRO warehouse after a pack-out
  • Establishing negative air pressure to prevent the spread of mold spores and other odor-causing microbes
  • Wet cleaning for salvageable walls entails the manual application of cleaning solution from bottom to top, followed by a rinse solution and towel-drying

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands performs fast-acting mitigation and restoration that makes homes feel “Like it never even happened.” Call (508) 548-1011 at any time of the day or night for service.

Where Can Sandwich Homeowners Turn for Fire Damage Restoration?

8/12/2021 (Permalink)

fire and smoke damaged home SERVPRO techs are IICRC certified and trained for all phases of fire damage restoration.

SERVPRO Training Prepares Techs for Fire Damage Restoration in Sandwich

Whether it comes from a cooking fire, fire damage, an electrical failure, or something as simple as unattended candles can quickly wreak havoc on a Sandwich residence. Between hard-to-remove odors and stains, homeowners need more than consumer-grade products to remove the aftereffects of a home fire.

SERVPRO renders fire damage restoration services for Sandwich homeowners per guidelines outlined by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). Restoration professionals have access to commercial-grade cleaning technologies and extensive training to meet a consistently high restoration standard.

SERVPRO’s Training Provides Technicians, Staff, and Franchise Owners with Fire Damage Knowledge

SERVPRO technicians, staff, and franchise owners alike undergo training that expands their knowledge on such topics as:

New franchise owners also receive training in mold mitigation during their 15-day, hands-on Initial Franchise Training at SERVPRO’s Corporate Training Facility. Sandwich staff and technicians are encouraged to expand their knowledge base with self-paced SERVPRO e-Learning modules.

Credit and non-credit courses and seminars are also available for insurance and real estate professionals who wish to learn more about the restoration industry.

Property owners can contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 for 24/7 service that proves We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

How Do Falmouth Homeowners Address Late-Night Water Restoration Needs?

8/7/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO equipment at work. Water damage restoration services by SERVPRO are second to none. Call now for the help you need.

SERVPRO Techs Render Water Restoration for Falmouth Homeowners 24/7

Disaster can strike anytime, anywhere, for Falmouth property owners. Something as putting a load of laundry into a washing machine before going to bed can turn into a stressful night of mopping up water from a supply line leak. Worse still, moisture can saturate flooring and drywall and create a thriving environment for mold in as little as 24 hours.

IICRC accredited SERVPRO restoration technicians use a reliable combination of sophisticated technologies and tried-and-true mitigation methods to perform water restoration for Falmouth homes.

SERVPRO Availability Minimizes Water Damage Risk for Falmouth Homes

SERVPRO’s 24/7 water damage restoration services ensure Falmouth properties see less damage and are more quickly returned to a clean, safe, pre-disaster condition. Rapid-response cleanup is available to respond, typically within several hours of a call, even on weekends and holidays.

This firm’s constant availability also provides multiple other benefits, such as:

  • Less water damage to structural materials and contents, which means more savings for property owners
  • Fast-acting sanitation with EPA-registered biocides curbs potential mold growth and controls malodors from moisture exposure.
  • SERVPRO’s thorough documentation of damage and consistent communication with homeowners and insurers also saves time during claim filing

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is a phone call away from rendering mitigation that makes homes look “Like it never even happened.” Call (508) 548-1011 to start the cleanup process.

Why Call SERVPRO for Safe Mold Damage Assessment and Cleanup in Falmouth?

7/27/2021 (Permalink)

mold growing by the pipes of a sink Finding mold on your property does not need to be a reason to panic. Call SERVPRO and our certified technicians will assess the damage and help.

In the Event Your Falmouth Property Develops Mold, SERVPRO Has the Training and Equipment to Handle Mold Damage Restoration!

Whenever you see visible mold anywhere in your Falmouth property, it is best not to disturb it. By doing so, you could inadvertently dislodge mold spores and spread them throughout your interior. Once black mold gets upset, it can release microscopic spores that quickly become airborne. This leaves the spores free to circulate throughout your home and your HVAC system and settle in areas where they can colonize. SERVPRO is here to help with the rapid response so that you can get your home back to normal – Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned!

Why Hire SERVPRO to Handle Mold Damage in Falmouth?

Our skilled IICRC-certified crew can handle everything from bathroom mold removal to basement mold remediation and everything in between. Until we arrive, we want you to know the following tips on what to do and not do:


  • Remain out of any impacted areas
  • Shut off any fans or your HVAC system
  • Get in touch with SERVPRO to start mold remediation services

Do Nots:

  • Never touch or disturb areas where you suspect mold growth
  • Never attempt cleaning the area or drying it on your own
  • Never wipe or blow across any areas where you suspect mold
  • Never spray disinfectants or bleach on black mold

You must know that mold spores are natural, and you will find them almost everywhere, both inside and outside of the home. Skilled mold remediation carried out by mold specialists at SERVPRO helps you dry the area, restore relative humidity, and return the mold spore count to a baseline.

Call (508) 888-5985 to have mold specialists at your door and ready to work. SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is available for emergency cleanup and black mold damage repairs.

Addressing All Fire Damage Carefully in Your Sandwich Property

7/20/2021 (Permalink)

a fire damaged living room with debris and soot everywhere When a fire happens on your property, you may not know who to turn to for remediation services. Team SERVPRO is fast to the scene to assess and help.

Fire Damage Services are Multi-Faceted – Call SERVPRO to Your Sandwich Home for Superior Results!

A lot is going on around your property once you have any fire. Not only is there chaos from first responders on the scene to extinguish the flames, but you also have to think about house fire clean up. Having a team like SERVPRO to handle fire restoration efforts gets results faster while even saving you money. We are available 24/7 to tackle the fire and smoke damage so that you can get your life back in order.

Fire damage in Sandwich is never a one-size-fits-all type of project. Instead, our crew chief sets a plan in motion based on the initial assessment of your fire damage. From there, the process gets adjusted accordingly so that the SERVPRO team can better achieve our goals.

Our emergency service fire and smoke damage restoration and cleanup generally include:

  • Handling charred building materials and debris removal
  • Picking up standing water as well as leftover moisture and chemicals used to extinguish the blaze
  • Taking precautions with indoor air quality (IAQ)
  • Pack up, move out services to relocate contents for safekeeping or off-site cleaning and restoration
  • Odor removal with the help of air scrubbers, foggers, and hydroxyl generators

With any fire event, soot and smoke residue can be an issue. Our trained technicians know the best placement and settings for our HEPA filtration equipment to get results. Stubborn smoke residue and soot particles become a formidable threat to any contents and materials, so we take the time to inspect every surface to ensure nothing gets left behind carefully.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is available to address your needs when you have fire damage within your home. Call our office at (508) 888-5985, and we can send a team out as soon as possible.

Why Take Special Consideration in Falmouth When You Need Water Restoration?

7/15/2021 (Permalink)

a water damaged ceiling Has a water damage emergency disrupted your routine? Team SERVPRO can help with water removal and remediation services.

SERVPRO Understands the Needs of Falmouth Residents, Which Allows Us to Make Water Restoration Easier!

When it comes to water removal services, you want to know that you have experienced technicians on the job. Calling SERVPRO to your Falmouth property gives you peace of mind knowing that our IICRC-certified water restoration technicians (WRT) have the training and skills necessary to safely and effectively adapt and execute any water damage remediation needs. Once we get done, your home is left “Like it never even happened.”

Why SERVPRO for Water Clean-Up and Restoration?

Whether you have basement flooding or ceiling leaks, we have proven methods to restore everything to pre-event condition. Water restoration in Falmouth with SERVPRO on the job also means you have assistance with documentation for efficiently facilitating your insurance claim. Some of the other reasons Falmouth residents can turn to us for water removal services include:

  • We feature affordable rates and gladly work with your insurance provider.
  • Our IICRC-certified crew always works under the mentality that it is better to restore versus replace, saving you money overall.
    • Should your project call for emergency services water damage repairs, you can count on us to arrive within hours of initial contact.
    • We take pride in being a locally-owned and operated franchise featuring technicians with advanced training and experience with Falmouth climate and weather events to help achieve the best results.
    • You can rest easy knowing that our organization is insured, licensed, and bonded – meaning you are protected at all times.
  • Our controlled demolition services are second to none. This means that your interior gets left “Like it never even happened,” once we are finished. General Contractor License #: CS-108357

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is ready to go when you need skilled water restoration. Call (508) 888-5985 to have a crew dispatched to your property.

Can Flood Removal Occur in a Sandwich Basement with a Broken Sump Pump?

6/21/2021 (Permalink)

flooded basement reflecting water When your Sandwich area basement suffers a flooding--Call SERVPRO for water removal

SERVPRO has Specific Equipment to Handle Deep Standing Flood Water in Sandwich Properties

When heavy storms hit the Sandwich area, and the sewer drains get overwhelmed, sometimes the floodwater can back up into homes and businesses. This situation can get remedied rapidly if the sump pump is in working order and the drainage system is still flowing. But what if it isn't?

SERVPRO performs rapid flood removal in Sandwich properties no matter how much basement flooding has occurred. The techs have both the training and equipment to remove it. When the storm drains are overwhelmed by heavy rains, the techs can dispose of the wastewater in separate receptacles.

Many basements tend to be catch-alls for storage; moving boxes and articles away from the water needs to occur early in the flood restoration services. SERVPRO techs work quickly to get items up and off the floor, so the extraction goes more rapidly and protects contents.

When the homeowner has a finished basement, floodwater can do greater damage than tile. The glue-down carpet tends to delaminate and requires removal and disposal, leaving a concrete slab substrate to dry. In cases where the basement has finished walls, the sheetrock over the cinder block may deteriorate rapidly and require more than flood cuts but complete removal to dry the interior. Fortunately, this SERVPRO location has a general contractor license #CS-108357 and can offer any water damage repairs needed, from re-installation of flooring to re-finishing a basement.

Commonly Used Professional Water Removal Equipment and Applications

  • Manual tools
  • Submersible pumps
  • Trash pumps

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 serves the Sandwich community with 24/7 availability of fast, efficient flood removal.

Can a Falmouth Business Stay Open During Commercial Fire Restoration?

6/14/2021 (Permalink)

servpro display table green banner Need fire damage cleanup and restoration for your Falmouth business.? Here is the phone number to call.

SERVPRO Techs Can Get Falmouth Businesses Reopened Rapidly Through Professional Fire and Smoke Remediation

After commercial fire damage happens in a Falmouth business, one of the most crucial questions business owners want to know is how quickly they can reopen. There is no one size fits all, but after scoping the structure and contents, SERVPRO can give a reliable estimate and will work to get the company back to normal operations as soon as possible.

SERVPRO does not advise a Falmouth business undergoing commercial fire restoration to remain open, and the reasons why are many. Fires can release toxic particulates into the air, and this residue can also land on surfaces and articles in the building. SERVPRO technicians wear protective gear to protect against the soot and residues within the structure during the fire and smoke damage restoration and cleanup.

Air quality is a huge concern during the fire mitigation service. SERVPRO runs air scrubbers and uses containment over vent and doorways to limit airborne cross-contamination. Before the business reopens, the techs can inspect the HVAC and duct work to ensure smoke odors are not trapped within the system and perform a deep cleaning if needed. When the business reopens, there are no fire reminders anytime heat or air conditioning kicks on.

Safety On-Site During Fire Restoration

  • SERVPRO identifies potential slip and fall or structural hazards
  • Use of generators when the electricity is non-functional

When your Falmouth business needs commercial fire restoration, call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 . The trained, certified techs are available 24/7 to make the damage, "Like it never even happened."

What Should a Falmouth Homeowner Do First After Flood Damage?

6/6/2021 (Permalink)

flooding removal basement, equipment SERVPRO dries contaminated flooded Falmouth basements with advanced equipment

SERVPRO Techs Are On-Call 24/7 for Flood Restoration in Falmouth Properties

Interestingly enough, landlocked states are eight times more likely to receive flood damage, according to FEMA. While not landlocked, Falmouth properties, with their proximity to Buzzard Bay and Nantucket Sound, are at risk of flood damage when heavy storms roll into the area. Knowing what to do can assist in saving a house and contents from ruin.

SERVPRO arrives rapidly for a Falmouth flood damage remediation job, but there are things homeowners can do before the techs arrive on-site. If a portion of the home is affected, such as a basement, close off the entry points to avoid cross-contamination in other home areas. When the entire home receives floodwater, evacuate people and pets, until SERVPRO arrive.  Typically, the water is considered black water. Plus, the technicians have protective clothing that inhibits the chances of touching the floodwater during the extraction and disposal process.

Things Not to Do Before Flood Restoration Begins

  • Do not come into contact with the water
  • Wait to remove important items; SERVPRO can handle it
  • Do not test electronics that took on floodwater
  • Turn off the electricity if it is safe to do so if water is close to outlets or fixtures show signs of water damage such as water inside of light bulbs

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 serves the Falmouth area with 24/7 availability for flood damage cleanup and restoration services.

What Can the SERVPRO Green Fleet Do for Water Damaged Sandwich Properties?

5/19/2021 (Permalink)

Boots in flood water with logo Water damage in your Sandwich property can be overwhelming. Let the experts help you. Call SERVPRO at (508) 888-5985.

Fast Mitigation Services are Possible for Sandwich Homes With our Fleet of Service Vehicles.

Water mitigation is a vital need for structures after burst pipes and other threatening conditions. To reduce where water damage repairs might be necessary, our SERVPRO professionals implement several mitigation tactics and emergency services water damage to help, including:

  • Water Removal
  • Content Relocation
  • Moisture Detection
  • Controlled Demolition

Can SERVPRO Handle Large Loss Water Mitigation for Sandwich?

From the warehouses and manufacturing properties to medical facilities, large loss water mitigation in Sandwich is also a constant need. The same fast mobilization that benefits residential customers can push our water restoration team to reach damaged commercial buildings quickly as well. We have trailered generators, desiccant dehumidifiers, and other industrial-grade mitigation equipment to help manage rapidly changing conditions.

When your home or business needs water mitigation, our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team can help nearly every step of the way. Call us today at (508) 888-5985.

What Immediate Mitigation Actions Are Needed for Falmouth House Fire Clean Up?

5/13/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO vehicle Our certified technicians come prepared with state of the art equipment your property needs after a fire incident occurs.

After a Fire, Several Cleaning Actions are Vital in Reducing Reconstruction Needs. 

As leading fire restoration professionals for the area, we have the experience to address many of the pressing concerns in a home after a structure fire. Mitigation and emergency services our SERVPRO team provides can help to address immediate obstacles such as:

  • Air quality
  • Debris
  • Soot
  • Standing water

How Do Fire Restoration Costs Get Determined?

Thorough and complete estimations are part of our 1-4-8 promise to customers needing fire restoration in Falmouth. We can respond within an hour to a call or click, have technicians to the property in four, and have a detailed estimate in the hands of your insurance provider within eight. This is vital with fire recovery as the situation can worsen the longer mitigation and house fire clean up is not happening.

While you cannot always prevent disasters like house fires, we are a trusted team to help you make it “Like it never even happened.” Give our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team a call anytime you need us at (508) 888-5985.

Preserving Falmouth’s Historic Structures from Water Damage

5/8/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Equipment in front of home SERVPRO technicians know all the steps to take after water damage strikes in your home.

From Water Clean up to Water Damage Repairs, our SERVPRO Team Helps Falmouth Homes and Landmarks. 

You cannot predict when water disasters might impact your home or business. With so many properties of historical significance throughout the city, a fast and reliable restoration response is invaluable. We can help with:

  • Emergency services water damage
  • Basement flooding
  • Ceiling leaks
  • Water damage remediation
  • Burst pipes
  • Flood restoration

The Historical Significance of Falmouth, Massachusetts 

While Falmouth has been around since the late 1600s, its main historical significance would be its contributions to water-powered mills and its involvement in the War of 1812. Because the area is not war-torn by destructive battles and combat that many other colonial American communities and towns would experience, many historic properties built in the late 1600s and early 1700s still stand to this day.

Iconic Landmarks and Properties of Falmouth

Because there are so many recognized structures of historical significance and in need of protection, multiple districts have formed where concentrations of these properties exist. In total, there are seven historic districts boasting hundreds of properties in total. Some of the most famous of these buildings include:

  • Josiah Tobey House – This home has been on the National Register since 1994 and has stood in its spot on Oxbow Rd since 1854. The house is one of many Greek Revival architecture examples found in the historic districts around Falmouth.
  • Lawrence Academy – Another Greek revival architectural example exists with the former school building found on Academy Lane. This building has stood since 1834 and currently serves the Chamber of Commerce business. For a brief period lasting only four years, the Lawrence Academy building was the high school for Falmouth.
  • Central Fire Station – While newer than many other structures throughout the city, the Central Fire Station has been an iconic structure serving Falmouth since 1929.

When Are Water Damage Repairs Needed in Falmouth Homes? 

Because water damage incidents can be so destructive to area homes, there is often a need for some water damage repairs to return the property to its original condition. Job scoping and damage assessment practices can determine where approaches like controlled demolition are necessary and if other emergency services and build-back are required.

When Do Repairs and Reconstruction Start? 

Because every loss situation is different from the last, we must evaluate each circumstance for its unique properties. With the general contractor license, we can begin repairs and reconstruction services as soon as possible following water damage remediation. These efforts could include replacing removed building materials during controlled demolition or replacing damaged plumbing components responsible for burst pipes. We have many ways to make it “Like it never even happened.”

We understand the urgency of getting you back in your home as soon as possible when water damage repairs are needed. You can count on our experienced SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team. Call us at (508) 888-5985.

Falmouth Property Owners: Reduce Your Fire Damage Restoration Costs

4/16/2021 (Permalink)

a SERVPRO vehicle and worker outside of a house Recent fire in your home? Team SERVPRO is ready to help with the fire damage. Contact us 24/7 with your emergency situation.

Water & fire damage restorations handled by SERVPRO ensure your Falmouth home gets back to normal with less secondary damage

House fire clean up is different from one situation to the next. Falmouth residents never expect a fire to break out, but fire damage homes need prompt attention so that you can get back to your routine faster. SERVPRO features skilled fire and smoke restoration technicians (FSRT) to get the job done in a fraction of the time. We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster!

When you need fire damage restoration in Falmouth, we arrive within hours of your call. Our crew can start the initial assessment as soon as first responders deem your structure safe for entry.

  • We begin carefully removing all unsalvageable charred debris to dispose of it safely
  • We determine smoke residues by scoping the impacted area to identify all types to match the proper cleaning methods
  • We use dry or wet cleaning methods for capturing and removing harsh smoke and soot residues bonded with surfaces
  • Controlled demolition gets performed, as needed, to replace all materials damaged beyond repair – General Contractor License #: CS-108357
  • Thorough deodorizing and sanitizing ensure no lingering foul odors

For the best fire and smoke damage restoration and cleanup you can trust, our team at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is here for 24/7 emergency service. Call us at (508) 888-5985, and we can send our crew out as soon as possible.

What Contaminants Might Be Present with Basement Flooding in Sandwich?

4/11/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO appliances in a house Flooding can quickly damage your home. Contact our certified technicians 24/7 for remediation services and water removal.

Flood damage presents unique challenges after a storm in Sandwich – Hire SERVPRO for basement flooding cleanup!

When looking at the town of Sandwich, Massachusetts, you may not think there is much to it. Smaller in size than many tourist stops in the state, Sandwich happens to be the oldest town in all of Cape Cod. Throughout the historic district in town, you will find a beautiful town hall situated by Dexter Grist Mill, making for excellent photo opportunities.

Indigenous peoples for thousands of years initially occupied cape Cod. The town of Sandwich was settled in 1937 by a group of Europeans from Saugus under permission from the Plymouth Colony. There are many extraordinary historic homes located in the town of Sandwich, including:

  • Benjamin Holway House, originally built in 1789
  • Benjamin Nye Homestead, constructed in 1678

Sandwich, Massachusetts, was also home to an early Quaker settlement. Today, the town still plays host to annual Quaker meetings.

There are Plenty of Beautiful Natural Attractions to Experience in Sandwich, Massachusetts

Due to the location of Sandwich, you have several incredible coastal attractions to take in. Whether you want to explore a local beach or take in the sights from a State Reservation, there is a lot to put into your day trip schedule, including:

  • Sandy Neck Beach – Situated on Sandy Neck Road, this is a lovely little stretch of scenic beachfront. As part of the charm that comes from 'all that is Cape Cod,' this is a lovely spot to enjoy hiking, birdwatching, or simply soaking up the sun and salty sea air.
  • Scusset Beach State Reservation – This little spot is located on Scusset Beach Road, where you will find a strip of beach with clean sand for spending time with a book or watching the kids building sandcastles. There is also a rocky jetty that is just right for exploration to look for crabs or to cast your line to try your hand at fishing.
  • Green Briar Nature Center and Jam Kitchen – Located on Discovery Hill Road, this destination features lovely nature trails, whimsical gardens, and an on-site jam-making kitchen. Browse the gift shop, take home so jam, or snap a few pictures of the animals on the grounds.

Basement Flooding After a Sandwich Storm Brings Pesky Microbes – SERVPRO Can Handle Your Flood Damage Cleanup Needs!

Emergency services water damage assistance is critical once your basement gets flooded after a major storm rolls through Sandwich. Not only could there be a leaking roof from storms, but the flood water coming into your basement is loaded with potential contaminants. Letting this fester for too long brings harmful microbial growth.

Flood damage in Sandwich is best left to the skilled technicians at SERVPRO so you can ensure you get the results you need. We work to:

  • Facilitate water clean up fast while reducing relative humidity to below 60% to help inhibit mold growth.
  • Arrive at your property quickly to start water removal services to cut down on costly secondary damage.
  • Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Put containment barriers in place to limit the tracking of contaminants into unaffected zones

Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 when you need prompt flood damage restoration after a recent storm.

The Best Fire Damage Restoration Company Near Me?

3/16/2021 (Permalink)

fire damage at the fireplace SERVPRO says to always check your chimney and hearth each cold season before fire damage results in your Falmouth home

Trust SERVPRO to Remediate the Fire Damage in Your Falmouth Home!

There are many ways your home could experience fire damage. Furthermore, a significant portion of those events is not as explosive as you might imagine. Something as small as a candle or as big as a stove could have equal impacts on your home.

Should your Falmouth home experience fire damage, call SERVPRO immediately. Our technicians are expertly trained and can handle fire cleanup and smoke removal of any measure, big disasters or small. SERVPRO can:

  • Promptly come to your residence after your call
  • Bring advanced technological devices designed for fire remediation
  • Work whenever you need us, day or night

Our crew can get to work straight away once an agreement is signed and authorized. For the sake of an example, let's say that a faulty electrical socket caused a fire. The wall around it is covered in soot, as well as the carpet. Our technicians could do the following during remediation:

  • Remove greasy soot stains from your wall with scrapers
  • Remove any carpet that is beyond remediation and use our General Contractor License #: CS-108357 for new installation
  • Set up odor-reducing equipment, such as hydroxyl generators

Don't wait when fire damage strikes! Dial (774) 252-7376 to speak with SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands. Our technicians are always ready to help you.

Is Commercial Mold Removal Needed?

3/9/2021 (Permalink)

mold damage sheetrock wall SERVPRO provides the Mold Removal Service that Falmouth homes and businesses yearn for!!

SERVPRO Can Expertly Remediate Mold from Your Falmouth Office Building!

Many business owners consider doing remediation work in their building themselves or with their in-house maintenance staff. DIY projects may help keep costs as low as possible. However, it is always best to trust a professional mold removal company to do the work.

Trusting professional and local Falmouth mold removal services for your office building is the best choice you can make. Mold colonies can develop and exacerbate the initial damage without a prompt response.

  • Cause health effects in some individuals
  • Ruin organic materials in your office building, such as wood
  • Cause a malodor and poor indoor air quality

Office disruptions can mean disappointed clients and staff. Select the company that many property managers choose to satisfy their clients' needs. Our goal is to keep your business in business.

Some Mold Removal Actions

  • Locate the mold colony and set up protective plastic sheeting to prevent the spread of spores
  • Remove the fungi with advanced scrapers, bicarbonate soda blasting (like a gentle pressure washing)
  • Use antifungal sprays to help ensure that the mold does not regrow

If you need professional mold removal, get help today! Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands by dialing (774) 252-7376. We’re open 24/7 for you.

What Should I Do When Storm Damage Impacts My Home?

3/2/2021 (Permalink)

air scrubber and a poly duct porting moisture flooded This advanced method of using air scrubbers and lay-flat poly ducts can facilitate the drying of a structure in Falmouth after a storm--SERVPRO can do

SERVPRO Can Remediate the Storm Damage in Your Falmouth Home!

Falmouth was first settled by English colonists in 1660 and has grown to become the second-largest municipality in Cape Cod. The city was named after a port in England, Falmouth, Cornwall. Today, it has a population of 31,531, according to the 2010 census.

Falmouth Facts:

Early in its history, the settlement became known for:

  • Farming
  • Salt Works
  • Whaling
  • Sheep Husbandry

Falmouth Attractions:

  • North Falmouth Village
  • Falmouth Village Green
  • Waquoit

North Falmouth Village:

North Falmouth Village is a heritage site constructed in the 1800s. The townsfolk traditionally used the area for fishing and for gathering together in celebration. Many of the historic districts of Falmouth are excellent areas for tourism.

Falmouth Village Green:

The Village Green is centered around the triangular green of Main Street. It is a historic site and has been the town center since 1756. Many people travel here to see the traditional colonial layout of a traditional settlement.


The Waquoit Historic District encompasses the village of Waquoit in southeast Falmouth. It has more than 80 properties of historical value and was placed on the National Register of Historic places in 2004.

When Storm Damage Interrupts Your Life:

Living so close to the ocean can make it easy for storm damage to affect your Falmouth home. An intense storm can bring water, wind, and even debris to your door and cause trouble. Picture winds more than fifty miles an hour blowing signs, tree branches, and yard decor around your neighborhood. A mighty gust of wind could throw open the door of your home and allow storm damage inside. Storm damage like this could enable:

  • Blackwater to rush into your home
  • Carpets to become waterlogged
  • Mud and muck to cover interior rooms and furnishings

Blackwater is a serious issue and should not be ignored. It can contain biohazards, petroleum, gas, and other harsh chemicals. Should it impact the rugs in your home, they cannot be remediated as there is no way to ensure safety. Our team understands the health risks of contaminated groundwater and removes any residual amount as we begin the cleanup and restoration.

How Can SERVPRO Help Me?

Our technicians are IICRC-certified (Institution of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration-Certification) and can clean up the mess in your home, no matter the size. We're Faster to Any Size Disaster, and our technicians are trained to use state-of-the-art advanced equipment for the job. It is always our goal to make you feel "Like it never even happened."

To clean up and remove storm damage, our technicians can:

  • Use wet/dry vacuums to remove excess puddles of water
  • Set up flood drying mats to draw moisture from hardwood floors
  • Clean your property with industrial-grade disinfectants and detergents

If your home has been struck by storm damage, never hesitate. Get help today by calling SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (774) 252-7376. We're always ready to help you!

Inspecting and Testing Are Important Components to Water Damage Restoration

2/18/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO restoration equipment being used in water damaged bedroom. When water invaded this home, SERVPRO was there! We were able to completely restore this home.

Monitoring for excess moisture in your Sandwich home

Water damage often means that there needs to be some extraction of excess moisture during the cleanup. Before extraction, it is essential to thoroughly test the impacted area to understand the damage's extent and see if the damaged areas have restoration potential.

Water Removal in your Sandwich home consists of measuring the presence and then the amount of moisture before moving on to removal. SERVPRO encourages pretesting areas of the house to determine complete restoration's feasibility before completing the entire job.

Pretesting has four objectives:

  1. What portion of the home and contents can dry and be cleaned to preloss condition?
  2. What amount of the house and contents can NOT dry and be cleaned to preloss condition?
  3. What part of the home is unaffected?
  4. What part of the property is unknown for repair status?

For assistance with water removal, contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985. Our team will make it "Like it never even happened."

What to Do After a Fire in Your Falmouth Home

2/11/2021 (Permalink)

Smoke entering room from under door SERVPRO has the tools and training to restore any fire damage you may experience. Call us today.

What Happens When You Call SERVPRO After a Fire Emergency? 

Experiencing a fire in your home can be traumatic and often overwhelming. Our trained professionals at SERVPRO are ready to answer your call anytime, day or night, to get the restoration process begun as quickly as possible.

In Falmouth, fire restoration begins with a phone call to our emergency response team. After contacting them, expect the initial appointment shortly.

What you can expect when you contact our emergency response team:

  • Our trained dispatchers ask questions about the loss, while you respond, they fill out the "First Notice of Loss" form to get a comprehensive picture of the overall damage following the fire.
  • After the response team fills out the form, a restoration team member contacts you after about 30 minutes to set up the initial appointment to inspect the loss site.
  • The appointment is within four hours of the initial call.
  • Team members arrive at your home to inspect the damage and create a repair plan.

For 24/7 assistance, Contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985.

Safety Precautions are Important During Water Cleanup

2/4/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO restoration equipment being used in water damaged basement SERVPRO is no stranger to water damaged basements. Should water invade your home, contact us. SERVPRO is always on call.

Electricity Safety Measures for Your Falmouth Home

Falmouth, originally named Sacconnesset by Algonquian-speaking Native Americans, was settled in 1661 by Isaac Robinson and his fellow Quakers. Incorporated into a town in 1686, Falmouth, one of the country's oldest areas, was named after the town in England. Since the city lies near the Ocean in Cape Cod, it was a perfect place for the British to attack Americans during the American Revolution and the War of 1812.

Isaac Robinson came from Bristol, England, to Boston. On February 5th, 1631, he arrived via the ship Lyon, surviving a 66-day journey in the winter. The vessel only sailed during the winter to bring supplies to the settlers. Supplies included lemons to ward off the rampant amount of scurvy in Massachusetts.

Isaac settled in Sandwich but relocated when Quakers were fined and persecuted there. Quakers in the region were heavily fined and sometimes even executed for refusing to pledge allegiance to the colonial government. He built a house between Fresh and Salt ponds at Falmouth, including four acres of land by his home and eight more acres nearby, which was the location that later became Falmouth.

Isaac continued to contribute to the community, establishing the West Falmouth Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Quaker meetings from Cape Cod are still in practice today, having been established more than 300 years ago. From the late 1600s until the early 1800s, Quaker meetings rapidly grew. As a result, more meeting houses were established. Quaker membership declined in the late 19th century but has since seen revivals in the 1950s and early 2000s. Quaker meetings are often silent and yet welcoming to everyone. Although they say that they pull from Christian beliefs, they note the sign that says "All are Welcome," insisting that anyone from any religion may find benefit in the meetings.

Currently, Falmouth is typically a busy tourist town in the summers with ferries to Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Island. 

There are beautiful places to visit, including:

  • Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
  • Long Pond Watershed
  • Beebes Woods
  • Crane Wildlife Area
  • Nobska Point Lighthouse
  • The 300year old West Falmouth Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

Safety First During Water Cleanup

During the home restoration, it is essential to take safety precautions seriously. Our SERVPRO team performs safety inspections before beginning the job to identify hazards. Since electricity and water are an unsafe combination, it is the first thing technicians inspect.

  • Here are some electrical safety steps:
  • Turn off the main circuit breaker before beginning work.
  • Use a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) for all electrical equipment to mitigate risks.
  • Do not turn on electrical components exposed to water.
  • If you are standing in water, do not turn on electrical appliances.

For assistance with water cleanup, contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster

Need a Funky New Groove on a Sandwich Thursday Night?

1/18/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO vehicle outside job site. Mold damage is no DIY project. SERVPRO technicians are IICRC trained and experienced with mold remediation.

Patrick's Music Bingo at Clark-Haddad Legion Post 188 Is the Place to Boogie on January 28 in Sandwich

Forget the dreary task of finding the intersections of numbers and letters on your bingo card when Patrick is calling! Listen for lively pop music titles and dance your way to a win. All you need is a little focus and enthusiasm because your entry is free for this fast-paced moon-walk of high-energy musical titles from the past few decades. Twist and shout "Bingo!" when your sheet beats others for the game called. Prizes and hilarity await.

  • Date: Thursday, January 28, 2021
  • Time: 7:00 through 9:30 pm
  • Event: Patrick's Music Bingo

Register on Sandwich Eventbrite

  • Location: American Legion (Clark-Haddad Post 188)

20 Main Street

Sandwich, MA 02563

Mold damage remediation in Sandwich offered by SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is a "bingo" for your business. Call (508) 888-5985 for an evaluation and plan to get back on track.

Contractor Licenses:

General: CS-108357

Is It Realistic to Anticipate Comprehensive Restoration After Fire Damage in Falmouth?

1/13/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO technician at work. Fire damage is no laughing matter. Call the professionals at SERVPRO with their IICRC trained technicians, and latest equipment and technology.

Successful Outcomes Result Because of SERVPRO's Wrap-Around Approach in Falmouth -- Managing Fire Damage Restoration from Hazard and Harm Assessment Through Rebuilding

Cities, towns, and villages like Falmouth today rely upon well-equipped and staffed fire departments in case of a household or commercial fire. Advancements in technology and methodology mean your property has more than a fighting chance of surviving a fire, particularly when the first responders are followed by crews schooled in fire damage best practices developed by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). Communities like Falmouth with histories going back several centuries hear stories of tragedies where nonexistent or inadequate fire prevention and management did not protect buildings, timber, grasslands, and human life.

What Happened When Communities Did Not Have an Organized Fire-Fighting Response?

The consequences in towns and hamlets on Cape Cod and the Islands just after colonization were grim when fires occurred. Settlements were scattered, making it difficult to scale up a robust rescue response. No pressurized water supplies were available. The typical weapon used to fight a fire was a bucket and any source of water that could be found, including:

  • Ponds
  • Wells
  • Streams
  • Rain barrels

How Was the Community Involved in Early Firefighting Efforts?

If you were lucky, neighbors or other townspeople pitched in and formed a bucket brigade. Individuals lined up from the nearest water source to the edge of the fire, passing buckets or other containers made of wood, leather, gourds, or metal along to quell the blaze. Although roofs of nearby buildings and crude ladders could elevate the brigade members for better aim, nothing like the extendable ladders, cranes, or cherry pickers used today was in the firefighting inventory. If fire jumped from building to building, even those makeshift supports swiftly disappeared.

Did Falmouth Fare Well or Poorly Before the Establishment of a Dedicated Fire Department?

Falmouth marked its first colonists in 1660 and was incorporated in 1686. During the early part of the town's history, many daily realities exposed the settlers to substantial fire risks:

  • Open hearth fireplaces
  • Beehive ovens 
  • Open outdoor fires
    •  Clearing brush
    •  Rendering oils
    •  Roasting large pieces of meat
    •  Evaporating seawater for salt
  • Chimney flues fires 
  • Inadequate disposal of live coals
  • Negligent use of candles, lamps, and lanterns
  • Smoking meats 
  • Burning of tobacco
  • Lightning strikes
  • Spontaneous combustion in haymows or granaries 

High winds and the lack of a reliable firefighting force meant a small fire could rapidly get out of hand, spreading to other buildings, including those owned by others in town.

Are There Records of Significant Fires in Falmouth?

The Barnstable County Courthouse burned to the ground on October 22, 1827, destroying land records and the structure. In the 1830s, guests sleeping after a wedding awoke to fire and panicked horses below. The house and guests survived; the animals did not. Many other anecdotes tell of fires bringing property damage and often the loss of animals in the 19th century. Eventually, the obvious risks impelled the building of water towers and holding ponds by landowners of means. 

When Did the First Truly Municipal Firefighting Efforts Arise in Falmouth?

Cooperative efforts with horse-drawn water tanks with hoses and crews laid the foundation, and Falmouth's first fire department arose in 1897. The town allocated $700 for a basic firefighter unit. In 1899, the fledgling department rented sheds in different locations in town. Competition among the villagers within and near Falmouth encouraged recruitment.

How Did the Growth of Insurance Affect Falmouth's Fire Department?

The year 1919 marked an assessment by the New England Insurance Exchange of both the town's fire and water departments. Upgrades in equipment and management were recommended. The first Falmouth Fire Chief, Ray Wells, took on the challenge to modernize the department.

What Were Major Changes in the Falmouth Fire Department During the Mid-20th Century?

New firehouses replaced the rented sheds. Inventories of mechanical equipment permitted better oversight and routine upgrades. Firefighters were made more accountable. Response times of fire department units decreased as technicians installed call boxes equipped with telegraph devices enabling reliable and town-wide fire alarms.

Did Improvements to the Falmouth Fire Department Include Institution of Rescue Personnel?

Modern fire departments nearly always act as first responders for medical and other emergencies and fire extinguishing. During Chief Wells' 35 year tenure, he added a fire rescue squad. Initially, the interventions available were minimal, consisting of a firefighter piloting a station wagon with first aid equipment to emergencies. The nearest hospital was 30 minutes away; thus, patient outcomes improved with the Falmouth Hospital building in 1963. Fire department personnel began completing EMT training in 1967, another benefit for victims in the community.

How Do Fire Damage Restoration Experts Partner with the Falmouth Fire Department?

After the fire department's first responders stabilize your Falmouth home, fire damage restoration commences, returning structural components and contents to preloss condition. Our IICRC-trained managers complete a safety assessment and then direct our certified technicians to begin emergency services to restore your home:

  • Firefighting water removal, containment, and lawful disposal
  • Evaluation of fire residues and matching with effective removal products and methodologies
  • Control of air quality throughout the fire restoration project, using negative pressure air scrubbing equipment if indicated
  • Cleanup and disinfection implementation
  • Deodorization

What Sets SERVPRO Apart from Other Fire Damage Restoration Companies in Falmouth?

Besides the advanced training our crews obtain, SERVPRO also earned and maintains a general contractor's license. Our construction division's skills and experience permits streamlined demolition, repairs, and build backs in response to fire damage without the homeowner needing to hire another contractor. We save our customers time and money by offering a wrap-around approach to fire damage restoration. 

The multiple specialties and certifications offered by the team at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands make a recovery from fire loss as stress-free as possible. Call us day or night at (508) 888-5985 after the fire department releases your property, so we get a jump on making it "Like it never even happened."

Contractor Licenses:

General: CS-108357

Attention Falmouth Residents Interested in Creating Successful Online Businesses

1/13/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO equipment at work. Water damage in your home may occur anytime. Call SERVPRO for the water restoration services needed for the job. 24/7 365 days a year.

Falmouth Entrepreneurs Can Learn How to Establish or Enhance an Etsy Shop Starting January 18, 2021

Drive to the Cotuit Center for the Arts Monday evenings for step-by-step classes that jump-start your art, products, or collectible sales in your own online Etsy Shop. Experienced Etsy seller Laura Bouton can help you start from scratch or enhance your current virtual Etsy storefront. She cannot wait to share pro tips and brainstorm with you to make your online Falmouth business soar.

The first class is Monday, January 18, 2021, and meets three more Mondays, winding up February 8, 2021.

Bring your device -- laptop, iPad, or tablet. Basic computing ability is a must.

Masks and social distancing are required. 

  • Dates/Times: January 18 through February 8, 2021


  • Location: Cotuit Center for the Arts


4404 Falmouth Road 

Cotuit, MA 02635

  • Cost: $180/$153 members 

Register on the Cotuit Center for the Arts website

Water woes need not dampen your newfound Etsy enthusiasm. SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is the water cleanup expert, reachable 24/7 at (508) 888-5985.

Contractor Licenses:

General: CS-108357

Falmouth Community Members – Don’t Miss the Art Market!

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

Scarves hanging on a rack. Supporting local artisans and getting your holiday shopping done is a win. Go out to the Falmouth Art Center.

The Art Market is Taking Place at the Falmouth Art Center on Select Days and Times

Even with the need for safe social distancing, you still have the chance to enjoy a broad selection of crafters and local artisans during the Art Market at The Falmouth Art Center on Gifford Street. During this event, you will find everything from hand-knitted hats and scarves to jewelry, bags, papercrafts, baskets, homemade soaps, and much more! The Falmouth Holiday Market and Gift Gallery are open now until Christmas Eve so that you can get in a little bit of shopping while supporting local vendors.

  • Dates/Times: December – Monday through Friday 9 am to 4 pm, Saturday 10 am to 4 pm, and Sunday from 1 pm to 4 pm
  • Location: Falmouth Art Center, 137 Gifford Street, Falmouth, MA
  • Cost: Free

Taking part in the holiday shopping season and supporting local vendors is something we are passionate about at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands. If you have some sort of water damage to your home that calls for prompt restoration, you can look to our team to get the job done right the first time. We are available 24/7 for emergency service by calling (508) 888-5985, and we will send out our Green Fleet and skilled technicians as soon as possible.

Don’t Miss the Santa Event at the Sandwich American Legion!

12/7/2020 (Permalink)

An ornament on a Christmas tree. Santa and The Grinch are coming to visit, go out and visit Sandwich American Legion for holiday fun.

Santa is Coming to the American Legion – Fun Holiday Happenings for Sandwich Families

It is always lovely to see the wonder of the season in a child’s eyes when they see Santa Claus. This season, we’re doing it slightly differently with a drive-through with Santa event at the American Legion. You can bring the kids and take a drive along the back parking lot where there will be elves on hand, an appearance by the Grinch, and the Big Man himself waving at the kids. You come to a stopping point in front of Santa, where elves hand out goodie bags to the kids through the windows. You do not want to miss out on this event, complete with a festively-lit Christmas tree and plenty of holiday cheer!

  • Date: Saturday, December 12, 2020
  • Time: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
  • Where: American Legion, 20 Main Street, Sandwich, MA
  • Cost: Free Admission

This is the season for holiday cheer, and our team at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is here to support the local community. If you are a business owner and suspect mold infestation within your building, you need attention quickly. When it comes to commercial mold removal companies, we are the best in the area – including EPA-registered antimicrobials and proven methods. Call us at (508) 888-5985, and we can dispatch a crew as soon as possible.

Flooding and Damage Restoration is Something Each Falmouth Business Owner Must Consider

12/2/2020 (Permalink)

A SERVPRO van with the door open Water damage to your company is very serious, SERVPRO can act as quickly as you call. Give us a call today.

SERVPRO Acts Quickly to Mitigate Flood Damage, Ensuring Falmouth, MA, Businesses Have Impeccable Restoration Results

A quintessential New England town, Falmouth is situated within Barnstable County in Massachusetts on the southwestern tip of Cape Cod. As of the time that the 2010 United States Census was taken, this town had a population of 31,532, which makes it the second-largest municipality on the Cape, second only to Barnstable itself. 

A popular vacation destination in the area is Martha’s Vineyard, which receives ferries from the Steamship Authority terminal located in Falmouth’s Woods Hole village. Here you will also find a variety of scientific organizations, including the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), the Woods Hole Science Aquarium, Woods Hole Research Center, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and other various museums.

Falmouth, Massachusetts – Historically Speaking

Back in 1660 is when a group of English colonists initially settled the town of Falmouth. From there, it was incorporated in the year 1686. Bartholomew Gosnold had officially given the settlement the name after Falmouth, Cornwall, England, his original home port. A lot of the early activities in this region included salt works, whaling, shipping, farming, and sheep husbandry. The reason why sheep husbandry became commonplace was the introduction of the Merino breed of sheep and the start of the mills, which were powered by water. This is what made it easy to work on processing the wool. As of 1837, the town of Falmouth averaged roughly 50 sheep for each square mile. 

In 1872, the railway was introduced to Woods Hole and Falmouth, which paved the way for summer homes in the area. Moving into the latter portion of the 19th century, strawberries and cranberries were rapidly cultivated and brought to the markets in Boston and the surrounding areas. After that, large-scale dairy farming developed throughout Falmouth and interior regions of the state. Significant housing booms took place in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. 

Falmouth, Massachusetts also includes several historic districts, including the following that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places:

  • North Falmouth Village
  • Falmouth Village Green
  • Waquoit
  • West Falmouth Village

Within the Woods Hole area of Falmouth, you also have the Marine Biological Laboratory set up back in 1888. There is also the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, which was built and opened in 1930. Never a dull moment and plenty of things to see and do make life in this region rich and fulfilling. Even when it comes to travel, you have various places nearby to explore, including Nantucket Island and Martha’s Vineyard. Both of these locations are easy to reach by ferry, making them very popular in the summer months.

Other popular attractions to be found throughout the Falmouth area include:

  • Megansett Harbor
  • 68 miles of coastline
  • Oak Bluffs
  • Sea Farms Marsh
  • Heritage Museums & Gardens
  • Mares Pond Reservation
  • Falmouth Dog Park
  • Cataumet Light Mini-Golf
  • Lobster Tales Excursions
  • Cape Cod Children’s Museum, and more!

Dining, Entertainment, and Shopping in and Around Falmouth, MA

Whether you are looking for a night out with friends or interested in a restaurant for elegant dining on the waterfront, you have plenty of options in Falmouth. Not only are there seaside shacks serving fresh seafood, but you also have casual dining locations and popular watering holes where you can stop for a drink at the end of the day. Authentic ethnic food offerings abound throughout historical Falmouth Village, including everything from American comfort foods gastropub-style, Thai cuisine, and Indian fare. There truly is something for every palette and all age groups, from restaurants such as:

Landfall Restaurant – This is a seafood restaurant in the perfect location if you would like to enjoy the whiffs of the fresh ocean breeze. With plenty of outdoor dining on the deck, you also get amazing views. Top options on the menu include the surf and turf, baked stuffed haddock, and fish and chips.

Moonakis Café – If you are looking for an excellent spot for breakfast or brunch, there is nothing quite like the Moonakis Café. Choose from Belgian waffles loaded with fresh fruit, perfectly crafted quiche, or signature omelets and colossal cinnamon buns. 

Bucatino Restaurant and Wine Bar – When you are hoping for a casual setting for a nice meal, this is a great option. Not only is there a menu filled with American staples like steak tips and salmon, but you also have a vast assortment of Italian favorites and plenty of wine to choose from with the fully stocked wine bar.

Once you start to explore Falmouth, MA, you will quickly see that this is a region with a beautiful history and a fantastic sense of community. Whether you are looking to plan a short trip or you are curious about putting down roots, you will find that there is always a new adventure waiting for you around each corner in this section of New England.

Commercial Water Emergencies Call for Prompt Action – If Your Falmouth Business Suffers Flood Damage, SERVPRO Has the Manpower and Equipment to Handle it Fast!

Whether you had a pipe burst or you had a faulty appliance in your commercial kitchen, gallons of water infiltrating your business is never something to wait to clean up. SERVPRO understands that you do not want a lot of downtime at your Falmouth business, so we arrive quickly to get the cleanup started. Flooding is never a problem for our skilled IICRC-certified team and the industrial-strength equipment that we bring to each project.

Commercial flood damage in Falmouth can happen at any time. SERVPRO is here for assistance no matter the type of business you have, including:

  • Restaurants
  • Apartment Complexes
  • Small Office Buildings
  • Motels and Hotels
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Buildings, and more

Once you notice water damage, it is best to address it before secondary damage sets in. Because mold and mildew bring potential health effects, having our skilled technicians on-site with powerful cleaning agents will ensure the best results. 

Contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands if you require assistance with flood damage within your commercial building. We arrive fast, starting with an assessment followed by steps for total water extraction plan, drying, dehumidification, and deodorization. You can reach us 24/7 for emergency service by calling (508) 888-5985.

Take the Stress Out Of Holiday Cooking with A Festive Class in Falmouth

11/16/2020 (Permalink)

Highfield Hall and Gardens exterior The Falmouth area Highfield Hall and Gardens offers special cooking tips--another tip from SERVPRO

Enjoy Historic Surroundings Plus Unmissable Holiday Cooking Tips in Falmouth

Highfield Hall & Gardens is a unique historic home. The site is awash with history and functions as a modern arts and culture hub for the Cape Cod area. This season, Highfield is helping local people take the stress out of holiday cooking. We all know that the kitchen can become a frantic place over the holiday season. Come along to this fun class to:

  • Learn from Highfield’s very own culinary director Gail Blakely.
  • Make your holiday cooking look effortless.
  • Wow your guests without overwhelming yourself.
  • Taste the delicious recipes.

The class takes place on 18 November from 1 PM – 3 PM. Tickets start at $60, and places are limited, so do not wait!

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands knows that historical homes need special care, especially when hosting events. Whether your historic home needs fire or water damage restoration, we are here for you. Call us at (774) 252-7376.

Find the Perfect Holiday Ornament at Sandwich Glass Museum

11/8/2020 (Permalink)

sandwich police car SERVPRO says feel safe during the Holiday Season in Sandwich

It Is Time for Sandwich Glass Museum's Annual Glassblowers Christmas

It is the time of year for festive ornaments, and what could be better than something beautiful and locally crafted? Glassblowing plays a massive role in Sandwich's history, and the Glass Museum offers exhibits and demonstrations all year round. Every year, they put on a festive fare where visitors and residents alike can marvel at the local glass-making talent and purchase eye-catching holiday ornaments.

  • View the decorations displayed on a forest of festive trees.
  • Delight at the annual exhibition – this year's theme is the glass menagerie.
  • Entry is free, but you will need to purchase a ticket to enter the rest of the museum.

The Glassblowers Christmas takes place at the Sandwich Glass Museum on Main Street and starts on 14 November. You are sure to find an ornament that will look great in your home or something for the perfect gifts.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands hopes the weather will hold for anyone traveling to the exhibit! However, if you run into trouble with storms and need water extraction, please give us a call at (774) 252-7376.

SERVPRO Helps Falmouth Residents with Water Removal All Year Round

11/3/2020 (Permalink)

two SERVPRO vans at jobsite with doors open Falmouth homeowners trust SERVPRO for water removal from their properties

Residents and Visitors Can Enjoy Falmouth All Year Thanks to Our Reliable Water Removal Service

Falmouth is a charming maritime town situated near Cape Cod. The area has plenty to offer visitors all year round, and of course, the proximity to the sea is a big part of the attraction.

Falmouth is the second-largest municipality on Cape Cod (the largest is Barnstable). Colonists settled the town in 1660 and got its name from Bartholomew Gosnold, an English barrister, who named it after the English port of Falmouth in Cornwall. Its Cornish counterpart has a similarly vibrant maritime culture, which makes the name particularly fitting.

Where Leisure Meets Science

One particularly notable thing about Falmouth is its strong presence in the field of marine science! Indeed, the tiny village of Woods Hole, which is part of Falmouth and located on the South Western corner of Cape Cod, boasts several scientific organizations:

  • The Sea Education Association is a non-profit educational organization. It currently operates two sailing ships – the SSV Corwith Cramer and the SSV Robert C. Seamans – which travel through the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, offering education about the seas.
  • The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is a non-profit dedicated to marine science and engineering. Scientists established the Institution in 1930, and it is the largest independent oceanographic research facility in the U.S.
  • The Marine Biological Laboratory is associated with the University of Chicago. A staggering 58 Nobel Prize winners have been associated with the Laboratory, some as faculty members or researchers, and others as students. It offers a program of classes and internships all year.
  • The Woods Hole Research Center is dedicated to studying climate change impact and researching possible solutions. Scientists at the Center focus on answering policy questions or influencing policy decisions for lasting positive change.
  • The Woods Hole Science Aquarium is one of the oldest aquariums in the country – it has been around since at least 1857, perhaps a couple of years longer (sources vary!) Residents and visitors are welcome to visit the aquarium, where they will see 140 species of marine animals from the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic regions. Seeing creatures that live in the seas around your home is excellent entertainment for all the family.

All of these institutions give Falmouth the most vibrant and active marine science community in the United States. Researchers and academics are drawn here, along with students and interns. Residents can enjoy the aquarium and the educational programs on offer.

However, Falmouth is not just about science! The area is rich in exciting places and fun things to do. The entire Cape Cod area is popular with tourists all year round and offers a wealth of shops and restaurants and, of course, miles of beautiful beaches to enjoy.

The Wood’s Hole, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket Steamship Authority (usually known as The Steamship Authority) operate out of Falmouth. The Steamship Authority provides the main link between the mainland and Martha’s Vineyard. Martha’s Vineyard is an island that is very popular with tourists thanks to its gorgeous summer weather, prosperous vibes, and vibrant arts, culture, and sports communities that stage regular events throughout the vacation season.

Falmouth Residents Faced Historic Groundwater Pollution Problems

Some residents clearly remember the groundwater pollution problems of the 1970s and 1980s. The problem started at Joint Base Cape Cod (then known as the Massachusetts Military Reservation.) The base is an unofficial joint base, which has stood on its current site since 1935. It was renamed Joint Base Cape Cod in 2013.

The groundwater pollution problems arose due to the disposal of toxic substances at the base, including:

  • Industrial chemicals
  • Commercial solvents
  • Jet fuel

Unfortunately, the contaminated groundwater spilled out into Falmouth and contaminated the well water in parts of the town. At one point, the town was forced to shut a well that supplied around 25% of its water. Authorities commissioned a major report as a result of the pollution incident. After the report, the Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment took responsibility for cleaning up the contamination. They installed pumping wells and undertook soil treatments to help clear the contamination.

SERVPRO Helps Falmouth Residents Deal with Contaminated Water

Pollution is not just a groundwater issue. Contamination with dangerous chemicals can happen during any water-based incident. Sources of contamination in water include:

  • Chemicals and detergent if a dishwasher overflows
  • Raw sewage and microbes if the toilet backs up or overflows into the bathroom
  • A range of contaminants including sewage, microbes, viruses, and even carcasses in floodwaters from an overflowing river, sewer, or town drainage system

When there is water in your home, it is natural to want to clean it up straight away. However, it is much better to call a professional water removal crew like SERVPRO. We know how to assess the situation to establish the level of contamination and devise a safe way forward.

How Does SERVPRO Reduce the Risk During Water Removal?

It is clear that water removal is sometimes risky. Thankfully, SERVPRO trains its technicians to the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification standards, which means our people know the industry best practices and how to take care of health and safety. We increase safety by:

  • Providing all the necessary personal protective equipment for our staff, including aprons, gloves, and breathing apparatus.
  • Using containment to establish barriers around working areas.
  • Applying anti-microbial treatments when necessary.
  • Being mindful of the risk of mold growth and taking steps to reduce the risk.

Health and safety is not just about contaminants. We also ensure the room is secured before entry and that the lighting and electricity supplies are safe.

Safety is always our priority. We recommend listing to the safety recommendations of our technicians and following their instructions. They are here to keep you and your family safe during remediation. You are free to ask us questions at any time – no questions are wrong, and we are always happy to put your mind at ease.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is on hand to help with any water removal needs you have. Call us today at (774) 252-7376.

What Needs to Get Done After Storm Flooding in Falmouth?

10/26/2020 (Permalink)

flooding in property We are available 24 hours a day to send a crew out to begin the assessment phase.

Falmouth Property Owners Know that Flood Damage Happens Without Warning – Look to SERVPRO for Skilled Restoration

Once flooding occurs inside your Falmouth home, multiple layers of damage can arise. You could have issues with flooring, carpets, walls, and even your home’s structural elements. It is also common to have some electrical issues after a flood, which is why the safest bet is calling in trained water restoration technicians (WRT).

Where Do I Start?
Right after the storm, you need the right team to handle flood damage in Falmouth, including emergency water extraction. SERVPRO begins with assessing your property to determine which equipment is best so that cleanup and drying may begin. The home repairs that your home might require could be extensive, but we have contractors that can handle controlled demolition and finish off your interior back to preloss condition.

What About Mold?
Any floodwater left standing for too long creates the ultimate atmosphere for mold growth. Our crew understands best practices to search for hidden moisture pockets. We also work to treat surfaces throughout your home to facilitate mold remediation.

Why Should I Call Skilled Restoration Technicians?
When you enlist our help at SERVPRO, we provide:
    •    Years of experience in the restoration industry
    •    Education and training via the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC)
    •    Industrial-grade equipment such as extraction tools, air movers, dehumidifiers, and more
    •    EPA-registered cleaning agents with anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties

Because floodwater often contains contaminants, our crew is careful to test the water and treat surfaces throughout the restoration process. Exposure to the microbes found in floodwater, also known as black water, can lead to health effects if not handled carefully. All of our restoration technicians wear personal protective equipment to ensure safety throughout the project. We also wear foot coverings and block off zones to keep contamination from getting tracked to unaffected areas of your home.

Do you need prompt, reliable assistance to handle the flood damage in your home after a storm? Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985. We are available 24 hours a day to send a crew out to begin the assessment phase.

Why is SERVPRO Better at Dealing with Flood Damage Than Other Area Services?

10/5/2020 (Permalink)

Flooded city animation We understand the need for rapid response to minimize the loss of your property after a flood occurs. Call us right away we are available 24/7.

Unlike Many Other Falmouth Area Flood Damage Remediators, SERVPRO Has the Resources to Effectively Handle Even the Most Severe Flood Damage.

Falmouth residents know just how stormy their town’s weather can get. As part of Cape Cod, our area juts out into the often volatile North Atlantic Ocean and usually hooks a few strong coastal storms a year. These troublesome weather patterns can drop inches of rain or snow in our town in a matter of a few hours. Many times, this excess water, coupled with storm surge-producing winds, inundates local homes and businesses. The flooding process is faster when the precipitation falls as rain and is generally much slower and unpredictable when it comes in the form of snow. Snow might actually be worse than rain because it can accumulate and remain until some unknown future date when warmer temperatures trigger a massive flooding thaw.

What Kind of Resources Does SERVPRO Have at Its Disposal?

As one of the top Falmouth flood damage cleanup and restoration companies, we have access to numerous invaluable resources. These include our highly trained and experienced personnel, cutting edge gear, and broad support network. Specifically, the resources we have at our disposal are:

Technicians trained and certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC) in, among other things, applied structural drying, applied microbial remediation, water damage restoration, and odor control.

All the latest advanced remediation industry tools, like powerful portable and truck-mounted extractors, submersible pumps, air movers, various kinds of dehumidifiers, Injectidry systems, and thermal and ultra-low volume foggers

EPA-approved industrial-strength disinfectants and deodorants that are capable of eliminating all the most harmful microbes and neutralizing even the most persistent foul odors

A disaster recovery team, with access to the remediation resources of over 1,700 different franchises, that is ready to help you twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.

As you can see, SERVPRO has all the necessary expertise and equipment to handle whatever flooding issues you may have. Moreover, we are usually able to employ these at a moment’s notice, within a few short hours of your initial call, at any time of the day or night.

Is SERVPRO a Reputable Service?    

Over the years, we have won the respect of the local community through our dedication to service excellence. As fellow residents of this area, we naturally want to help our neighbors overcome the effects of natural disasters and return their homes to pre-flood conditions as soon as possible. In recognition of our quality service and neighborliness, we have received the following accolades:

In 2017, we were awarded the Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber of Commerce’s “Business of the Year” award.

Subsequently, we have received other awards from the Chamber of Commerce, recognizing our innovative business practices.

Our business expertise is so recognized locally that SERVPRO’s co-owner Beth Russell has been selected to serve in various Chambers of Commerce around the Cape Cod region.

We have been the recipients of exceedingly favorable customer service reviews on our website, Facebook, Google Reviews, and Yelp; on the latter three sites, out of a possible 5.0 stars, we currently have between a 4.1 and a 4.8-star rating.

On the company website, we have received countless highly favorable testimonials attesting to both the quality and effectiveness of our service.

So, when considering which company to use for your flood damage cleanup and restoration needs, know that we are reliable and can do the work right the first time.

If Flooding Ever Impacts My Home, What Should I Not Do?

You should never do certain things if your residence has standing water in it, but, since floodwaters are especially hazardous, there are some additional precautions you should take when a flood has inundated your home. If your house is ever impacted by a flood, you should avoid:

Living in your flooded residence because it may lead to health effects from the microbe-rich environment

Handling or touching items that have come into contact with floodwaters, since this may contaminate your hands with hazardous bacteria and toxic chemicals

Removing water with your household vacuum cleaner because it could electrocute you and destroy your vacuum

Turning on household appliances, electronics, and light fixtures as this could pose an electrocution risk and damage these devices/fixtures.

Walking into structurally unsound rooms with sagging floors or other apparent structural issues    

It is likely that if you take these simple safety precautions, you can protect yourself against many of the dangers resulting from a flood event.

With all that said, remember that help is just a phone call away. If you ever need flood damage remediation, call your helpful neighborhood SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (774) 252-7553.

How Can Homeowners Protect Their Families After Water Damage to Their Falmouth Homes?

9/27/2020 (Permalink)

Flooded Floor In The Living Room SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is your best option when leaks and flooding happen.

Calling a Professional Water Restoration Team Helps Protect Your Family in Falmouth From the Consequences of Water Damage

Water can come into your home in Falmouth due to many different reasons. There might be a leak, a broken window, or a roof leak you didn’t know existed. Regardless of the culprit, you should call a reputable water restoration team to assess the damage and to share their advice. Only a crew with specialized equipment and a deep understanding of the water's impact in your home can give you a knowledgeable plan of action to restore each affected area.

When you live in Falmouth, water damage restoration is a job for our expert team at SERVPRO. We train with industry experts both on the field and in academic settings to understand the impact of standing water and how to mitigate it. Using the right tools for the job sets the stage for an efficient restoration process that minimizes your loss and protects you from future complications.

What exactly are water removal services?
Water removal entails restoring proper humidity levels in your home, which is not the same as eliminating moisture. Our infrared moisture meters, as well as other state-of-the-art measuring tools, help us monitor our progress. Aside from extracting water with truck-mounted or submersible pumps, and using technology such as Injectidry and drying mats, we also focus on preventing additional damage. One of the areas of concern after a water event is the possibility of mold growth. To deter mold spores from spreading, we do the following:

    •    Restore proper humidity levels by extracting water
    •    Apply antimicrobial solutions as appropriate
    •    Discard any items that could pose a danger due to their level of water saturation

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is your best option when leaks and flooding happen. Call our water restoration team at (508) 888-5985 whenever you detect the problem and let our staff leave your home, “Like it never even happened.”

What Does a Professional Flood Cleanup Involve in Falmouth?

8/25/2020 (Permalink)

Flooding Bedroom Interior Contact your neighbors at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 if you ever need help dealing with flood damage.

Flood Cleanups in Falmouth Generally Involve Standing Water Removal, Interior Drying, Surface Disinfecting, and Odor Neutralization.

Remediating flood damage in Falmouth and returning impacted homes to their pre-flood conditions requires professional assistance.  It takes expert knowledge concerning biohazards and restoration techniques, as well as high-tech disinfection and deodorization tools.

SERVPRO, a Falmouth flood damage remediation service, knows its neighborhood well and understands the yearly weather-related challenges it faces.  Our hometown, like the rest of Cape Cod, is known for its picturesque maritime landscapes.  Numerous nearby beaches and other natural environments, coupled with pleasant summer weather, make the area a paradise for sea lovers and outdoorsmen alike.  Unfortunately, the Cape also routinely suffers the effects of strong coastal storms.  These powerful weather systems impact the region year-round in the form of hurricanes and Nor’easters.  The torrential rains and winds these storms usually bring often lead to massive flooding.

What High-Tech Equipment Does SERVPRO Have to Effectively Resolve My Flooding Issue?

Our trained technicians are equipped with all the latest tools of the remediation trade. They can employ all the most advanced water extractors, drying appliances, disinfection devices, and deodorizers to resolve your flood-related problems in as little time possible.  Some of the impressive gear our experts use are:

    •    Portable and truck-mounted extractors that can rapidly remove gallons of water from your home
    •    Powerful submersible pumps that can speedily and consistently help extract large volumes of standing floodwaters
    •    Technologically advanced air blower-dehumidifier-Injectidry system networks to quickly dehumidify interior air and dry out even the most difficult-to-access areas
    •    State-of-the-art ultra-low volume (ULV) and thermal foggers that can disinfect and deodorize affected surfaces/spaces with EPA-approved aerosolized chemical agents

This commercial-grade equipment is one of the many factors that make SERVPRO more effective at flood damage remediation than its competitors.

While there is no way to escape the threat of powerful New England storms and the flooding they often bring, there are local services that can help you overcome the destruction they cause.  Contact your neighbors at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 if you ever need help dealing with flood damage.

A Fire Has Ruined My Falmouth Warehouse. Who Can Help Me to Restore it?

8/21/2020 (Permalink)

A female standing in a warehouse. Fire damage to your company can be harsh, call SERVPRO today.

SERVPRO Can Help Perform Commercial Fire Restoration in Your Falmouth Warehouse Effectively.

It is traumatic to see a fire threaten your Falmouth warehouse. After a fire, you need clear guidance and efficient fire damage cleanup to reduce business interruptions. SERVPRO can remediate the fire damage and repair your warehouse quickly.  

What process do you follow when remediating fire damage?

Our technicians can take several steps to perform commercial fire restoration in your Falmouth warehouse. We can begin the process as soon as possible to prevent additional damage from taking place. Our proven fire cleanup process includes:

    • Identifying the source of the fire to determine which type of fire occurred.
    • Inspecting the areas that sustained water damage because of fire suppression efforts.
    • Remediating water damage if necessary
    • Evaluating materials that smoke and soot particles have damaged.
    • Salvaging raw materials, product stock, machinery, and commodities.
    • Treating affected surfaces for smoke smells and sealing to prevent leftover smells from leaking back into the building.

The fire was not significant. Can I perform clean up myself?

The major consequence of a warehouse fire is damage to the building. If the warehouse was manned when the incident took place, the damage might not be significant. However, it is not advisable to attempt any self-cleaning without consulting fire restorers. It is crucial to pretest residues, choose the appropriate cleaning agents for the ruined surfaces or items, combine deodorizing agents with the right cleaning solutions, and use correct dilution rates to get the best results.

It is also necessary to identify the type of ruined surface to determine which cleaning products and methods are safe to use on the surface. Taking care to preserve the materials or surfaces one is cleaning, is also crucial because the cleaning process can ruin some materials, rendering them unrestorable. You also need special equipment to apply some chemicals. At SERVPRO, we have a wide range of industry-specific cleaning equipment and products that can provide you with the best chance of completely restoring your warehouse and salvageable contents. We are competent in performing repairs. Our general contractor's license number is CS-108357.

What should I do with non-salvageable items? 

Damage to the contents is a severe consequence of warehouse fires. We can try to salvage a majority of fire-damaged items. However, it is not possible to restore some items. We can remove the ruined item from the warehouse and determine what is ruined beyond repair and what we can salvage. Before throwing out things, take an inventory of all the damaged contents so that you can include them in your insurance claim.

After a fire loss, you need a company that can complete the restoration process quickly and effectively. Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 for assistance. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

What Can I Do To Protect Documents From Flood Damage In North Falmouth?

8/7/2020 (Permalink)

flood damaged property If you are concerned about flood-damaged documents, give SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands a call.

North Falmouth Owners Want To Know Their Documents Are Safe From Flood Damage

Residents of North Falmouth know that relevant paperwork is all too easy to lose or damage. Most of us have at least a handful of vital documents that need to be kept safe, such as birth certificates or insurance documents. But have you ever thought about keeping your records from harm in the event of a flood?

Flood damage in North Falmouth affects every part of the home. Depending upon the severity of the flood, homeowners could find themselves facing warped floors, damaged drywall, soaked carpets and chairs, and water-damaged documents. No one wants to deal with flood damage, but thankfully SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is here to help.

One primary concern in the event of a flood is the loss of irreplaceable documents. So what can local homeowners do?

Which documents should I protect from flood damage?
There are some important papers which you should always protect if you can, including:

Household documents – mortgage papers, car lease or ownership papers, and insurance policies
Medical documents – medicine scrips, vaccination records, and health insurance information
Personal records – birth, marriage, and adoption certificates, degrees, passports, and social security cards
Pet records – adoption or purchase certificates, vaccination records, and microchip numbers
Financial documents – bank details, wills, IRS details, bank statements, tax records, 401(K) details, and receipts

Are there any other details I should add?

The above list covers the necessary paperwork you should protect. However, SERVPRO recommends writing down the following details and adding them to your papers:

    •    Doctor contact details
    •    Emergency contact details such as families and friends
    •    Contact information for utility providers
    •    Photocopies of credit cards and drivers licenses

You can also keep precious family photo albums with your essential documents. You might also consider backing important electronic files up onto flash drives and keeping those with the collection.

What is the best way to keep my documents safe?

It's a good idea to gather all your essential information together as soon as possible before disaster strikes. SERVPRO suggests investing in waterproof storage boxes or cabinets for your valuable personal effects. Please be sure to choose waterproof units rather than just water resistance. If you can purchase storage that is fireproof as well as waterproof, that's even better.

    •    Keep your boxes or cabinets away from windows and doors, where water can enter your home. Store them on shelves at least six inches from the floor, if possible, and preferably on your home's upper story.
    •    You might also consider renting a safe deposit box outside of the home for specific documents that you do not require access to often, such as retirement funds, insurance policies, and investments.
    •    Take photocopies of all essential documents, and put extra copies on a flash drive. Always have a set of copies stored securely away from the original set.

Can I do anything to prevent floodwater from entering?

    •    Prevention is always better than cure, so you must try to prevent flood damage from occurring. Maintain your home regularly and take care of any broken gutters, missing roof tiles, or worn door and window seals you find.
    •    Keep your pipes and gutters clean. Remove leaves and gunk from your gutters, especially after a downpour, and keep your pipes well protected to prevent freezing and breaking.
    •    Take good care of your plumbing system. Check for leaks or drips, and deal with any issues as soon as you find them – do not delay.
    •    Look after your appliances – make sure the tubes and connectors are in good condition at all times.

Can SERVPRO help with my documents?

If you are worried about flood-damaged documents, call SERVPRO. We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster, and we have technology that can help restore damaged materials.

Our technicians will examine your papers and give you an honest assessment to which can be saved and which cannot. For those that can be saved, we employ techniques such as vacuum freeze-drying and gamma irradiation cleaning to preserve and cleanse certificates, papers, books, policies, and more. Our vacuum freeze-drying method is the same one that is used by the Library of Congress.

We can also help you digitize your documents so that you can access them more easily in the future, and you will have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your documents are properly backed up.

Our teams also take care of every other aspect of flood damage restoration, from water extraction and cleaning of all soft furnishings to drying and deodorizing. We are available 24/7, which means there is always someone on standby to help you in the event of a disaster.

If you are concerned about flood-damaged documents, give SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands a call at (508) 888-5985.

Is a Wet-Dry Vacuum Enough to Remove Water From my Home?

7/30/2020 (Permalink)

Water heater caused a flood No matter when you make the call, we have technicians who can assist you.

Protect your Sandwich Home by Inviting a Professional Service and their Water Removal Equipment.

Imagine the water heater of your Sandwich home breaking and leaking all over your kitchen and living areas. It may leak overnight, allowing the water to travel freely throughout your home, soaking walls, carpets, and baseboards. Your first reaction could be to go to your local store to rent a wet-dry vacuum to resolve the situation. Even though this is a logical step, you may fall short and leave water hiding throughout your home, which can later cause issues such as mold or a weaker structure.

For our neighbors in Sandwich, water damage restoration is a job for our SERVPRO team. We are certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC), which parallels our experience in restoring homes like yours. Even if your water damage does not appear extensive, call our 24-hour hotline for our expert opinion. You might be surprised by how quickly water can seep into your home and set the stage for significant damage.

What is the best equipment to extract water?

Water extraction is not a one-size-fits-all approach. The volume of water, the materials in your home, natural humidity and many other factors play into our ability to restore your home. It is not uncommon for Sandwich homeowners to feel like excess moisture is under control only to realize later that water was hiding under baseboards or within a wall cavity. Our SERVPRO crew has several measuring tools at its disposal, including infrared technology, which can pinpoint problem areas. We can also use one or several of the following to remove water and restore optimal humidity levels-

Truck-mounted pumps which we can connect to municipal sewers as needed

Submersible pumps to place within your home

Wand extractors to access the hard to reach corners of your home

Don't underestimate the impact of water to your home. SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is available at (508) 888-5985 whenever a leak occurs. Let us work with you to leave your home, "Like it never even happened." 

Learn more about Sandwich.

After Fluid Removal, Who Helps Repair the Damage Water Did in My Falmouth House?

7/14/2020 (Permalink)

water damaged room; SERVPRO drying equipment being used; flood cuts on drywall to enable drying Sometimes flood cuts in the drywall are necessary to dry water damaged homes.

Skilled Extraction and Structural Drying Sets the Stage When SERVPRO Completes Water Damage Repair in Falmouth  

Water is incredibly corrosive to a wide range of conventional building materials in your Falmouth dwelling. Even if we remove the liquid water and promptly absorb moisture, some structural components might need repair, replacement, or rebuilding if the damage is severe enough. Hiring a firm that provides a full spectrum of restoration services streamlines the project and saves you from the necessity of finding more than one contractor. 

What Kinds of Structural Repairs Should I Look for After a Water Loss? 

The list of water damage repairs for your Falmouth home is somewhat predictable for our experienced crews, but we are always open to the unexpected. We see the effects of water incursions frequently, if not daily, and have a robust range of strategies to mitigate and remediate the affected areas in anticipation of any rebuilding needed. Damaged highly hygroscopic (quick to absorb water) materials might include: 

  • Drywall
  • Ceiling tiles
  • Unfaced insulation
  • Particleboard 

Do Hygroscopic Materials Always Need Repairs and Replacing? 

Some materials with a high permeance factor can survive a brief soaking if water cleanup and focused drying are immediate. Few scenarios exhibit this “perfect” response, and instead, SERVPRO crews assess and plan an intervention for irreparable damage. Crumbled gypsum wallboard needs replacement, as do bulging ceiling materials threatening a loss of structural integrity. Particleboard can warp, dislodging the materials it underlies. Wet insulation packs down, no longer able to deliver the desired R-value. Controlled demolition choices such as flood cuts also require repair. 

Who Completes the Water Damage Repair?  

Although some disaster response companies stop short after water removal and drying, our team provides wrap-around build-back services. We have four decades of construction experience and a dedicated rebuilding division and are confident we can manage your water damage repair start to finish.     

Count on SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands to mitigate, remediate, and restore the water damage in your home. Call (508) 888-5985 for rapid response and reliable repairs.

More about Falmouth

Contractor Licenses:

General: CS-108357

What Type of Cleaning is Necessary After Fire Losses in My Falmouth Home?

7/12/2020 (Permalink)

The interior of a house has been fully destroyed by a fire There are many strategies for cleaning up after a fire loss in your home, and our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team can help.

Structure fires can leave your residence worse for wear, but our cleaning technicians can help to overcome many fire loss obstacles after a disaster in Falmouth!

Fires can have a lasting effect on your Falmouth home in a way that is impossible for homeowners to address on their own. As challenging and overwhelming as the result of structure fires can often appear, it is the fast response and reliability of our SERVPRO professionals that can help to limit the spread and severity of these loss effects. Phases of restoration, such as the cleaning, do not happen all at once. With so many actions under the general heading of cleaning, our technicians work on this portion of restoration from the earliest mitigation points through the final touches on a finished product.

Fire damage cleanup for Falmouth homes and businesses must begin as soon as our technicians arrive at the address. We have multiple tools and technologies that can overcome many of the obstacles that exist after a structure fire. From lingering odors to smoke damage on surfaces, our professionals must continually seek the most efficient approach to get your property back to preloss condition as soon as possible. Often, this means various types of premier cleaning services ranging from emergency actions to improving the aesthetic appeal of the property when restoration nears its conclusion.

Is There Cleaning that Should Happen Immediately?

Emergency services are a critical element of our fast response amid a disaster. Fires can be particularly problematic in that, even after extinguishment completes, the home can continue to get damaged by migrating effects. The solution to this situation is a prompt response where emergency services limit the spread and severity of loss effects after a structure fire. Some of these actions can lower the concentration of damaging effects, while others are meant to improve the efficiency of recovery solutions and deodorization. Some of these emergency services include:

    •    Debris Removal – Removing sediment, ash, and remnants of burned materials from the flooring throughout the house is vital to reducing the concentration of odors and soot.
    •    Soot Removal – Soot can be one of the most significant hazards for our technicians and the occupants of the house after a fire. We can clean it up with air scrubbers and agitative cleaning techniques.
    •    Controlled Demolition – Removing damaged portions of wall systems and other construction materials are beneficial for efficient reinstallation and reconstruction.

What Makes Debris Removal Valuable for Restoration?

Removing debris from damaged areas of your home requires multiple techniques. While many of these situations begin with shoveling out heaps of ash and material remnants, there often several other approaches at work to finalize the phase. Debris removal is a valuable approach for many reasons, and these include:

    •    Reduces odor strength
    •    Reduces the presence of soot and smoke residues
    •    Helps structural elements get cleaned on-site

How Can Soot Get Removed from Surfaces and Contents?

Soot it is often one of the most challenging aspects of cleaning up after a fire. These particles get generated from incomplete combustion of fuels. As much as this effect can be challenging to clean and compromise the aesthetics of affected materials, it is also a health hazard for those exposed. We take great care and consideration in ensuring that our responding technicians have the appropriate personal protective equipment to keep safe from migrating effects that could harm them like microscopic soot particles.

There are many incredible methods of removing soot from surfaces, contents, and the environment. Each of these approaches gets selected based on the severity of the situation, the materials affected, the area where soot exists, and other factors. The most conventional of these cleaning tactics include:

    •    Soda Blasting – Using various media such as baking soda or walnuts, we can harness pressurized glass to remove surface residues like soot and smoke.
    •    Emulsification – Oily soils can also be challenging to remove without the appropriate chemical solvents. In our inventory, water-based products can encircle oily particles and pull them from the surface to get rinsed away.
    •    Agitative Cleaning – Agitative cleaning practices often involve removing thicker residues from surfaces to make later cleaning simpler. Strategies for this approach include dry vacuuming, brushing, and steel wool.
    •    Controlled Demolition – When residues are more challenging to remove than initially projected, often, the only remaining solution is to remove these materials via controlled demolition.
    •    Pack-Out Restoration – Contents in the house impacted by soot and smoke residues can benefit from direct cleaning and recovery in the care of our professionals at our SERVPRO facility.

There are many strategies for cleaning up after a fire loss in your home, and our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team can help. Give us a call anytime that you need us at (508) 888-5985.

What Is the Difference Between Fire Restoration and Fire Remediation for My Falmouth Business?

6/18/2020 (Permalink)

fire damaged office Have a fire restoration issue? Call SERVPRO of Falmouth to mitigate your fire damage business.

Our Construction Specialists Go Beyond Mere Remediation to Fire Restoration of Your Damaged Falmouth Commercial Building

The first steps after a fire damages your Falmouth business include moving contents away from the most severely affected areas, firefighting water removal, soot evaluation and cleaning, debris cleanup, and deodorization. Sometimes this is enough to make your building whole, providing a space where your business can thrive, but not always.

What Happens When Fire Severely Damages and Makes Structural Materials Unsafe?

Not every blaze is caught before significant damage is done, and your Falmouth business needs fire restoration in addition to preliminary mitigation and remediation. We frequently see the following after a fire emergency, requiring some form of demolition, repairs, resurfacing, and rebuilding:

  • Stairs, walls, and ceilings can collapse
  • Floors and supporting structures can weaken, rendering them inadequate for weight-bearing
  • Roofs and siding can burn through
  • Fixtures can char beyond the ability of even a skilled technician to save
  • Trapped fire fighting water can need release, necessitating flood cuts and weep holes

Why Is It Smart to Hire a Contractor Who Can Do It All After Commercial Fire Loss?

SERVPRO does not overextend our employees by taking on a fire restoration project start to finish. Instead, we streamline a complicated but interrelated process, ensuring our work crews assigned during each step of the process are highly-qualified in their specialties. You have plenty on your plate reassuring customers, employees, and vendors that your fire-damaged business is on the mend. Take acting as a general contractor off your to-do list. Allow our construction division to support our Water Damage Restoration Technicians (WRT) and Fire and Smoke Restoration Technicians (FSRT) as needed, and then build back what was lost in the fire before handing the keys back.

Wrap-around fire mitigation and remediation through restoration are within the team's capability at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster, on-site promptly 24/7 after your call to (508) 888-5985.

Contractor Licenses:

General: CS-108357

What is the Difference Between Wet and Dry Smoke in Falmouth?

6/11/2020 (Permalink)

home after fire No matter what type of fire loss that your home experiences, our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team can help.

Fire And Smoke Damage In Falmouth

Fires in Falmouth homes can vary substantially, which requires our experienced SERVPRO team to adapt to changing conditions from one site to the next.

All fires in Falmouth do not burn at the same temperatures and speed, meaning that the damage to homes varies substantially from one emergency to another. But between the varying loss effects that can threaten your property, our experienced technicians can help with practical strategies for removing debris, cleaning residues, and deodorizing the house.

One of the primary separating factors for fire damage in Falmouth homes is the type of smoke damage. As materials burn, smoke and combustion residues come to rest on surfaces and contents throughout the house. This damage might be wet or dry smoke, and these conditions vary based on the temperature of the fire and its blistering pace. This variance often has much to do with atmospheric conditions and the combustible materials involved.

How Does Wet Smoke Residue Get Removed?

Wet smoke gets produced by smoldering, lower-temperature fires. It can leave a thick residue on surfaces that are challenging to clean and remove without the expertise of our restoration professionals combined with effective strategies such as:

    •    Abrasive Cleaning
    •    Soda Blasting
    •    Water-Based Solvents
    •    Controlled Demolition

Is Dry Smoke Damage Easier to Restore?

Instead of a thick and challenging residue on surfaces, dry smoke damage leaves a chalky film that can often get wiped clean. While the after-effects of dry smoke, higher-temperature fires might be easier to clean, these conditions also can cause more widespread and total destruction. Dry smoke fires spread quickly throughout the property, producing a more pressing need for reconstruction and rebuilding services.

No matter what type of fire loss that your home experiences, our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team can help. We have experienced professionals ready to mobilize whenever disaster strikes by calling (508) 888-5985.

What Kinds of Storm Events Inflict the Consequence of Flooding in My Falmouth Home?

6/8/2020 (Permalink)

living room flooded with floating chair Call us for assistance of any kind!

Falmouth Flood Damage Can Have Many Storm-Related Causes -- SERVPRO Prepares to Help for Any Scenario

As the severe storm season starts to ramp up in the Atlantic, you are wise to consider how to ready yourself for the many different ways you might experience its impact. Regardless of how the floodwaters invade your Falmouth spaces, the overall goals are the same:

    •    Get the water out fast
    •    Dispose of it lawfully
    •    Clean away debris and residues
    •    Disinfect
    •    Dry affected materials

How Can a Restoration Company Help with Safety and Security?

Homeowners who have never used our services might be surprised at the emphasis we place on safety assessment and securing your dwelling. Falmouth flood damage from storm activity can include significant exterior breaches, roofs, windows, and siding taking hits from wind and debris, and exposing your home to the elements. Our well-trained and equipped crews board and tarp up holes while managers assess the interior for safety hazards like a slip, trip, and fall; electrical shock; and the imminent collapse of walls and ceilings where building cavities are full of rainwater.

Is There the Possibility of Saltwater Flooding My Home?

Our community's location with Buzzards Bay to the north and Vineyard and Nantucket Sounds to the west and south put homes at risk of storm surge mixing in with the torrents of rain. Saltwater flooding complicates remediation somewhat, with freshwater flushing possibly a recommendation before water removal completes. Saltwater is a contaminant, exposing metals to heightened oxidation risk, concrete to slow but steady deterioration, and wood structures to delignification. Extra care needs to be taken when saltwater and electrical currents cross paths, as the salt increases conductivity.

Am I Responsible for Proper Disposal of Contaminated Flood Waters?

Flooding issues are already complicated, and then issues surrounding the hazardous substances mixed or dissolved in the floodwaters arise. SERVPRO is familiar with local rules and regulations about the lawful and safe disposal of contaminated waters flooding inside your home. Chemicals, insects, animals, sewage, and industrial waste are among the potentially dangerous substances contained in overland and flash flood water. We contain the dirty water and take all steps necessary to discard it as hazardous waste. Rely on our experience and vigilance in remaining current with current rules. We obtain needed permits and document how we managed the water.

How Do I Get to Water that Migrates into Building Cavities?

When large amounts of water invade your home, it is a dynamic force, seeping through cracks and crevices. Spaces in cinder blocks, between walls, under floors and cabinets, and more can hide standing water and deflect your attention from moisture absorbed into structures. Our technicians use moisture detectors and meters and thermal imaging cameras to seek out and locate trapped water. If needed, our crews use controlled demolition to release water and gain access for drying efforts. Flood cuts, which take out several inches of a wall from the floor to above the waterline, and drilled holes under baseboards and in mortar joints, create ways to drain and dry wet recesses.

Is Gutter and Downspout Maintenance Worth the Hype?

Consider the dramatic scenarios with which our coastal community copes during "training" rainstorms and intense timeframes like a hurricane and Nor'easter seasons. Is it worthwhile to spend any time worrying about the drainage system for your roof when these events appear cataclysmic? Periodic reminders in the media, and maybe from family, neighbors, and friends, push the idea that gutters and downspouts are crucial in the fight to keep water from flooding your home. Are you convinced?

What Do Gutters and Downspouts Do?

Even in ordinary rainstorms, a dependable drainage system at your roofline helps move vast quantities of precipitation off your house and direct it at least ten feet away from your foundation. Just because rain is unaccompanied by high winds does not eliminate the flooding danger it poses to your home. If water falling over the entirety of your roof sheets down directly next to your foundation, it makes its way through the stone, brick, concrete, or cinder block and into your basement.

What Steps Do I Take to Avoid Gutter and Downspout Failure in the Future?

Get into a routine. Gutters can fill with roof granules, leaves, sticks, and other debris. These impediments to free-flowing rainwater must be removed regularly. Check on the condition of the components, fasteners, and connections, and immediately arrange to replace, repair, and upgrade.

Is It Feasible to Find a Flood Damage Restoration Contractor that Can Do It All?

As our crews work through the debris cleanup, contaminated water removal and disposal, residue remediation, disinfection, and structural drying, you often are not back to preloss condition. Structural damage, including planned demolition to release hidden water and enhance drying efforts, remains. Rather than shaking your hand and referring you to another contractor for rebuilding, we can help you with repairs, replacement, and reconstruction, licensed in the state of Massachusetts.

Trust the team at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands to stand with you and implement successful strategies to bring you out of a storm-related flood situation successfully. Call us for assistance of any kind at (508) 888-5985.

What Should I Prepare For After An Attic Fire In My Falmouth Home?

5/28/2020 (Permalink)

Burnt house interior. Burned furniture, kitchen cabinet, charred walls and ceiling in black soot SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands can help you resolve any challenging situation after fire damage, “Like it never even happened.”

Dealing with Attic Fire Damage in Falmouth Homes Presents Many Challenges, but SERVPRO Can Help You Address Them Conveniently

Fire damage can be localized to a small section of your Falmouth property if it is controlled in time. If the damage is restricted to the attic, you might face a significant challenge of cleaning up and restoring the damaged materials.

What factors make restoring attic fire damage in Falmouth homes challenging?

    •    Attic fires go unnoticed longer
    •    Most of the building materials in the area have unfinished surfaces
    •    Presence of junk or other items stored there
    •    Presence of utility lines such as power cables or air ducts

If a fire breaks out in your Falmouth attic, it might take a few extra seconds or minutes before anyone realizes something is wrong. In most cases, such fires become apparent only when smoke or flames are visible are under the eaves or inside the house. That delay gives the fire a chance to consume more materials and residues to settle deeper into materials, thus adding another layer of challenge for the restorers to handle.

Most of the construction materials in the attic, including trusses and frames, have unfinished surfaces. Such surfaces are porous, which leads to profound residue deposits. Although the materials are out of sight, leaving traces of residues can cause several problems, including persistent odor in the house. Our SERVPRO technicians help clean residues and remove the odor using a wide range of techniques including:
    •    Soda blasting to remove residues
    •    Sanding to remove charring and stubborn residues
    •    Sealing structural timber, with deodorizing pre-sealer

Does smoke leave the attic naturally?

Since attics have minimal openings, ventilating the smoke produced during the fire can be a challenge. Before applying regular ventilation techniques such as forcing the residue-filled air out with box fans, an opening is required. Our SERVPRO technicians can help by opening up the roof or removing the louvers to create the space necessary for proper ventilation.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands can help you resolve any challenging situation after fire damage, “Like it never even happened.” Call us at (508) 888-5985 to help.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned – a defensive cleaning program

5/20/2020 (Permalink)

Table tent signs describing the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program on top of a wooden table. Our defensive cleaning program gives your business a way forward by providing your employees and customers ongoing safety and assuredness.

Let us help you get back to business

As our communities re-open in Falmouth, we’re all moving back toward a new kind of normal. The expectations of visitors, customers, and employees who come into our establishments have evolved, and staying safe and well is a top concern. The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed what it means to be clean, and we’ve developed a program to help your business meet the new higher standard of clean that is now expected.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned is a defensive cleaning program we’re offering to businesses and commercial locations to address the current COVID-19 pandemic. This proactive viral pathogen cleaning program goes well beyond janitorial or carpet cleaning. By choosing Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you, your employees, your customers, and your community can rest assured that you’ve selected a higher cleaning standard – you are Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

Extensive training and specialized products

As the #1 choice in cleanup and restoration*, we stand on more than 50 years of experience and expertise to help your business become Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.  Beyond fire & water, SERVPRO professionals are trained and experienced in biohazard decontamination and chemical spills – always adhering to the cleaning and decontamination standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities. 

From formulating and creating our proprietary cleaning products, like SERVPROXIDE, at our headquarters in Gallatin, TN, to taking the utmost care while disinfecting, we will ensure you and your business are set up to inspire consumer confidence as the economy continues to reopen.

3 C’s – Consult, Clean, and Certify

When the stakes are this high, you want a partner who has developed an industry leading, proprietary training program, cleaning solutions, and remediation processes over decades. We’ve cleaned up some of the most challenging biohazards imaginable. Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned reflects our unique experiences and capabilities. The program is grounded with our unique 3 C’s: Consult, Clean, and Certify.

  • Consult – Every business is different, which is why you’ll be assigned a Cleaning Protocol Consultant who understands your business and will create a cleaning program to meet your specific needs. This program will be developed based on your business type, size of space, amount of high frequency touchpoints, foot traffic and congestion points.
  • Clean – Based on your specific business needs, your location will undergo a thorough, deep clean, using exclusive cleaning products, according to protocols set forth by the CDC. Our employees have years of experience, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform. Cleanup procedures generally include cleaning of porous and non-porous surfaces, disinfecting of non-porous surfaces, cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, tools, and/or supplies used for cleanup process, and disposal of hazardous materials.  In the event of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 event, we will be there cleaning within 24 hours to ensure you get back to business as quickly as possible. 
  • Certify - Once your business location has been Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you will gain access to proprietary signage, digital emblems, and other collateral that communicates that you’ve selected a higher standard of clean available to help protect your employees and customers. And because we add the day, month, and year to that proprietary stamp of clean, your guests will know that not only did you choose Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, but that your location is being cleaned regularly at this standard.

Call today for a Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation

We’re Here to Help – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – until life is back to normal in the communities we all call home.

Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands today at (508) 888-5985 for your Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation.

* #1 Choice in cleanup & restoration based Commercial Attitude & Usage Tracking study. Polling 816 commercial business decision makers on first choice for future needs related to cleanup & restoration work. Study conducted by C&R Research: October 2019

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned means professionally trained SERVPRO franchises perform the requested cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection services according to proprietary SERVPRO protocols and recognized industry and CDC standards with EPA approved cleaning products to deliver a SERVPRO certified cleaning experience.  Each SERVPRO franchise is independently owned and operated.

We Got Hit with a Major Storm in Falmouth, How Can I Clean Up the Floodwater?

5/17/2020 (Permalink)

Flood in a house with furniture floating Give us a call at (508) 888-5985, and we will deploy a team to make it “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO Offers Reliable Flood Damage Restoration to Bring Your Falmouth Property Back to Pre-Loss Condition

If your home suffers extensive storm damage, you need a team that can spring into action fast. This is especially true when flooding is involved, as these waters come with a variety of debris and contaminants. SERVPRO is available 24/7 in emergencies like this to help you get the prompt water removal and cleanup; you need to return your interior to pre-flood loss condition.

Why is SERVPRO the Best Choice for Flood Restoration?

Our Green Fleet is stocked with the latest equipment and products necessary to help us provide fast, efficient help when your home suffers flood damage in Falmouth. You can count on us for:

    •    Prompt Response: Our crew arrives in as little as four hours ready to get to work
    •    Documentation: We know it is a stressful time, so we take care of the paperwork for you to ensure that the project goes as smoothly as possible with your insurance company
    •    Equipment: The trucks are filled with water extraction tools, moisture detection equipment, and EPA-registered cleaning agents provide our customers with professional results.

What Can I Salvage After the Flood?

Plenty of damage happens after a storm rips through the Falmouth area, but our skilled technicians work quickly to limit additional damage. We ensure your home is free of moisture that can bring on mold and mildew, as well as foul odors. Everything gets cleaned and disinfected thoroughly so that your interior is safe for your family to go about your daily life.

With the attention to detail and specialized planning that SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands has to offer, you can get back to your routine faster after flood damage. Give us a call at (508) 888-5985, and we will deploy a team to make it “Like it never even happened.”

For more about Falmouth click here.

Water Has Damaged My Home, Who Can Help?

5/2/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO technicians finishing up a job Technicians in East Falmouth are finishing up a water damage house. SERVPRO does it again.

Call SERVPRO to Perform Water Removal in Your Falmouth Home

Whether it is a faulty water heater or a burst water pipe, it takes only a short time for water to damage the structure and contents of a Falmouth area home. Once you notice a water emergency, it is essential to act immediately to hire professionals who can restore your home to its preloss condition, whenever possible.

How do restoration experts extract water in a property?

It is crucial to note that it takes only a few inches of water or even a large spill to cause significant damage to valuable items. Since we understand how devastating water damage can turn out, our team of highly trained water restoration experts can perform water removal in your Falmouth residence promptly to avoid further damage. Our technicians have decades of experience and access to state-of-the-art equipment and tools that help us handle any magnitude of water damage. We use cutting-edge techniques that protect homes against mold, microbes, and odors. You can trust SERVPRO technicians to extract water, clean, and deodorize your residence effectively.

Can I remove water from my residence before the restoration experts arrive?

You can begin the water removal process depending on the amount of water present in your residence. A large puddle from a leak? Sure, try a mop and bucket. If the water levels are high, wait for us for extraction, you may exacerbate the situation. If the weather is conducive, open the windows to allow air circulation and remove the affected furniture outside. Remove items in the flooded area to safeguard them from damage. More extensive damage can occur to furnishings and building materials the longer water remains on them. Failing to remove the water fast can also encourage mold growth.

If the water levels are too high for your water removal equipment to handle, it is crucial to wait for the SERVPRO team to arrive. It takes a short time for clean water to turn to gray water, and then black water, which can cause unhealthy conditions for the residents. We have a wide range of advanced extraction equipment and tools that can handle any amount of water.

Can restoration experts help me file my insurance claim?

Many home insurance policies provide coverage for water damage if the cause is accidental and sudden. The Insurance Information Institute reports that homeowners insurance can help pay for repairs for reasons such as:

• If drywall gets drenched after a water heater raptures
• A pipe bursts upstairs and water saturates the ceiling underneath
Depending on what is destroyed, two kinds of coverage within a homeowner’s insurance policy can apply:
• Dwelling coverage – It helps pay for damage to the structure of a house if a covered peril damages it. Therefore if a pipe bursts suddenly and ruins a wall, dwelling coverage can pay for repairs.
• Personal property coverage – It helps pay for damage to your possessions if a covered risk ruins them.

Before beginning the water extraction process, you need to contact your insurance company to determine how much coverage is available. Our team can work with your insurance adjuster to make it easier for you to claim for compensation. The cause of damage and its extent may determine your coverage.

Our technicians have years of experience in dealing with local adjusters and insurance companies. Our technicians can document your loss by taking photos before we work on the affected area, during the mitigation process, and after completing the job.

As part of our water damage cleanup procedure, our team of experts can also include the drying logs and sketches. We work hard to make sure our customers enjoy a hassle-free experience from the moment you call us to the minute we complete the restoration process.

Which water restoration equipment and tools do professionals use?

Some tools we can use to handle water damage include

• Water extraction units
• Air moving equipment
• Inspection devices
• Deodorizing equipment

Water extraction is the primary process that SERVPRO technicians use to speed up the drying process and to minimize further damage in your property. We can use stationary tools that extract water from the carpet and pad. Since the tool needs weight to work effectively, one of our restoration technicians can stand on the device to help it extract as much water as possible. After using the stationary tool, our technician can use a carpet wand to remove residue water on the surface of the carpet. The machine is useful for extracting the excess water, leaving moisture only.

If the moisture left on the surface is not extracted on time, it can lead to mold growth. We can use axial air movers to speed up the evaporation process.

Water damage comes along with unpleasant odors, which can persist if not mitigated on time. Our team can use different equipment to eliminate bad odor from your property, including:

• Air scrubbers
• Hydroxyl generators
• Ventilating box fans
Thermal foggers
• Scented beads

When dealing with water damage, you can rely on SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands for reliable water removal services that can restore your residence to its preloss condition. “Like it never even happened.” Talk to us today at (508) 888-5985.

What is the Best Way to Cleanup Smoke and Fire Damage in a Nantucket Garage?

4/16/2020 (Permalink)

fire damaged property The technicians arrive quickly and bring your property to its pre-fire loss condition.

SERVPRO has been helping Nantucket homeowners for decades with fire loss restoration

Garage fires can get out of control quickly, particularly when flammable substances get stored incorrectly. However, the number one cause of most fires in this area of the home happens due to the overloading of electrical outlets and malfunctions. Because of the lack of monitoring in many garages, the fire tends to burn longer and have more opportunity to spread. It is vital to bring in a professional mitigation company to ensure that soot and smoke residues get eradicated.

Can Fire Damage Spread to From the Garage to Other Areas of the Home?
When this attached garage in Nantucket had fire damage, SERVPRO techs found extensive charring and smoke damage on the walls and ceiling. Containment through the use of heavy plastic over doorways leading to the home is a beneficial method to halt the spread of soot and odors to the rest of the house.

Cleanup and Controlled Demo
Charred items that have no potential for restoration through cleaning get removed for disposal. Technicians needed to remove the plywood and sheetrock around the area of the fire epicenter, exposing the framework. Specific cleaning agents get used for removing the remaining smoke residues to ready the garage for repairs.

Odor Control is a Must
The techs have a diverse selection of scent neutralizing applications depending on the level of odor control needed.

Finding Reconstruction Services After Restoration Efforts Complete
With their general construction license #CS-108357, SERVPRO techs make it easy to go from restoration to rebuilding as soon as the cleanup completes. This enables life to get back to normal even faster.

When you need help with a garage with fire damage, contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985. The technicians arrive quickly and bring your property to its pre-fire loss condition.

For more about Nantucket click here.

Fire Damage Clean Up In Falmouth

4/12/2020 (Permalink)

fire causing damage We have experienced technicians and advanced equipment to make losses “Like it never even happened.”

How Do I Clean Up Fire Damages in a Falmouth School Building?

Our SERVPRO team has efficient fire cleaning practices for your Falmouth school to get students and faculty back into the building as soon as possible.

Fires in a Falmouth school force immediate actions from faculty and administration to ensure the safety and wellbeing of students and teachers. Because fires can originate from many different sources, each of these situations is unique for firefighters, and even the restoration teams dispatched to help clean up the mess. Removing fire damages involves multiple approaches and advanced technology that often far exceeds the inventory of your custodial team.

Why Should I Choose Professional Fire Restoration?

    •    Fast Response
    •    Qualified Technicians
    •    Advanced Equipment and Technologies

When fire losses or any disaster occurs in a public school, it is vital to get professionals moving quickly to help. There is always a demanding timeline with public institutions because so many Falmouth residents can get directly affected by school closures or limitations. This need makes the fast response of SERVPRO professionals a vital resource in combating present fire loss effects in the school and preventing them from spreading farther than they already have.

One of the ways that our team stands out from traditional cleaning teams like your custodians maintaining the grounds is our extensive training and experience in fire recovery. The Fire and Smoke Restoration Technicians (FSRT) and Odor Control Technicians (OCT) of our roster have gotten accredited through the standard-setting Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) firm. These endorsements can show our knowledge and experience before we even begin work on the school.

There are many ways that traditional wipe cleaning and conventional cleansers can cause more damage to the facility after a fire. With situations like soot residues, wipe cleaning can smear the affected surface and cause staining. All aspects of cleaning after a fire loss emergency involve varying levels of our advanced equipment and technology with the focus on protecting as much of the exposed materials and contents as possible.

How Does Content Management Work After a Fire?

    •    On-Site Cleaning
    •    Relocation
    •    Pack-Out Process

In your public-school system, the resources and supply of books are finite and precious. Protecting these contents involves a wide array of actions and possible approaches, beginning with on-site cleaning. The most cost-effective solution for your Falmouth school is restoring items and equipment on-site rather than relocating it or moving it to our nearby warehouse. With the use of potent cleaning products and practices, we can evaluate the effectiveness of on-site cleaning to determine how we can help without higher costs or more significant time expenses.

There are many instances when relocation can solve many of the pressing concerns for contents in fire-damaged areas of your school. Moving books, furniture, and soft fabrics to unaffected portions of the building can reduce the severity of odor and residue damage to these items.

Pack-out processes involve relocating damaged belongings and items to our SERVPRO facility. Content management professionals oversee more deliberate cleaning approaches, from immersion cleaning for soot removal or our ozone chamber for the deodorization of multiple contents simultaneously. Recovered and restored items can get stored safely in our climate-controlled warehouse until full cleaning of the school has finished.

How Can You Clean Up Fire Loss Effects?

    •    Soot
    •    Residues
    •    Ash and Debris

Cleaning up after a fire, even one that stays localized to a specific area of your Falmouth school can be a challenge without the right equipment and products. Soot is one of the most significant obstacles after a fire because it requires specific methods for cleaning, all while presenting potential hazards for those exposed. With approaches like soda blasting, our technicians can remove soot from painted concrete masonry units (CMU) used for the walls of individual rooms.

Likewise, residues that are not caused by soot can also be a hurdle for responding fire restoration technicians. Our SERVPRO professionals must determine the appropriate cleaning product, typically related to the type of soil affecting the material surface. Oil-based residues require specific chemical agents to trap and clean.

Fire debris might be minimal in your school setting, primarily because CMUs are natural deterrents for spreading fire, and the inclusion of fire-retardant insulation at the tops of these wall systems can reduce the movement of fire effects from one room to the next. Where debris does exist, it is beneficial to remove it quickly to reduce the severity of related conditions like odors and circulating soot or ash.

Will the Building Air Out or is Deodorization Required?

    •    Ventilation and Airflow
    •    Open Area Deodorization
    •    Trapped Odors

A common misconception about fire losses is that specific effects go away on their own, but this is not usually the case. For odors, the immediate harshness of these conditions can lessen with ventilation and moving air through your Falmouth school, but it does not always address the full measure of the concerns. Materials like drop ceiling tile can absorb smoke odors and amplify this scent long after the disaster when warmer conditions cause pores in the material to expand.

Among the most immediate odor concerns for the facility circulate in the environment where the fire took place. With air quality being a focus as well for our SERVPRO team, we can utilize dual-purpose machines for these open area needs the school. Hydroxyl generators can not only produce UV cleansing with the production of hydroxyl radicals that neutralize odors, but the machine also features onboard HEPA filtration.

Between flooring and ceiling tiles, odors can become trapped and might even appear to be gone. An assuring step that our professionals can take to ensure that fire odors get sufficiently neutralized is utilizing our thermal fogging equipment. The gaseous deodorization compound created by this machine can penetrate porous materials to eliminate trapped odors in surfaces and contents.

There is a demanding timeline to get the school back to full functionality after fire emergencies occur, and our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands professionals can help. We have experienced technicians and advanced equipment to make losses “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call today at (508) 888-5985.

For more about Falmouth click here.

When Washing Machines Bring Water Damage to Falmouth

3/20/2020 (Permalink)

Washing machine and dryer; standing water on the floor Washing machines cause many homeowners to experience water damage each year. Inspect your hoses often and look for signs of water damage.

Water Damage Falmouth – Washing Machine Malfunction

Washing machines and dryers reside in many homes. It is not uncommon for homeowners to begin a load of laundry and then run out to complete errands, drive the kids to activities, or even go to work. Virtually all manufacturers caution buyers never to leave laundry machines unattended, yet many people do every day. Occasionally the results can be disastrous, causing significant flooding in their home from an overflowing washing machine or laundry tub.

SERVPRO provides water damage mitigation and reconstruction services in Falmouth and surrounding areas. We respond in less than four hours from your call and are available on a 24 / 7 basis. We have over 35 years of experience in the industry and also provides full repair and reconstruction services in conjunction with water, fire, mold, and storm mitigation services. Our contractor's license is General: CS-108357.

Laundry Room Floods

Water inlet hoses can leak; outlet hoses can fall out of the receptacle, or the laundry tub or the tub drain can become clogged, preventing water from draining. The result is a great deal of water on the floor that quickly spreads to adjacent rooms, soaking flooring and weeping into the drywall of your walls.

SERVPRO utilizes a variety of equipment in situations like these. We use shop vacs to remove water on hard surface floors and weighted extractors to remove water from carpeting and underpadding. We utilize moisture meters to check for moisture inside walls and hard to reach areas. Our technicians may need to remove baseboards and drill access holes in the walls to check for moisture as well as blow dry air into cavities to absorb moisture.

We deploy air movers and dehumidifiers throughout the area of your home, impacted by water damage to absorb moisture and lower the humidity levels to dry your home. We may ask homeowners to turn on the AC system to manage the humidity levels further. Our team of subcontractors can also assist with repairs and reconstruction to save time and reduce the total cost of water damage mitigation in your home.

Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 for 24/7 service. We proudly serve East Sandwich, West Tisbury, and surrounding areas. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.

More about Falmouth.

SERVPRO Professional COVID-19 Sanitizing Services

3/13/2020 (Permalink)

A person using a pump sprayer SERVPRO can perform sanitizing cleaning services to disinfect both your facility and it's contents.

To our neighbors and clients,
We at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands wants you to know that we take the current status of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) seriously and are diligently monitoring the situation closely. We are prepared to respond when you need services for your business. Whether you would like to take precautionary measures to minimize the spread of germs with proactive cleaning or need to sanitize due to exposure of a person testing positive to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) we can perform sanitizing cleaning services to disinfect both the facility and it’s contents.

For more information or to schedule an appointment please call us today at 508-888-5985.

Best Regards,

Bill and Beth Russell

We Put The Flames Of Worry Out In Falmouth After A Fire

3/11/2020 (Permalink)

A chimney in a home that is covered in soot and smoke damage after a fire We have state of the art equipment, expertise and experience to restore your home right away to prevent further damage.

The Smoke Smell is Driving Me Crazy!

Home fires are more commonplace than one would imagine. Among the traditional culprits, you find cooking mishaps, flammable liquids, candles, and smoking. However, many homeowners fail to realize that the use of portable heaters can also increase the risk of fire damage in your home. We usually operate under the assumption that our space heater is just a small appliance designed with safety in mind, unknowingly exposing our home and family to a potential catastrophe. Even when the ensuing fire is a small one, the effects of the flames can be long-lasting and a constant reminder of our vulnerability.

If your home in Falmouth falls victim to fire damage, your top priority should be to enlist the help of a professional service of our technicians at SERVPRO. The accident in your home can leave a wide array of consequences, including smoke and soot, as well as soaking wet items as the result of the extinguishing agents and sprinkler system. Luckily, our team is ready to apply the latest techniques to restore your home and make the fire a thing of the past. Our business acumen prepares us to tailor our solutions to your needs, regardless of the scope of the fire damage.

Very often, our SERVPRO team hears our clients complaining about the smell the fire left behind. Most people are unaware that the path of the fire, as well as the chemical composition of what burned, dictates the characteristics of its remnants. The variability in fire damage is a crucial consideration when we determine which techniques to apply in your home. For example, as we deodorize your house, we may choose to remove particles in the air by scrubbing it with filtering equipment capable of capturing small particles. Alternatively, we may choose to use a thermal fogger that deploys molecules to interact with the smell particles and counteract their strength.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands keeps up with the latest in restoration practices, so you don’t have to. When you call us at (508) 888-5985 after a fire, you access a team of experts working in your best interest. Like you, we want all traces of fire and smoke out of your home, so you can go on with life “Like it never even happened.”

See more about Falmouth.

The Speed of the Water Removal Makes the Difference in Falmouth Homes

3/3/2020 (Permalink)

"Need Help?" We can get your property back to the state it was in before the unfortunate incident.

You Need SERVPRO’s Experts For Quick and Thorough Water Removal and Remediation 

When water damage occurs, the timer starts ticking on the degrading of the water and the loss occurring to the carpet, walls, and contents of the home. Airborne mold spores can germinate as quickly as 24 hours, and after 48 hours, the water can have bacteria that make it unsafe to handle without personal protective equipment. 

SERVPRO technicians know that the more thoroughly and faster they perform the water removal in Falmouth properties, the more loss they can help the property owner avoid. 

Types of Water Extraction Equipment 

The equipment makes the difference in how rapidly the water removal phase of restoration goes. SERVPRO techs have access to an extensive array of equipment designed for use on specific surfaces. Centrifugal pumps have the pulling power to extract deeply embedded moisture, and the addition of a weight extractor head makes it ideal for use on wet carpet and padding. Thus, saving homeowners from the stress of having to replace their carpet as a water loss. They also have the equipment to work on flooring made of tile, wood, and other substrates for the best results. 

Controlled Demolition Actions are Necessary

When water wicks into sheetrock, there is a limited time for removal and drying before permanent damage results. Once the interior core of the building materials gets wet, often, that is the point of no return, and it requires removal. SERVPRO techs halt the water loss through the use of actions such as flood cuts. This controlled demolition cleanly removes damaged sheetrock and leaves as much of the wall intact as possible. 

Going from Restoration to Reconstruction

A significant stress factor after a water loss in a home after the restoration is the repairs and rebuilding necessary to return a home to its preloss condition. When a property requires any type of repairs, the certified technicians have a general contractor license #CS-108357 and can perform anything needed to undo the results of the water loss.

Contact the certified techs at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 when you need rapid water removal in your home. Their advanced equipment and restoration methods make the loss, "Like it never even happened."

Learn more about Falmouth.

Containment Strategies to Limit Fire Damage Impact on Your North Falmouth Retail Space

2/24/2020 (Permalink)

Open sign We will get you back to business as usual. Call us anytime at (508) 888-5985.

You Need the Professionals with the Experience and Equipment Required for Fire Damage Restoration to your North Falmouth Property 

Responding with professional mitigation and remediation techniques to the immediate harm from a blaze in a North Falmouth shop or boutique is one challenge. Addressing the long-term risk of closing for restoration is another. Although your customers feel concerned about your plight, they also need to obtain the goods and services you provided before the fire. We work with you on ways to maintain a presence for your client base while restoration proceeds.

Protecting Unaffected Spaces During Restoration Efforts

When your North Falmouth shop suffered fire damage, some spaces were spared the heat and smoke. As we assess your scenario, it is essential that the damaged spaces be contained to prevent the drift of residues and odors into the non-contaminated areas. We also know if a portion of your store can remain open, your customer’s level of confidence that your business will survive this setback increases. Businesses that close their doors after a disaster fail to reopen successfully nearly 50 percent of the time.

Containment and Air Scrubbing Technology

SERVPRO crews use our construction expertise to wrap the fire damage remediation workspace in 6 mil polyethylene, sealing the edges of the containment pod using the negative pressure of an air scrubber. The scrubbing technology uses HEPA filters to capture airborne soot and other residues, minimizing odor retention and ensuring that as our team moves through, cleaning efforts do not spread the residues. This strategy also works during water extraction if needed in cases where sprinkler systems and firefighting fluids knocked down the flames. 

Fast and Mindful Response

We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster, but we balance speed with respect for your need to continue operations. Expect our professionals to work diligently and efficiently, keeping areas of your business the public still accesses free of debris and equipment. Throughout the project, our project manager keeps the lines of communication open, discussing how best to coordinate the fire damage recovery with minimal impact on your business. We may adapt work hours or scale up or down the number of technicians to streamline the process. 

Count on the team at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands to craft a creative and personalized fire restoration plan for your business. Call us at (508) 888-5985 as soon as possible to explore your options.

Contractor Licenses:

General: CS-108357

Learn more about North Falmouth.

We Get You Back In Business In Falmouth After A Flood

2/8/2020 (Permalink)

One of our green vans in the parking lot of a business Our trained technicians bring the state of the art equipment necessary to clean up your business after a storm. We are available 24/7 so call us.

Commercial Flood Damage Falmouth – Rapid Response

Flooding caused by heavy rainstorms can inundate a building within minutes. Excess water must find somewhere to go, and it usually takes the path of least resistance. Cleaning, drying, and repairs can be completed once the floodwaters recede.

SERVPRO of Falmouth has been providing commercial flood damage restoration and recovery for our clients, relying on over 35 years of experience in the industry. We also have a reconstruction division that can restore your commercial building and return your company to regular operation affordably and quickly.

Rapid Responses Reduce Total Damage

The aftermath of a flood often leaves the contents covered in mud and debris. A severe flood may also damage parts of the structure, including windows, doors, walls, and even flooring. Your business comes to a standstill, and it may not recover unless temporary arrangements can be made. Owners may need to set up an emergency operations center to process customer orders. Commercial owners can focus on this aspect, while SERVPRO can focus on the restoration of your building and contents.

We can respond in less than 4 hours on a 24 / 7 basis with the appropriate equipment to begin recovery. After assessing the situation, we can set up a staging area to move undamaged contents into. Your employees can incorporate this area into their emergency recovery planning activities.

Working closely with your team, we can remove flood damaged items. Everything else may be cleaned and dried. We can deploy water extractors, vacuum wands, air movers, and dehumidifiers to dry your building thoroughly. If there is structural damage, our contractor licenses (General: CS-108357) allow SERVPRO to save your company time and money during the restoration and repair stage. Avoid delays waiting for subcontractors.

Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands at (508) 888-5985 for 24/7 service. We proudly serve West Tisbury, East Sandwich, and surrounding areas. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.

See more about Falmouth.

We Arrive As Quick As Possible To Begin Your Falmouth Flood Damage Restoration

1/21/2020 (Permalink)

A HEPA filter working in this room We have the state of the art equipment necessary to properly restore your home like this HEPA filter shown in the photo.

Flood Damage Falmouth – Dealing with the Damage

Anytime there is severe flooding, consumers are stressed, worried about their homes, their contents, and where can their family reside until the house is ready to live in again. How can the family recover from such a significant loss, and who can complete all of the repairs? Many are overwhelmed in the first hours and days after a significant flood.

Fortunately, SERVPRO has dealt with many flood damage events in Falmouth and surrounding areas. We understand how important it is to quickly assess the situation and provide our clients with a road map to repair or reconstruct their homes. We also take the time to protect the building by providing board up services as well as placing tarps on the roof if needed.

Developing a Recovery Plan

The first step for the SERVPRO crew chief once he has arrived on site, is to introduce himself and his team. Next, the client is asked to show the flood damaged area. The crew chief also needs to know the customer's priorities, unique items that should be found and cleaned, and any concerns the customer has about the damage. The technicians also require space to offload tools and test equipment.

While SERVPRO cannot make any promises about what can be replaced or repaired until the insurance adjuster has also reviewed the situation, we can develop a plan to remove debris, clean your home and make emergency repairs. We also inspect the building for any safety hazards. Electricity, bio-hazards, mold, as well as pre-existing damage, are verified.

SERVPRO reviews the recovery plan with the insurance adjuster and our client, and then begins the necessary work to return your home to its original condition, "Like it never even happened."

We are a licensed Commercial Contractor, License # General: CS-108357, and can coordinate all of the repair and construction work, saving time and reducing total costs.

Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands at (508) 888-5985 for 24/7 service. We proudly serve Edgartown, West Tisbury, and surrounding areas. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.

See more about Falmouth.

Call The Skilled Professionals At SERVPRO To Restore Your Falmouth Home To Pre-Damage Condition

1/19/2020 (Permalink)

home after damage We have the experience and the education to return the damaged property to its preloss condition quickly.

Our Experts Can Save Your Falmouth Property

Though our franchise has been around since 2008, we have more than 35 years of experience to offer Falmouth homes and businesses when disaster strikes. Our crew has strived to exceed the expectations of our clients, and that begins with a three-part policy rooted in hard work, fair pricing, and unmatched customer service. Because of our reputation in the industry, our experts have become a preferred choice for insurance companies, property managers, and business owners for more than a decade. When you are contending with the damaging effects of water, fire, mold, or storm losses, you can count on our SERVPRO restoration services to arrive quickly, work fast, and leave your home looking “Like it never even happened.”

Part of the reason that our fire recovery team has been so successful is because of our prompt response after the disaster. It is critical for mitigation efforts to begin as quickly as possible, and our arrival in your Falmouth home can help to begin addressing the most immediate and threatening effects of a fire loss. We have experienced professionals that are on call 24/7 and can mobilize with cutting-edge equipment and products.

Many of our clients use oil furnaces to heat their homes during the often-harsh winter months, but this alone can lead to potential complications for the residence. Puff backs result from the malfunction of some elements in the furnace, including defective spark transformers or clogged components. The result can be ionized soot that collects in the corners of rooms in Falmouth homes following the path of this soot throughout the air ducts. You might not realize that a problem has even occurred in some instances, as the soot can collect in a way that appears like a spider web.

Because so many different types of fire can occur, from these puff backs to electrical and kitchen fires, you need a tailored response that suits the effects in your Falmouth home specifically. Our professionals have the training through the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) as Fire & Smoke Restoration Technicians (FSRT) and Odor Control Technicians (OCT), helping us to address each unique situation knowledgeably and confidently.

Because the first 48 hours after a water loss incident are the most critical for recovery and restoration, we waste no time getting our team together and dispatched to a damaged address. Water damage in Falmouth can be a challenge to overcome, especially in situations where significant loss events have begun, and the migration of these effects involves multiple rooms and areas of the house. Our SERVPRO team is on call 24/7 to ensure that no customer waits for the mitigation and restoration work that their property needs.

We have invested in premier drying equipment to help restore your Falmouth home fully after a loss incident. From our hundreds of air movers, positive pressure systems, dehumidifiers, and more, we have the right approach for every situation. This equipment proved useful in 2017 when a Nor’easter brought temperatures down to a severe low, freezing many pipes and keeping our Water Restoration Technicians (WRT) and Applied Structural Drying (ASD) trained technicians working around the clock on multiple loss incidents throughout the area.

Even with our fast response, we must take precautionary measures to help limit the prolonged moisture and dampness exposure of construction materials and contents. Our team can utilize our potent line of antimicrobial agents and products to eliminate high concentrations of mold spores present on surfaces. With the right application of these products, we can limit the presence of mold colonization even when drying efforts exceed the 72-hour threshold for your Falmouth residence.

In situations where our SERVPRO team does not get made aware of water loss incidents and persistent dampness as quickly as they could, Falmouth homes can become susceptible to mold and microbial growth. Even when these situations have already started, we can work quickly to prevent colonies from moving beyond their current positions. Between the application of potent antimicrobials and sporicides to surfaces, or the use of soda blasting and sanding approaches, there are many ways that we can remediate colonies and help manage the damage to construction materials during this process.

Air filtration is an essential aspect of our mold remediation, and this process begins with containment protocols that limit the migration of mold spores and prevent debris and dust from traveling to new areas of your home. Air scrubbers, negative air machines, and hydroxyl generators all play a role in the filtration of contaminated air and work to reduce the severity of these conditions in your property.

Insurance coverage regarding the presence of mold and microbial threats can leave many homeowners confused or unsure about what processes get coverage and which do not. Our professionals can work out these details with your insurance adjuster and investigate what remediation tasks they cover moving forward. If you are curious if mold colonization exists in your Falmouth home, our team provides free mold inspections and estimates any time you need them.

Every season brings new threats to Falmouth homeowners and business owners, as weather events remain destructive year-round. From cold snaps and heavy snowfall in the winter to the torrential rainfalls of the spring and summer, our SERVPRO team must stay prepared for any emergency. Being on call 24/7 is not enough, however, as we have fully stocked production trailers with mitigation tools, cleaning supplies, content management packing materials, and cutting-edge drying and extraction equipment. We stay prepared for the damage your home could experience.

Storm surges are a common occurrence through all of the areas that we service. We strive to achieve dry conditions within 72 hours in clean water conditions where contamination is not a concern. We have potent antibacterial and disinfection products should we need to protect structural elements affected by storm damage in Falmouth properties.

Because we have an in-house restoration team licensed (#CS-108357) to address residential and commercial rebuilding and repair, we can provide real-time emergency board-up and tarping services when disasters can still worsen. When mitigation completes, these same professionals can help to repair and reconstruct areas severely damaged by flooding in Falmouth homes.

We understand that there are many concerns you have when your home falls victim to a loss incident, but our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team can help. We have the experience and the education to return the damaged property to its preloss condition quickly. Give our crew a call anytime at (508) 888-5985.


We Have The Effective Removal Strategies In Falmouth After A Flood

1/8/2020 (Permalink)

One of our green machines extracting water from the wet carpet in this home We have the state of the art equipment necessary to extract the water quickly to mitigate the water damage in your home after a flood.

Storm Debris Cleanup and Water Removal in Falmouth Homes

After a flood, your Falmouth home might not even look the same as it used to. Invading water can bring untold debris and threats into the property, and these are conditions that you must recognize. It is crucial that if you are one of the first people to re-enter your home after a flood that you do so cautiously. You are looking for several potential hazards, including shock threats, structural weaknesses, holes, and dangerous debris like broken glass or contaminants.

Post-storm debris cleanup is regularly the first step in the restoration of flood damage to Falmouth homes. Our SERVPRO professionals can also utilize this time when we first begin working on your property to remove standing water to better protect your house from requiring more elaborate controlled demolition. In certain situations, our technicians must shovel out sediment, mud, and other solids deposited on the floors of the affected areas of your house. Dry and wet vacuuming can also help to remove smaller bits of debris that are not as easily removed with shoveling and sweeping.

In many situations, we cannot begin full debris removal and cleaning of the affected areas because our SERVPRO technicians must first contend with standing water. Flood damage scenarios can allow for several feet of standing water in the most directly damaged areas of the house. Because the presence of solids is expected in this water, we can utilize stronger options with larger intake hoses like our gas-powered trash pumps.

Once we have dropped the water level to no more than two inches, devices like our wet vacuums can become useful both for the present debris and for removing the remaining surface water.

Flooding can become a devastating situation for many homeowners, and this can begin with the widespread threats that can enter the property with debris and contaminants. Our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team have effective removal strategies and disinfection techniques that can manage these situations and make flood losses “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call anytime at (508) 888-5985.

See more about Falmouth.

Multi-Story Water Damage from Bathroom in Falmouth Home

12/18/2019 (Permalink)

Bathroom with water spot on the ceiling around the pot lights Water Damage on this bathroom ceiling was remediated by SERVPRO

How SERVPRO can Assist after Water Damage

One of the most frustrating things about water damage is how fast under an inch of water has the potential to ruin so much in a home. Bathrooms are frequently ground zero for water loss in homes. 

The water damage in a Falmouth home gets amplified when the bathroom that caused the accident is on the second floor, and the water runs to the room below through the ceiling.  SERVPRO technicians have extensive training in handling this type of loss. 


The technicians do more than show up and set up fans to dry the property. They carefully scope the home to determine all areas of water migration, especially in cases where the water came through the ceiling below, which indicates water in the floor joists between the first and second floors that require removal and drying. 

Getting Water Out of Hard to Reach Places

Seeing water come out of a ceiling and hit the room below is a heart-dropping experience for most homeowners. SERVPRO technicians use techniques such as weep holes to allow the water to drain to minimize the damage to the building materials. In cases where the wall cavity or floor joists require more significant airflow, the techs remove damaged sheetrock as needed.

Drying Above and Below

When multiple stories receive the effects of damage from water, the technicians set up air movers and dehumidification equipment to handle both stories at once. They often use drying mats on the floor above to force air into the floor joists and point air movers upward on the story below to drive moisture to the surface where dehumidifiers capture it and port it off-site. 

What About Repairs?

Through their general contractor license #CS-108357, SERVPRO offers local property owners the ability to schedule not only water loss mitigation but any necessary repairs to fully restore the home. 

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is available 24/7 at (508) 888-5985 to handle any size water damage. They arrive quickly in their fully stocked green service vans to make the water loss in the home, "Like it never even happened."

Click here to see more about Falmouth.

Has Water Damaged Your Falmouth Hardwood Foors?

12/5/2019 (Permalink)

Water damaged hardwood floors Water quickly damaged hardwood floors. We have the training and equipment to dry your floors and restore the damage.

Professionals Fix Hardwood Flooring Water Damage in Falmouth  

Every day in the US, thousands of homeowners suffer from water-related disasters. Leaks alone misuse more than one trillion gallons of water every year. Not only is this a staggering loss of resources, but it can also cause an equally tremendous amount of damage to homes and communities. 

If water damage has affected your Falmouth home, SERVPRO professionals can be at your residence within hours of your call to address the source of the damage and restore the area to a preloss condition. Technicians and franchise owners alike receive extensive training in fire and water damage mitigation techniques, including restoration procedures for upholstery, structures, and other materials homeowners have that can be affected by water. SERVPRO is also licensed to provide general contracting services (#CS-108357) for effective repairs after a disaster. 

SERVPRO's Dedication to Education

On top of this IICRC-certified firm's commitment to thorough training of employees and franchise owners, SERVPRO also offers continued education opportunities, which includes web-based training that is voluntary, ongoing, and self-paced. These materials help technicians and staff alike stay up to speed on how to maintain the highest possible standard of care. SERVPRO also offers credit and non-credit courses for insurance agents and adjusters, real estate professionals, as well as franchise staff. Classes offered to our team members include: 

  • Water and fire damage restoration courses 
  • Understanding Mold in the Restoration Industry 
  • Restorative Drying for Loss Control
  • And a non-credit seminar on Mitigation Awareness Response 

How SERVPRO Saves the Day

If you have a pipe leak under your flooring that has left you with waterlogged hardwood, SERVPRO technicians can fix the problem fast. While hardwood is a highly porous surface, there are many cases where it can be restored to its prior condition. However, without fast mitigation, permanent damage is possible. When the moisture content in hardwood flooring is above 20%, mold growth is also a possibility. 

To combat this, technicians can reduce relative humidity around damaged wood to 30 to 45%. Air movers are then positioned both on top of and underneath the flooring. In more contained areas of damage, we erect polyethylene chambers for more effective drying. Once the floor's moisture content dips below 16%, air temperature can be increased to speed up the evaporation of moisture. However, drying effectiveness can vary depending on if the floor's finish acts as a vapor barrier. 

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands can ensure that your home looks, "Like it never even happened." When disaster strikes in your home, call (508) 888-5985 today. 

More about Falmouth.

Why SERVPRO is the Go To Team in Falmouth for Water Spills

11/20/2019 (Permalink)

Air dryers and a dehumidifier circulates air in the room and into small holes in the walls By drilling small holes in walls, special drying equipment reduces the need for teardown and reaches all moisture traces.

Sophisticated Equipment to Handle Any Aspect of Water Removal in Affected Falmouth Properties

If there is a water spill affecting your Falmouth property, you should consider involving a professional team like SERVPRO to perform the water removal for you. Besides having a highly skilled team of technicians, we have state-of-the-art equipment that helps us simplify the different processes required to complete the job.

Sufficient Lift Capacity when Needed

Water removal from affected Falmouth properties is easier when the equipment has sufficient lift capacity. Capabilities such as truck-mounted water extractors are often the right solution. However, the configuration of the site damage location might reduce their efficiency if we have to run a long hose from the extraction point to the equipment. Our SERVPRO technicians combat such problems by having alternative equipment. In this situation, we can use submersible pumps or portable extractors.

Providing Heat When Needed

Heat is an essential resource during the drying phase of a water removal exercise. Providing enough heat for drying when a considerable percentage of the property is affected can be challenging. Our SERVPRO teams have a variety of heating devices that we use depending on the specifics of an incident. One example is Indirect Fired Furnaces. They can provide up to 800,000 BTU, British Thermal Units, of heated air, making them perfect when adequate heat is necessary. We also have portable electric heaters for heating specific areas.

Removing Water from Cavities

Once water spills, it can reach several hidden areas, including subfloors and wall cavities. Removing all moisture traces from these areas is challenging and tedious if they have to be demolished and rebuilt. SERVPRO uses advanced equipment that can prevent additional work. Having the right tools at hand reduces the need for teardown while also reaching all moisture traces. Drying mats help remove moisture from hard to penetrate floor materials, such as tile or hardwood floors. We also use Structural Cavity Drying Equipment after drilling small holes in ceilings, walls, or cabinets to complete the project.

Water removal can be complicated when handled with the wrong tools. Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 to help. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

We are your go to team in Falmouth.

Bourne Burned Contents Can Benefit from SERVPRO Cleanup and Restoration Skills

11/11/2019 (Permalink)

dirty, flexible A/C duct Fire, Dirty Ducts, Sooty Contents in Your Bourne Home? Don't Fret!! Call SERVPRO for Skillful Restoration--"Like it never even happened."

Basics For Cleaning Fire Damage On Your Property In Bourne

Cleaning and restoration after a fire in your Bourne home, typically cost less than disposal and outright replacement. Resurfacing is another costly option, where you hire someone to re-paint surfaces, re-cover upholstered items, or re-finish wood contents. Restoration technicians apply the basic principles and elements of cleaning to restore materials to a quality preloss condition.

We help limit any losses you might experience when restoring fire damage in your Bourne area home. The goal is to clean and remove any trace of the fire incident from your property, “Like it never even happened.” Giving you access to restorers with years of experience, training, advanced equipment, as well as local resources that you can count on to complete the task.

SERVPRO technicians can inspect the area near the source of the fire and trace to see how far smoke traveled. We use our Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) to identify different types of residue. Our technicians help determine which cleaning method and products serve as the most effective solution on an existing surface.

SERVPRO restoration teams capture and remove residues smoke leaves behind, removing the bond using both wet and dry cleaning processes. However, some materials are not restorable because they cannot withstand the cleaning process. We help you communicate losses to your insurance company and use local, state, and federal guidelines for proper disposal of debris and cleaning waste.

Basic Principles of Cleaning:

•    Inspect the affected area.
•    Identify the type of residue.
•    Identify the surface material.
•    Capture and remove residues.
•    Dispose of residues.

At SERVPRO, we combine these principles with the four elements of cleaning to perform quality cleaning and restoration services throughout the area. We understand your situation and use every weapon in our arsenal to suspend and remove residues after a fire.
Four Elements of Cleaning:

1.    Temperature – Heat increases the speed of chemical reactions in cleaning products.
2.    Agitation – We use towels, brushes, air and water pressure, and sonic vibrations in ultrasonic machines to agitate surfaces, dislodge residues, and distribute cleaning products.
3.    Chemical Action – Your restorer selects the proper cleaning product depending on the desired action, such as dissolving, emulsifying, bleaching, oxidizing, changing pH, or digesting.
4.    Time – There is often a dwell time involved in the use of professional cleaning and deodorization products that can vary, depending on the product and the type of residue.

Contact the team at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands for access to full-service cleanup and restoration services today. (508) 888-5985

We Deliver Fast Flood Damage Recovery In Bourne

11/10/2019 (Permalink)

flooding in home after a storm Call us at (508) 888-5985 to engage our services when the waters rise.

Why SERVPRO’s Experience with Storm Surge Delivers Fast Flood Damage Recovery in Bourne

Extreme weather patterns are a reality year-round for residents of Bourne, and when high winds and heavy precipitation are augmented with storm surge flooding, the results can be devastating. Not only do you contend with the harm water can do, but the contaminants in overland flooding and saltwater also create complications only professionals deal with effectively. Urgent problems like these are why we pledge availability year-round, 24 hours a day.

Hazards Presented by Contaminated Water
Storm activity affects both municipal and individual drainage systems, causing substantial flood damage in seaside Bourne. The waters collecting in your lower levels can contain a broad range of mud, sand, chemicals, industrial waste, and sewage. Human and animal waste can be present. Health hazards can include viruses, bacteria, and molds. Our crews have the capability of gathering, collecting, containing, and disposing of contaminated water following local regulations, why we can take that worry off your shoulders.

Increased Risk of Damage with Saltwater
Saltwater mixes into overland flooding, adding debris from the ocean as well as salt. When seawater is present in a flooding scenario, more caution than usual must be taken as the compound creates the free movement of ions, permitting easier conduction of electricity, increasing the risk of shock. Salt also damages and removes the lignin, the “glue” that holds plant cells together. Wooden framing and other cellulose-based building materials weaken as the lignin disappears, feathery bits of the destroyed compound coating wooden surfaces exposed to saltwater.

Freshwater Flushing Familiarity Why SERVPRO Fits Your Remediation Plan
When saltwater is a part of the flooding fluids, rinsing with fresh water is crucial to avoid delignification, hard to manage without professional help. Our crews have experience with the process, why SERVPRO offers you skills missing from a do-it-yourself effort.

Disinfection Followed by Structural Drying
Research-tested products are in our repertoire, why SERVPRO responds appropriately to the contamination issues. We employ EPA-registered antimicrobials after the fluids exit via pumps and extractors. We then turn to air movers, heaters, and dehumidifiers to evaporate and then capture water in vapor form, reducing the moisture content of structural components.

Confidence and skill in managing the specialized needs of saltwater infused flooding are why SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is at the top of the list when selecting a disaster recovery partner. Call us at (508) 888-5985 to engage our services when the waters rise.

For more about Bourne click here.

SERVPRO Can Restore Nor'easter Storm Damage in Falmouth

10/23/2019 (Permalink)

water on floor in hallway of home Nor'easter Storms frequently cause water damage. We have the experience, training, and are always available to restore your home.

Restoring a Falmouth Basement After Nor'easter Storms & Flooding 

Northeastern storms, which generally occur between September and April, can cause considerable storm damage and flooding. Not only are these large storms slow-moving, but their trajectories can be difficult to predict. Homeowners can expect gale-force winds, snow, rain, or potential floods that can cause considerable amounts of damage over several days. 

If you need fast-acting restoration services after a nor'easter floods your Falmouth home, experienced SERVPRO teams can get to work on mitigating damage within hours. Whether you need groundwater flooding removed or roof damage from storms repaired, you can count on these extensively-trained professionals to handle it with swiftness and care. SERVPRO also has a general contracting license (CS-108357), meaning you can get disaster cleanup and repairs that are compliant with local, state, and federal regulations.

Nor'easter Preparation Tips

  • Stock up on non-perishables.Three days' worth of food and water is the minimum recommended amount for sitting out a nor'easter.
  • Prepare your car for the storm. Fill up your tank before the storm hits and keep an emergency kit, blankets, food, and water in your vehicle.
  • Have a plan for drainage. If water does get into your home, use a sump pump with auxiliary power sources available to drain water out of affected areas. 
  • Check your homeowners' insurance.Not all policies cover specific storm or flood damage claims, so go over the terms of yours carefully and update it as needed.

SERVPRO Can Restore Your Home

Storm damage can happen even with meticulous preparation. A clogged or damaged interior basement drain tile can be enough to bring copious amounts of water into your home. SERVPRO technicians can salvage your basement with industrial-grade, truck-mounted pumps with their generators so that you can get relief even during a power outage. 

Experts can use back-mounted extractors to remove moisture from interior nooks and crannies before the drying process begins. Depending on the extent of the damage, drying a basement with concrete floors can take several days. SERVPRO technicians emphasize disinfection, safely meeting drying goals and the prevention of mold growth and structural damage. 

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is Faster to Any Size Disaster so that homeowners can have their residences restored to a preloss condition. If you need emergency cleanup after a storm, call (508) 888-5985 today. 

More about Falmouth.

Small Amount of Commercial Fire Damage Leaves Huge Odors in Falmouth Office

10/20/2019 (Permalink)

A SERVPRO employee standing on a street next to a SERVPRO vehicle. We know that your Falmouth fire loss can put your business down completely, let us help.

SERVPRO will take care of your Falmouth business fire loss.

Microwaves are a common feature in most businesses and a cause of commercial fire damage. It is convenient for employees to heat meals, and the assumption is that everyone knows how to operate one. According to the National Fire Prevention Association, microwaves account for $31-million in direct property damage.

When commercial fire damage occurs in a Falmouth business, especially if the loss seems confined to a single space such as a breakroom, it may be tempting to self-clean the premises or have the regular janitorial staff take care of it. This decision is often a mistake and has the potential to spread soot throughout the property resulting in widespread odors. 

How Do You Know If the Area Requires More Cleanup?

Signs of inadequate fire loss cleanup include still smelling smoke odors days or weeks after the incident. Another frequent sign is finding residues on surfaces and in some cases, staining. 

How are Odors Removed?

The deep cleaning of smoke residues is the first layer of defense. SERVPRO technicians hand clean surfaces in the breakroom and scope the rest of the property to determine if other areas require any fire damage cleanup. The HVAC and ductwork receive an inspection and in many cases, also need cleaning due to the spread of odor-causing soot through the use of the HVAC. 

Halting the Spread of Odors

When mitigating the residual smoke damage, SERVPRO technicians contain the area to prevent any further spread of soot. Containment may consist of plastic barriers over doorways and vents, or the use of negative air chambers.

What About Painted Walls? 

During a fire, hot air expands and drives soot into surfaces, and painted walls are particularly susceptible. There are specialized cleaners for wet sponge cleaning that work to suspend and wipe away soot. However, for deeply embedded odors, the wall may require sealing, priming, and repainting. 

Top Layer of Odor Control 

In some cases, smoke odors require removal using equipment such as air scrubbers, which capture soot particles smaller than the human eye can see. Hydroxyl generators also eradicate airborne particles using UV rays safely. Thermal fogging is another frequently used method of deodorization that neutralizes smoke odors. 

Contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 when you need assistance with commercial fire damage. The technicians have extensive experience and specialized equipment to make the fire loss "Like it never even happened."

To learn more about Falmouth, click here.

Things to Avoid after Flood Damage in Your Falmouth Property

10/8/2019 (Permalink)

A room with the carpet lifted, with SERVPRO equipment 0n the carpet. Let SERVPRO show you things to do and don’t when it comes to your Falmouth flood damaged property.

We keep up with what needs to be done for your flood damage in your Falmouth home.

When there is a flooding incident that damages your Falmouth property, you might want to take every possible action to save your property. Such quick response helps in many ways, including preventing secondary damages. Knowing what to do and what to avoid can help you address the flooding problem exhaustively. If you involve a professional like SERVPRO right from the start, you can ease the process because of the resources we avail.

Do Not Let Water Sit in Your Property Long

Most of the harm from flood damage in your Falmouth property trace back to water exposure since it has adverse effects on almost every material including metal, wood, and fabrics, among others. You should not let water sit in your property over extended periods, especially if the flood has receded outside your structure. Our SERVPRO technicians provide different types of pumps, including submersible ones and self-priming trash pumps to remove water from your structure fast. We also use procedures such as making flood cuts or even punching weep holes to help removal.

Do Not Let Electronics Cool to the Dew Point 

Flooding can cause malfunctions in electronics and appliances. While you may expect direct water exposure to water to cause damages, even items that remain unreached by the water can still malfunction due to excessive humidity in the air. When temperatures reach the dew point, moisture in the air condenses. You should not let electronics cool to the dew point to protect their interior components from rusting. Because turning off the power is one of the steps taken immediately after flooding, SERVPRO technicians help by providing alternative sources of heat such as using portable heaters.

Do Not Save Porous Materials Affected By Flooding

In your home, there are many porous materials, including gypsum-based wall panels, fabric materials such as carpets and upholstery. While the items made from these materials might be highly valuable to you, trying to save them can expose your family to contaminants in the future. Controlled demolition helps remove all porous materials affected directly by the floodwater.

The correct response is crucial when trying to save your Sandwich, Bourne, and Nantucket property from flooding. Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985 to help you. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.

To learn more about Falmouth property, click here

We Arrive Right Away In Falmouth To Prevent Further Damage

10/8/2019 (Permalink)

Bags of debris sitting outside one of our trucks after water damage flooded a basement Water damage to this home flooded the basement. We arrived right away to clean up the water damage and debris.

Water Removal After Plumbing Breaks in Falmouth Basements

After the winter of 2017, where a bitter Nor’easter storm dropped temperatures dangerously low, our professionals worked around the clock to recover instances where exposed and lightly insulated pipe burst under these extreme conditions and damaged Falmouth homes. As challenging as this might have been for our technicians, we understand that this threat is a constant every winter to come, and that plumbing in the basement of area homes is susceptible to exposure and pressure.

A burst pipe can quickly cause standing water concerns for the lower levels of your property and can force homeowners to seek out efficient water removal for Falmouth basements. Our SERVPRO team has experience with facing the rapidly worsening conditions of the subterranean level of the house, including the spread and migration of these effects even after the water flow gets stopped. Between our water restorers and their cutting-edge equipment and our in-house team of contractors licensed through the state of Massachusetts (CS-108357), we can address nearly any obstacle in restoring the property.

Plumbing breaches can happen for multiple reasons including backpressure on the lines or through freezing during cold snaps during the winter months. Whatever the case is, a burst line can permit water to begin rising from the floor without an adequate drainage and sump pump system in place for discharging the effect. The result is likely several inches of standing water until the service shutoff can get reached and used.

Extraction is a vital element to recovering your entire household after the water damage event, though with the concrete flooring and blockwork walls, addressing the standing water can often be a substantial step towards a full recovery. We can utilize tools like our sump pump and trash pumps for the continual discharge of the standing water, and then turn our drying tools loose on saturated block and concrete to make the damage “Like it never even happened.”

The first 48 hours of a water loss event are the most critical, which makes it all the more critical that We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster. Trust our local and accomplished SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team to help however you need by calling (508) 888-5985.

See more about Falmouth.

If Your Falmouth Business Suffers Fire Damage Call The Remediation Specialists at SERVPRO Today

9/10/2019 (Permalink)

Couple at furniture store Don't let your business get destroyed by fire damage. Call the professionals at SERVPRO today for remediation assistance.

Protecting Furniture for Sale in Fire-Damaged Falmouth Galleries

Fire damages that affect a Falmouth furniture store can quickly become a costly disaster. With the multiple layers of effects, including both soot residues and odor permeation, furniture that does not get attention by our restoration professionals in a brief period can soon get deemed a loss. We have advanced equipment and products that can reduce the severity of these fire loss effects, and also have an entire division of our team devoted to content management to protect your inventory as much as possible.

With an entire showroom of merchandise, fire damage to Falmouth stores can be a devastating situation. Even without substantial combustion and spread of the fire, any degree of soot can be a threat that property owners cannot manage on their own. As a business owner, your priority in these situations is the safety of your employees and customers, but you also must remain concerned about what percentage of your investment in your furniture stock is salvageable. Our SERVPRO team has effective practices that can help to eliminate soot, odors, and other damaging effects that can threaten these items.

Much of the work that needs to happen with your inventory at your furniture store gets placed into the hands of our content management team. Depending on the severity of the damage and what cannot get addressed on-site, we can safely move affected items and fixtures to our nearby facility for focused cleaning, deodorization, and secure storage. In our care, we can employ cleaning techniques overseen by our Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Technicians (UFT) accredited through the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC.)

Non-upholstered items can often get recovered on-site with the combination of chemical sponges, deodorization equipment, and other cleaning practices. Depending on the methods used for fire suppression, our SERVPRO team must also often overcome water damage before it absorbs into wooden elements and degrades them.

Furniture can quickly show the effects of a fire loss incident and can feel impossible to restore. You can count on our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team to employ the latest techniques, products, and equipment to reduce your loss and keep your business running throughout the restoration. Give us a call anytime at (508) 888-5985.

Click here to learn more about Falmouth. 

Our Swift Response Will Save Your Fire Damaged Home In Falmouth

9/5/2019 (Permalink)

 Interior of fire damaged home Give us a call today at (508) 888-5985.

Immediate Fire Damage Assessment For Falmouth Homes

We understand that sometimes the restoration and recovery of your Falmouth home after a fire might be out of your control. In many cases, homeowners undoubtedly seek the expertise and wisdom of their insurance adjusters and providers who have helped to navigate similar disasters in the past. This experience amid a crisis can be a welcomed diversion from the stress and trauma of the fire loss incident, but it also relinquishes much of the control that you have in choosing the professionals you want working on restoring your property.
While you may not put too much thought into which professional outfit addresses your Falmouth home’s fire damage, there is more to the recovery and restoration process than you might believe. Even with the insistence of your insurance provider to choose a restoration team that they have worked closely with over the years, which we can appreciate having standing relationships with nearly all of the insurance companies serving the Greater Cape Cod area, our SERVPRO team can still help.
Damage assessment is often the responsibility of a homeowner, and you might not always be ready for how weighty of a decision this can become. Over the years, many have chosen our SERVPRO professionals for this task because we can work quickly to scope the entire household for all potential threats and existing effects following the extinguishment of a fire.
While it might be tempting to perform an inspection on your own, there are two primary reasons why property owners should exercise caution with this approach. The first of these is that it can often be challenging to navigate a fire-damaged home, and you might not have the experience to identify potential structural threats that could lead to injury. Additionally, our SERVPRO team is specially trained to catalog damages that can get easily seen throughout a house as well as those that are more difficult to see.
We know that we might not always be the choice of every homeowner suffering the effects of a fire loss incident, but we are always willing to help; however, we can. Our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team has years of experience and highly trained professionals that can arrive quickly whenever you need us. Give us a call today at (508) 888-5985.

For more about Falmouth click here.

What To Except After A Flood In Your Sandwich Home

8/13/2019 (Permalink)

Contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985.

Two Flood Damage Scenarios Faced By Sandwich Homeowners

Properties can become flooded in gallons of water in as little as a few hours. These situations can either occur from external factors such as flash flooding or internal issues like malfunctioning drains or burst pipes. The resulting situation, a homeowner, being ankle-deep in standing water, is the same. Circumstances involving flooding require immediate action to control losses and restore your property to its normal condition.

Professional services can make sure that flood damage in your Sandwich home does not cause long-term issues with odor, microbial growth, or structural impact. As a homeowner, making contact with SERVPRO to organize a restoration service is essential to the significant loss recovery procedure. External flooding issues should be left alone, as these situations can be Biohazardous waste scenarios due to contaminated groundwater.

Issues with burst pipes are often clean water emergencies allowing a homeowner to carefully remove light furnishings from the affected area and onto the upper levels of the home. This procedure can help to preserve possessions while an experienced water restoration technician is on the way. However, water exerts extreme pressure on floors, walls, and cavities in the home, if you have doubts about the structural integrity of your property, wait for a professional.

Water incidents are time-sensitive, meaning that the longer the situation continues the more damage it causes. SERVPRO technicians can deploy gas pumps to quickly remove standing water from the affected area and deposit it into a nearby sewer point. Once the water is removed, we can begin an inspection of items. In some cases, items can be cleaned on-site, others may need to be taken to an external cleaning facility and some, unfortunately, may need to be discarded. SERVPRO technicians do seek to restore items rather than replace them for the benefit of the homeowner.

In cleaning possessions, your technician can conduct initial tests on a small area to make sure that the item responds well to the cleaning solution and that no further damage is caused. Large furniture can be vacuum dried using water extractors or ventilation systems like box fans. Some fabrics may benefit from mechanical cleaning using Esporta washing machines. As your technician inspects the area, each item is earmarked and given an individual strategy for restoration. By keeping control of the small details, SERVPRO can have a significant impact on your home restoration.

Take back control of painful property damage by arranging a callout with our flood recovery team. Contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985.

For more about Sandwich click here.

We Have Specialized Techniques To Restore Your Falmouth Home After Water Damage Hits

8/11/2019 (Permalink)

Our staff and technicians have extensive cleaning and restoration training and enough equipment to handle any size loss.

How SERVPRO Lessens Loss for Falmouth Homes with Water Damage

In cases where water drenches furnishings, the situation can look like a complete loss, and you might begin adding up the numbers for how much this water damage event costs in terms of replacing the sofa, recliner and carpeting. The good news is that the faster you involve professional water cleanup efforts, the more possessions you have the potential to save. 

When SERVPRO mitigates water damage in a Falmouth home that involves furnishings, there are specialized techniques used to ensure the best outcome. In cases where water has emanated from the floor above, not only is it common to find water in the floor joists between the stories but also damage to the ceiling below. And anything under the ceiling is in danger of being drenched.

We have specialized attachments for our water extraction equipment to work on upholstered furnishings, carpet and window treatments. Our technicians use various methods to enable faster drying of the home such as:

  • Weep holes drilled for speedier drainage and airflow during drying
  • Removal of buckled and warped sheetrock
  • Floating wet carpet during drying to limit the disruption to the home during mitigation and dry it in place
  • Tenting cushions on furnishings for complete drying

After drying the home, SERVPRO technicians scope the water damage areas to ensure no moisture remains. Complete drying and hand cleaning with our professional quality antibacterial and antimicrobial solutions often negate any water odors, however should any remain, we have several applications to eradicate foul odors. 

We possess a General Contractor License# CS-108357 and any controlled demolition necessary during water cleanup, we can also repair to ensure the house returns to its preloss condition. We work hand-in-hand with both homeowners and adjusters to ensure any restoration or reconstruction services we provide are within the range of coverage.

At the first sign of water damage, contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985. Our emergency response team is ready 24/7 to turn around the water loss in your home and make it "Like it never even happened."

See more about Falmouth.

If Foul Odors Remain After A Water Damage Incident In Your Falmouth Home Call Our Crew For Help

7/29/2019 (Permalink)

When water damage strikes, contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985.

Fighting Odor After Water Damage In Falmouth Home

Water damage happens in so many ways, but they all have one thing in common: they are unexpected. After cleanup of a water loss, foul odors have the potential to linger.

When SERVPRO tackles water damage in Falmouth homes, our team members have certifications as Water Damage Technicians. They use state-of-the-art moisture detection equipment to ascertain precisely where the water migrated within the home. Whether it was a supply line break in a kitchen with a localized water spill affecting the cabinets and subfloor or a flood in multiple rooms from a water tank seal breach, we have different types of extraction equipment to handle the various porous surfaces such as carpet and upholstered furnishings.

Once our technicians extract the water and clean the restorable things, we dry the property. To facilitate airflow, it is occasionally necessary to drill drainage facilitators known as weep holes in sheetrock. If our technicians performed any controlled demolition techniques during clean up efforts, we have a General Contractor License and can do any reconstruction necessary to return the home to its preloss condition.

After drying, there are sometimes lingering water odors left behind. These musty scents do not go away on their own. Some methods used by our certified Odor Control Technicians include:

    •    Injection: Our technicians inject a deodorizing solution into porous items such as carpeting or upholstery, ideal for spot treatments.
    •    Ultra-low-volume-fogging: A method that uses a heated deodorizing agent that effectively neutralizes deeply embedded odors.
    •    Disinfection: Hand cleaning with our EPA-registered antibacterial and antimicrobial cleaners assist with reducing odors on surfaces.
    •    Pellets: These time-release gel pellets work to overtake water odors.

It's not unusual for a technician to apply multiple methods as water odors have the potential to emanate from numerous sources ranging such as bacteria or mold. We treat until the smell is gone.

When water damage strikes, contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands at (508) 888-5985. Our certified specialists are available 24/7, and since we are local, we arrive soon after your initial call because We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster.

For more about Falmouth click here.

Our Specialists Discuss The Dangers Of Inadequate Fire Cleanup And Recovery In Your Falmouth Home

7/23/2019 (Permalink)

You can reach us anytime by calling (508) 888-5985!

Risks Of Inadequate Fire Restoration For Falmouth Homes

As much as our professionals work to provide Falmouth property owners with all of the facts to help restore fire loss effects after a disaster, these same homeowners must also learn about the risks and dangers of inadequate fire cleanup and recovery. We strive to equip residents in our area with the practices and skills to begin addressing the mitigation their property requires after an emergency, knowing that we are close by to help should that be necessary.

For the multitude of effects that make up the comprehensive fire damage that Falmouth homes could experience, we have SERVPRO professionals that are well-trained and experienced in these fields. We have education and endorsements from the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) in Fire & Smoke Restoration (FSRT) and Odor Control (OCT.) We cannot expect our potential customers also to have the same accreditations, and because of this, many leave their properties at substantial risk with inadequate restoration solutions.

One of the immediate risks of inadequate damage assessment and recovery for homes is the threat of structural failure. Often homeowners do not have the discovery devices to inspect all potentially damaged areas of the house thoroughly, and as such, specific materials and inaccessible areas get overlooked. With prolonged stress on these compromised regions, it can be a literal matter of time before collapse occurs.

Another pressing concern that our SERVPRO professionals would stress to DIY enthusiasts is airborne particulates and air quality threats. Often our technicians can address these concerns with filtering devices like hydroxyl generators and ozone machines, and these same pieces of equipment should get used through cleaning, demolition, and reconstruction efforts overseen by the homeowner as well.

The push for DIY restoration can help to get projects completed on your schedule and within your own set budgetary confinements, but it does not come without risks and threats as well. If this restoration becomes too much to handle or you need the professional inspection and assessment of our qualified SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands technicians, you can reach us anytime by calling (508) 888-5985.

For more about Falmouth click here.

Our Crew Can Save Your Water Damaged Antique Shop In Falmouth

7/15/2019 (Permalink)

You can trust the expertise and advanced equipment of our crew to make water loss effects “Like it never even happened.”

Content Management For Your Water-Damaged Falmouth Antique Shop

Water damage does not always have to be excessive and widespread to cost your Falmouth businesses its profits and products. In the world of antiques, there is a distinct need to keep items in as good of condition as you can, as this is an essential component to turning it into the most considerable profit. Excessive moisture present after a small, persistent leak in bathroom fixtures of the shop area can increase the relative humidity in the building to the point of allowing deterioration or swelling of intricate woodwork.

Even with a smaller affected area, water damage in Falmouth businesses can still get out of control without the appropriate response from trained professionals with expertise and experience in water loss recovery. Our SERVPRO professionals specialize in content management, which can provide a helping hand to the items affected by the rising humidity level or direct exposure to water damages until the preventative measures of our technicians take hold in the building.

We understand the investments that your management team has made in the delicate and fragile products and items you entrust our SERVPRO team to handle. We have thorough and non-invasive practices for thoroughly drying out exposed items and even have minimalistic deodorization practices and cleaning methods for contents damaged before our team arrived on the scene. We can address both indoor air quality concerns and lingering odors with equipment like:

    •    Hydroxyl Machines
    •    Ozone Machines / Chambers
    •    Thermal / UV Foggers
    •    Negative Air Chambers
    •    Air Duct Cleaning Equipment

Because of how important many of these items are, we keep a thorough record of each item and catalog its location, condition, and stored box number. You have access to all of these items at any time that you need them to continue operating your business as you are able until your facility is ready to accept customers again when the restoration completes.

With the often lucrative business that antiquing can be, you need a team of restoration specialists that can handle the removed contents with care and consideration. You can trust the expertise and advanced equipment of our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands to make water loss effects “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call anytime at (508) 888-5985.

For more about Falmouth click here.

The Hidden Mystery Behind Fire Damage Remediation in Falmouth

7/12/2019 (Permalink)

After the devastating effects of fire damage, count on SERVPRO.

Lessening the Effect of Fire Damage in Falmouth Homes 

As much as many Falmouth homeowners might like to, it is impossible to continually protect and care for your property as you might like. When disasters like fire damage occur, you have many effects that require your attention and a skilled response before they continually worsen. There are ways that even unskilled and unprepared homeowners can help to improve the condition of their property in the time it takes for our professionals to arrive on the scene. 

Understand foremost that the safety of your family is paramount and that if fire damage in your Falmouth home is too excessive or hazardous, that you should not attempt these listed objectives. Damage assessment and preliminary mitigation efforts are not worth risking your health or wellbeing for, but if first responders and firefighters have deemed the house safe to re-enter for a brief period, there are some ways that you can help our SERVPRO professionals in route to your damaged address. 

One of the primary objectives for every homeowner when contending with any level of fire damage to their property is protecting their possessions and personal belongings. As much of an investment as you have made in specific items, furniture, and electronics, these can all become part of a damage claim and replaced with coverage through your insurance. What cannot get replaced, are photographs, keepsakes, heirlooms, and other treasures. 

While you can do nothing to prevent the presence of soot, smoke, and odors in the house, you can have an active role in how they can move from the ignition point to unaffected points of the property. By shutting down the air circulation at the thermostat, you can reduce the movement of these airborne effects to unsullied points of the house. 

These are two quick tips that do not require you to be in a damaged house long in the span between when you call our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands professionals and when we arrive a short time later. To make fire losses “Like it never even happened.” give our rapid response team a call 24/7 at  (508) 888-5985.

Click here to see more about Falmouth. 

We Can Save Your Contents And Personal Belongings In Your Falmouth Home

7/11/2019 (Permalink)

No matter how severe water loss incidents can become, we can make it, “Like it never even happened.”

Protecting Contents From Water Damage In Falmouth Homes

Homeowners can quickly become overwhelmed when even simple water loss incidents affect their Falmouth residence. Often more troublesome to property owners than the threat of water damage to their structural elements is the effect that these hazardous conditions can have on the contents and personal belongings within the house. A fast reaction to these hostile conditions can help to save these unique items, but can even save both time and money on professional restoration work that might be necessary.

No matter how severe water damage is in Falmouth properties, there are steps that homeowners can take on the scene right away that can save them from costlier restoration and repair. As much as many property owners might rely on their insurance company to recover monetary loss and fund professional restoration like our SERVPRO team can provide, many personal belongings and treasures only carry sentimental value. No dollar value can recover these losses. Here are some tips to help you:

• If the damage is excessive – affecting more than 10 square feet – you should contact professional restoration professionals like our SERVPRO team.

• After a short time, you can gain an understanding of the affected areas of your property. Begin moving at-risk contents out of these regions and to areas of your home unlikely to become affected by spreading water damage.
• If you must vacate the house, be sure to take what time you do have to collect sentimental items that cannot get replaced.

• If possible, shut off the supply of water to the damaged element of your property, causing the current damage. These valves often get positioned where your service line enters the property in the basement area, and can usually get spotted by their flat design, quarter turn shutdown, and colored handle.

Content management is an essential element to the full-service recovery that our SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands team can offer damaged homes in our area. No matter how severe water loss incidents can become, we can make it, “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call anytime at (508) 888-5985.

For more about Falmouth click here.

Water Damage to Wood Floors

6/7/2019 (Permalink)

Water Damage to a bedroom in a home on Cape Cod

If your home or business experiences a water damage event that affects your hardwood flooring, it is essential to call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands immediately.  It is possible for the hardwood floors to be saved if the water is extracted immediately and the area is completely dried. First, any standing water is pumped out of the home or business. Second, our industrial grade water extractors are installed onto the flooring to "suck out" any remaining water hiding inside the wood. You will be amazed how much water is actually extracted during this process.  When the water is not extracted in this manner, it's very common for the wood floors to buckle.  Third, industrial fans and dehumidifiers are installed into the damaged area to completely dry it out.  Lastly, anti-fungal treatments are applied to prevent mold from forming (known as secondary damage).  If your home or business suffers water damage to your wood flooring, please do not hesitate to call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands. 

SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands will Deep Clean your Restaurant

5/24/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands will Deep Clean your Restaurant

Obviously, a restaurant's preparation areas should be kept clean. But, besides the everyday cleaning of kitchen equipment and appliances, it is necessary to perform a deep cleaning of kitchens at least once to twice a year.


A restaurant's: atmosphere, attention to detail, and well-kept facilities are important for a customer's good first impression. The appearance of a restaurant's kitchen can bring in clients as well as scare them away.


A messy and unorganized look will affect guests' appetites as well as employee productivity. Daily mopping sustains a clean floor, but will not scrub deeply enough to remove certain bacteria. Sticky floors and unwanted objects can cause personnel or guests to slip. For a truly clean floor, it is important to remove: grease, oil, gum and even mold.

For a deep cleaning of your restaurant, please call SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands today!

Source: Yahoo Finance Jan 2019

Top Tips Reducing Mold Growth in the Kitchen

5/10/2019 (Permalink)

Top Tips Reducing Mold Growth in the Kitchen

In the kitchen:

  • Use exhaust fans to move moisture outside (not into the attic) whenever you are cooking, washing dishes, or cleaning.
  • Turn off certain appliances if you notice moisture on windows and other surfaces.
  • Check for leaks around the kitchen sink, refrigerator ice makers, and other sources of water. Repair if necessary.
  • Empty and clean refrigerator drip pans if necessary.
  • Put a plastic cover over dirt in crawl spaces to prevent moisture from coming in from the ground. If there is standing water or the soil is wet, dry it out with fans before covering the floor.
  • Be sure crawl spaces are well ventilated by using fans and having vents installed in outside walls if necessary.
  • Consider painting concrete floors and using area rugs instead of wall-to-wall carpet in basements. If you plan to install carpet over a concrete floor, it may be necessary to use a vapor barrier (plastic sheeting) over the concrete and cover that with sub-flooring (insulation covered with plywood) to prevent a moisture problem.
  • Have your basement floor checked for leaks and have them repaired if necessary. Water can enter your home by leaking or by seeping through basement floors or walls.
  • Make sure gutters are working properly and that outdoor landscaping causes water to run away from -- not toward -- the house.
  • Do not finish basement walls with insulation and wall board unless your basement is very dry.

Source: webmd Jan 2019

Preventing mold and bacterial growth in the building’s ventilation system

5/10/2019 (Permalink)

Preventing mold and bacterial growth in the building’s ventilation system 

Ventilation systems should be checked regularly, particularly for damp filters and overall cleanliness. A preventive maintenance plan should be put into place for each major component of the building’s ventilation system. Contact your equipment supplier or manufacturer for recommended maintenance schedules and operations and maintenance manuals. Components that are exposed to water (e.g., drainage pans, coils, cooling towers, and humidifiers) require scrupulous maintenance to prevent microbial 10 growth and the entry of undesired microorganisms or chemicals into the indoor air stream.

Air duct cleaning generally refers to the cleaning of various heating and cooling system components of forced air systems. The components of these systems may become contaminated with mold if moisture is present within the system, resulting in the potential release of mold spores throughout the building. All components of the system must be cleaned. Failure to clean a component of a contaminated system can result in re-contamination of the entire system. Water-damaged or contaminated porous materials in the ductwork or other air handling system components should be removed and replaced. Ventilation system filters should be checked regularly to ensure that they are seated properly. Filters should be replaced on a routine schedule.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands can help your building keep its air ducts clean and mold-free. Call Today

Source: OSHA Jan 2019

Tips for Reducing Mold Growth in the Bathroom and the Laundry Room

4/22/2019 (Permalink)

Tips for Reducing Mold Growth in the Bathroom and the Laundry Room

In the laundry room:

  • Vent your clothes dryer to the outside.
  • Make sure the vent is clear of obstructions, such as lint, and that there are no holes that leak air. If the vent duct is damaged, replace it with a metal duct. Have the duct cleaned at least once a year.
  • Avoid leaving damp clothes in the laundry basket or dryer. Wash and dry them promptly.

In bathrooms:

  • Use exhaust fans to remove moisture to the outside (not into the attic).
  • Use area rugs, which can be taken up and washed often instead of wall-to-wall carpeting.
  • Check for leaks around basins and tubs and have them repaired if necessary.
  • Open a window when showering.
  • Avoid leaving damp towels on the floor or in laundry hamper.

Source: webmd Jan 2019

SERVPRO® Upper Cape Cod and The Islands Will Work with Your Business' Insurance Company

4/22/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® Upper Cape Cod and The Islands Will Work with Your Business' Insurance Company

In the unfortunate event your business suffers water, fire, or mold damage, SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands will work with your insurance company, so you have less work load on your plate.  Our employees talk with insurance adjusters every day to make sure things are billed correctly with your insurance and the job is properly documented to ensure things are going according to plan. Being in business for over 14 years, whatever property and casualty insurance company your business uses, odds are we have worked with them in the past.  Give us a call to set up an emergency preparedness plan for your business today. SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands will work hard to make any damage, "Like it never even happened."

Protecting Your Roof During a Hurricane

4/18/2019 (Permalink)

Protecting Your Roof During a Hurricane

Protect your roof. Consider hurricane straps to ensure your roof is bolted to the rest of your house. And inspect your roof tiles or shingles to make sure they are secure. Use roofing cement to fix any loose tiles to prevent them from becoming lethal projectiles during a storm and damaging the underlying roofing material. Seal any areas where wires enter the home, minimizing the chance of water damage during heavy wind and rain.

Trim your trees. Broken limbs could land on your (or your neighbor’s) roof/house or become missiles that can break windows during a storm. If your tree damages your house or a neighbor’s house, your insurance cover the damages, but it may pay only a portion.

If your home is damaged during a Cape Cod area storm, call the professionals at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands.  Faster to Any Disaster

Source: kiplinger.com

Securing Your Home for Hurricanes

4/4/2019 (Permalink)

Securing Your Home for Hurricanes

Brace your garage door to prevent more-extensive damage.  Most garage doors are not reinforced, and when the wind gets into the garage, it creates a positive push at the same time that the wind swirling above the structure creates a negative pull. That push-pull combination can cause the roof to fly off. Find a kit that you can buy at home-improvement stores to brace your garage doors.

Secure your windows and doors. Broken windows can let in wind and rain, and they can also increase the pressure under the roof. Storm shutters provide the best protection, but boarding up windows when a storm is on the way can help, too. Make sure doors have several locking mechanisms so they don’t fly open; deadbolts are best. And it’s important to secure windows and doors at all sides of the home -- not just the one facing the body of water where hurricanes could form -- because hurricanes can swirl in any direction.

Source: kiplinger

Why SERVPRO? SERVPRO is Faster to Disaster

3/29/2019 (Permalink)

Why SERVPRO? SERVPRO is Faster to Disaster

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands offers a 24 hour emergency service.  Our office is open Monday through Friday, however there will always be someone to answer your call after hours and on the weekends.  If the event is classified as an emergency, SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands will be out right away regardless of time or day.  When hurricanes, floods, wild fires, and other disasters strike all around the country, SERVPRO franchises band together and travel sometimes thousands of miles to come to the disaster area to help restore homes and businesses affected. If there is a catastrophic event in your area, SERVPRO will call in "extreme teams" that will arrive in your city or town to help cover more ground and to help more home and business owners. If your home or business has suffered a water damage or other emergency event, please do not hesitate to call.  

Why SERVPRO? SERVPRO Uses Industrial Grade Equipment and Cleaning Products on your Home or Business

3/29/2019 (Permalink)

Why SERVPRO?  SERVPRO Uses Industrial Grade Equipment and Cleaning Products on your Home or Business

If your home or business has suffered a water damage event, simply cleaning up the water and opening up the windows will not completely dry the space, leaving your home or business vulnerable to future mold growth (known as secondary damage).  SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands uses industrial grade dehumidifiers and fans to completely dry your home or business.  SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands uses moisture testing devices to make sure your walls, closets, and floors are dry before we leave your home and close out the job.  In addition to drying, commercial grade anti-fungal treatments are applied in order to prevent mold from forming.

If your home or business has suffered a fire damage event, air scrubbers are brought in to the area to "scrub" the air clean and remove the chemical and smoke odor. In addition to air scrubbers, special cleaning agents are used to save as many smoke-affected items as possible in your home or business.

If your home or business has suffered a water damage, fire damage, or mold growth event, please do not hesitate to call us today.

Why SERVPRO? SERVPRO is "Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certified"

3/28/2019 (Permalink)

Why SERVPRO? SERVPRO is "Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certified"

If you or your business has suffered a water damage, fire damage, mold damage, or bio hazard damage, odds are it has affected some sort of fabric or textile in your home.  The IICRC is a certification and Standards Developing Organization (SDO) non-profit organization for the inspection, cleaning and restoration industries. In partnership with regional and international trade associates, the IICRC serves more than 25 countries.

When you see a IICRC logo, you can be confident that an IICRC-certified experienced, qualified professional is caring for your valuable property.

Do you need upholstery cleaning or carpet cleaning for your home or business performed by a company that is llrc certified?  SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands cleans upholstery for general cleaning , pet dander, smoke damage, office carpet tile, and more. Call today!

Source: http://www.IICRC.org

Why SERVPRO - SERVPRO's Mold Technicians are Mold Certified

3/28/2019 (Permalink)

Why SERVPRO - SERVPRO's Mold Technicians are Mold Certified

Are you smelling mildew or a musty odor in your home or business?  Can you visually see mold growth? SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands can perform your Mold Remediation using a Mold Certified Technician so you know it's done right. Mold remediation means the removal, cleaning, sanitizing, demolition, or other treatment, including preventive activities, of mold or mold-contaminated matter. The industry is regulated to ensure that persons conducting mold assessment and remediation services are properly trained and licensed, and are following minimum standards that protect the health of workers and building occupants. Don't hesitate to give us a call today at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands to set up a time to start the mold remediation process.

Why SERVPRO? SERVPRO is Hazmat and Bio Hazard Removal Trained

3/23/2019 (Permalink)

Why SERVPRO?  SERVPRO is Hazmat and Bio Hazard Removal Trained

Bio hazard clean up is considered: blood clean up, urine clean up, human feces clean up, animal feces clean up, vomit clean up, and other human fluids.  General maid and janitorial services will not remove these items due to their potentially hazardous nature.  SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands technicians are trained and properly uniformed to safely remove bio hazardous materials. This is why you can rely on SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands to get the job done quickly, safely, and to sanitation standards.  Many homes and buildings that have been left unattended and/or improperly cared for will generally require this type of service. SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands will remove all hazardous items and properly dispose of them. If you or your business is in need of bio hazard removal, please do not hesitate to call today.

Why SERVPRO? SERVPRO® Will Work with Your Insurance

3/23/2019 (Permalink)

Why SERVPRO? SERVPRO® Will Work with Your Insurance

In the unfortunate event your home or business suffers: water damage, fire damage, mold damage, or bio-hazard clean up needs,  SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands will work seamlessly with your insurance company.  This means less hassle and less worry for you. Our employees talk with insurance adjusters every day to make sure things are billed correctly with your insurance and the job is properly documented to ensure things are going according to plan. Being in business for years and years, whatever property and casualty insurance you or your company uses, odds are we have worked with them in the past.  If you need the job done right and less hassle for you, please do not hesitate to call SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands.

Getting Rid of Cigarette Smoke Odor

2/28/2019 (Permalink)

Getting Rid of Cigarette Smoke Odor

It's obvious to a non-smoker when a home smells like cigarettes.  The smell of tobacco and/or cigarette smoke and tar is stubborn because it "sticks" to all surfaces in your home as it spreads through the air. So, how do you get rid of the cigarette odor?  The short answer is that it's very difficult.  ALL surfaces in the home need to be scrubbed and deodorized, including the: flooring, walls, furniture, appliances, knick-knacks, and clothing. Even the air in the home needs to be deodorized during the process.  It's not an easy task, but the experts at SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands have done it many times and are more than willing to help you.  Give us a call today and start breathing fresh smelling air!

Would your business be prepared in the event of a disaster?

11/5/2018 (Permalink)

Would your business be prepared in the event of a disaster?

What would you do if your business suffered: Water Damage, Fire Damage, Smoke Damage, Mold, or a Bio-Hazard contamination? Do you have a plan in place? SERPVRO® offers at no charge a business "Ready Plan" app for your phone that will walk you through a preparedness  plan that could save your business $1,000's. 

As many as 50% of businesses close down following a disaster, according to the latest research. Of the businesses that survive, the overwhelming majority of them had a preparedness plan in place. In general, the faster the response time to a disaster, the less secondary damage can occur. SERVPRO is "faster to any disaster" and works with you and your employees every step of the way.

The SERVPRO Ready Plan app will guide you through a: Water Damage event, Fire Damage event, Mold, Bio-Hazard contamination, and more.  Pre-planning and having this app on the ready can help to give you tremendous peace of mind.

By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business.

What Secondary Damage can occur after Storm Damage?

11/5/2018 (Permalink)

What Secondary Damage can occur after Storm Damage?

After roof leaks or flood damage, if not properly dried and treated, a home or business can develop mold from the moisture left on: wood, tile, carpeting, windows, concrete, and/or other materials/items that were affected.  SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands strives to prevent secondary damage every time we remediate water damage. Building material and flooring are dried and treated to prevent mold and other allergens/contaminates using specialized equipment and cleaning products.

If water damage is not properly treated, the perfect environment is created for mold spores to grow in your home and to contaminate the air that is breathed.

Should you ever suffer water damage due to: excessive rain, storm damage, leaky roof, flood damage, a water heater leak, sink overflow, fire, refrigerator leak, or any other reason water has invaded your home or business, please know that SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is here to help.  Faster to Any Disaster

Cape Cod Canal Day

10/9/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Banner at Cape Cod Canal Day SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands was a sponsor of Cape Cod Canal Day on September 15, 2018.

Cape Cod Canal Day

Thank you to all who attended this year's Cape Cod Canal Day in Buzzards Bay Park on September 15th. SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands was a proud sponsor of this free, family event this year.  There were: local food trucks, craft beer and wine, a local photography contest, live entertainment, arts and crafts, cornhole tournaments, and children's playground activities. The event was sponsored by the Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber, an organization of which SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is proud to be a member. Admission was free. If you couldn't make it this year, be sure to come out next year - it was a great time in Cape Cod!

Causes of Refrigerator Leaks

10/8/2018 (Permalink)

Causes of Refrigerator Leaks

Maybe your water alarm alerted you, maybe you see a puddle or some dripping, or maybe you see some signs of water damage (corrosion, water stains, etc.). Once you’ve discovered a leak, consider the possible causes.

Blocked defroster. A blocked defroster can stop defrost-cycle water from draining properly. Try clearing out the small drain by pouring hot water into it. Remove any debris with a pipe cleaner.

Drain pan. Sometimes the drain pan itself can leak. Check for cracks.

Filter. Refrigerators with filters can leak if the filter is the wrong size or not installed properly.

Water line. This is potentially the most problematic. Refrigerators with ice makers or water dispensers have water lines running between the main water supply and the back of the fridge. Feel to see if the water line is wet or dripping. Cracked hoses and loose connections are often the culprit.

Refrigerator leaks can damage the flooring and cabinets in your kitchen.  If you experience a refrigerator leak, please contact us right away to treat and help to prevent any further damage.

Source: https://www.erplumbing.com

Types of Contaminated Water after a Storm

9/18/2018 (Permalink)

Types of Contaminated Water after a Storm

Should you experience a flood in your home after a storm, our team of technicians will inspect your home or business to determine the appropriate plan of action for the type of water encountered.

Category 3: "Black Water"

Category 3 water is grossly contaminated and could cause severe illness or death if ingested and any contact should be avoided. Examples include flooding from rivers or streams, water from beyond the toilet trap, water from the toilet bowl with feces, or standing water that has begun to support microbial growth.

  • May contain untreated sewage, harsh chemicals, and microbes
  • Water from flooding rivers or sewer backup

24 Hour Emergency Service

Water contaminated with sewage backup should be considered an emergency situation and dealt with as quickly as possible. Our technicians at SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for any emergency situations that arise. We have been a trusted name in safely and properly restoring homes and businesses for almost 15 years! We are here to help!

5 Things to Know After a Water Damage| SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands

8/27/2018 (Permalink)

Trained professionals from SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands do exceptional work restoring buildings affected by fire, mold, water & storms.

Electrical Wires and Gas Lines

Before even approaching the scene of a flooded home that needs water removal on Cape Cod be very careful. If the water reaches outlets or damages electric wires and gas lines, then it could be dangerous to the touch. Therefore, the best way to do is to let professionals handle this kind of work. Otherwise, you may have to replace these wires and gas line later which can be much more expensive.

Grey and Black Water

Whereas fresh water is the cleanest and safest, grey water is dirty and black water is hazardous. Because water can be a bacteria breeding ground, fresh water can easily become grey or black water when it passes through structure. The nature of grey and black water is much more damaging than fresh water and requires special precautions. Therefore, dealing with a fresh water damage as soon as possible will seriously save you a headache.


If the water doesn't destroy your home and belongings, then the mold can. Did you know it only takes 24 hours for mold to appear? This is why it’s smart to anticipate the need for mold remediation on Cape Cod. If you wait too long, the mold will multiply rapidly and become more and more stubborn. If it turns to black mold, then toxicity in the air will become a serious concern.

Building Structure and Foundation Damage

Water damage often finds its way into spaces that are out of view. Such examples might be crawl spaces, inside of walls or retained in the ceilings and floors. Not only will it cause damaging mold, it will warp and weaken these structures, eventually causing them to fall apart. Even worse, long term water damage can cause rot and put the rest of the building in jeopardy.

Valuables and Belongings

One of the most devastating things about water damage is how it can steal away prized possessions. Books, photos and important documents name just a few things that can get wrecked within a day. You’ll have even bigger problems if the water penetrates your furniture, electronics and appliances. If the water damage is handled immediately, then you may be able to save these items. If you wait then you are not only losing sentimentally valued items, you are also losing thousands of dollars in damages, replacements, and repairs.

For help, contact professionals of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Island by calling us at (508) 888-5985.

Things To Be Done Before and After Fire Damage

8/27/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands is the best option for residential or commercial mold, water and fire restoration that is quick and detailed.

When Fire Strikes

Did you know that more Americans die from fires each year than all of the natural disasters combined? Therefore, if you have a fire and it’s too large to use a fire extinguisher, then please immediately vacate the premises and dial 911. Regardless of the size of the ordeal, you need to get in touch with a company that provides fire damage repair in Cape Cod.

If you must flee the scene of a fire, always make sure to follow these important points:

  • Call the Authorities, make them aware that you plan to vacate, so they know that nobody is trapped inside.
  • If you are in an old or historic building, tell the authorities and restoration technicians in case they have special methods for handling it.
  • Close the door behind you, whenever you exit a room to prevent the smoke and fire from spreading.
  • Don’t use any elevators.
  • If you encounter smoke, drop down just a few inches above the ground and crawl to the nearest exit. Be aware that toxic smoke may also be found on the floor as well as in the air.

Moments After the Disaster

It only takes about five minutes for the fire to be hot enough to burn through steel. So, imagine what it can do to the framework of a building. This is why you’ll need clearance from the fire department before your allowed to re-enter a place after a fire.

In the meantime, stay with a friend or relative. You can also call a disaster relief service to find temporary accommodations. Your very next step should be to call your insurance company. Depending on your policy you may receive reimbursements for damages or help paying for fire damage restoration services offered from reputable companies like SERVPRO.

Before The Restoration Company Arrives

If you are allowed back in you home and you can try these tips before the restoration process happens

  • Determine whether a water damage removal service in Cape Cod is also needed.
  • Decide if hiring a contractor is necessary.
  • Spread coffee grounds throughout the house to absorb the smell.
  • Recover valuables and important documents.
  • Use videos or pictures to document the damages for insurance purposes.
  • Don’t turn on any HVAC systems to prevent circulation of soot.

What To Expect From Restoration companies

If you hire professionals to handle the restoration companies, here is what you can expect.

Special Equipment like negative air fans and air scrubbers will be used for air decontamination and ventilation. They may also use a HEPA vacuum on surfaces to get rid of dangerous particles. Once the air is clean and evacuated, they’ll run the ozone machine for at least 24 hours to clear any odors.

Remove all items so that they are not being further damaged from the soot and smoke that is still in the air. And put them in a safe space to be cleaned later.

Disinfecting and scrubbing areas with alkaline cleaners and counteractant chemicals. These are much better at cutting through soot and dulling down the strong fire odor.


Stay Safe

Conducting a fire restoration process is unsafe without a help from professionals. SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is the best company for this job. We have expert knowledge and can determine if damages have reached beneath the surface. Furthermore, we offer other services like mold remediation in Cape Cod, which is often needed in cases of fire damage. Regardless, let us handle the situation so your life can get back to normal.

Mold Damage from a Leaky Chimney| SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands

8/20/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & the Islands offers effective solutions for mold remediation through an experienced and skilled team.

Recently we responded to a mold issue on Nantucket. The homeowner who lives full-time outside of Massachusetts had planned her annual trip back to Nantucket over the Summer. Upon arriving to the property with her children in tow she immediately smelt the odor of mold and was very concerned for the health and well-being of herself and kids all of whom were highly allergic to microorganisms.  

There Are Three Elements Needed for Mold to Grow

  • Nutrients such as the cellulose structure of walls, cardboard or wood are all considered food sources common in homes that help mold spores thrive and multiple.
  • Inside Moisture or humidity levels above 60%
  • Time is the last factor, it only takes 24 hours of the perfect conditions for mold to begin to grow.

It was obvious that it was a more serious issue than just a closed-up home. The high levels of moisture were extensive in the home causing a strong bacterial odor from the mold spores not visible but nonetheless in the air. She wanted work done immediately because they could not stay at the house because of the concerns she had of health risks for the family.  We responded right away and set up dehumidifiers and air scrubbers to begin the drying and air scrubbing process at the dwelling. The challenge came when it was discovered that the source was a leaking chimney. After a discussion regarding this fact, the homeowner knew she needed to hire a masonry person to fix the source of the water intrusion to the property, the chimney in this case. She also disclosed that she was in the process of selling the property and wanted to make sure that the mold was completely eradicate for any new owners.

As we began our mold remediation we knew there was going to be a probable with reducing the humidity level in the home enough to make a real difference and began to construct containment barriers up while waiting for the chimney issue to be dealt with by the masonry crew.  The days turned to weeks waiting for the chimney to be repaired. Finally, with the source of water intrusion fixed we were able to finish the process of our mold remediation. 

Even though the efforts of the crew to sanitize the home and maintain the humidity levels between 40-60% were inhibited by the fact that the source of water needed to be resolved coupled with the fact that there was no place to put the content because the homeowner did not have any space for a storage pod on the property they decided to seal off one room in the house to store the content.   Not every job is easy to accomplish but we are always dedicated to crossing the finish line for our customers. If you have a mold issue and need help we are just one phone call away.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is trained and certified to eradicate mold for you in your home or business.

What is the SERVPRO® Ready Plan Tool

8/15/2018 (Permalink)

What is the SERVPRO® Ready Plan Tool

The SERVPRO® Ready Plan is a tool for property managers and owners, both residential and commercial. It allows for the creation of an Emergency READY Profile. By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your home or business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your home or business.

SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals have restoration experts available 24 hours a day to get your business back up and running. Our expertise includes restoration services for fire and water damage, including electronics restoration and document drying. We are also your business’s best resource for mold mitigation and removal. Our Large Loss Division has the expertise to manage the cost and operations of large commercial disaster recovery projects.

Cooking is the Number One Cause of House Fires, According to the National Fire Protection Association

8/15/2018 (Permalink)

Cooking is the Number One Cause of House Fires, According to the National Fire Protection Association

 The number one source of house fires is cooking – usually leaving pots or pans unattended on the stove while you run away to do something for “just a minute.” The NFPA says that 40% of all house fires, or an average of 156,600 per year, start this way, causing approximately $853 million in property damage. Two-thirds of the fires started because the food or other materials caught fire.

Fires are more likely to start on a range (57%) as compared to the oven (16%), mainly due to frying. Most injuries occur when the cook tried to put out the fire.

Safety tips for avoiding Kitchen Fires:

  • Be alert when cooking and don’t leave food unattended.
  • Don’t throw water on a grease fire, put a lid on the pan to smother the fire.
  • Keep clothing, pot holders, paper towels and other flammable items away from the stove.
  • Have working smoke detectors in the house and keep a fire extinguisher nearby just in case.

Sources: http://www.propertycasualty360.com and National Fire Prevention Association

Home Fires Caused by Dryers and Washing Machines

8/15/2018 (Permalink)

Home Fires Caused by Dryers and Washing Machines

 Clothes dryer fires happen more often than one might think, accounting for 16,800 home structure fires in 2010 and doing more than $236 million in property damage according to the National Fire Protection Association. The most frequent causes of fires in dryers are lint/dust (29%) and clothing (28%). In washers, they are wire or cable insulation (26%), the appliance housing (21%) or the drive belt (15%).

Dryers were involved in 92% of the Washer/Dryer fires; the risk of fire was basically the same for both gas and electric-powered dryers.

Safety tips:

  • Clean the lint screen frequently and don’t run the dryer without it.
  • For gas and propane dryers, make sure there aren’t any leaks in the lines.
  • Vent the dryer to the outside of the house and ensure nothing blocks the vent pipe.
  • Clean the vent pipe and the area where the screen is housed.
  • Keep the area around the dryer free of combustible materials.

Source: National Fire Protection Association and http://www.propertycasualty360.com

How to Decrease Your Mold Exposure

8/15/2018 (Permalink)

How to Decrease Your Mold Exposure

How can people decrease mold exposure?

Molds grow best in warm, damp, and humid conditions, and spread and reproduce by making spores. Sensitive individuals should avoid areas that are likely to have mold, such as compost piles, cut grass, and wooded areas. Inside homes, mold growth can be slowed by controlling humidity levels and ventilating showers and cooking areas.

Specific Recommendations:

  • Keep humidity levels as low as you can—no higher than 50%–all day long. An air conditioner or dehumidifier will help you keep the level low. Bear in mind that humidity levels change over the course of a day with changes in the moisture in the air and the air temperature, so you will need to check the humidity levels more than once a day.
  • Use an air conditioner or a dehumidifier during humid months.
  • Be sure the home has adequate ventilation, including exhaust fans.
  • Add mold inhibitors to paints before application.
  • Clean bathrooms with mold killing products.
  • Do not carpet bathrooms and basements.
  • Remove or replace previously soaked carpets and upholstery.

What areas have high mold exposures?

  • Antique shops
  • Greenhouses
  • Saunas
  • Farms
  • Mills
  • Construction areas
  • Flower shops
  • Summer cottages
  • Lake Houses

Source: cdc.gov

One Year After Hurricane Harvey

8/15/2018 (Permalink)

One Year After Hurricane Harvey

August 25th marks the one year anniversary of Hurricane Harvey, the category 4 hurricane that deeply affected the state of Texas one year ago.  Hurricane Harvey dumped more than 50 inches of rain in parts of the Houston area, flooding thousands of homes and killing more than 80 people. The devastation was swift, and the recovery is far from over.  SERVPRO® franchises from all over the country were proud to come to the aid of the people whose homes were damaged by the hurricane.  The water damage was catastrophic. The professionals at SERVPRO® worked especially hard during that hurricane and will always be here for you during any New England storm or Nor'easter...faster to any disaster to help you through any type home flood.

Lightning During Storms and House Fires Resulting

8/15/2018 (Permalink)

Lightning During Storms and House Fires Resulting

Unlike other types of house fires, which occur more frequently in the winter months, fires in the home caused by lightning are more likely to happen in June, July and August in the late afternoon or early evening. From 2007-2011, NFPA says there were an average of 22,600 fires per year caused by lightning strikes.  Lightning is responsible for a number of wildfires as well.

Lightning during storms poses the greatest risk outdoors and frequently strikes the highest point on a structure.

Safety tips During Lightning Storms: 

  • When possible, stay away from doors and windows during an electrical storm.
  • Do not use corded phones, computers, TVs or other electrical equipment during storms.
  • Unplug major electronics – TVs, stereo equipment, computers and microwaves to minimize damage if there is a lightning strike close by.
  • Avoid plumbing such as sinks, baths and faucets during a thunderstorm as metal plumbing is an excellent conductor of electricity.

Source: http://www.propertycasualty360.com and National Fire Protection Association

What Secondary Damage can occur after water damage in your home or commercial building?

8/15/2018 (Permalink)

What Secondary Damage can occur after water damage in your home or commercial building? 

After water leaks or flood damage, if not properly dried and treated, a home or business can develop mold from the moisture left on: wood, tile, carpeting, windows, concrete, and/or other materials/items that were affected.  SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands strives to prevent secondary damage every time we remediate water damage. Building material and flooring are dried and treated to prevent mold and other allergens/contaminates using specialized equipment and cleaning products.

If water damage is not properly treated, the perfect environment is created for mold spores to grow in your home and to contaminate the air that is breathed.

Should you ever suffer water damage due to: a water heater leak, sink overflow, fire, refrigerator leak, excessive rain, storm damage, leaky roof, flood damage, or any other reason water has invaded your home or business, please know that .  SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is here to help.  Faster to Any Disaster

Never Wait When Dealing with Water Damage| SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands  

8/13/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands can restore your property affected by fire, mold, water and storm damage.

Never Wait for Water Damage Restoration

We consider water damage the most unforgiving property damage because left untreated it can cause more damage than an initial loss that can end up with a pretty steep price tag. That is why we cannot stress enough to deal with water damage as soon as possible. Please seek the help immediately for the emergency services from a professional water damage restoration company on Cape Cod, because your problems will get exponentially worse with each passing hour.

Water damages are often avoidable, and many are caused by human error. Even when flooding occurs, you can still avoid the worst of the damages if you react quickly. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following, as these are the damages and causes that you need to look out for to save yourself stress.

Causes of Water Damage

It’s easier to prevent water damage if you know what you’re looking for. The most common causes of flooding and water damage include:

  • Burst / leaking pipes
  • Faulty appliances
  • Water tank malfunction
  • Broken sinks, bathtubs or toilets
  • Long term humidity in small spaces and basements
  • Sewage Back up
  • Storms and Flooding conditions

Get Help

For immediate help from a reputable water damage restoration service in Cape Cod, get in touch with SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands. SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands uses special equipment designed to remove the humidity from the air and effectively prevent mold. We can arrive at the scene of any home or commercial disaster in no time ready to help you recover. Contact professionals of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Island by calling us at (508) 888-5985.

Here to Help You Recover from Fire Damage| SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands

8/7/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands, the best professional fire and smoke damage restoration on Cape Cod. We are always here to help!

Recently we were called to help someone recover from a fire damage at their home in Bourne, MA. Typically, the crew would secure the building by boarding up the windows and doors, however this property’s fire took place nine months earlier. However, it is important to note the importance of securing your property immediately after a fire damage to protect your personal belongings and limit liability.

Fire damage is caused by the direct contact of both the heat and flame of the fire. Demolishing of the parts of the dwelling not structural sound happens immediately and we also haul way the debris from the property too!  And with our own construction division it gives us the ability to manage the entire project with no surprises getting you back in your home quickly. Then the crew goes to work on the inside where they clean the content and structure only damaged by the soot and or smoke and are salvageable. Contents are transferred to a secured storage facility. We organize and coordinate all the content cleaning such as clothing and the storage of your furnishings. We can even dry documents, restore your photos, and electronics. And of course, all while working with your insurance carrier to help make the claims process smoother.

As the days turned into weeks we cleaned the entire structure including ceilings, walls, floors, and cabinets.  The smoke can drift through household ducts, where it becomes trapped. We don't cover the smell, we remove it by using special equipment that can remove the smoke odor from your structure. If not properly removed, smoke odor will reoccur, especially during the months with high humidity. The "Thermal Fogging" process takes approximately three days. All work as to come to a halt and the site shut down. Signs are placed on all entrances to the property to warn people that there is thermal fogging in progress. Thermal fogging is the most crucial part of the cleanup process making it like the fire damage never even happened!

After the equipment is pulled, the property gets re-insulated, the walls are sheet rocked and painted, the kitchen and bathrooms are all installed, and the plumbing and electric are finished.  The final touches are all fixtures which are installed and finally the floors get put in.

If you are in need of a restoration company with experience in making fire damage "Like it never even happened." call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands.

Causes and Prevention for Mold Growth in Cabinets, Kitchen or Closets

7/26/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is a leading name for residential and commercial mold remediation due to water damages.

Mold will grow rapidly, taking over almost any surface in your home, if you let it. Not only is it ugly and unappealing, it can pose serious risks that are detrimental to your health. Mold is commonly found in the least favorable places. This can be your cabinets, kitchen or closets. We SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Island  have seen mold in just about every place you can think of, and we’ve been able to scour it away every time.

Common Causes

Mold thrives best in a combination of three atmospheres; warm, dark, and moist. It lives off of wood, plants, cotton, paper and other similar materials. With just enough oxygen and little ventilation, mold might spread like wildfire. It's upsetting when this very thing happens in your closet. It will rot away the wood, and even worse it will spread to your clothing.

Moisture Level/Condensation

Moisture is a primary factor acting as a catalyst for mold growth. Wardrobes placed near windows or directly against walls tend to hold more humidity. This makes it the perfect place for mold growth, because it has minimal ventilation. To prevent conditions for mold growth, apply proper airflow to reduce moisture.

Soggy Clothing

Some people think it is a good idea to hang up their clothes to dry. There are a multitude reasons behind why they may choose to do this. However hanging your clothes in a dark and close closet is basically inviting mold to grow there. Clothing will take much longer to dry, without airflow or sunlight and time is a component in mold growth. All in all, hang wet clothes in open, well-lit spaces, for efficient drying and mold prevention.


Mold growth needs to put in a check to avoid health problems. It is better to seek out mold removal services right away. Mold growth can persist and affect large areas of the house.  Some of the ways to prevent mold growth are:

Special Attention

Give your wardrobe a  little special attention every now and then when you are cleaning. The most effective method is to mix bleach with water to wash mold away. Keep in mind, a bleach may be a little to harsh for wardrobes made up of wood. In such a situation, try using a gentle cleaning solution.

Prevention Methods

One idea for a gentle cleaning solution is to mix half white vinegar and half water. This is acidic enough to remove regular mold and even tough black mold. After removing the mold, wipe the area down with undiluted vinegar to kill spore that may be hanging on.   Some other preventive tactics are:

  • Keep your wardrobe a few centimeters from the wall to avoid condensation.
  • Avoid hanging damp clothes in the closet.
  • When drying clothes, give a space between items to avoid spore growth from one item to another.
  • Go for wire shelves instead of solid shelves to have better air circulation.

Mold removal is necessary for your health and your property. Prevention and restoration are two ways to deal with it. To get effective results, call in the pros from SERVPRO of Upper Cape and the Islands. Our trained restoration technicians have specialized equipment to tackle damages of all sizes. To learn more about our water, storm, or commercial mold remediation; give us a call at (508) 888-5985.

10 Tips to Consider- Eliminate Mold from Commercial Places

7/21/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & the Island has professionals that are available 24/7. They preform mold remediation among other commercial services.

10 Tips for Mold Removal at Commercial Places

Closed, damp spaces with a lack of ventilation are susceptible to mold growth. It is often looked at as icky black stuff growing in all the wrong places on your property. You can keep things in check by providing proper airflow, and keeping the area dry. It doesn't matter if the property is residential or commercial. Both can be plagued with mold.

To maintain your health and business reputation  you need to remove mold as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will get worse. Of course, getting rid of mold is not how anyone wants to spend their day.  Fortunately, you won't have to, with the help of  SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands. Their technicians offer mold restoration cape cod through capable hands.

Mold is a nuisance especially in commercial places. It must be  eliminated completely, for legal health purposes and also aesthetic appeal. Following are some tips that will help you avoid mold growth on your property:

Fix Plumbing Issues

Mold is commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms near pipes and faucets. Leaking water makes the area wet or humid. The moisture develops a proper breeding ground for mold. Fixing the pipes can prevent mold from spreading and becoming a serious problem.

Check Property For Leaks

Mold also frequently grows on walls or ceilings. This is often a tell tale sign of unnoticed water damages. At this point you should check the area for possible leaks. Locate any cracks in ceilings, vents, windows, walls or the roof. Once the mold is gone, fix the leak to prevent it from reappearing.

Inspect Air Ducts

If mold starts to form around air vents, then damp duct work is probably the reason behind this. When you run the air conditioner on hot days, condensation is likely to build up. This is the perfect dark and damp environment that leads to mold spores. It also is  a sign that the insulation in your air vents are no longer effective, if present at all. This can be particular difficult place to clean mold.  For effective removal hire the SERVPRO crew.

Thorough Inspection

If you are seeing early mold growth on any part of the premises, it is time to conduct a thorough inspection. By doing this, you can locate the source of the problem and identify what other issues the mold may be a sign of. Furthermore, you can discover places in need of  better airflow.

Antimicrobial Spray and Mildewcide Paint

After removing mold, apply antimicrobial spray as a preventative measure. It also gets rid of the musty smell that tends to emanate from mold and mildew. After treating the area with antimicrobial spray, paint the wall with mildew-resistant primer. This will keep the issue at bay.

Remove Bathtub Mold

Mold around a bathtub or shower can be removed as easily as it grows. Scrub the affected area using bleach or antimicrobial spray. Check to see if you need to seal the grouts, as water penetration can lead to mold and other problems.

Fix Insulation

When there are gaps in insulation, warm air meets cold surfaces, forming condensation. This condition maximizes the chances of mold growth. This happens often near floors, windows, at corners and around lights. Pay attention when cleaning and inspecting to neutralize the risk.

Go for Mold-Resistant Buildings Material

Planning remodel or replace after mold removal? Lower your chances of future issues by using mold resistant materials.

Do consider the above-mentioned tips for removing mold. Furthermore, pay attention to the potential large scale problems that cause mold. For help, contact professionals of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Island by calling us at (508) 888-5985.

Tasks You Can Safely Do Before Fire Restoration Help Arrives | SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and Islands

7/12/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands is a leading name in commercial cleanup and restoration on Cape Cod & the Islands.

Learning you’ve been affected by a home fire is a devastating feeling. While the damage fires cause can often be mitigated with restoration, it’s important to hire a professional to ensure the cleanup is done properly.

Working with a professional has several benefits, including working with the homeowner’s insurance company on your behalf and helping the restoration happen more quickly. However, as you’re waiting for help to arrive, it’s natural to want to do what you can to get started.

While some things should always be left to the professionals, there are a few tasks you can start to get your life back to normal even faster. If you find yourself needing to start on fire restoration ASAP, here are three things you can safely do:


As most items will need to be washed several times, if your washer and dryer have not been affected by the fire, starting laundry right away is a great way to help the cleanup process. Begin by washing any clothing, bedding or other machine washable materials with an alkaline cleaner or vinegar solution—but leave delicate fabrics, upholstery and curtains to professional care.

Increased Ventilation

Weather permitting, let outside air into the house as much as possible. Open windows and doors to dissipate the smoke smell, and let them remain open as long as you are able. While the restoration team will bring industrial-grade equipment to aid this process once they arrive, this is a small step you can take toward helping the process along.

Preliminary Cleaning

Non-porous surfaces such as countertops and tile can withstand a preliminary scrub with soap and water to cut through the initial layer of grime. Use a mild dish soap or alkaline cleaner to begin, and let the professionals handle the usage of anything more heavy-duty. If you’re unsure, it’s best to wait for the professionals, as cleaning improperly can result in more severe and even permanent damage to your surfaces.

If your home has been affected by a fire, SERVPRO®’s team of professionals is trained and ready to help.

Is Carpet Cleaning After A Water Damage Needed? | SERVPRO® of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands

7/12/2018 (Permalink)

If you’re still unsure if carpet cleaning is a solution for your home, our SERVPRO team of professionals is happy to discuss how it can help!

Carpet cleaning is rarely considered a routine chore by most homeowners. While most assume that vacuuming is sufficient, it often isn’t enough for the heavier debris.

It’s not uncommon for carpet companies to require regular cleaning to maintain the manufacturer’s warranty, but there are several other reasons why carpet cleaning is a wise choice. By extending the life of your carpet, allowing for easier floor maintenance and banishing bugs and mites, carpet cleaning is a smart choice for any homeowners looking to improve the quality and appearance of their floors.

Still not convinced? Here are some ways that carpet cleaning can benefit your home:

Extend the life of your carpet. During home renovations, carpet is often replaced for looking “tired”—which is a simple way to say that it’s been too dirty for too long. Debris serves like sandpaper to carpet fibers, and every time dirty carpet is walked on, it becomes more deeply embedded, tremendously shortening the lifespan.

Have simpler floor maintenance. Though vacuuming handles only the surface dirt and debris, it can happily coexist with regular carpet cleaning to make your routine cleaning much easier! Regularly cleaned carpets are simpler to vacuum because the heavy-duty dirt and debris have already been removed.

Remove mites and bugs. As with any other soft surface, mites and bugs are perfectly content making their home within plush carpet fibers. Thankfully, professional cleaning creates an inhospitable living environment for the critters and staying on a regular schedule will discourage them from coming back.

Improve indoor air. Not only do carpets contain dirt, but there are also more dangerous pollutants and bacteria that can lurk within the fibers. When doors and windows are opened, contaminants from the outside air are whisked into the home. Because vacuuming only handles surface-level debris, the other pollutants are free to degrade indoor air quality until they’re professionally removed.

Remove bacteria and odor of a water damage.
Even if the water damaged isn’t where the carpeted room is doesn’t mean it wasn’t affected. The foot traffic of every person who comes into the house from outside such as the property owners, insurance adjuster and even the SERVPRO team of professionalshelping to clean up the mess are potentially spreading the bacteria from the affected portion of the house to the unaffected section. Carpet cleaning injunction with sanitizing and disinfecting treatments can help limit the bacteria and restore the life of your carpeting. 

13 Essential Points on Undertaking Water Damage Repair

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

Get in touch with SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands day or night. The water damage restoration service in Cape Cod will help you.

13 Things You Should Know About Water Damage Repair

Water is a symbol of well-being for humanity and their surroundings. Its resources are useful to us up until mother nature fights back with storm or flooding. Storm surges, excessive rain or devastating flood are the main sources of water and storm damage. It is the worst condition that any homeowner can face and this is where water damage restoration process becomes crucial, lengthy and painstaking, but not for SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands.

There are many reasons of residential water damage. The most common reason is failure of sump pump, following broken or leaked pipes, washing machine overflow, flood waters or clogged toilets, etc. Moreover, this damage may also be caused due to the ongoing corrosion of the building structure. This leads towards a more destructive processes i.e. rusting of steel, growth of mold, decaying of wood, discoloration of walls, etc. In short, it is a major contributor to loss of property.

Here are a few things that you need to keep in mind:

Shut Down Electricity

Whenever water damage ensues at your property, always shut off the main electricity to prevent accidents and hazards.

Shut Off Water Source

If you find any water leaks through pipes or dishwasher, immediately close taps. Assess the area and do water damage repair.

Wear Safety Gear

Before the water damage and mold restoration professionals step in, carefully inspect the area with proper safety gear to protect yourself.

Remove Damaged Material

If porous materials like fabric and carpets have been soaked in water due to water leakage, you should cut them out, wash them and keep them out in a dry place. However, in some cases shrinking and warping of these materials causes irreversible damage. Also, do not try to pick up water-soaked fabric as it gets considerably heavy.

Inspect Mold Growth

Inspect damaged materials for mildew and mold growth, as it can grow in as little as 24 hours. You need to be aware of toxic mold that might cause health concerns. Don’t try to remove it by yourself. Call for professional help.

Dry Affected Area

Remove moisture from the affected area. You can use fans to circulate air in the damaged areas. If water damage is in large scale, ask SERVPRO crew to dry out carpets, furniture and other affected materials.

Disinfect Damaged Area

Disinfect area to destroy bacteria settled on your furniture, walls and other items.

Check Damage to Ceilings

Constant and unnoticed moisture on the ceilings might cause it to collapse. Therefore, remove damaged ceiling panels first and find out the true source of leak, ensuring no structural damage to rafters.

Exchange Rotten Wood

Exchange rotten woods. Mold or mildew developed on wood flooring must be replaced. Do thorough cleaning with the help of professionals.

Install New Floors

Insulations and underlayment are particularly susceptible to water damage. Moisture trapped underneath is more than often evident of floor damage. Install new waterproof flooring in that particular area.

Paint Your Property

Apply fresh coat of paint after replacement of materials to minimize future water damage.

Claim Property Insurance

If water damage is at disastrous level, you can file insurance claim. Photograph items and areas damaged by water as proof and document the pictures along with insurance statement. Our professionals will help you through the procedure.

Contact Restoration Company

Water damage restoration companies such as SERVPRO are available 24/7 to serve you with highly trained professionals. They clean damaged area efficiently with latest equipment to give you high-quality results.  

Every inch of water damage can deteriorate your property over time. So, get the help of professionals from SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands today by calling at (508) 888-5985.

A Few Short Guidelines on Effective Mold Remediation

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is the leading name in residential & commercial mold remediation caused by storm/water damage or flooding.

A List of Useful Pointers on Mold Growth and Its Remedies

Mold can grow anywhere in your home, in the form of multicellular thread like hyphae. However, it is basically found in damp building areas and materials inside the home. It contributes to poor indoor air quality. A major mold infestation is capable of putting your property and even health at risk. Therefore, it needs a quick removal from competent companies such as SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands.

You will be able to recognize it either through its musty smell or its fungal appearance on any probable affected area. If mold growth is left untreated, it may cause health concerns. Whereas, its removal is dependent on a number of factors including size of mold, area of mold growth, mold type and how much damage it has made to your home.

There are many sources of mold damage, and the possibilities include sewage or contaminated water, overflowing water from washing machine, leaks from plumbing, sources of air humidifiers or even poor ventilation, etc.

Whatever the source may be, mold removal is crucial to healthier and greener environment. So, inspect and cleanup your mold problem through professional help.

Fix Plumbing Leaks

As discussed earlier, plumbing leaks can be a possible cause for mold growth. It should be fixed as soon as problem is identified.

Scrub Mold Off Hard Surfaces

If you find any mold growth on hard surfaces, gently scrub it with detergent and water and let it dry.

Throw Away Absorbent Materials

There is a possibility that you might have to throw away porous materials such as carpets and ceiling tiles. Because mold can sneak into the empty crevices of porous materials, hence, it may be impossible to remove it completely.

Never Expose Yourself to Mold

Keep yourself covered with gloves, safety glasses and face mask while cleaning up mold to avoid exposure to mold spores that may give rise to a health concern.

Never Paint Mold-Stained Surfaces

Regular or black mold will cause discoloration and stains on walls. Always remember not to apply paint on stained walls. Firstly, clean up mold and let the surface dry before brushing on a few coat of paint.

Check for Poor Ventilation

One of the possible causes of mold progress is poor ventilation system. Inspect your property and check if there is a proper circulation of air in and out of your house. Any place that is rich in moisture will be a breeding ground for mold.

Seal Off Damaged Area

Don’t forget that water, mold or storm damage of this sort can spread easily if the right conditions are provided. Hence, use protective sheets to cover the damaged area, tapes to protect ducts and floor register opening.

Replace/Remove Damaged Wood

Wood is likely to provide food to mold as it soaks up water. Wipe away mold on surface and rinse with water. Let it dry.

Keep in mind that failure to completely remove mold from affected areas and materials will likely guarantee its return. It is always more effective to call in professional mold restoration companies such as SERVPRO of Upper Cape and the Islands. Our skilled crew will ensure the best restoration results to damage of any and all sizes.

For more information about water, storm, mold or commercial mold remediation; call us at (508) 888-5985.

6 Effective Ways to Tackle Commercial Cleaning

5/25/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & the Islands is a leading name in mold, fire, smoke, water & storm damage for residential & commercial properties.

6 Benefits of Utilizing Commercial Cleaning for Your Business

A cleaner environment is a prerequisite to a harmonious and positive brand image. Commercial cleaning services are offered by a number of companies within Cape Cod, MA. A different number of services are also provided under the banner of commercial cleaning. Today we will be discussing the benefits of getting a proper commercial cleaning service for your business as this procedure helps you to establish a remarkable business identity. Always hire professional companies such as SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands to get your commercial property a thorough cleaning.

Some of the benefits related to professional commercial cleaning are enlisted below:

Positive Professional Appearance

To garner more positive response from your business or even to have a tidy look, professional cleaning is required to achieve such a target. Compare two scenarios; in one, you are walking into a commercial property that has stained carpet, dusty desk, and trash overflowing, and on the other hand, a business premises that has a clean look, smells fresh, and all things are arranged well. Definitely, you will prefer the second one, but to achieve this, commercial cleaning may be necessary. When it is overlooked, different particles or things might get stuck into the water supply of your property leading to water damage. To avoid this problem, get water damage restoration from professional and experienced restoration workers of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands.

Increased Productivity

Employees are the working hands in an organization or at a commercial place. A clean and fresh workplace makes the employees happy. It provides them a good working environment. A healthy company culture is important to achieve such a successful status. For good health, cleanliness plays a vital role. Dust-free places, clean air ducts and surroundings will free you and your business workers from allergies. It will also boost your business efforts and attract more customers towards you.

Reduced Disease Spread

We all are familiar with the proverb “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Similarly, a purified environment ensured by proper cleaning is essential to reduce any and all health risks. If you are able to provide a safe working environment free from virus, bacteria, and allergens, then your employees will stay healthy and work more happily. A deep cleaning of the entire workplace may be required in order to ward off the spread of disease. It ultimately results in less sick leaves. In some cases, such as commercial kitchens, it is required by law to have the Board of Health inspect and pass your facility to serve the public food. If there are issues that the agent finds are unhealthy they can shut your business down until they are addressed and we can help reduce that down time with our commercial services.

More Storage Spaces

A messy and unarranged place can add to your problems. To avoid this troublesome situation, you need to keep the place clean and tidy. Remove all unwanted material and try to properly arrange and organize everything while cleaning your workplace. This practice will assist you to free up additional storage space for things that are needed most.

Problem Identification  

Cleaning process allows you to inspect the area in great detail. Most of the time, many places that are overlooked give rise to mold. The reason behind this growth may be moisture due to lack of ventilation or water leakage. It is recommended to get better cleanup to avoid mold growth anywhere on your commercial property. Get mold removal from SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands where factory-trained and skilled professionals offered to make your property mold-free.

Extensive Cleaning  

One of the great benefits that we get in commercial cleaning is a thorough cleanup of all the things. Commercial places, be it restaurants, public areas, offices, etc., all consist of many things that need to be cleaned to polish out a proper appearance of your place. Things that should be considered when planning a cleaning round are enlisted below:

  • Carpet and area rug cleaning
  • Drapery and blind cleaning
  • Tile and grout cleaning and restoration
  • Air duct cleaning
  • Upholstery cleaning
  • Floor cleaning and care
  • Walls and windows cleaning

Looking to get hands-on efficient cleaning services that can help you to maintain a clean look at your commercial property? Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands to get your cleaning procedure done in minimal time.

For more information regarding commercial cleaning services, give us a call at (508) 888-5985.

Effective Ways to Handle Mold Issues in Residential and Commercial Properties

5/11/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & the Islands offers effective solutions for mold remediation through an experienced & skilled team of restoration workers.

A Few Essential Things to Know about Mold Inspection and Remediation

Mold is not just a smelly nuisance. It has the capability of growing in less than 48 hours. It can discolor and damage your property including home and businesses. It can also initiate health concerns if left unchecked. If you have mold exposure then you, other residents in the house, your business customers and employees may experience a number of problems. There is only one way to get rid of these and that is mold removal. It can be a difficult task if you don’t have the right equipment with you. So, hire a professional company such as SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands to get mold remediation through highly trained restoration workers. They will restore your property “Like it never even happened.”

Reasons Behind Mold Growth

The most favorable place for mold to grow are areas with high moisture levels. The reason behind the moisture content may be the lack of ventilation, broken pipes or malfunctioning appliances, disasters such as flooding, plumbing problems or even water damage associated with firefighting efforts. If you find signs of water damage in your house, get it fixed to avoid letting the mold grow. Get help from our professional and experienced company to make your property mold-free.

Mold Inspection

In order to get rid of the problem, the first thing to do is identification. The best way to carry out this job is to take a visit around your property. Thoroughly check all the areas with your premises. The same strategy goes for commercial properties and businesses. Do the following things while inspecting mold:

  • Make a list of the areas that are affected. 
  • Look behind the cabinets in kitchens, laundry rooms, powder rooms, bathrooms, etc.
  • Inspect basement and attic.
  • Have a look behind the cupboards. In addition to this, look into your storerooms or places that have not been opened for a long time.

Mold Remediation

Mold presence is accompanied by a musty odor. The process of deodorizing is a key consideration in the removal process. Mold remediation process is not a DIY step, you need to bring in professional mold removal crew for this task. They use specialized equipment and commercial-grade anti-microbial agents for the removal.

Here’s a four-step remediation process:

  • The first thing to be done is the identification of mold. This procedure can be carried out by using moisture meters, and in advanced approaches, thermal imaging is also used. After this, protocols are designed to overcome moisture issues.
  • Visual inspection of the property is done to figure out what factors may be causing the growth. The conditions are documented for designing a specific testing procedure.
  • Isolation of the area is done in order to protect surrounding areas during the process of removal. The spreading of mold spores is avoided in this step.
  • The affected area is dried out completely to ensure that no water content is left behind.

In homes, the places that get most easily affected by mold are bathrooms, kitchens, basements, attics, garages, and laundry rooms. In commercial or municipal buildings; bathrooms and kitchens, cafeterias, gyms with showering or pool areas, HVAC systems, and any area that has high moisture content will be an ideal breeding ground for mold. As told earlier, firefighting efforts may also give rise to mold problems. During firefighting, water leakage can happen and which in turn can create an untidy situation leading to mold growth. Contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands to avail fire damage restoration through our highly trained restoration workers. 

To get more information regarding the mold removal, give us a call at (508) 888-5985.

6 Effective Ways to Tackle Commercial Cleaning

5/11/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & the Islands is a leading name in mold, fire, smoke, water & storm damage for residential & commercial properties.

6 Benefits of Utilizing Commercial Cleaning for Your Business

A cleaner environment is a prerequisite to a harmonious and positive brand image. Commercial cleaning services are offered by a number of companies within Cape Cod, MA. A different number of services are also provided under the banner of commercial cleaning. Today we will be discussing the benefits of getting a proper commercial cleaning service for your business as this procedure helps you to establish a remarkable business identity. Always hire professional companies such as SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands to get your commercial property a thorough cleaning.

Some of the benefits related to professional commercial cleaning are enlisted below:

Positive Professional Appearance

To garner more positive response from your business or even to have a tidy look, professional cleaning is required to achieve such a target. Compare two scenarios; in one, you are walking into a commercial property that has stained carpet, dusty desk, and trash overflowing, and on the other hand, a business premises that has a clean look, smells fresh, and all things are arranged well. Definitely, you will prefer the second one, but to achieve this, commercial cleaning may be necessary. When it is overlooked, different particles or things might get stuck into the water supply of your property leading to water damage. To avoid this problem, get water damage restoration from professional and experienced restoration workers of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands.

Increased Productivity

Employees are the working hands in an organization or at a commercial place. A clean and fresh workplace makes the employees happy. It provides them a good working environment. A healthy company culture is important to achieve such a successful status. For good health, cleanliness plays a vital role. Dust-free places, clean air ducts and surroundings will free you and your business workers from allergies. It will also boost your business efforts and attract more customers towards you.

Reduced Disease Spread

We all are familiar with the proverb “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Similarly, a purified environment ensured by proper cleaning is essential to reduce any and all health risks. If you are able to provide a safe working environment free from virus, bacteria, and allergens, then your employees will stay healthy and work more happily. A deep cleaning of the entire workplace may be required in order to ward off the spread of disease. It ultimately results in less sick leaves. In some cases, such as commercial kitchens, it is required by law to have the Board of Health inspect and pass your facility to serve the public food. If there are issues that the agent finds are unhealthy they can shut your business down until they are addressed and we can help reduce that down time with our commercial services.

More Storage Spaces

A messy and unarranged place can add to your problems. To avoid this troublesome situation, you need to keep the place clean and tidy. Remove all unwanted material and try to properly arrange and organize everything while cleaning your workplace. This practice will assist you to free up additional storage space for things that are needed most.

Problem Identification  

Cleaning process allows you to inspect the area in great detail. Most of the time, many places that are overlooked give rise to mold. The reason behind this growth may be moisture due to lack of ventilation or water leakage. It is recommended to get better cleanup to avoid mold growth anywhere on your commercial property. Get mold removal from SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands where factory-trained and skilled professionals offered to make your property mold-free.

Extensive Cleaning  

One of the great benefits that we get in commercial cleaning is a thorough cleanup of all the things. Commercial places, be it restaurants, public areas, offices, etc., all consist of many things that need to be cleaned to polish out a proper appearance of your place. Things that should be considered when planning a cleaning round are enlisted below:

  • Carpet and area rug cleaning
  • Drapery and blind cleaning
  • Tile and grout cleaning and restoration
  • Air duct cleaning
  • Upholstery cleaning
  • Floor cleaning and care
  • Walls and windows cleaning

Looking to get hands-on efficient cleaning services that can help you to maintain a clean look at your commercial property? Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands to get your cleaning procedure done in minimal time.

For more information regarding commercial cleaning services, give us a call at (508) 888-5985.

How to Avoid Mold Growth in HVAC, Basements and Attics in Your Home

4/23/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands offers a wide range of restoration and remediation services for your property.

How to Make Your Year-Round and Seasonal Properties Mold-Free

Mold – a problem indeed if not taken care of effectively. It can grow in the different part of houses. The areas that get affected first and foremost are basements, attics and HVAC systems. The reason behind this is the lack of ventilation, air flow, and excess of water and moisture content. Water acts as a catalyst for mold growth and other factors contribute wholeheartedly as well. The good part is that mold can be treated if you pay attention and hire professional mold removal services who have years of experience.

The following are some of the ways in which we can remove mold from your attics, basements and HVAC systems:

Mold Removal from HVAC Systems

It easily grows in HVAC as moisture, organic material, and temperature within an HVAC system ranges between 32 and 120 degrees. HVAC plays a vital role in our home’s ability to contribute the dispersion of cooling, heating, and ventilation within the structure. Follow the below-enlisted tips to make your HVAC mold-free:

  • Replace air filters on regular basis, once in a month
  • Clean standing water on the drain pans to eliminate chances of microbes that result in mold growth
  • Apply an HVAC mold inhibitor to all components of heating and cooling units while following manufacturer’s instructions
  • Try to keep ducts dry along with fixing water-damaged components, and use a disinfectant in the system
  • Inspect the area where air enters and make it free of a nearby dumpster waste, standing water, bird droppings, etc.

Mold Eradication from Basements

Let’s be honest, basements in most homes are usually overlooked. They are considered as an extra space for storing things, washing clothes, etc. Because of neglect, mold growth is common in basements. Always hire a professional mold restoration service to get rid of any and all growth. Here are a few steps that need to be followed in order to eliminate spore growth:

  • Check the humidity level and ensure there is a place for ventilation, and/or use a dehumidifier
  • Avoid growing plants in the basement and reduce congestion
  • Avoid placing wood in the basement and keep water away from the home so that it may not surround the property
  • Inspect that there is no water leakage in the basement and take care of spills immediately to avoid problems
  • Reduce the humidifying factor and install an exhaust fan. To reduce humidity, avoid drying wet clothes and place appliance exhausts outside the house instead of in a basement to limit the amount of humidity

Limit Mold Growth in Attics

An attic space is often used for the placement of the vents to the bathrooms, kitchen and even the dryer vents to be used to discharge outside through the roof. But sometimes those vents do not make it all the way outside leaving moist air to escape into the attic causing mold to grow. The installation of furnaces, water heater and sometimes poorly insulated ceilings can also be the reason behind mold in attics. Follow this list of steps to avoid mold growth:

  • Don’t place your dryer vent discharge in the attic to avoid water accumulation
  • Proper ceiling insulation should be installed with a clearance to decking surface, otherwise, it will lead to mold growth
  • Heating ducts should be properly insulated
  • Furnaces and water heaters, if installed in the attic, should be contained in a separate room
  • Plumbing vents should be extended to the roof instead of placing them in the attics

These areas need to be inspected from time to time to avoid any mold problem that may arise later on. Houses that are left closed for a long period of time, mostly the houses owned for vacation purposes, are at a greater risk of developing mold due to lack of ventilation, cleanliness, and maintenance. It is better to look for mold when you visit the house and get in touch with experienced and professional restoration services like SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands to get productive results for mold removal.

To inquire more about our mold remediation and HVAC cleanup services, call us at (508) 888-5985.

Effective Ways To Overcome Commercial Cleanup and Restoration

4/23/2018 (Permalink)

exposed wood wall with part of it charred and blackened SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands is a leading name in commercial cleanup and restoration on Cape Cod and the Islands.

What to Look for in Effective Commercial Restoration Services

Every business owner is very much concerned about the reputation of their business. They want everything to be perfect in order to attract the targeted customers and boast a good business image. Mold growth, fire damage, water damage, sewage problems, etc. are some of the common issues faced by every business owner once in a while. When faced with such a challenge, we need to look for practical and effective solutions. We recommend that you pick the best restoration company to get this task done efficiently and get your business back on track. SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands has many clients from the food industry who we have helped when needed. Due to fire and water damage, our efforts were needed recently to help a local restaurant restore their kitchen area and get them back in business within 36 hours which is a true testimony to our dedication to providing the best restoration services on the Cape and Islands.

The following is an overview of how we handle commercial cleanup and restoration for any and all types of businesses:

Water Damage Restoration

First, we will discuss water damage restoration. It is one of the most common problems faced by any business owner, especially in the food sector; restaurants, cafes, bakeries, etc. Water damage can be due to leakage or blockage of different content within the water pipelines. The steps included in water damage restoration procedure include:

  • Inspection

Firstly, inspection is done by experienced and skilled technicians of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands. Water damage may have adversely affected walls, rooms, carpets, hardwood, ceiling and other parts of the commercial setting. Hence, after proper identification, a further step will be taken to remediate the issue.

  • Water Removal

Then comes devising a plan for water removal. For this purpose, water vacuums or water pumps are used to drain out the specific areas.

  • Drying

Once the water has been removed, the drying process comes in to eliminate any and all moisture content in the commercial building. If left unchecked, it can lead to mold growth.

  • Cleaning

Then we have proper cleaning and sanitization of all belongings, furniture, walls, ceilings, spaces, surfaces, etc.

  • Restoration

Last, we have the restoration on the list which involves replacement of materials such as drywall or insulation to restore things back to normal.

Sewage Cleanup

Sewage can be a very critical problem in commercial places with frequent visitors. It can be due to leakage/blockage in the pipeline or backflow. It needs to be handled properly to resolve sanitation issues as a clean, fresh and healthy environment is necessary for a business to thrive. The following are the steps taken by sewage cleanup services:

  • Removing sewage water and contaminants in an appropriate manner
  • Removing contaminated content and sanitizing the area
  • Ventilating the areas to dry them out properly
  • Performing repair and restoration work
  • Restoring the place back to normal and performing mold mitigation, if necessary

Mold Remediation

Mold is a common and often overlooked issue as it grows in places that have less airflow, high moisture, and more water content. To get mold remediation services, hire a professional team who uses the latest technique and removal procedures to restore your property to ‘like it never even happened’. Proper inspection and identification of spaces such as bathrooms, cupboards, ceilings, and wall cavities should be tackled first. Ensuring proper ventilation is the key to getting rid of mold at your business or commercial premises.

Fire Restoration

Within a matter of minutes, fire can become the cause of death and large-scale property damage. It can be triggered due to electrical failure, a malfunction in kitchen appliances, etc. After such an unfortunate event, get the help of professionals from an experienced and skilled restoration company to handle the situation carefully. The key functions performed in fire damage restoration are proper inspection, cooling, removal of damaged belongings, and restoring the place back to normal.

Looking to get efficient restoration services with productive results to maintain the look, repute, and profits of your business? Call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands for sewage cleanup, water damage restoration, fire damage restoration and mold restoration. Our work is completed in minimal time while ensuring high-quality service.

For more information on commercial restoration services, feel free to call us at (508) 888-5985.

5 Guiding Steps for Mold Remediation after a Storm

4/19/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & the Islands is a leader in the storm damage remediation industry. They offer exceptional water & mold damage restoration.

We know the storms this winter did a lot of damage in our area with widespread flooding and falling trees. It’s during these times when water damage from a storm can leave you exposed to having a mold problem if not cleaned up immediately or professionally. Mold is a fungus that grows in areas that have moisture. Its development in the different areas of the house or office gives off an unpleasant odor coupled with an unaesthetic view. It is an awful sight to look at. It grows in filaments and spreads if left unchecked. The bathrooms, walls, ceilings, kitchen cabinets and wardrobes are a few of the significant spaces that get affected by mold. Recently the towns of Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard were affected by nor’easter storm Skylar, Riley and Cyclone Bomb. Their adverse effects were due to strong winds, snow, and flooding. As we are well aware of the fact that water is one of the important constituents in that help in boosting growth since it creates moisture if left untouched at a space. Read ahead to know how to go about remediation at your property after a storm.

Look at the following five steps that should be followed for basic and quick restoration:

Evaluate Moisture

Assessing spore growth involves more than just looking at what's clearly and visibly growing on the walls or in a corner. First, understand that the reason behind all unwanted spore growth is water and moisture. The ultimate goal is to identify the moisture source and use its location to help locate all mold growth.

Remediation Plan

Before we start the remediation process, it is best to document the situation with photos which is standard with our service. This will be useful for the restoration team and will also help the claim manager from the insurance company to help determine coverage. It will assist in developing a remediation plan, which typically answers questions like work beginning time, work completion time, performing the remediation, any testing that should be done, and will homeowners be temporarily relocated – all things are noted down in this document.

Extent of the Contamination

Mold growth is usually never restricted to one specific area. Hence, you need to calculate the extent of the contamination. This will decide how you approach its removal and clean up. The goal of remediation is to clean up the growth within the home and to avoid exposing residents to large amounts of it.

Mold Remediation

Remediation involves cleaning up existing mold with minimized exposure to one’s self as well as loved ones. The procedure will also prevent new growth by addressing the moisture source based on the calculations of the contamination area. This step is further divided into steps to have an effective approach. Things to be done are:

  • Repairing water problem
  • Isolation of contaminated area
  • Removing soggy materials
  • Discarding damaged, affected and wet materials in plastic bags
  • Cleaning of porous and wood surfaces that have been affected
  • Cleaning all areas along with egress
  • Proper inspection, just to be sure
  • Drying of the materials
  • Repairing or replacement of materials

Determining Successful Cleanup

In the end, we have to be sure that our clean-up efforts after water damage remediation have been successful. It is similar to a judgment call after all the procedure. According to EPA guidelines, look for the following:

  • Verification of moisture problem by revisiting the home soon after remediation and you shouldn't see any signs of recurring water damage
  • Checking for no sign of visible mold, materials damaged by it or any odors that may be there in its presence
  • Residents should be able to occupy or re-occupy the home without aggravated health complaints
  • Depending on your company and the details of the problem, additional testing by an environmental testing company may be considered after the cleanup to be sure enough.

Storm damage brings problems and mold is one of them. It occurs due to flooding, leakages or blockages in the pipes. Hence, it is better to be attentive to the timely inspection of the pipes before the storm. If you’re facing a mold problem, it will be better to call in professionals from a competent restoration company for effective removal of mold.

Call us now at (508) 888-5985.

Effective Ways to Prepare for and Minimalize Storm Damage

4/5/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is a team of dedicated storm damage cleanup crew which ensure the best quality restoration and remediation.

Natural calamity is unpredictable and waits for none. It varies in nature and can arrive in form of strong winds or sometimes followed by a flood which further adds difficulties leading to a largescale disaster. Recently the storm effected many different towns on Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard that left considerable damage to homes and businesses. The residents on the East Coast had their lives turned upside down when heavy rains, gusting winds, and snow pummeled States due to the winter storm Skylar which was the third Nor’easter in two weeks. In addition to this, Cyclone Bomb has brought floods and tidal surges into the region. According to reports, six people died when fierce winds brought trees crashing down on roads, homes and surrounding buildings.

These natural events are inevitable. One should always be prepared for the worst and utilize ways to minimize the damage. Due to storms, not only is the property damaged but if it gets flooded, it can also lead to mold growth on visible as well as hidden areas. In such a case, if water damage is left untreated, it can increase the problems you will have to face in that scenario.

Read ahead to know about some of the points that need to be considered in order to reduce the damage:

Reducing Storm Damages

  • First of all, ensure that all drains and gutters are clear of debris to prevent blockages which can lead to more flooding in house if left as is. If the growth progresses, you will have to get professional mold remediation done to keep your house or office fit for health.
  • If it is safe to carry out, check if your pipes and water tanks are insulated to prevent freezing. Secondly, ensure that the release point of overflow pipes is not obstructed. Ideally, you'll have a regular maintenance program in place to keep everything in order.
  • Cut back trees and branches to minimize the risk of broken branches that may fall or are move by the strong storm winds.
  • Secure loose fences so that these remain intact and grounded. The best option is to remove them completely to avoid any unseen problems for the duration of the storm(s).
  • Check that all roof shingles, tiles and aerials are secure. It may be worth seeking professional advice, if needed, to make things better.
  • Make sure all garden furniture, ladders, decorations, etc. are secured and locked away in the shed or inside the house to avoid dispersion from strong winds.
  • As soon as you get official warnings about gale-force winds and floods from the concerned authorities, make sure your children, pet, family, loved ones and neighbors are safe. Ensure that they stay at home and wait it out. If the danger level is higher, evacuate as per official guidelines. Please do not try to repair damage during the storm.
  • It is recommended to maintain a minimum temperature of 55 degrees in the home during severe weather, in particular, to protect pipes from freezing.
  • Last but not the least, if you have home insurance, take a look to know what will be covered in the event of your property being damaged by storm.

Mold Remediation

Mold growth can arise as an aftermath of the storm. During the storm, the pipes, down-spouts or gutters may get blocked, freeze due to winter winds, or cause leakage from roofs and walls after heavy storm rains. Moisture and stagnancy, if left unattended, will trigger mold growth. It is better to inspect the house soon after the storm to assess the damage. If the affected area is large, call in professionals to do the job with specialized equipment and procedures.

For more information on storm damage, water cleanup and mold remediation, call us at (508) 888-5985.

8 Indicators that Your Air Ducts Require a Professional Cleanup

3/15/2018 (Permalink)

Air duct/HVAC vent cleaning service by SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is the ideal choice due to their professionalism and efficiency.

The air ducts and HVAC vents within your house are what make your homes breathe, so to speak. It ventilates the air within your house to bring in fresh air for you to breathe. Therefore, it has to be taken care of properly as any disruption in the vent system will lead to compromise in the indoor air quality. SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands knows that there is no hard and fast rule to when you should get the air ducts in your house inspected, cleaned or replaced. However, there are quite a few indicators that will point towards a much-needed air duct cleanup. Also, if you can’t remember the last time any professional cleaned the ducts, it may very well be time for another thorough cleanup.

Here are few indications that will help you in determining whether you need to get the air ducts cleaned or not:

Indications of Mold or Mildew

Take a closer look within the visible areas of the ductwork and check for indications of slime, mildew, mold or any other microbial growth. If you find any, it will have to be removed, cleaned and restored properly. Mold spores may cause health concerns in certain individuals, as these will be dispersed freely within the ductwork and the house every time you switch on the heating or air conditioning system. Get proper mold remediation from the skilled, experienced and professional crew of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands.

Presence of Water Damage

Mold and mildew is always caused in the presence of moisture, and what causes moisture? The abundance of water! Check the air ducts and vents thoroughly and look for any leakages within or without. Any damaged surface will slowly seep in water and pool it in to cause water damage as well as mold damage. Never forget to clear out the source of water damage before beginning to cleanup its symptoms.

Rodent and Vermin Infestation

If you can clearly hear fluttering of wings, scampering of paws, or any other animal noises from within the air ducts, you will have to get help from professional cleanup services. Similarly call them in also if you can find evidence of animal droppings, nests, eggs, feathers, skin, etc. The best way to stop such invasion is to seal off entry and exit points of the ductwork with proper-sized meshwork.

Unpleasant and Foul Odors

Any kind of unpleasant, foul, offensive, rotten or musty odor that is pouring forth from the air vents needs to be checked. Usually, a musty odor is an indication of mold growth whereas other foul odors can be from a number of reasons such as dead animals, insects, vermin, etc. Ensure that your air ducts are free of any such sources of unwanted odors. 

HVAC Airflow is Restricted

Another reason for getting the air ducts cleaned is because it greatly affects the efficiency of your air conditioning and heating system. A restricted airflow in the air ducts will cause the back-end machinery to overwork and even break down. There may be quite a few reasons for blockage of normal airflow including accumulation of dust, debris, vermin, insects, rodents, dead birds, bird nests, etc. Get the ductwork cleaned for maximum flow of clean and fresh air.

The Ductwork is Damaged

There are many kinds of ductwork installed these days including the conventional metal sheet ducts and fiberglass. Over the course of years, these may get damaged, broken, unsealed, affected by wear and tear, or even get gaping holes for one reason or the other. Inspect the ductwork, and if you see damage, get in touch with professionals to get it fixed. Any damage will increase the likelihood of indoor air quality being compromised.

Signs of Dust and Debris

If the air ducts in your house are visibly blowing out particles of debris, dust, cobweb, etc., then it is surely time that you get them cleaned. Any delay may elevate the situation and cause unwelcomed health hazards. It is natural for HVAC network to accumulate a good amount of dust, debris and even cobwebs over the years. Hence, if it has been years since the last air duct cleanup, call in the professionals as soon as possible.

Unexplained Health Issues

Because of poor indoor air quality due to any one of the reasons we mentioned earlier, you and your family may be prone to a number of health concerns. If there is a sudden appearance of unexplained illness, allergies, etc., it may be because of unhealthy, dirty, and affected HVAC vents. We, at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands, advise that you get the ductwork inspected, and if required, cleaned professionally. The safety and health of you and your loved ones is a priority for us.

If you’re a resident of Cape Cod, MA and looking for a reliable air duct and HVAC vent cleaning service, then SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is the choice for you. Get in touch now at (508) 888-5985.

5 Key Points to Consider for Commercial Cleaning

11/10/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands offers commercial cleaning services; HVAC duct, carpet, floor, kitchen cleaning and mold remediation.

Whether your Cape Cod business is a for-profit or a non-profit a polished image is the best image to have.

Many offices and commercial buildings have a regular cleaning crew that takes care of everyday cleaning needs within and without the premises. However, this cleaning may not be sufficient in terms of completely getting rid of deeper and tougher stains, and even mold damage. Despite the fact that offices are mostly used and frequented during the daytime, there are not completely free of wear and tear or accumulation of dust, dirt, etc. This is why you have to consider professional cleaners that will take good care of your commercial property and clean and maintain it. SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is available to help you out in this regard.

Here are five key points that need to be considered in terms of commercial cleaning:

Cleaning of HVAC Ducts

There is no sure shot way of knowing when you should consider getting the HVAC and air ducts at your premises clean. However, there are many pointers that can indicate that it is better to clean up the vents. If you are certain that the HVAC and air ducts have remained untouched for months or even years, then consult professional vent cleaners immediately. These hidden, dark tunnels are prone to high amounts of dust, dirt, debris, pet hair, vermin, pollen, contaminants and even mold accumulation.

Maintenance of Floors

The floors at your commercial setting can be divided into carpeted and non-carpeted floors. The latter has other subcategories such as hard floors which includes tiled and hardwood flooring. There is a targeted method for cleaning all these types. Since carpeted floors are highly susceptible to dust and dirt, they pose a relatively tougher challenge when it comes to cleaning as opposed to other types. A proper cleanup of your floors should be carried out to avoid contaminants from spreading elsewhere in the office.

Detailed Cleaning of Spaces

A great number of modern offices have exposed beams, sophisticated fixtures, wall panels, chandeliers, etc., as an element of style. All these along with drapery and blinds remain uncleaned and ignored for months at a stretch. To preserve the aesthetic finesse, get the help of professional cleaners who will ensure a thorough cleanup of all elements. Even the walls and ceilings need to dusted and cleaned periodically to keep the office environment clean and healthy, and occupants happy and productive.

Deep Cleaning of Kitchens

The kitchens in most commercial spaces experience heavy usage but mostly during the day. It is very common to neglect commercial kitchens as far as deep cleaning is concerned. Many offices and even restaurants maintain the kitchen areas with repeated superficial cleaning. However, this may not be sufficient to get rid of tougher stains such as the ones caused by grease, oil, etc. Ensure that you get the kitchens deep cleaned by professionals after a certain duration since cleaner spaces keep everyone healthy.

Commercial Mold Restoration

There can be many reasons for mold to appear on any surface or area within your commercial property such as water leakages. Dingy, damp and dark areas are highly prone to mold accumulation, especially kitchens, bathrooms, basements, crawl spaces, hard-to-reach nooks, and crannies, etc. Once the mold appears, it starts spreading slowly. It can also pose a health concern for the office occupants. Mold can only be remediated with the help of professionals who handle water and mold damage restoration.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands offers competent, professional and effective commercial cleaning service to handle all sorts of cleaning issues for your offices.

For more information, call us at (508) 888-5985.

12 Types of Storms

11/10/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is competent storm damage restoration service that will help you restore your property

Don't like the weather on Cape Cod? Wait a minute, it's sure to change!

Being a part of the Cape Cod community, SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands understands the needs and requirements of the locals when it comes to storm damage. Not only are we proactive in our approach towards disaster remediation, but we also ensure that our clients get the best restoration services available. Storms come in all sizes, shapes, and forms, and we understand that our region is prone to seasonal storms of many types. From tropical storms to hurricanes, the Cape Cod residents have braved through it all, and we have always been there to help them get their property back to "Like it never even happened."

Here, we are highlighting the most common types of storms that are prevalent in the Cape Cod, Massachusetts:


With strong and heavy winds, hail storms can range from moderate to severe type. Based on the size and shape of the ice pellets and hailstones, it can cause minimum to high damage to your property. The size of the pellets can range between 0.2 to 0.5 centimeters in diameter.

Ice Storms

Similar to hail storms, ice storms are also pushed by heavy and strong winds. Instead of carrying hailstones and ice pellets, the ice storm usually brings rain. Due to freezing temperatures, the rain freezes upon falling on the ground or on impact. Ice storms can weaken wooden structures, poles, buildings as these can be responsible for ripping apart grown trees due to the accumulation of weight on the branches.


When the temperature falls lower than zero, the strong winds spread snowflakes. This kind of storm is called a snow storm. If the storm is prolonged for hours or overnight, it can easily form inches of snow cover. On the weak areas of your property, this accumulation can cause stress and even breakage.


When a snowstorm worsens, it ends up becoming a blizzard. These will have stronger winds of around and over 35 miles per hour. Another indication of blizzards is that these will continue on for hours. The wind damage can become devastating for weaker and standalone structures. The snow that gathers in the storm will impact roofs, windows, etc.


When the skies turn dark due to heavy clouds and are accompanied by highly frequent lightning, then it is called a thunderstorm. Moderate to heavy rain may also fall during the thunderstorm, but not always. The severity of winds is relatively low. If the lightning strikes on your property, it will lead to heavy damages and may even cause a fire incident.


The only difference between a thunderstorm and a rainstorm is that is the former has more concentration of lightning whereas the latter brings with it heavy rainfall. Rainstorms may cause flash flooding which can heavily damage property, especially basements. Water damage and mold remediation will be necessary afterward. The tropical storms are prone to hit the Cape Cod region every five to six years, according to meteorologists.


These storms are composed of very strong and heavy winds which may or may not include rain. However, due to the intensity of the winds, windstorms are accompanied with stones, dust, and even hailstones. This storm is strong enough to uproot trees and cause damage to property, especially the exteriors.

Dust Storms

These storms carry sand particles and dust. The overcast will have a yellowish tint. Such a storm makes breathing and visibility difficult. The damage may not be as heavy as other storms but it can result in accumulation of dust particles in vents and even within houses and offices.


The content of sandstorms differs from dust storms in the sense that it carries majorly sand. These storms are more common in and around desert areas where the winds carry off a huge amount of sand. When faced with a sandstorm, the property may be damaged moderately to a medium level of intensity.


These are the most severe types of storms that rotate in anti-clockwise or clockwise direction. As these travel, they rip off whatever comes in their way. The destruction level is intense and precautions need to be taken beforehand to avoid damage.


This is a severe cyclone which has its origin near the equator. It travels north and hence moves counterclockwise. A hurricane is accompanied by heavy rains and violent winds. It destroys everything in its path. Cape Cod suffers the Atlantic hurricane season almost every other year which may or may not affect the region. Meteorologists state that Cape Cod is hit by a violent hurricane every eleven to twelve years.


This storm is basically a fast whirling wind which rotates clockwise and builds up due to wind pressure. The dust on the ground is forced into the swirl of the tornado. As it passes over urban areas, it rips off the property if the intensity is strong. The tornadoes that hit oceans are called water sprouts.

For any and all storm damage restoration, you can call SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands at (508) 888-5985.

5 Steps for Mold Remediation

10/9/2017 (Permalink)

Mold removal requires professionals. Contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands to get mold remediation in Cape Cod by factory trained, expert

5 Steps for Mold Remediation

Mold growth is a common but very agitating experience for a homeowner since it is an aesthetic and healthy nuisance. It is a fungus that grows in filaments and extends its growth to different areas if it remains unchecked. Proper removal and precautions are a must in order to overcome it. If you are weary of mold growth and are looking for instant, effective mold removal, then you can get in touch with SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands for its services regarding mold remediation in Cape Cod. We offer expert and factory trained restoration crew to bring back the aesthetic appeal of your house.

Here is a list of steps that are included in mold remediation:

Evaluate Moisture Content

The key factor that initiates mold growth is moisture. Assessing moisture content in the premises is very essential. Mold is an invisible invader that covers spaces which might not be visible to the naked eye. This growth will be found behind walls, inside cabinets in kitchens, on walls in a bathroom, behind the bathtubs, and surrounding window or wall near a wardrobe. It is essential to properly check these areas to evaluate the damage. You should take pictures in order to tell the restoration technicians where the mold removal should be carried out.

Analyze Extent of Contamination

Mold growth is not specified to an area as it spreads slowly but eventually to other areas as well. The analysis of its contamination will highlight its impact, according to which its way of clean-up is defined. Mold spores are also a concern that should be kept in mind while analyzing it because proper removal will ensure complete eradication of spores. These spread in the air and can cause health effects for some individuals.

Remediate Mold Contamination

This step involves the removal and clean-up that should be done to clear the affected area. After proper calculation of area, a remediation plan is designed and implemented according to the size of the area whether it is small or isolated. If you are looking to get effective mold restoration in Cape Cod, employ the services of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands to restore the beauty of your house.

Tips for DIY Cleanup Process

The following are a few tips that are utilized for better cleaning of mold:

  • Repair any and all water leakages as this will fix the moisture content to prevent the growth of mold
  • For isolated areas, cover the surrounding door and window if the affected area is small, but if the area is large, then cover with polyethylene sheets
  • Remove all wet and mold affected materials and items
  • Discard the affected item in a thick biodegradable plastic bag with airtight seal
  • Use mask and gloves to protect yourself
  • For cleaning, wood surfaces and non-porous materials, use a brush and then wipe it with disposable wipes. Numerous cleaners are available in the market. However, you can also use homemade cleaner for mold prevention
  • Properly check the area for dirt. Dry the place properly to minimize the chance of mold growth
  • Repair or completely replace items and materials that have been affected by mold growth

Give It a Final Examination

A complete full examination of the house should be carried out once the cleanup process is done. The affected areas must be monitored first. This will ensure you that the cleanup has been done efficiently. Also, inspect other areas of the house to check for signs of mold growth. Once you are satisfied with the results, you will be ensured with better peace of mind within your house.

5 Things to Do in Case of Flooding in Your House or Business

10/9/2017 (Permalink)

I'm not worried anymore because I hired SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands who will help me clean up the flood damage at my business.

What to Do If Your House or Business Floods

The world is unpredictable! No one knows what can happen in the next few minutes of your life. Natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, storms, etc., are inevitable. People get confused and worried when their houses or businesses get flooded. The reason may be natural floods or even unrecognized water leakages. Most people panic when this happens, but it is nothing that cannot be handled. If not you, then with a professional, water damage restoration service in Cape Cod will be able to help you out. SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands has factory trained, skilled restoration crews that will restore your property "Like it never even happened."

Here are a few things to consider if and when your house or business gets flooded:

Locate and Stop the Source

The first thing that should be done in case of leakages in the house or business is to locate the source. Find out whether it is a pipe, the basement, bathroom, etc. If you are unable to do that, shut off the water supply to the whole house. Secondly, turn off electricity to avoid electrical failure and hazards. If you  are unable to do it yourself, call an electrician to carry out this task. If you have insurance, then it is advised to take pictures of the affected area so that the damage can be evaluated and instantly shared with the insurance agent. If affected by a natural flood, stay calm and be patient to carry out all necessary steps.

Assessment of Flood Damage

In case of insurance, after getting a go-ahead, use a pump to remove water, open your door and window for air to assist in drying. Be careful while walking to avoid fall or slip, place all valuable and important things in a dry place. If handling this situation is not your cup of tea, contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands for water damage removal in Cape Cod to have instant and effective results.

Calculate Additional Risks

If you are affected by a flood so much so that you have to evacuate your house or business, make sure you return back if and only if the official authorities give a green signal. Be careful when entering the house again and check for electrical supply. Check for any visible damages such as cracks, holes or weakened foundations. Contact utility companies to monitor your water, gas, electric and sewer lines to avoid additional risks.

Health is Always Wealth

Health comes first and you should take precautions to be safe. Even if the water has been cleared, your house or business may still be contaminated with sewage or household chemicals. It is better to use gloves, and wear rubber boots. Do not use food that has been contaminated even in the slightest by flood water. Also, boil the water for drinking use to avoid infection until concerned authorities declare it safe for use.

Mitigation for Mold Growth

Mold problem commonly develops after 48 to 72 hours after a flood. It is better to dry the things; removal of wet carpets and other textile and upholstery is necessary to avoid mold growth. Get in touch with SERVPRO operating from Upper Cape Cod and the Islands for mold remediation in Cape Cod through expert and professional restoration technicians.

Remember to keep in contact with concerned authorities for updates, information, and help. Above all, be safe and secure through the calamity and keep your loved ones safe too.

Yarmouth Fire Damage Restored by SERVPRO

10/9/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO, the best professional fire and smoke damage restoration in Cape Cod. We are always here to help!

Yarmouth Fire Damage Remediated by SERVPRO

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is a leader in fire damage restoration and it is also a competent, professional mold remediation in Cape Cod. When an unfortunate incident of fire broke out in an apartment complex in Yarmouth, our services were employed for efficient cleanup and restoration. The accidental fire was later determined to be caused by misplacement of a cardboard box near the cooktop which caught fire and spread all over instantly. Yarmouth Fire Department was quick to respond and overcome the fire incident with SERVPRO swooping in the later stage to restore the property. Here’s a short overview of the incident and how we helped. On the afternoon of 25th of April, 2017, a fire broke out in the Unit of a building which is a large multi-building apartment complex. The concerned building has a total of 12 units. One building, in particular, was the first one to call in 911 and report that smoke was being seen from another unit along with fire alarms sounding loud. The Fire Inspectors and Deputy Chief were the first to arrive on the scene. After a small mishap with the supply of water, the firefighters and ambulance were able to stop the fire incident and help the people who lived there. After evacuation, extinguishment, and ventilation, the residents of all units excluding those of Unit burnt in the fire were instructed to go back to their homes.

Heavy Fire and Smoke Damage

Finally, it was reported that the unit was struck by damaged caused by heavy fire and smoke damage. Once the Yarmouth Fire Department was done with their part, SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands was called in for the restoration of the property. Because of the heavy fire and smoke, the premises were considerably damaged. The residue of smoke, fire, soot, and water was everywhere and it had to be cleaned up and the property restored back to its original state. Since SERVPRO is a leading fire restoration service in Cape Cod, we ensured that the restoration left the house in a state where it seemed ‘like it never even happened’.

 Restoration for Fire Damage

There are many things to consider when a professional cleanup and restoration company such as SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands is handling a property damaged by fire. Fire is more than often an unstoppable force and if it is not stopped in time, it devours every nook and cranny of the property. But due to the courage and tireless efforts of our brave fire departments, SERVPRO rarely has to handle a property that has been damaged beyond conventional repair. When conducting fire damage repair in Cape Cod, we have to consider spaces, rooms, furniture, books, electronics, drapery and other textiles that might have been damaged. Soot, ash and other residue is the biggest challenge that SERVPRO faces during the restoration procedure.

SERVPRO, Always There to Help

After the Yarmouth fire incident was handled by the Yarmouth Fire Department, SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands was called in to remediate Unit 1218 of the building apartment complex. With the latest technology, machinery, and skilled professionals, we set to work immediately to restore the damaged unit. Our crew is capable of remediating residential as well as commercial property of any size which has faced damage due to natural calamities or accidents. Within a short duration, SERVPRO managed to complete the cleanup and restoration process to handover the property to its owners. Our quick cleanup ensured that residents returned to their homes as soon as possible.

 For inquiries and questions about Fire Smoke Damage Restoration in Cape Cod, contact us round the clock at (508) 888-5985.

Hurricane Season in Full Force for Cape Cod & the Islands

9/19/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Ready as East Coast Prepares for Jose's Arrival.

After the recent catastrophic devastation at the hands of Hurricane Irma, the Caribbean and the East Coast prepare once again. This time, the threat comes in the name of Hurricane Jose which is swirling its way up slowly. Being the third major hurricane of the year, it is reported by officials to hit coastal areas from Virginia up towards New England. The outer Cape Cod and Boston areas have been issued a hurricane warning. SERVPRO, the leading name in water damage cleanup services is ready to face this challenge. With our 24/7 emergency service available to all in Cape Cod, we aim to minimize the damage caused in the hurricane’s wake. Our professional crew and emergency teams will help you in restoring your property to its formal glory and make it "Like it never even happened."
Here are few things for you to keep in mind regarding Jose and the probable damage it may cause:

A Little About Hurricane Jose
As of 8 am, Tuesday, September 19, 2017, latest update on Hurricane Jose and Hurricane Maria is that tropical storm watches have been issued for areas including Delaware up towards Cape Cod. The National Hurricane Center has stated that Hurricane Jose is “expected to cause direct impacts from Delaware northward to New England.” Jose will have an offshore track but it is predicted that its tropical-storm-force winds will go beyond the conventional center of circulation. It has sustained wind speed of 65 knots (75 mph; 120 km/h). Due to Jose, areas up till New York will see big wave action and erosion. An official Tropical Storm Warning has been issued in Cape Cod, especially Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard.

DIY Tips before the Storm Hits
First and foremost, communicate with your local authorities to ensure if there has been an evacuation warning. If you are allowed to stay within your homes, then there are quite a few DIY steps that you can manage on your own to minimize the storm damage. Ensure that you have a well-stocked Emergency Kit which includes first-aid kit, food, clothes, emergency items and such. Rehearse evacuation routes with your family members to make sure everyone knows what to do and where to gather. Apart from these, if it is safe for you stay indoors while the storm passes, ensure that you have all windows, doors and vents checked properly. Leave nothing in your lawns and backyards that may fly and damage the windows or exterior. You can contact us for further instructions on how to minimize the storm damage on your property.

SERVPRO Against Hurricane Jose
We are a locally owned company which harbors national storm resources. Since we are from the community and work for the community, we understand the need for restoration efforts that are necessary after a catastrophic disaster. Our company is based in the Upper Cape Cod and the Islands. Hence, we are ready to respond to any emergency call at any time. We pride in being active members of our community. As a reputable water removal service in Cape Cod, SERVPRO always steps up to play its part for the community.

24/7 Emergency Service Available
When dealing with hurricanes, blizzards, floods, tornadoes and the likes, we utilize our vast network of storm teams which are strategically placed. These teams are always on standby to help you in the unfortunate case where your locality gets hit by such a calamity. We have more than 1,700 franchises spread across the nation. As soon as an area is hit, we pool in the resources from our network to focus on local command centers. Their expertise are available for you all through the year. We consider no disaster to be too big as we handle residential and commercial projects of all sizes. The Catastrophic Storm Response Team has handled major disasters in the past such as Katrina, Sandy, Polar Vortex and Chicago floods among others.

We hope, pray and advise that everyone stays safe!
If you have further questions about Water Removal and Storm Damage Restoration in Cape Cod, feel free to contact us anytime at (508) 888-5985. 

Your Perfect Property Rescuers Around Cape Cod

8/31/2017 (Permalink)

Equipment is set up after all the flood cuts are complete and the insulation is removed from the wall cavities to ensure the structure dries properly.

Property these days is neither easy to make nor easy to maintain. Getting calls for urgent help as water leakage damage to the property, are very common.

A family in West Yarmouth shuts their house for the winter season and visited another town. While they were gone, a small pin hole sized damage to the water pipe caused slow leakage of the water, all through the winter. When they moved back, they were welcomed by a horrible surprise. The slow water leakage caused seepage which damaged the distemper of the walls. Not only this, constant water leakage made the environment moist, making it favorable for molds to grow and infect the house. With insects and molds infecting the entire house, it was no longer livable. With the fear of losing the property, the family immediately called the best water restoration company in Cape Cod.

What we offer:

As we claim to be available 24/7, we can provide services in emergencies. Home water damage restoration must be treated as soon as it is detected. Our team, comprises of experts who know their job well. They know how to detect water damage and treat it instantly. Our restoration services include a check up of the entire house, finding possibilities of water damage. Then we move to the steps of cleaning up the mess that has been made because of water leakage.

Well Defined Procedure:

Water Damage Cleanup Service is a six-step process which starts with an inspection and ends at a restoration of the loss. As water leakage and damage makes the environment humid and moist, one of the most important steps is drying and dehumidification. Our water damage restoration technicians are the best ones you can get when you are struck with water damage. Having the knowledge and prior experience to tackle the problem is very important.

Worry-less future:

Anyone can have trouble with the water supply in their property. Anything can cause the damage as well. Being responsible citizens, it’s important to contact the right people at the right time. Once you let us in, we will make sure that no more troubles come your way. Water damage can be a nasty business to deal with, if it is not cured and treated properly and adequately, it is most likely to relapse. Water damage can be a disease which doesn’t affect the property only, it affects you, your family, your finances, and your health as well.

As horrid as water damage can become, contacting SERVPRO is inevitable. Being experts in water damage removal and restoring your property to what it was like before, you won’t be able to deny our expertise and excellence. Using the genuine and first quality products and tools, we guarantee repair like no one other can claim.

Water Damage Restoration Service Cape Cod by us has become a need of almost every household around town. Water damages do occur, somewhere in the house, and they should be treated by the ones who know their job and value your investment in them.

Cape Cod Family Suffers Devastating Fire Damage

8/10/2017 (Permalink)

Fire and water damage destroys the personal content of a Sandwich family.

Family in Sandwich, MA Rebuilds Home After Devastating House Fire

Fire damage to your property, either commercial or residential, can be very distressing both financially as well as emotionally. Not only do you lose the things in which you have invested in, but family heirlooms can be damaged or lost forever in a fire. At such crucial times, a family in Sandwich, MA, made one call to us which put them on the road to recovering and rebuilding their home and peace of mind.

Contacting us was the least they could do and the rest of it was up to us. Not only did we restore their house but we also updated the property making the damage “Like it never even happened.”

Fire Damage Repair, Not an Easy Task

We, at SERVPRO, have built our company on the foundations of reliability, trust, convenience, and efficiency. We are trustworthy people who can fix any damage done to your property that troubles you. The range of damage caused by the fire is always extensive. It is not only the fire that causes damage, but also the water from the fire brigade too. Your property gets covered in soot. Fire damage repair requires proper, well trained and knowledgeable technicians.

SERVPRO has the best team of technicians who know their jobs well. They first inspect and identify the damages to your property, and then take steps accordingly.

Fire Restoration Service, Cape Cod

Our services include 24/7 availability and every kind of emergency scenarios are tackled as well. We have a team which is ready to help provide the best fire restoration service, Cape Cod area. Our fire restoration process comprises of six to seven steps in which we clean, repair and restores your property with as little disruption and inconvenience to you as possible.

Smoke and Soot – All Damages Restored!

Soot and smoke can be very tricky when it comes to removing these two completely and restoring and repairing the property that has been damaged because of a fire accident. Our specialists of fire smoke restoration, Cape Cod focus on restoring your property so that you can get back to your routine as soon as possible. We use special cleaning techniques which make the job easier, quicker and more effective.

Why Trust SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and Islands?

Our quality services and quick response have earned us a valuable name in the town, people have always put their faith in SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and Islands because of professionalism and desired results delivered. We are always there whenever a client calls us for help which has earned us a reputation like no other. With least disruption and best quality of material used in the restoration processes, we have always won the trust of our clients.

Restoration Available Round the Clock

We tackle emergencies 24/7 which makes us approachable and available to our clients at any given time. With the best team of specialists a company could have; we make your decision to hire us worthwhile. Our company’s motto is to provide you with the best results and meet your expectations from the beginning to the end. For us, your health and your home, matter the most and this has helped us garner the rightful recognition we hold today.

Plymouth, MA Family Rebuilds Home After Devastating Kitchen Grease Fire

7/6/2017 (Permalink)

Kitchen fire damages Plymouth, MA home.

Contacting us was the first thing that they did!We took care of the rest of the process from the board up all the way through to the rebuilding of their property. Not only did we restore their house we updated the property making the damage “Like it never even happened.”

Fire Damage Repair not a Child’s Play:

We, at SERVPRO, have constructed our company on the foundation of reliability. We are the trustworthy people who can fix whatever it is that troubles you. The range of damage caused by fire is always very vast. It is not only the fire that causes damage, but the water from the fire brigade also does. Your property gets covered in soot. Fire Damage Repair requires proper, well trained and knowledgeable technicians.

SERVPRO, have the best team of technicians who know their jobs well. They would first inspect and identify the damages to your property and then take steps accordingly.

Fire Restoration Service, Cape Cod:

Our services include 24/7 availability and every kind of emergency scenarios are tackled as well. We have a team who ready to help Fire Restoration Service, Cape Cod. Our fire restoration process comprises of six to seven steps in which we clean, repair and restore your property with as little disruption, as possible.

Smoke and Soot- All damages restored!

Soot and smoke can be very tricky when it comes to removing these two completely and restoring and repairing the property that has been damaged because of a fire accident. Our specialists for Fire Smoke Restoration, Cape Codfocus on restoring your property so that you can be brought back to your routine as soon as possible. They use special cleaning techniques which makes the job easier.

Why trust SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and Islands?

Our quality services and quick response have earned us a valuable name in the town, people have always put their faith in- SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and Islands because of our results and professionalism. We have vowed to be always there whenever anyone calls for help, we have a reputation like no other. With the least disruption, yet the best quality of material used in the restoration process, we have won the trust of our clients.

We tackle emergencies with 24/7 availability which makes us approachable and helpful. Having the best team of specialists, you could have; we make your decision to hire us worthwhile. Giving the best results, and meeting your expectations from the beginning to the end is our company’s motto, we have gained today’s rightful recognition. For us your health and home both matter the most to us.

SERVPRO Repairs a Local School

7/6/2017 (Permalink)

Cape Cod School needs help drying out from water damage.

SERVPRO Repairs a Local School

To make school colorful and more fun for students studying there, schools have installed fish tanks in their buildings. One morning, a local school in outer Cape Cod contacted SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cods and The Islands for help. During the holidays at their school, the fish tank accidently broke, because of some unknown reason. It caused immense water damage in the building which had to be dealt with before the school reopened and students returned.

How We Helped

Because we are available 24/7, we can be of great help whenever someone contacts us with an emergency situation.  Water damage if not treated effectively, can cause a permanent damage to your property. Our water damage cleanup service is provided to our clients by highly specialized technician and experts in water damage and restoration department. Having an immense experience, we guarantee to restore your property to what it looked like before the incident. We analyzed the situation of the school, made the diagnosis and started off with the spilled water treatment.

Procedures-Most Convenient

Clients sometimes show concern that the procedures will cause inconvenience. As experts and after proper studies, we have devised a six step process for water damage restoration. After thorough inspection of the property, we are able to identify the root cause of the damage in no time. Moving further, our aim is on drying and dehumidification of the damaged areas. This prevents the molds from growing in the damp areas. Finally, we work on how we can restore your property and make it as good as new.

SERVPRO has a reputation like no other

It takes years to build up a well reputed company. Not every company gets to win the trust of their clients. For years, we have served our neighbors and friends in Cape Cod. We are a locally owned and operated company with national resources.

Why You Should trust SERVPRO

Once you experience the way we work, you shall be our client always. We provide 24/7 services and best technicians who are experts in their areas. We also have faster service to any sized disaster that may occur. Having always resolved the problems of water damage, our water damage removal service is undoubtedly the best.

Doesn’t matter how big the water damage disaster is, we are always there to help you get back to your routine, through our effective restoration processes. Water Damage Cape Cod and restoration is a service like no other. We work day in and day out, for the satisfaction of our clients with the best technology equipment available. Our trucks are loaded with the best tools and equipment needed for the restoration process.

No matter what the time, just remember that we are only one call away. Water Damage Removal, Cape Cod by us provides efficient services as it’s very important to treat the damage caused by water as soon as possible. Being always at your service, you will not return dissatisfied from our company. We have won the hearts and trust of our clients, and built up our company on core values of honest help. The school was successfully redeemed to its original state and everything was returned to normal.

Knowledge is Power

5/2/2017 (Permalink)

Flooding conditions on Nantucket after a storm hits the area.

SERVPRO is a family own and operated company specializing in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property damage of fire or water. We also provide mold inspections and remediation. We work directly your insurance to make an easier and seamless process for the property owner. With our repair/rebuilding services available to you, our team can truly make your property damage, “Like it never even happened.”

Born and raised here on Cape Cod, we understand the concerns and needs people have when their property has a damage; whether residential or commercial. Resolving issues quickly is our number one goal. We want you to feel confident in our services and know that we care about you because we are your neighbors. We believe all members of the team need to be training in property damage.  That training is continuous from initial to more advanced certifications with IICRC. Our team is equipped with the knowledge, equipment and professionalism to restore your property quickly.

Over the years, SERVPRO  has worked with thousands of customers and it is surprising the most common statement we hear is, “I don’t understand my insurance policy.” We find that people in general have little knowledge about how their policies work, what type of coverage they have, what is and isn't covered and basically the entire claims process. After all, we all have busy lives. I thought it may be helpful to write a blog series on these topics in hopes of helping people learn more about something that most of us are required to have in our lives but know very little about.

  • Lesson #1: If you have a mortgage it’s guaranteed that you will be required to have insurance on your property.


  • Lesson #2: If you default on your payment to the insurance carrier and the insurance policy and its coverage lapse the bank will secure insurance on your behalf charging you for it, and at a premium price most likely.


 Common Question: What Does Insurance  Cover?

That can be a trick question because most policies vary. The things you need to think about are what is the amount of risk or liability covered for an individual or entity by way of insurance services. Insurance coverage is issued by an insurer in the event of an unforeseen or unwanted occurrence. Personal property coverage may not help protect everything you own. You may find that certain types of belongings, such as jewelry or a coin collection, have limited coverage under a standard policy. Some other situations that require additional insurance is water damage or better known as flooding or ground water intrusion. Flooding is not covered under a standard insurance policy.  Another situation that has questionable coverage is sewage backups. Depending on what the source of the backup will determine coverage. Check out your water IQ; Having a good understanding of what is and what is not covered when it comes to insurance coverage is the key to peace of mind before filing a claim.

Know the Lingo

5/2/2017 (Permalink)

When vandalism happens to your home or business SERVPRO can make the aftermath, "Like it never even happened."

What is lingo?

It is the language used by a certain group to communicate commonly used word or words to describe a situation. If you are out of the loop with the slang used by a group then it is nearly impossible for you to understand the conversation taking place. The same can be said for homeowners discussing their insurance policies with a carrier, agent or adjuster. Sometimes our job includes being the bridge between the customer and the insurance adjuster. With so many restoration companies to pick from why choose us? It's simple, we are here to help you!

Recently, we were called out to property in East Falmouth that had been broken into while the family was away. The homeowners had called their insurance carrier and the local authorities to report the break in and damage done. Once the police were finished with processing the crime scene and the insurance adjuster had determined the cost of the damage it was our turn to restore the property. Some of the damage included the finger printing powder used by the officers to investigate the crime scene along with the evidence of broken glass, the blood associated with the broken glass and the fire extinguisher residue that was sprayed by the criminals throughout the premises. But the mess did not end there. It was apparent that the party had made its way into the backyard where more damage was done to a fence and shed. In an instance like this one there were so many parties involved in this claim that the property owner felt overwhelmed.  We helped them with the process and though the trauma of the vandalism will never go away completely our team helped to make the damage, “Like it never even happened.”

To better help property owners with these types of situations below is a cheat sheet to help with the lingo needed to reclaim your life after a property damage. We hope that by defining the following "lingo” when dealing with a property damage there is a sense of knowledge and we all know that knowledge is power.

  • Dwelling protection. This coverage typically covers your home and attached structures, like a deck or garage. The key word here is “attached.” I shed or fence may not be covered under a dwelling policy.
  • Personal property protection. From furniture to electronics, this coverage may help pay to replace belongings that are stolen or damaged by a covered loss. You are going to want to make sure you have a list of these items along with appraisals of their value.
  • Other structures protection. This coverage may help pay to repair or replace structures on your property that aren't attached to your home, like a fence, detached garage or shed, if they are damaged by a covered peril. Note: as mentioned above this is not considered dwelling protection.
  • Family liability protection. Accidents can happen. Liability coverage may help protect you if someone is injured on your property and you are found legally responsible for damages. Just because someone is family doesn’t mean you aren’t at risk of being sued.
  • Guest medical protection. If a visitor is injured at your home, this coverage may help pay for their resulting medical expenses. This coverage is a must if you’re the family that is planning the big party after graduation to celebration.
  • Additional living expenses. This coverage may help you pay for temporary increased living costs, such as hotel bills, if you are unable to stay in your home after a fire or other covered loss. We often get asked about this coverage. It’s important to know you have the right to housing if you are unable to stay at your property due to harmful conditions.
  • Deductible. This is basically the amount “deducted” from an insured loss and represent a sharing of the risk between the insurance company and the policyholder. What is my deductible is by far our #1 question from insurers. Look for more information about deductibles with our next blog posting, Know Your Deductible.


The Dirty Secrets of a Mice Infestation

6/10/2016 (Permalink)

Mice Infestation cleanup by SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands.

With the warm days of Spring come the chores of mulching the flower beds and cleaning the yard up after the winter. Pulling out the outdoor furniture and stacking wood for those parties are other essentials for preparing for the Summer season. Humans are not the only ones who prepare for the upcoming season. However, in many cases property owners find that soon it is discovered that they need to evict wildlife after an unknown "winter rental." The fact they they have made their way into properties for the  winter results in a problem for property owners, especially if the issue is a mice infestation rather than just one unwanted guest there are usually many more than you see. 

Because these rodents are without a skeletal system, they can easily maneuver into tiny spaces to gain entrance to a building. Once they are in, they get behind walls, in attics, basements and crawlspaces where fluffy pink insulation provides the ideal spot for nesting. If you think rabbits multiply, mice can double in population just as easily.

Once you begin to see evidence of the rodents—usually in the form of tiny black feces no bigger than a sesame seed or holes chewed out of food containers in the pantry—you are going to have to address the problem. While getting rid of one or two mice is a one-person job, getting rid of the mess of many requires the expertise of a professional. While exterminators can come in and eradicate the property of the mice infestation, that is where their job ends—leaving the property owner with the clean up. And if there were a significant number of mice inside the structure, the damage and the clean up are going to be far more than just picking up a few droppings or throwing out food from the pantry.Hint: If you suspect a mice infestation, contact a professional immediately.

How To Deter Mice From Entering Your Home

  • Install door sweeps on exterior doors and seal cracks and holes on the outside of the home or building.
  • Do not leave doors open and this includes the bulkhead.
  • Keep trash in secure buckets outside and away from the house.
  • Dispose of trash on a regular basis.
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet from the home or building.

SERVPRO recently has been called onto jobs where the rodents had a field day, practically establishing an entire condominium complex inside the rafters of the basement. They damaged the insulation and contaminated large portions of the property. Our team comes in and removes the killed rodents—exterminators usually set traps containing poison that, once eaten, kill the creatures immediately which leaves a pungent odor. We also dispose of their feces and any contaminated insulation. Lastly we, sanitizing the framing and studs and replacing the insulation, making it “Like it Never Even Happened.” If you would like help with this type of situation please contact us SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands.


Water heater recall: Rheem, American Standard

5/31/2016 (Permalink)

Recall: Rheem Water Heater, American Standard. If you need assistance cleaning up call us at 508-888-5985

We recently came across this recall from Rheem who issued a recall May 26 on its Rheem Performance Platinum brand of electric water heaters in 40-, 50- and 80-gal. capacities due to fire and burn hazards caused by the overheating of control panels. If you have experienced a fire damage due to your Rheem water heater and need help cleaning up contact SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands.  Water Heating Technologies Corp. issued a recall May 24 on its American Standard brand of gas water heaters in 30-, 40- and 50-gal. capacities due to a fire or explosion hazard caused by a space between the burner flange and the combustion chamber.

Rheem Performance Platinum recall
The Rheem recall is for 54,000 of its Performance Platinum brand of electric water heaters (40-, 50- and 80-gal.) sold exclusively at Home Depot locations nationwide and online from January 2014 through April 2016 for between $450 and $720. The control panel on the water heaters can overheat, posing fire and burn hazards. The firm has received 296 reports of control panels overheating, including one report of a fire which resulted in $5,800 in property damage. No injuries have been reported.  

Consumers should immediately turn off and stop using the recalled water heaters, and contact Rheem to request a free repair by a Rheem field technician. Call toll-free at 866/369-4786 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT Monday through Saturday, and from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. CT on Sunday, or visit www.rheem.com/recalls.

Getting Organized; Cape Cod & Islands

4/14/2016 (Permalink)

This photo shows a job that we did where the bedroom door couldn't open. We were able to help them restore their home back to a safe environment.

There is a reason the DIY shows push storage and organization solutions  during Springtime. It’s because they know that there is no better time than after a long  winter to tackle the task of cleaning or more specifically, getting organized. The start of the new season combined with cold winter days that kept us house bound for months makes it the perfect opportunity to clean out linen and clothes closets as well as other areas of the house that become a catchall for miscellaneous items that no longer have a place in our lives and rediscover areas cluttered with stuff.

Now is the season for cleaning and organizing—for opening the closets and drawers and finally getting rid of some of the things that you no longer use. Before the summer guests start to arrive, head out to a big box store, pick up some storage and organization solutions and start cleaning. Purging is good. It not only creates more space, it can free you from some of the things that may be holding you back.

And if you start a project of cleaning and organizing a room, the basement, attic or garage and find yourself retracting from it or even avoiding it because it just seems like too big of a task to accomplish on your own call our team at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands to help you when you need it most!

Hoarding is a serious issue here in Cape Cod & The Islands

3/21/2016 (Permalink)

When a room gets buried in stuff sometimes it's better to call SERVPRO of help to clean and organize it up.

Many of us are guilty, embarrassed or even ashamed of keeping things longer than we probably should and collecting items that we really don’t need; for some reason, however, we cannot bring ourselves to toss these things out. Does this behavior make us hoarders? More than likely, the answer to that question is no. Many of us use the word hoarding when we really mean to say we have clutter. It is a good indication, however, that we need some storage and organization solutions, to keep the things we love and get rid of the things that are taking up too much space in our homes and our lives. However, if you can not sleep in your bed, bath in your tub or cook on your cook top in your kitchen because of piles of "stuff" it may be a warning that there may be a more serious issue than clutter.

What is hoarding? Hoarding can be described as either the acquisition of or the failure to discard a large number of possessions. This condition impacts approximately 15 million people in the U.S. Hoarding is not bias and effects people of every age, race and financial demographic in our country.  The main difference between hoarding and squalor is even though a room may be heavily cluttered, there are no signs of infestation, mold, rotting food or human/animal waste. As a restoration company that offers “extreme cleaning services,” I have seen hoarding situations.  My number one concern is to be respectful and protect a person's privacy while working through this experience. By the time we arrive on the scene in these homes, the collection of debris has gotten to a point where it is classified as a health issue. If there are pets living in the home, the situation can be even worse.

My team has cleaned properties that were in squalor condition. The person living there had fallen into a deep depression and not cleaned up after himself or his four dogs for at least nine months. In addition to all of the stuff he had amassed, the dogs had not been walked and there was fecal matter…along with bacteria... throughout the home. We came into the home and removed what needed to be thrown out and cleaned everything else to the level of cleanliness to please a health inspector. This is what I call extreme cleaning and it requires the services of a professional company that has the equipment and trained professionals who are "empathetic but not emotionally connected” to the things that need to be removed and the ability to sanitize what is left that has been neglected for an extended amount of time or even years. If you or someone you know needs help there are services.

Extreme cleaning is something that is far beyond day to day cleaning. It is even beyond the spring and fall cleaning most homeowners do when they pull out the furniture and vacuum under it and pull down window treatments to clean them…and the windows, too! If you or someone you know is in over their head with "stuff" that they have acquired or not thrown away we can help restore a safe and health home again. For more information please visit our website.

Some Cape Cod & Islands Property Owners Left Dealing with Water Damage from Arctic Blast

2/18/2016 (Permalink)

If you or someone you know is experiencing a water damage from frozen pipes call us for service at 508-888-5985.

The Arctic Blast that came in last weekend is now a distant memory for many. However, for some the effects have just begun. At SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands we've been experiencing a higher volume of calls from both residential and commercial property owners who are now experiencing broken pipes and water damages across Cape Cod & The Islands now that temperatures have returned to above normal across the region.

Here is some information for those  dealing with  water damage on Cape Cod & The Islands

Some other things you should consider when hiring a company to help you recover from storm damage here on Cape Cod & the Islands

  • When contracting  a cleanup and restoration company that can help you restore your property, "Like it never even happened." make sure they have the correct insurance to be doing this type of work.
  • If you need to hire someone to do the reconstruction make sure they hold a General Contractors License and are fully insured with both liability and worker's compensation. Note: Anyone that works on your property should carry their own WC Policy or any accidents that may occur will be covered under the property owners policy.
  • Make sure a building permit is acquired and all inspections are passed before final payment is issued. And remember to report any upgrades or changes to your property to your insurance agent or carrier so they can add it to your policy. Note: Upgrades to kitchens and bathrooms or even flooring should be noted in your policy for future coverage.

Going through a water damage is hard enough but not having the right resources and information to guide your decision making can sometime add unneeded stress to an already stressful situation. At SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands we want to help you recover from a water damage as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Call 508-888-5985 for help 24/7!

Here are some other helpful resources:

A list of local insurance agents and carriers

Six Steps to a Water Damage Clean up & Repair

Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification

Flooding Water Can Turn Into A Mold Problem Fast!

2/16/2016 (Permalink)

Flooding storm surges in the streets of Cape Cod & The Islands can turn into a mold problem for properties.

With outside temperatures dipping and storm tides rising, the furthest thing from most property owners’ minds right now is the possibility of mold spores spreading on their walls. But it is not just summer’s humidity that can invite dampness or moisture into a home. Despite winter’s dry air, moisture can find its way into properties through ice dams and other means, creating the perfect environment for mold spores to form and take root.

It’s a good idea to check interior and exterior walls after a storm has passed and the ice begins to melt. I also recommend that property owners do a brief inspection at the end of the winter season. Any dark spots or water stains on the walls can be an indication that water infiltrated the home and it needs to be assessed sooner rather than later. Here’s what happened at a job we recently completed in South Yarmouth.

Our customer called, asking us to clean up what he thought was just a minor water damage in South Yarmouth, MA. But when we got there and looked at the problem, we realized the area of damage must of occured from an ice dam the previous winter and the damage done over the course of a year was significant. Mold spores had already formed and the fungus had established itself. The mold damage affected an interior wall in the kitchen area and the mold spores spread to a point that the entire kitchen had to be replaced.

Not sure if you have a mold problem in your home or business?

Signs and Symptoms that there are mold spores living with you.

  • A stale, musty odor pervading the inside of your home. This odor will cling to fabrics, drapes even carpeting, including linens, window treatments, clothes, sometimes even after they have been washed.
  • There are speckles of black and white appearing on surfaces in your home, such as on the walls.
  • The black marks reappear even after you have cleaned them.
  • Cardboard items in your basement, attic, or garage feel damp.
  • The wooden parts of the structure of your house are soggy and or are rottening.

Mold Inspection versus Mold Testing

At SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands, inspecting for mold is a standard part of what we do. We know the signs to look for and how to identify a problem. Once we detect signs of mold, we search for the cause. After determining the source of the moisture, we begin the process of fixing the problem.

If there are no visible signs of mold spores, but there are some symptoms, allergens for example, the property owner can choose to have their home or business tested for mold. In this case, we recommend that they call in an unbiased, third party to do the testing. This eliminates any doubt or questions about the test results and makes for a good system of checks and balances. At SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands, we sell our services based on information and not scare tactics. If you need more information please contact us.

Dirty Air Ducts on Cape Cod & Islands: May Cause Health Problems

2/15/2016 (Permalink)

Does your air duct system filter look like this one? If it is clogged up with dust and debris like this one you may want to get your system cleaned pr

Health Risks Associated with Dirty Ducts

The risks of having dirty air ducts may be more severe than you might know. Have your allergies been getting the best of you lately and you’re not sure why? Can’t get rid of that nagging cough or cold? When it comes to cleaning, there are a few areas of your home that may get overlooked and one of those areas might be the HVAC system. As a restoration company, we offer air duct cleaning services.

Some Health Effects of Particle Pollution

  • Asthma and chronic bronchitis
  • Acute respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and chest tightness
  • Decreased lung function, experienced as shortness of breath
  • Heart attacks
  • Premature death in people with heart or lung disease

Exposure to particle pollution can affect both your lungs and your heart. Health research suggests that short-term exposure to coarse particles can lead to coughing, minor throat irritation and reduced lung function, while long-term exposure may increase the rate of respiratory and cardiovascular illness. Many of these conditions contribute to work and school absences, emergency room visits, and hospital admissions. Any unexplained allergy-related illnesses could be a sign that your HVAC system needs to be cleaned.

Who is Most at Risk

  • Children, because their lungs are still developing
  • Elderly, particularly those with or prone to cardiovascular disease
  • People with asthma or other respiratory ailments
  • Healthy adults who exert themselves during periods of elevated fine particle concentrations also may be affected because they tend to breathe more while working or exercising.

You can learn more on EPA’s website.

If you are concerned about the health and wellbeing of someone you love, please feel free to contact us for a quote. We are here to help!

Dirty Air Ducts Cost You Money on Cape Cod & The Islands

2/15/2016 (Permalink)

Photo of a air duct before and after cleaning. Notice how much dirt and debris is covering the surface of the duct before just one cleaning.

Like your dryer and furnace your air duct system can cost you more money if it is running inefficiently and that simply translates into you spending more money to heat or cool your home or business. Do you often find yourself wondering, how often should I get my air ducts cleaned? Or is it necessary to clean air ducts? Then you have come to the right place for answers. When it comes to the chores of spring and fall cleaning, we all know that we have to wash the windows, move the furniture, and clean the window treatments. Cleaning the HVAC system doesn’t even make the list because it’s not something we see or notice on a regular basis. A dirty heating and cooling system not only spews tiny particles of dirt, dust, and debris which can cause health issues it can cause clogging of vents which may shorten the life span of your furnace and electronical devices. Hiring a Cleaning & Restoration Company can in turn save you money and give you cleaner air to breathe.

What Makes Air Ducts Dirty?

Beyond the day to day pollutants such as dust and debris there is the question of do you have pets? Chances are their fur is not only collecting under the furniture and in corners, it can be collecting in air ducts as well. Speaking of animals, if there is any evidence that wildlife such as squirrels, chipmunks or mice are nesting in your heating and cooling system, immediately call a pest control company to eliminate the animals. Then a Cleanup Company can come in to remove the deceased animals, their excrement and any affected insulation followed by sanitizing the system. We recently responded to a job for a customer whose tenant was complaining of a strong odor throughout the home. Once we inspected the system we discovered not only to our surprise but to our customer too that over 60 mice had been living within the system and wall cavities of the home for some time. We were hired to cleanup up the deceased mice and their excrement. They were so relieved to finally have a solution to their hidden odor problem while saving their relationship with a good tenant.

If you have a furnace malfunction you can be affected by, in industry terms, a Puff Back. During a puff back event, oil based soot usually covers all areas of the property including drapes, bedding, furniture, clothing, cabinets, ceilings, walls and floors and is extremely difficult to remove. Most times, you will know that you’ve had a furnace puff back! But there are times when it is harder to detect since the soot coverage can range from a light dusting to a concentrated dark appearance especially on horizontal surfaces like countertops. While you may be tempted to clean the affected area, the "dust" will “re-appear” hours later. You can read more about Puff Backs and how to deal with them in a blog posting from earlier this year.

If you are planning to have work done that would include cutting wood such as carpentry it helps to seal off the ductwork during the renovations, but if they weren’t, dust could have collected in the ducts. If you recently remodeled or renovated a room in your home or business and this task wasn’t done the ductwork may need to be cleaned. Please feel free to contact us for a quote.

The Arctic Blast Will Effect Cape Cod & The Islands

2/12/2016 (Permalink)

The arctic blast storm will be upon us this weekend. Preparing for it will help prevent water damages from happening on Cape Cod and the Islands

Local meteorologists are forecasting an arctic blast heading towards Cape Cod & The Islands this weekend! With severe wind chill warnings of temperatures that can dip as low as -20 degrees Fahrenheit, this artic blast can cause frostbite to unexposed skin and water damage from frozen pipes. 

Also for many, this weekend marks the start of school vacation for many students in Massachusetts. Families with dreams of laying on sandy beaches may have their bags packed, heading for warmer climates or, in some cases, to hit the slopes. Before leaving your home this weekend make sure that you take these precautions to prevent your pipes from freezing. No one wants to return home from a dream vacation to find a nightmare of a water damage.  

How to keep your pipes from freezing:

 ·      Keep the thermostat turned up.

·      Allow water to trickle from a faucet. This will keep the    water flowing through the pipes, which helps to prevent freezing.

·      Open cabinet doors ajar in the kitchen and bathroom, which allows warm air to flow into these areas which tend to contain water and plumbing pipes. This is especially important if the pipes are located on an exterior wall.

·      Shut off the water main to the house.

·      Shut off the water to the washing machine

·      Avoid starting the dishwasher before leaving the house. If the hose gives away, which can happen any time, it will cause significant amounts of water to flow into the home.

·      Turn off the water to any outdoor faucets, including the outdoor shower. 

 However, if it does happen, know that with one call to SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands, we can make it “Like it never even happened.”

Other precautions to consider to keep your home safe during an artic blast. If possible, have a friend or neighbor check on the home while you are away. If you have pets or animals, do not leave them alone. These four legged family members have been known to cause significant water damage to homes.  

We once received a call from a homeowner whose cat flooded the house.  Apparently, the homeowner had gone away on vacation but had made arrangements for a relative to come in once a week to check on the cat.  The owners decided to leave the bathroom faucet on just enough for it to trickle so the cat could access water any time it wanted between the weekly visits. One day, while drinking from the faucet, the cat happened to step on the stopper in the sink, its paw pushing it down so that the sink began to fill with water. A trickling faucet can rack up significant gallons of water over the course of a week. About six days later when the caretaker opened the front door to check on kitty, she found water pouring down the stairs.

 If it does snow, have the snow from the roof removed to prevent an ice dam.

If you are using a space heater in any of the rooms in your home, keep it clear of any fabrics or furniture and never leave it unattended.

If you use an electric heating blanket, do not fall asleep with the blanket turned on and do not leave it turned on unattended.

The sun really is a wonderful and natural warming agent, even in the winter. Try to open blinds and drapes during the day so that the sun can warm up the home and close them at night to keep the cold temperatures out.

Looking on the positive side of this upcoming artic blast …. the coldest day of this weekend is going to be Sunday, February 14th….a perfect day for snuggling up with the one you love to stay warm. The better news is that these artic temperatures are not expected to last long and by Tuesday, it will be a balmy 40 degrees…practically bathing suit weather here in Massachusetts.  But for the next three days, I hope you stay warm and make sure that you have taken precautions to keep your pipes from freezing. If you or anyone you know needs help with a property damage, please contact us.

The Blizzard reminds Cape & Islanders of the dangers of carbon monoxide

2/10/2016 (Permalink)

Please remember to clean a path to the property's exterior exhaust pipes.

Cape Cod, MA — The blizzard has created some health hazards that residents might not even be aware of: the need to dig out vents along the sides of home to prevent carbon monoxide buildups indoors is a critical task to do. Each year, carbon monoxide poisoning claims more than hundreds of lives and sends over 15,000 people to hospital emergency rooms across the country for treatment; many of the fatalities could have been avoided with the simple installation of a carbon monoxide alarm. When the temperatures drop, it is only natural to reach for the thermostat to turn up the heat or  build a fire in the fireplace or wood stove to warm up the home. However, it is important to remember there are several everyday items that can put you and your family at risk, including gas-fired appliances and wood-burning fireplaces.

The high snow drifts block furnace vents and air intakes to some homes, predominantly those with newer high-efficiency furnaces. Those furnaces vent out the side of a home rather than up through the roof. Residents must clear snow from these vents and air intakes. If they are blocked, dangerous carbon monoxide will back into the home.

Some newer high efficiency furnaces have automatic shut-off’s that shut down the furnace when the vents are blocked. Keep a three-foot area clear around the vent and intake tubes outside to be safe.

Heating and dryer vents should also be cleared of snow to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. We also want to remind residents to never run a generator or gas grill in the home, garage or other enclosed spaces. If your CO alarm sounds, immediately evacuate and call 9-1-1.

Onset Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

  • Headache
  • dizziness
  • Nausea

More severe symptoms with prolonged exposure of carbon monoxide poisoning

  • confusion and drowsiness
  • fast breathing, fast heart rate, or chest pain
  • vision problems
  • seizures

If you believe you may be experiencing symptoms of monoxide poisoning, experts say to evacuate immediately and contact emergency personnel. Even with doors open, refrain from running your vehicle for extended periods of time, as garages with a door on only one side often do not provide adequate air flow.

Since monoxide alarms measure CO levels over time, the alarm will sound before an average, healthy adult would experience any symptoms. If you are not experiencing symptoms when the alarm sounds, please consider ventilating the home and contacting a service professional to check the CO level. The local fire department will send a team to check the home if you call to report the alarm sounding.

Mold 101: Everything you always wanted to know about the fungus but were afraid to ask

2/2/2016 (Permalink)

You may have seen news reports that warn about the dangers of “black mold” or “toxic mold”. These reports can be alarming so learn the facts.

What it is and How it grows

Mold…it’s everywhere. It’s present inside and outside and while you will never completely eradicate mold spores from your life, there are situations when it can do significant damage. From compromising the integrity of your structure, (yes, it can do serious damage to sheetrock and other porous materials) to causing health issues, mold in the home is nothing to sneeze at. The first question that comes to most people’s minds is how does mold suddenly appear in a home. The answer is rather simple: it doesn’t suddenly appear… with the proper environment,which is water, and a food source, which come in many forms such as simple everyday items like sheetrock, wood molding, paint, cardboard and even leather mold spores grow over a period of time.

Mold is more than just unsightly…there is an odor to it and exposure to high levels of household mold can cause health effects. Though you might be tempted to spray bleach on the affected areas, I wouldn’t recommend doing so, since that can actually increase the damage. Even if you are successful at covering up the unsightly stain, the mold spores spread and continue to grow and travel.

Fact:The Ugly Truth About Mold and How It Can Hurt Your Family and Your Walls.

Feeding Grounds

Mold feeds on moisture. You are most likely to find it in areas like the bathroom, where hot, steamy showers create the perfect environment for the fungus to settle in and grow. That’s why it is important to properly ventilate the bathroom and to install a good exhaust fan.

But moisture can and does appear in other areas of the home as well. The kitchen is also a popular spot for the mold spores to show up. When you boil a pan of water, that steam has to go somewhere, right? Look at the ceiling above the stove and over the sink. Chances are you are going to see a few dark spots there. The stove’s exhaust fan isn’t just for airing out the kitchen when you’ve burnt something beyond recognition. Using the fan will help keep the area dry when you are cooking.

We also find moisture in basements and attics. The key to combating the issue in these areas is to use a good dehumidifier. Homes with central air conditioning systems have the best chance of maintaining a dry environment, even on the most humid days here on Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard.

But it’s not just summer’s humidity that can invite dampness or moisture into a home. Despite winter’s dry air, moisture can find its way into homes through ice dams and other means, creating the perfect environment for mold spores to form and take root. It’s a good idea to check interior and exterior walls at the end of the winter season. Any dark spots or water stains can be an indication that water infiltrated the home and it needs to be assessed.

Signs and Symptoms

  • A stale, musty odor pervading the inside of your home or business. This odor will cling to fabrics, drapes even carpeting, including linens, window treatments, clothes, sometimes even after they have been washed.
  • There are speckles of black and white appearing on surfaces in your home, such as on the walls.
  • The black marks reappear even after you have cleaned them.
  • Cardboard items in your basement, attic, or garage feel damp.
  • The wooden parts of the structure of your house are soggy and or are rottening. 

Mold Inspection versus Mold Testing

At SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands, inspecting for mold is a standard part of what we do. We know the signs to look for and how to identify a problem. Once we detect signs of mold, we search for the cause. After determining the source of the moisture, we begin the process of fixing the problem.

If there are no visible signs of mold, but there are some symptoms, allergens for example, the homeowner can choose to have their house tested for mold. In this case, we recommend that they call in an unbiased, third party to do the testing. This eliminates any doubt or questions about the test results and makes for a good system of checks and balances. At SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands, we sell our services based on information and not scare tactics.

The Clean Up Process

Mold remediation begins with an assessment of the damage, followed by containing the damage, limiting air movement in the space and a thorough cleaning. The last step in the process is restoration, which can involve any thing from minor repairs to major reconstruction to make it like it never even happened.

At SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands, we use various containment procedures to prevent mold spore spreading and we have specialized filtration equipment that allows our professionals to capture microscopic mold spores out of the air. The mold remediation process depends on the amount of mold growth and types of surfaces on which the fungus appears. We use antifungal and antimicrobial treatments to eliminate mold colonies and to help prevent new colonies from forming. We also clean any furniture, decorative items, curtains and other restorable items affected by the mold. Depending on the level of the mold damage, we also provide reconstruction services, from minor repairs to major projects. Any further details on the process we employ or the products we use to properly clean a mold damage are a trade secret, kept locked in a vault along with the recipe for KFC’s fried chicken and McDonald’s special sauce.

For the record, however, I will say this: the first step in any mold remediation project is to identify the source or cause of the moisture. In some cases, this is easy and in others, it can require a bit of detective work. Believe it or not, sometimes a flood in the house can potentially cause less water damage than an ice dam. When you come home and find two inches of water in your basement because of a burst pipe or failed water heater, you immediately jump into action to get the water damage repaired. However, when you don't see actual water damage from a slow leak from behind a wall it can be a greater problem found as the inspection turns into demo that discovers both the root of the water damage and growing mold colonies.

 Fact: Penicillium is a common mold that is found in dust, has a greenish color and a powdery texture. It is characterized by its heavy and musty odor.

Truth can be stranger than fiction

We once received a call from a homeowner whose cat flooded the house. The homeowner had gone away on vacation but had made arrangements for a relative to come in once a week to check on the cat. The owners decided to leave the bathroom faucet turned on just enough for it to trickle a bit of water so the cat could get a drink any time it wanted between the weekly visits. One day, while drinking from the faucet, the cat happened to step on the stopper in the sink, its paw pushing it down so that the sink began to fill with water. A trickling faucet can rack up significant gallons of water over the course of a week. Six days later when the caretaker opened the front door to check on kitty, she found water pouring down the stairs. It wasn’t enough just to dry out the home, we had to ensure that anything that was irreparably damaged, was removed and replaced to eliminate the possibility of any mold issues arising from this feline flooding incident. In this particular case, the cause of the water problem was rather evident and easy to spot.

On another job…this one on Nantucket…the source of the water damage was also fairly obvious. A family had arrived at the house they were renting for their summer vacation, ready and eager to get started on all the fun. One of the children noticed the oversized Jacuzzi in the master bedroom and decided he wanted to take a bath in the luxurious tub. He turned on the water but before he could turn it off, his parents announced that the family was headed to the beach for the day. Filled with excitement and anticipation about going to the shore, the young boy completely forgot about his plans to take a bath and the running water. After a full day at the beach, the family arrived home only to be surprised by the wave of water flowing down the stairs to greet them as they opened the front door.

Pipe breaks, toilets overflowing—those are easy sources of water problems to detect. On other jobs, however, the source of the water damage was not quite so evident. Last year’s series of never-ending snowstorms caused the formation of ice dams and these dams often caused water to back up into homes and buildings…in some cases the owners either didn't notice any signs of water damage or didn't think the water that had seeped in was that bad. When an ice dam causes water to back up into your home, it does so very quietly and discretely…behind a wall, where you can’t see it. By the time it makes its presence known, in the form of peeling paint, soaked carpets, buckled floors, or moldy black marks on the wall under a window or an interior wall, the damage is extensive. But since it is not interfering with your daily living, you shrug and promise to take care of it…one of these days. The danger with this type of damage is that most people…myself included…underestimate the severity of the problem. And the longer you wait to fix it, the more damage it does, eventually compromising the integrity of the structure.

We recently received a call from a customer asking us to clean up what he thought was just a minor and benign water stain issue on his wall in his South Yarmouth home. But when we got there and looked at the problem, we realized the moisture spot was from an ice dam that had occurred the previous winter and the damage done over the course of a year was significant. Mold spores had already formed and the fungus had established itself. The mold damage affected an interior wall in the kitchen and the mold spores spread to a point that the entire kitchen had to be replaced.

In each of these cases, SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands not only cleaned up the damages and did any necessary reconstruction work, we also helped out customers navigate the complexities of the insurance industry.

What to do if you suspect you have a mold problem

  • Do not touch or disturb the mold
  • Do not blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth
  • Do not spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold
  • Stay out of affected areas if you have a compromised immune system or allergies as this will heighten these conditions or may create a reaction.

What to consider when choosing a company to remove mold from your home

Choosing a reputable company to treat a mold issue is as important as using the right process to eradicate the mold spores. Look for a company that is experienced and trained in mold remediation. Is the company certified and do they require their employees to receive on-going training to stay on top of the most updated techniques for mold remediation?

At SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands, our professionals are trained and certified and are equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

  • It’s important that the company have insurance and not just worker’s compensation. Any reputable company will hold pollution insurance, since mold can be an environmental issue. Can the company do more than just treat your mold problem? Do they have the resources and licensures to do the necessary reconstruction work or will you have to hire a separate contractor for the part of the project?
  • Mold and water damage are often covered under homeowner’s insurance policies. Is the company willing to help you navigate the complexities of the insurance industry?
  • Finally, don’t let price drive your decision. The cheapest isn't always the best choice and neither is the most expensive.

We know that there are choices in restoration companies, that’s why we, at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands, believe that delivering a full complement of services, from the initial assessment of mold spores to the final reconstruction services and everything in between, along with outstanding customer service should be a standard part of every project, no matter the size.

Reconstruction Team Saves North Falmouth Customer's Holiday

1/29/2016 (Permalink)

Newly reconstructed laundry room after suffering water damage in North Falmouth.

A North Falmouth customer can attest to the fact that there never really is a good time for a water damage that requires reconstruction services. But some times are worse than others….and let’s face it….just before the holidays tops the list as the worst time EVER for a disaster to happen.

But that was the case for one of our customers whose washing machine hose blew out, spewing water all over her finished basement. If you are the mother of young children, there are some things that you almost can’t live without: one of those things is a washer and the other is a playroom/family room in the basement.In an instant, this mother lost both of those necessities, just before Thanksgiving.

Folks, there is a reason why nobody chooses to do construction projects between Thanksgiving and Christmas…it is because there is absolutely no time to deal with construction crews, color choices, scheduling subcontractors and the inconvenience of having  workers in your home when you are supposed to be buying, baking, wrapping, mailing, and decorating.

Initially, our customer thought her holiday season was going to be completely doomed—filled with chaos and construction nightmares, rather than with cheer and good will. Fortunately for her, she called SERVPRO of Upper Cod and the Islands and we were able to handle everything—from the initial calls to the insurance company to the applying the last coat of paint on the walls—freeing her up to buy, bake, wrap, mail, decorate, and focus on the traditions that her family cherishes.

Because we are licensed contractors and can offer building services, which includes the entire reconstruction portion of the project, our customers do not have to be bothered with finding a reputable builder who can come in a timely manner to handle this part of the job.

Our team was able to dry out the basement and reconstruct the entire family room and replace the washer and dryer, all in a timely manner before Christmas—and all of our customer’s guests—arrived. We handled everything, including scheduling the subcontractors, so that our customer could focus solely on her holiday, making this loss “like it never even happened.”

Are Mold Spores Resistant to Bleach in Nantucket Home?

1/26/2016 (Permalink)

Black mold spores on the baseboard in this bathroom on Nantucket, MA. Will using bleach kill this mold? The answer may surprise you.

Recently we received a call from a caretaker on Nantucket because they noticed some mold growing on the baseboard in one of the bathrooms and they wanted to know if bleach would kill the mold spores. Unfortunately, I had to give him the bad news that bleach will not kill mold spores.

Then I followed by explaining  that the idea that bleach kills mold spores is one of those myths that has made its way into the do-it-yourself community, leading homeowners and property managers to believe that they can actually kill a mold problem by spraying a bleach solution onto a wall and then wiping it clean. But while the area appears to be clean and rid of the black fungus on the surface, this particular method actually makes the situation worse.

When mold and bleach interact, the mold spores react as if they are being attacked. Spraying the fungus down with bleach causes the mold to shoot off spores to protect itself. So as you are wiping the surface, you are actually spreading the mold spores further out.  If the cloth is used in other areas of the home, it can spread the mold to areas that were unaffected (otherwise knows as cross contamination).

Mold thrives on moisture, and since the primary component of bleach is water, the solution actually feeds the fungus rather than kills it. Another reason bleach is no match for mold is because its chemicals, which include chlorine, do not penetrate through the porous areas of the sheetrock or wood where the deep roots of the mold spores are located.

Still another reason not to use bleach to combat a mold problem is because the solution is highly acidic, which can threaten the integrity of porous materials. The acidity levels in bleach wreak havoc on the fibers that compose most home building materials such as drywall and baseboard. And not only will the bleach compromise the integrity of the material, it will spread the mold spores to otherwise unaffected areas. Because this damage is occurring beneath the surface, it goes unseen and unnoticed.

While bleach can erase the unsightly black marks of mold spores on the surface, the fungus is still present in the wall. Mold has deep roots and can permeate to the outer areas of the wall, as it seeks out moisture and a food source. Since bleach can only clean up the ugly surface marks and not completely kill the roots, it is not a recommended solution for mold remediation.

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands never uses bleach on any of its mold remediation projects. Our professionally trained crews understand the problems that can arise out of using bleach on  mold spores. With years of experience responding to property owners with mold in their homes or businesses, handling mold projects throughout Massachusetts, our staff can properly and completely clean up any mold situation with the right products and equipment.  As a certified mold remediation company, SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands requires our staff to be trained and able to explain the different types of methods that can be used to clean up mold for our customers. We never sell our services based on fear but rather on information. If you need any help with eradicating a mold issues please feel free to contact us for an estimate.

Building Services Division Benefits Many

1/24/2016 (Permalink)

Our reconstruction team transformed an old organ and built in speaker in this Cape Cod living room into this undated wet bar and shadow box.

As the owner of an emergency services company that offers reconstruction services, I am constantly witnessing situations that started out as very bad for our clients but in the end turned out to be a blessing and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that from great challenges come great opportunities.

I knew that adding building services to our list of amenities at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands would allow us to fully serve our customers, but I was a bit surprised by the number of requests we have received to do other work on our customers’ homes. Typically, these requests usually arise out of a conversation that the homeowner has with our home reconstruction team. There have been times when the homeowner has seen the great work our team does and asks them to make changes to other areas of the house and times when our team offered suggestions for changes that improved the flow of the house and thus the quality of our customer’s life.

Reconstruction Team: "Yup, we can do that."

I was recently thinking about a client in North Falmouth who had a water damage in her kitchen. As is typical with this type of damage, once the water is removed and the space dried out, any affected materials, such as cabinets, flooring and other items, are removed and reconstruction begins. As we began the process of “rebuilding” our customer’s kitchen, she asked if we could move the sink to a new location. It’s original placement didn’t conform to the ideal “triangle” layout that kitchen designers recommend and the homeowner had always found it’s location inconvenient when cooking, doing prep work, and cleaning up. We moved the sink, which made a better layout in the kitchen and a very happy customer.

Building Services Team With An Eye for Design

I also love thinking about how our reconstruction team made it possible for an organ, (the musical instrument not the body part) to be donated to a local church. The team was doing construction work after a damage to a home when the project manager happened to notice an organ in the family room. He commented on it and our homeowner wasted no time expressing her dissatisfaction with the instrument, its location, and the wall which was custom designed to house it  as well as the oversized speaker above. Our project manager suggested moving the organ out and changing the wall into a wet bar and doing some finish work to the area above. The customer was delighted with the wall and even happier to move the organ, which she donated to a church, out of her home.

The decision to add building services to our offerings was made so that we could fully serve our customers; I had no idea how much pride and satisfaction I would get from being able to offer this service.

Reconstruction Services An Important Step in Addressing Frozen Pipe Damage

1/24/2016 (Permalink)

Frozen pipes break and flood homes and businesses everyday. Are you ready? Ask us about creating an Emergency Ready Profile for your property today.

This week’s frigid temperatures remind us that winter is here and invariably with such severe cold and blustery winds often comes frozen pipes, which lead to water damage, which then require reconstruction services.

As a full-service emergency services and reconstruction company, we not only clean up after a water damage, we do the construction work, a part of our building services division, to truly make the damage like it never even happened.

The surprising thing about burst pipes is the cause. Most people believe that the only time pipes “burst” and spew water from them is when they have frozen, but that is not always the case.

Yes, there is an increase in the number of pipes bursting due to freezing temperatures during the winter. And yes, more often than not, frozen pipes occur when the power goes out or the heat has been turned off and a cold snap freezes the water in the pipe. And we all remember from our elementary school science class that when water freezes it expands. And when ice inside a pipe expands, it creates a crack and once the ice thaws, the water traveling through the pipes at a very high pressure, forces its way out of that crack and into our homes or businesses.

But there are a number of reasons why pipes freeze or crack. When plumbing pipes run on an exterior wall or in a section of a house that jogs out a bit, called a cantilever, these pipes are more exposed to the freezing temperatures and harsh winter winds making them more susceptible to freezing, even though the heat in the home is running properly.

Sometimes a pipe will leak due to good old-fashioned corrosion. This usually happens in areas where the water is highly acidic and corrodes the pipe with tiny little pinholes. When you consider that the pressure of the water running through the pipe is extremely high, the amount of water that comes out of those tiny pinholes is significant, causing significant damage. And that is why it is important to hire an emergency services company that has a building services division.

The damage that water causes can be significant, requiring more than just cleaning up the spill and drying out the space. Often cabinets are damaged as well as other parts of the room, including the flooring. This is when it’s important to hire a restoration company that not only specializes in the clean-up but can do all of the reconstruction services. Once a homeowner experiences a disaster like a flood in their home, the last thing they want to do is deal with the complexities of the insurance industry or call various subcontractors to put their home back the way it was before the damage occurred.

At SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands, we understand the stress that our clients are dealing with when a disaster strikes their home or business and that’s why we go the extra mile to handle all aspects of a damage, from calling the insurance company to cleaning up the damage to complete reconstruction services.

SERVPRO's Home Reconstruction Team Improves a Sandwich, MA Homeowner's Kitchen

1/5/2016 (Permalink)

New flooring installed by SERVPRO's Building Services Team in a Sandwich, MA customer's kitchen after it suffers a water damage.

Initially, any kind of disaster or damage to a property can strike fear into heart of a homeowner,  but more often than not, once the home reconstruction is completed, homeowners often find that their temporary disaster is a blessing in disguise.

That was the case for a friend of mine from Sandwich who recently experienced a water damage in her kitchen. When she called to tell me that water was infiltrating her home, I immediately put on my “owner-of-a-restoration-company” hat, and went into action. As a full-service restoration company, we offer everything from the initial dry out to the building services, which includes home reconstruction.

My friend's panic was understandable. She was newly widowed and completely unfamiliar with handling any kind of maintenance issues around the house; she knew even less about her homeowner's insurance coverage. With water seeping into her kitchen from the doorway every time it rained, she knew something had to be done, she just didn’t know what that was or where to start.

From quality customer service to complete home reconstruction services

Since the water coming into her home was due to faulty construction, I knew that this was most likely an issue that would be covered under her insurance policy. She didn’t know the name of her insurance company but she did know who her agent was. I took down the name of the agency and that was the last call that my friend had to make regarding this issue. I took it from there and helped my customer from the very initial call to the insurance company right up to completing the home reconstruction services.  

After contacting her agent, our project manager met with the insurance adjuster to ensure that all of the damage was addressed and that everyone was on the same page with respect to what needed to be done in terms of construction. It is not unusual for our project manager to meet with the adjuster and to advocate for our customer.

As a full service restoration company which includes building services, we not only dry out a water damage and remove damaged materials…we do all of the reconstruction and act as the general contractor, including bringing in any subcontractors.This allows us to oversee the entire process and eliminates the need for our customers to call in other people, hoping that their schedules align with the project schedule. It eliminates confusion and allows the project to adhere to a reconstruction timeline.

Home reconstruction services make it better than ever

The goal with any of our jobs is to make our customer whole again and to return their property to pre-damage condition, making it “Like it never even happened.” In some cases, however, we have not only restored the home or business, we have improved it.

In this particular case, we dryed out the structure and rebuilt the side of the house to code. Because water had seeped in, getting under the tiled kitchen floor, we had to replace that. Our customer chose a beautiful wood floor—a very nice upgrade from her previous floor and a nice improvement to her kitchen.

Dealing with a water, smoke, or even fire damage can be stressful and that is why we at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands takes pride in delivering complete and quality services, including home reconstruction services to every one of our customers.

A Safety Message from SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands

12/31/2015 (Permalink)

Chimney Fires caused by Christmas trees are rare, but the NFPA recommends to avoid the possibility of a very intense and dangerous fire.

We want to wish everyone a healthy and prosperous New Year and remind folks to  dispose of their Christmas trees  by taking them to a recycling location or make sure they get picked up by the appropriate service.

And please refrain from trying to burn your tree in a fireplace or wood stove-especially dry ones!  Each year chimney fires occur when Christmas trees are burned in fireplaces or wood stoves. Live Christmas trees are usually very dry by the time they are taken down, and burning a tree in a fireplace or wood stove can cause a dangerous chimney fire, which can lead to a house fire. According to The National Fire Protection Association, while chimney fires caused by Christmas trees are rare, they should be avoided because of the possibility of a very intense and dangerous fire. 

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands is here to help 24/7 if you have a situation that needs cleanup or call us at 508-888-5985.

A Safety Message from SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands

12/31/2015 (Permalink)

Chimney Fires caused by Christmas trees are rare, but the NFPA recommends to avoid the possibility of a very intense and dangerous fire.

We want to wish everyone a healthy and prosperous New Year and remind folks to  dispose of their Christmas trees  by taking them to a recycling location or make sure they get picked up by the appropriate service.

And please refrain from trying to burn your tree in a fireplace or wood stove-especially dry ones!  Each year chimney fires occur when Christmas trees are burned in fireplaces or wood stoves. Live Christmas trees are usually very dry by the time they are taken down, and burning a tree in a fireplace or wood stove can cause a dangerous chimney fire, which can lead to a house fire. According to The National Fire Protection Association, while chimney fires caused by Christmas trees are rare, they should be avoided because of the possibility of a very intense and dangerous fire. 

SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands is here to help 24/7 if you have a situation that needs cleanup or call us at 508-888-5985.

SERVPRO's Reconstruction Services Team Offers Solutions to Cape Codders

12/30/2015 (Permalink)

SERVPRO's Building Services Team builds a better ceiling for this Pocasset, MA Homeowner.

We are all familiar with that saying when life hands you lemons make lemonades and when our reconstrution services team moves in to do reconstruction after a damage, it is not unusual for homeowners or business owners to seize the opportunity to make some other improvements.

Reconstruction services allows us to help find solutions

Not long ago, our team was working on an emergency services and reconstruction project that involved a water damage from a broken pipe. The homeowner was a hair stylist who worked out of her home. She had this business set up in her home for years but there was a glitch—without fail customers always came to her front door rather than the side door, closest to the business.

It was an inconvenience to have customers walking through her kitchen to get to her studio, but without a solution to the problem, it was one of those things that she learned to put up with over the years.

While my crew was there, the project manager on our reconstruction services team happened to notice how often she had to redirect people to the other door or have them detour around the kitchen to get to the studio. He couldn’t help but offer up another alternative. He suggested to her that she build a second wall between the kitchen and the side door to create a path and offer privacy between her home and her business.

Our building services team found a simple solution to a problem that had plagued our customer for years. So while my team was there—making repairs and reconstructing the kitchen after the water damage had been resolved, our customer decided to hire us to do a little extra work for her.

It proved to be both a time and cost effective move. Since we were already there on the scene with our tools and equipment, building the wall took very little time, thus costing her less money.

It was one of those ideal situations where we were called in to clean up a water damage and complete the reconstruction services to make it like it never even happened and as a bonus we were able to to resolve an issue that had been a nuisance for far too many years.

Building Services A Critical Part of Making Damage Like It Never Even Happened in Cataumet Home

12/30/2015 (Permalink)

After photo of a kitchen in Cataumet, MA reconstructed after suffering fire damage.

Timing is everything they say, and last year, the timing couldn’t have been better to add building services, which includes reconstruction services, to the repertoire of offerings at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands.

Reconstruction services and integral part of a full service company

The decision to add this service came after seeing a need among our customers. After years of owning an emergency services company, we saw time after time that a significant part of the work that needs to be done on any disaster related job is reconstruction services. Typically, most restoration companies that respond to a fire, water, or other type of damage, will come in, remove what needs to be removed, dry out the area if necessary, and then pack up…leaving the customer with something that still needs to be put back together. That is not the way to “make it like it never even happened.”

What we discovered over these past years is that very few homeowners have a contractor that they know and trust who can complete the reconstruction services to bring their property back to its previous condition. And the operative word here, is trust. That is a critical piece to restoring a customer’s home or business to pre-damage condition.

So my husband Bill decided to get his contractors license so that we could offer a complete range ofbuilding services….from removing the walls to putting them back...soup to nuts, as they say... allowing us to make a customer whole again. And last year couldn’t have been a better year to expand our offerings to including these reconstruction services.

With so many business owners and homeowners experiencing water damages from last winter’s endless storms, contractors were extremely busy and very scarce, making 2015 the ideal year to add building services or reconstruction to our offerings.

Emergency Services not complete without Building Services

A contractor's license allows us to come onto a job, remove the debris that needs to be removed, bring in equipment to clean up the area and then replace or reconstruct what needs to be done, truly making it like it never even happened. And all of this work is done with the quality and integrity that people have come to expect from SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands.

Let’s face it…a home is potentially the largest asset most people own. It is important to keep it in good and pristine condition and to maintain it. If there is a damage, you want to call on a company that offers reconstruction services so that the home can be fully repaired and restored to its pre-loss condition—and in some cases, even better condition.

Sewage Backup in Nantucket Home Causes Grief to One Family

12/30/2015 (Permalink)

Sewage backup in a crawlspace can lead to strong odors and health issues for those who live in the home.

In our line of work, we realize our customers face emergencies like water damages or biohazards that take them by surprise. When they choose us to solve those problems for them, we are gratified in so many ways.

We received a call in August from a property manager on Nantucket who knew of a family who had discovered septic waste had backed up under their house and into a crawlspace. The heat of the summer intensified the odor from the black water, which was seeping into their living space.

To make the circumstances more of a challenge, some of the backup was under the bedroom of their disabled child. They feared for the health and well-being of their son and the prospect of packing up the items needed for his care and relocating everyone in the family, pushed this situation into a crisis. They needed help urgently, and having never encountered this type of problem, they turned to their friend who was a local property manager for advice.

We often receive calls from property managers when they are faced with emergencies at the properties they are trusted to protect. This property manager had worked with us on previous occasions, was happy with the service that SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands provided to his clients (our customers) and even though the family was not his customer, he offered to help.

The property manager called our office and explained the problem, putting us in contact with our customer. We dispatched our crew who visited the job site that afternoon and, upon arrival, discovered some areas in the crawlspace had a clearance height of just 12 inches. Our Crew Chief suited up in protective gear and crawled into the mire to assess the degree of the biohazard. It was clear that it  would not only require a couple of days to extract the large amount of sewage, clean-up, disinfect and dry out, but that we would need special equipment to clean up the tight areas.

We keep our warehouses on Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard fully stocked with equipment, chemicals and supplies, so we are ready to tackle jobs quickly. To the relief of our customers, we were able to clean-up of this sewage back-up  quickly. Their son did not have to be relocated and life could go back to normal...making this biohazard like it never even happened.

Community Parades in Falmouth and Mashpee Create Lasting Memories

12/13/2015 (Permalink)

Our SERVPRO truck tows the float sponsored by the Cape Cod Children's Museum and Cape Cod Moms in Falmouth's Annual Christmas parade

The holidays are one of my favorite times of year and now that we have a granddaughter, they are even more wonderful. This year is particularly magical because I am getting to experience the magic of the holidays through the eyes of my two year-old, granddaughter, Mackenzie.

Last week, we were especially lucky because we got to be a part of one of the biggest Christmas parades in southern New England—the Falmouth Christmas Parade.

I was so excited when I heard that the Cape Cod Children’s Museum had gotten together with Cape Cod Moms to enter a float in this parade. The design for the float used each organization’s trademarks—two whales sporting jingle bell antlers on their head represented Cape Cod Moms while the signature starfish of the Cape Cod Children’s Museum adorned the rest of the float. Five beautiful Christmas trees, courtesy of the Falmouth Rotary Club and purchased from Mahoney’s Garden Center were also a part of the float. After the float was dismantled, the trees would be donated to five nonprofit organizations: Cape Cod Center for Women, Heroes in Transition, Mashpee Senior Center, Falmouth Senior Center and one tree would be donated to a Mashpee family.

Everything was coming together so nicely and as President of the Board of Directors for the Cape Cod Children’s Museum, I was proud and excited to see this collaboration with Cape Cod Mom’s. All systems were set to go until the groups realized they needed transportation, (and by transportation I mean a truck with a tow), to pull the float in the parade. As the owner of a restoration company, we had a pick up truck large enough to pull the float. My husband Billy and I were thrilled to help out.

The day was absolutely beautiful—an unseasonably warm December day—and it was such a thrill to ride on the float and to witness the wonder of this experience with Mackenzie as she took in all of the sights, waving to the tens of thousands of people who lined the streets of Falmouth to see the parade. To say Falmouth takes pride in this tradition is a bit of an understatement.

I wished I could relive it all over again!

Flash forward a week— to Saturday night—and there I was again—with Mackenzie, this time riding along the route in Mashpee’s annual Christmas parade. Starting at the Mashpee Library and traveling through Mashpee Commons and onto Route 28, there we were, waving to the crowds that filled the streets on another unseasonably mild winter night. The parade started just after 5 p.m., and the floats were decorated with lights illuminating the dark December night.

I was so happy and lucky to participate in these two annual traditions and to have gotten to make these memories with my granddaughter—after all, that’s what the holidays are all about—making memories!

Water Damage From Frozen Pipes Ices Falmouth Restaurant Opening

12/13/2015 (Permalink)

Water Damage from frozen pipes at Falmouth Restaurant.

Frozen water pipes are a common cause of water damages in both homes and businesses. Typically they occur in vacant properties—summer homes that have been shut down for the winter season or a commercial property that is “in between” tenants. That was the case for a now popular restaurant in Falmouth.

The owner of this restaurant—a chef—was just about to embark on a lifelong dream of opening up his own place. He had signed the lease and was just about to get his business up and running. What should have been a turn-key operation, where he just walked in the door and began setting tables, became a different scenario where water covered almost every inch of the restaurant. The former tenants had shut off all the utilities, including the heat and a cold spell in January caused the pipes the freeze. Here’s a helpful hint: make sure that your home or business—even if it is vacant for a short period of time—has some degree of heat in it during the winter.

The damage caused from a frozen pipe bursting can be significant and that’s what happened in this case. It was a two level structure and water infiltrated both levels and the basement. It came in through the ceilings, the walls. Clean up for this water damage required significant work. Because the utilities were turned off, we had to bring in generators to power up our equipment, such as air movers and dehumidifying systems. We had to to pull sheetrock off the walls, remove insultation, carpeting, and flooring to restore this property. In the end, the restaurant received a full renovation as a result of this water damage.

I am happy to say that today, the owner is well on his way to success. His restaurant is very popular—the food is fabulous and the parking lot is always full. And I take great pride in knowing that my crew was able to step in make his water damage "Like it never even happened!"

Water Damage is No Fish Tale on Nantucket

12/13/2015 (Permalink)

This photo shows the beautifully repaired restaurant after the water damage cleanup.

Water damage comes in many forms and while some damage occurs because of the old standard issues—a frozen pipe or plumbing issues—sometimes it comes from a less likely culprit.

I remember a water damage that occurred a few years ago at a popular Nantucket restaurant. A large tropical fish aquarium imploded—dumping 110 gallons of salt water into the dining room of the restaurant along with the beautiful tropical fish.

Fortunately, the restaurant was not open for business when the tank imploded so there were no customers injured in this incident. It was one of those popular restaurants…you know…the kind where you can’t get seated without a reservation and reservations need to be made well in advance. And the timing of this damage could not have been worse—just before the island’s annual Christmas stroll. Anyone who works or owns a business on the island knows that this particular holiday tradition is extremely important. Since most businesses shut down shortly after this weekend ward and remain closed until the spring, this holiday event is a business owner’s and his employees last chance to bring in some significant revenues before closing the doors and the books for the season. So it was critical that our crew was able to come in and get this job done as quickly as possible.

I don’t remember the number of fish that came floating out of the tank with the water—or if there were any fatalities among them—but I do remember that my crew was able to swoop in and make it "Like it never even happened" in less than three days.

While 110 gallons of water—along with the fish—sounds like a massive disaster that would cause significant damage, believe it or not the clean up from this incident was a bit easier than other standard water issues. Because the water damage occurred rather quickly and we were able to respond immediately, mold had not yet had a chance to form. We didn’t have to remove walls so there was minimal restoration work in that sense. After bringing in our equipment, cleaning up and drying out the restaurant, our client was able to open up in time to welcome guests for the Christmas stroll.

As a restoration company, we often respond to calls from business owners on Cape Cod and the Islands. Some jobs are more memorable than others and this one certainly falls into the category of memorable.

Smoke Damage Can Be Just As Destructive As Fire to a Carver Restaurant

12/12/2015 (Permalink)

Restaurant reopens for business as usual in 11 days after suffering a grease fire.

Where there’s smoke there’s fire but even worse, where there’s fire, there is smoke damage.

Are you thoroughly confused? As the owner of a restoration company, I have come to learn that the biggest loss in a fire isn’t always the things that get burned—it’s the things that the fire never even touches.

Last year, we got a call from the owner of a popular restaurant in Carver. They had just had a fire in the kitchen and needed my crew to come out and clean up the damage. Unlike a lot of the emergency calls we get, which tend to come in the middle of the night, this loss happened to occur during the day.

Better timing, right? Wrong.

When we arrived, customers were filling the parking lot, getting ready to head into their favorite restaurant for a great night out, completely unaware that the business had suffered this fire. And the owner couldn’t tell them how long it would be before he could open the doors to his restaurant again. I assure you, an unexpected closure is one of the greatest fears for any business owner and it is why I am especially committed and sensitive to getting things up and running as quickly as possible for my commercial customers.

The fire started in the restaurant's kitchen and even though the flames were contained—the majority of the smoke damage occurred on the main floor…in the dining room...where the customers eat.

Make no mistake about it…smoke damage can be extensive. Once it gets into fabrics, it is tough to eliminate it without the proper equipment and cleaners. My crew came in for the clean up and cleaned everything, literally from the floor to the ceiling. We cleaned the carpets, the curtains, the fabrics on the chairs and the table cloths. We cleaned everything right down to the salt and pepper shakers and the flower vases on the tables.

In every loss, especially one involving smoke damage, careful consideration has to be given as to whether to restore items or replace them. In this case, it was both more efficient and cost effective to clean small items like the vases and salt and pepper shakers than to discard them and order new. In addition to the cost of the items, there was the time that it would take for the items to be ordered and shipped. In any business—but especially a restaurant—time is money.

In just 11 days, less than two weeks, we had cleaned everything up, making it "Like it never even happened" so that our customer could open the doors of his business to their customers.

Water damage can dry up a business on Cape Cod

12/10/2015 (Permalink)

The source of this water damage found on the first floor was found to come from the unit on the second floor of the building.

Nothing can be more alarming than walking along a hallway only to have your foot sink into a wet spongy area of the carpet...it’s a good indicator that you have a water damage. The first question that pops up is “where is the water coming from?” After all, you can’t fix the problem until you locate the source.

If water damage in a home is concerning, it is doubly concerning when it is a commercial property and even more distressing when it is a commercial business that cares for the elderly.

Not long ago, we received a call in the middle of the night from the owner of an assisted living facility on Upper Cape Cod who had just discovered a water problem in the common hallway. As you might expect, the owner was frantic. As the owner of a restoration company for more than eight years now, I’ve become accustomed to getting calls from panicked business owners calling me—usually in the middle of the night—needing my crew to go out there—immediately.

As a business owner, I appreciate the urgency of the situation and ensure that my team is there as quickly as possible to remedy the situation.

The facility’s staff had been searching for the source of the water. Naturally, they looked at the unit closest to the waterlogged carpet  but that apartment was dry. My crew arrived and after a bit of investigation, discovered that the water was coming from the unit one floor above. Apparently, the woman living in that apartment had planned to make a cup of tea. After setting the teapot in the sink, which covered the drain, she turned the faucet on to fill the pot and then walked away, forgetting about it.

She went to bed with the faucet running full force. Water overflowed the sink, spilling onto the floor, spreading out to the walls, running down inside of them to the floor below.

The clean up of this water damage involved the usual process and tools—removal of the flooring, exposing the wall cavity, bringing in antimicrobial air movers and dehumidifiers. But the real trick to this particular commercial clean up was getting everything done, soup to nuts, as they say, in a very short turnaround time. Yup, it took us just three days to make it "Like it Never Even Happened".

Post Construction Cleaning: The Finishing Touch for contractors on Cape Cod & Islands

12/1/2015 (Permalink)

The project of the day isn't done until it is clean and ready to use!

Has your home ever needed such a thorough cleaning that you thought it might be easier to just move?Remember how clean everything was when you moved into your newly built house? The new faucets sparkled; the light fixtures gleamed; and the appliances shined. I hate to spoil the illusion but more than likely a commercial cleaning company had come in to ensure that the home was spotless and up to your standards. 

Whenever a builder finishes a new house or even a renovation project, all of the beautiful materials and upscale amenities are usually covered under layers of dust combined with sawdust. Fingerprints typically coat the stainless steel appliances and mar the windows while muddy shoe prints leave a trail across the hardwood or tile floors. Tiled showers tend to have dirt inside them from the installation process and tubs are not ready for bathers. 

Those fabulous white shaker cabinets and beautiful shiny granite countertops that create the wow in a new kitchen renovation may have been selected by a designer and installed by the contactor, but it was the cleaning company who literally put the finishing touches on everything—making them shine and sparkle. 

As a cleaning and restoration company, we are the little elves who come in to do “post-construction cleaning. We are the team who cleans up after the trade workers have finished their jobs. We wipe their fingerprints off the windows and woodwork; we remove the debris collected in the tubs and showers during installation; we wipe down countertops and cabinets—polishing and making them shine, paying attention to the tiniest of details. We wash the floors removing any dirt left behind by the workers who walked in and out of the house during construction. We make it "Like it never even happened." 

Post construction clean ups are just as necessary for commercial projects as they are for residential projects…sometimes more so. Trust me…when you spend $8 million for a commercial project like the Boys and Girls Club of Nantucket…it better look like a 8 million bucks when the people…especially the donors…walk through the doors! 

Post-construction cleaning is an essential part of any project…whether it is residential or commercial. And it is very specialized cleaning—different from routine cleaning or yearly maintenance. As a restoration company, SERVPRO is typically the first one on the scene of a water damage or mold remediation, there to begin the clean up process after the damage. Because we offer post-construction clean up services, we are also the last ones on those water damage and mold remediation projects…polishing, shining, and cleaning…to make it "Like it never even happened."

Cleaning: It doesn’t have to be a dirty word for Cape Cod

12/1/2015 (Permalink)

Subcontracting the cleaning services of your business can reduce more than the cost of the service expense.

Keeping up with the routine cleaning of a home can be a bit of a chore—especially if you are talking about bathrooms. And if you think keeping a home neat and tidy is a struggle, consider how difficult it can be to keep a business, apartment complex, hotel, or a restaurant clean.

As a restoration company, a significant part of the service we provide is commercial cleaning and not just after a major storm or property damage. We also provide regular cleaning services to Cape Cod and Island businesses. We literally offer floor to ceiling cleaning…and everything in between! From deep carpet or hardwood floors to cleaning the walls and ceilings to the blinds and shades, we take on the dirt and odors that have built up over time and make it "Like it never even happened."

One of the biggest challenges that business owners and restaurant managers face is getting somebody to consistently show up to clean their facilities….and to do the cleaning job well. And we’re not talking about light cleaning, like vacuuming the floors or emptying trash cans. We’re talking about the kind of cleaning most people dread doing. At SERVPRO, we’re not afraid to roll up our sleeves and get dirty to make your space clean. 

Restaurant owners especially appreciate our services. To say the least, cleanliness in a restaurant is as important as the quality of food that it serves and nothing is more unappetizing than a dirty dining room or dirty bathrooms in a restaurant. And since restaurant kitchens are subject to the scrutiny of government agencies, like the Board of Health, it is extremely important that cleaning jobs are done consistently and done well.

Because our team has in-depth training with respect to cleaning, we literally give every job the “white glove treatment.” We can see problems or potential issues, such as air ducts that might need to be cleaned out, where others might not notice. We can eliminate problems before they even happen.

As a cleaning and restoration company, we are constantly called on to do the routine cleaning at apartment or condominium complexes and not just because the service we provide is consistently good and reliable. Sure, we are held to a higher standard than other cleaning companies, but there are other benefits to using a cleaning company like SERVPRO rather than using maintenance staff. Subcontracting the cleaning services reduces other expenses, such as workers compensation and liability.

I’m so happy…and proud…. that Cape Cod and Islands’ business owners  are turning to SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands to make it "Like it never even happened."

Mold...the ugly truth for basements on Martha's Vineyard

11/14/2015 (Permalink)

The Ugly Truth About Mold

The best that can be said about mold is that it helped in the discovery of penicillin. Other than that it is a rather unsightly fungus that can do serious damage to a home or building until a mold remediation team is called in.

Sure, we have all seen some small colonies of black mold creeping along the walls, especially in bathrooms. Let’s face it…where there’s water there’s mold. But there are times when we are blissfully unaware that water has made its way into our home… providing the perfect breeding ground for a cluster of spores to grow, spread, and travel, slowly decaying the structure behind the walls, the ceilings, or floors.

Last year’s series of never-ending snowstorms caused the formation of ice dams and these dams often caused water to back up into homes and buildings…in some cases the owners didn't think the water had seeped in was that bad.

Damp and moist conditions are the perfect conditions for growing mold, which can grow virtually anywhere— in basements, behind walls in framing, in carpet pads, and in the carpet itself. Moisture inside a home will definitely lead to mold and the only way to rid the building of the fungus is to call in a mold remediation team.

There is a difference between mold removal and mold remediation. The most important thing to understand is that mold is everywhere and it is impossible to completely get rid of it. My team at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and the Islands understands mold and therefore is experienced with the mold remediation process. This process begins with an assessment of the damage, which is followed by containing the damage, limiting air movement in the space and a thorough cleaning. The last step in the process is restoration, which can involve minor repairs to major reconstruction to make it like it never even happened.

Mold is more than just unsightly…there is an odor to it and exposure to high levels of household mold may cause health effects. Though you might be tempted to spray bleach on the affected areas, I wouldn’t recommend doing so, since that can actually increase the damage. Even if you are successful at covering up the unsightly stain, the spores continue to grow, and the mold continues to travel.

Here are some valuable tips for dealing with a mold problem.

  • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
  • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
  • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.
  • Stay out of affected areas.

Water Damage...What you don't see can hurt you on Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard

11/14/2015 (Permalink)

Just because you don't see the obvious symptoms of a water damage doesn't mean you are safe from property damage.

Just because you can't see the water damage in front of you, doesn't mean that it isn't there.  For many of my customers, reminders of last year’s unending snow storms and accompanying ice dams began to surface some time around the spring and even into the summer and autumn. That's when they started to notice water stains on interior walls or a soft, mushy area on the floor. Whenever water makes its way into a home, it will do damage and it will continue doing damage until the issue is completely resolved. And the only way to properly treat it is to call in a restoration company to repair the water damage.

Believe it or not, sometimes a flood in the house can potentially cause less water damage than an ice dam. When you come home and find two inches of water in your basement because of a burst pipe or failed water heater, you immediately jump into action to get the water damage repaired. But when an ice dam causes water to back up into your home, it does so very quietly and discretely…behind a wall, where you can’t see it. By the time it makes its presence known, in the form of peeling paint, soaked carpets, buckled floors or moldy black marks on the wall under a window or an interior wall, the damage is extensive. But since it is not interfering with your daily living, you shrug and promise to take care of it…one of these days. The danger with this type of damage is that most people…myself included…underestimate the severity of the problem. And the longer you wait to fix it, the more damage it does, eventually compromising the integrity of the structure.

Just after I moved into my home in 1997, we had a nor’easter during the winter but I was completely unaware that any water had gotten into the house. It wasn’t until years later during a June rainstorm when I noticed signs of a water damage. The rain was falling pretty hard and I remember thinking, “gee, it sounds like it’s coming right inside the house.” That’s because it was. The damage from the nor’easter had gone unchecked for so long that structural damage had started to occur. I had to have the entire front of my house reshingled, walls removed and replaced. The good news is that it was covered under my homeowner’s insurance.

I certainly hope that we do not have a winter like we had last year but if we do, there are some precautions you can take to reduce the risk of ice dams. Make sure the attic properly insulated. Clean the gutters. And, if possible, remove the snow from the roof between snow storms. You can also look for tell-tale signs of a  water damage. Check for water stains or moisture in the attic or around the top of exterior walls on the top level of your home. If you notice any stains, contact a restoration company.

The Risks of Fire Damage Increases During the Holiday Season on Cape Cod and Islands

11/5/2015 (Permalink)

This photo shows the damage done by a fire which started twelve units away from it.

Every day we take certain measures to keep ourselves safe from accidents, fires, and other perils. We use our seat belts when we are driving and we insist that our passengers do the same. We place our children in their car seats to keep them safe. Hopefully, we refrain from texting while driving and never drink and drive, keeping ourselves and other travelers safe.

We also take precautions at home. We lock our doors and never leave valuables in our cars so that we are not the victims of a break-in. We keep our properties well lit to deter criminals. But even with the greatest of intentions and precautions on the minds of property owners, they sometimes forget that the greatest risk of all could be unintentionally caused by them. And what could that be, you ask.  House fires can be the most devastating accidents of all and  here are the top causes of fire damage to homes or housing complexes that you may or may not be aware of.

  • There are a number of sources for house fires and at the top of the list is cooking. Grease splatter or a pan overheating can quickly start a fire. Never leave a pot or pan, especially if you are using oil, unattended. Never use water to extinguish a grease fire. Instead, cover it with a lid, to starve the fire of oxygen. Tip: As Thanksgiving Day approaches and you are tempted to fry the turkey instead of roasting it, make sure the fryer is a good distance from the house on a patch of dirt or sand.
  • Another source of home fires is the furnace or other heating elements, such as wood stoves and fireplaces. Remember to have your furnace checked annually. This not only reduces the potential for a fire or a puff back but helps the appliance operate efficiently. Be sure to have your chimney cleaned and remember to open the flue before starting a fire. Keep pets and children away from the fireplace when having a fire. Be careful when cleaning and disposing of ashes in the fireplace. Place discarded ashes in a barrel far away from the house.
  • Candles are lovely and certainly add to the ambiance in the room but they are also a major cause in many house fires.  When lighting candles, make sure that they are away from any loose fabrics, such as curtains. And NEVER leave a lit candle unattended.
  • Though smoking is all but taboo these days, people are still lighting up. Another big cause of home fires is poorly extinguished smoking materials. Make sure that smoking is off limits in bedrooms and that ash trays are deep and large. If at all possible, ask that smoking be done outside rather than in the house.
  • All too often, fires start because of an electrical malfunction. Be sure that electrical cords are not frayed and that you are not overloading extension cords. Though I applaud homeowners who can handle do it yourself projects, anything involving electricity might be better left to a licensed electrician. Tip: If you have to disconnect one appliance so that you can use another or if fuses blow and circuit breakers trip frequently or if the lights dim when you use another appliance, you may have a wiring problem and should call an electrician.
  • Take special care when storing flammable items such solvents, cleaning agents, thinners, or paint. Since the vapors can easily ignite from a high temperatures or small spark, be sure to store these items in a cool, ventilated area.
  • With Christmas just around the corner, make sure that the Christmas tree is positioned far enough away from heat sources, such as radiators, wood stoves, or heating systems. Check all lights and leave out any strings with frayed cords.

The old adage, It's better to be safe than sorry really holds true in these cases and we at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands want you to know we are here when you need us most!

Fire damage goes beyond material loss in Woonsocket, RI

11/4/2015 (Permalink)

A fire at a 36-unit apartment complex in Woonsocket, Rhode Island.

fire at a 36-unit apartment complex in Woonsocket, Rhode Island last month is a stunning example of the kind of disaster that you know can happen but hope never does. While loss of life is certainly the worst loss that can ever occur in a tragedy such as this, loss of personal belongings and the home you have come to call your own, is the second worst thing that can happen. We feel blessed to say that no one was seriously injured in this blaze.

Typically, when my crew arrives on the scene of a fire damage, they often deal with much more than just the loss caused by the flames, themselves. There is also soot and smoke damage as well as damage caused by the water that was poured on the flames. The loss can and often is extensive. Oftentimes, my crew is not only assessing the extent of the loss and evaluating what needs to be done to make it “Like it never even happened” they are reassuring the homeowners or tenants, offering emotional support and comfort to those affected by the catastrophe. It’s one of those skills that is innate, that cannot be taught in a training class and I’m fortunate that it seems to come natural to the members of my team. I feel lucky to have employees with this type of characteristic working for me.

In the recent Woonsocket fire damage, the structural damage was extensive. The fire started because an outdoor electrical source malfunctioned. As you would expect, the 12 units directly affected by the flames incurred the greatest amount of damage and were determined to be a total loss….condemned.

As the fire moved through the building, firefighters sprayed down the next 12 units with water to prevent the fire from traveling into them. While these units were not burned, they did incur extensive soot and water damage. In these units, my team came in—removed the sheet rock, insulation, the trim and flooring, drying everything out—preparing the structure to be repaired at a later date.

Though the last 12 units were unaffected by the flames or water, they still incurred soot damage. When firefighters enter a building one of the first things that they do is to knock down doors to ensure nobody is in the unit. With no doors on the apartments, the smell of the smoke and accompanying soot from the fire travels inside, imbedding itself into everything from the furniture to the carpets to clothes hanging in closets. Removing the soot and the smoky smell requires professional cleaning beyond a dry cleaner. Hint: Renter's Insurance is relatively inexpensive and covers the damage done to the tenant’s personal property. 

Most people do what they can to prevent a tragedy like a fire from happening. We take precautions but even with the best preventative measures, these disasters do happen. And when they do, companies like SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands can step in and restore things back to the way they were.

Halloween Safety is No Trick on Cape Cod & Islands

10/30/2015 (Permalink)

We plan to keep Mackenzie safe this Halloween with these simple tips and reminders.

Halloween is one of those holidays that is loved by children and adults…but for different reasons. I love the holiday because it arrives during the fall…one of my favorite seasons. I love the pumpkins, mums, and the other autumnal decorations. Children get excited about the holiday because they enjoy dressing up in costumes… becoming another character for a night. The only thing better than getting to dress up as somebody else is ending the night with a bag full of candy. Yup, doesn’t get much better than that.

I could grow nostalgic about Halloweens past, reflecting back on all of the fun and (and stress) of those days when my children were small and missing those early years. But instead of reminiscing, this year I am going to get to relive some of the fun….sort of. My granddaughter Mackenzie is going to celebrate Halloween and I get to bask in the glory of watching my daughter get her dressed up, teach her to say trick or treat, ask people for candy and after securing a bag full of the sweet confections, try to stop her from eating it all. Not quite two years old, Mackenzie is going to dress as a bumblebee and I assure you that she will be buzzing her way right into my heart.

This is such a fun holiday for children and a memorable one for adults but there are a few precautions we can and should take to make sure that it is not only a happy Halloween but a safe one, as well.

Tips for a safe Halloween

Make sure children’s costumes do not drag or hit the ground. Children tend to run rather than walk between houses.

Whenever possible, opt for face make up rather than masks. It can be difficult for children to see through the masks, especially after the sun goes down.

Do not let children under the age of 12 trick or treat alone.

Make sure children have some kind of a flash light or glow stick so that cars can see them. If possible, add reflective tape to their costumes.

When you are designing the costumes, take time to design the candy bags. Put some reflective tape on whatever container your children use to collect their candy. This will help to keep them seen when they are out at night.

The most popular trick or treating hours are between 5:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Remember to be extra cautious when driving during those times and to keep an eye out for little trick or treaters.

Jack-o-lanterns with candles are a wonderful addition to any front door but, if possible, opt for the battery-operated candles available today.

Make sure your property is well lit so little feet do not trip over steps or other objects on the ground.

If you have pets, remember that chocolate is harmful to dogs. Try to keep your furry legged friends away from the door when the trick or treaters come by.

Most important of all, remember that dark chocolate is actually healthy for you. So please feel free to raid your children’s bags when they come home!

Happy Halloween from SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & the Islands.

Having the Emergency READY Profile Advantage helps Cape Cod Businesses Get Back to Business Faster

10/28/2015 (Permalink)

Having an Emergency READY Profile saves time and money by getting you back in business faster!

We work with local businesses that have an Emergency Ready Profile when they have a problem and need a quick response to ensure they can open their doors for business. However, there are those times when we have been called by businesses where the damage is so great, such as a fire or water damage that they can’t open their doors that day and their business is put on hold while the fire or water damage is cleaned up.

The shocking news is the fact that as many as 50% of businesses close down following a disaster, according to the latest research. Of the businesses that survive, the overwhelming majority of them had a preparedness plan in place. Pre-planning can serve as an insurance policy aimed at peace of mind. And knowing you are  "Ready For Whatever Happens" speaks trust to your clients and employees that in the event your business is affected by a disaster, they don’t necessarily have to be.


By creating a SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands Emergency READY Profile for your business, you can minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business.

  • A no cost assessment of your facility.
    This means there is no need to allocate funds, giving you a great value at no cost.
  • A concise Profile Document that contains only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency.
    It will only take a little time to complete and will not take you away from current projects. But it will save a lot of time if ever needed.
  • A guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster.
    This can help minimize the amount of time your business is inactive by having an immediate plan of action.
  • Establishes a company known and trusted by the community as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider.
    You have a restoration professional recognized as an industry leader and close by to help you recover from a disaster. Read what our customer's think about our services.
  • Identification of the line of command for authorizing work to begin.
    This saves time so we can begin the work of mitigating the damage which can save you time and money.
  • Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information.
    Having a quick reference of what to do, how to do it and who to call provides solutions in advance of an emergency so that during the emergency you are "Ready for whatever happens."
Nothing bad ever happens at a convenient time!

Fall Back is a Good Time to Catch Up on Storm Preparations on the Cape Cod & The Islands

10/25/2015 (Permalink)

Use your time wisely to help you and your family prepare for potential storm damage.

This weekend marks the end of daylight savings time which means it’s time to fall back…giving us an extra hour on Sunday….an hour that could be used to prepare for any storms that might blow our way in the coming months.

I’m not sure about you, but I could use an extra hour in every day! I remember one year when daylight savings time ended, but my husband Bill and I failed to take advantage of the extra hour to sleep in. Oblivious to the fact that it was one hour earlier than the clocks in our house and cars indicated (yes, folks, this was the era before iPhones and smart phones that readjust the clocks for us), we got our three children up on Sunday morning, fed them breakfast, got them dressed, and loaded them into the car. We headed out to get a few errands done, which included some shopping. Thinking that it was well passed the scheduled noon opening time, we were stunned to find one store after another still closed. Confused and perplexed, we looked at one another until it finally dawned on us—everyone else in the state and the country remembered to turn their clocks back except for us.

As much as I celebrate gaining an hour, I also grieve it a bit, too, knowing that the sunsets will occur earlier, making the days feel shorter.  There is something sad about driving home from work in the dark. It signifies that the winter season—and the cold weather and the storms that go with it—really is just around the corner.

Since we do get an extra hour on the first Sunday morning when daylight savings time ends, the best use of this bonus time might be spent preparing for the upcoming winter season and checking on a few things. For instance, this is a great reminder to check the batteries in the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. It’s a good time to seal up any cracks around windows and doors to ensure that there are no cold drafts pouring into the home, driving up our heating bills. This is also a good time to schedule an annual maintenance of your furnace. This not only helps to prevent a “puff back,” which can blow soot all over your home and belongings, it also helps to ensure that the furnace is working efficiently, which helps keep the heating bills in check.

If you have a storm emergency kit, this is the time to check it to make sure that it is fully stocked with things like flashlights, candles, batteries, water, non-perishable foods, etc. If you don’t have a storm emergency kit, then this certainly is a good time to put one together.

Daylight savings should serve as a reminder to have your chimney cleaned, since a build up of creosote can cause a chimney fire.

This is also a good time to clean up exterior spaces—making sure that any outdoor furniture is stored away and any items that remain outside are properly covered.

Since daylight savings 2015 officially ends on November 1 this year, after the last of the trick or treaters have come and gone, go ahead and turn back the clocks in your house and take pleasure in knowing that you can enjoy an extra hour of sleep the next day. And if you happen to forget about the time change, fear not…your phone will let you know. 

Winter Storm Damage...Cape Cod & The Islands Are We Ready for 2016?

10/19/2015 (Permalink)

Don’t get caught without an emergency response profile to help with winter storm damage.

Winter storm damage never happens at a convenient time. Storms can range from a blissful snowfall to an extreme storm and we learned that the hard way during the winter season of 2015.

Many winter storms are accompanied by dangerously low temperatures and sometimes by strong winds, icing, sleet and freezing rain. If a big storm is coming be prepared…fill your required prescriptions, gas tanks and your pockets with cash. 

Seriously, baby its cold outside and that’s why it’s important for families to get ready now. Before we know it winter will be here and we should take the time to create an emergency plan that includes enough food, water and supplies to last at least three days.

The biggest concern is that the electricity can be out for days as experienced during the winter season of 2014. Many areas did not have power for up to five days. And lastly, communication. How will you learn about what is going on in your community, where you can go for help or shelter or to learn what the plan is for the local authorities to help the community to recover? If there is no power you won’t be able to listen to the television or radio and the battery in your cell phone will not be able to be charged! Having a plan in place puts you in the driver’s seat! 

Before winter storm damage happens gather basic items that would be needed if you were house bound during a bad storm.

  1. One gallon of drinking water per person
  2. Non-perishable food (Canned, dried, nuts & protein bars)
  3. First aid kit
  4. Prescriptions and medications
  5. Toothbrush and toothpaste
  6. Feminine hygiene supplies
  7. Garbage bags
  8. Flashlights and batteries
  9. Hand Sanitizer in liquid form and towelette
  10. Blankets and Sleeping bags
  11. Matches
  12. Firewood
  13. Propane gas for grills
  14. Rock salt and Sand
  15. Shovels or snow Removal Equipment
  16. Candles
  17. Warm clothing

During the winter storm damage you should stay indoors. When you do venture outside be careful when walking on icy driveways and walkways. Avoiding overexertion when shoveling snow is key to staying safe. Overexertion can bring on a heart attack—a major cause of death in the winter. Make sure you take breaks to rest and when possible push the snow instead of lifting or lift lighter loads. You will want to keep dry and change your wet clothing frequently to prevent a loss of body heat. Did you know that wet clothing loses all of its insulating value and transmits heat rapidly? 

Important signs of severe health risks during a winter storm

  • Signs of Frostbite: Occurs when the skin and body tissue just beneath it freezes. Loss of feeling and white or pale appearance in extremities, such as fingers, toes, earlobes, face, and the tip of the nose.
    What to Do: Cover exposed skin, but do not rub the affected area in an attempt to warm it up. Seek medical help immediately.
  • Signs of Hypothermia: Dangerously low body temperature. Uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, slurred speech, drowsiness, and apparent exhaustion.
    What to Do: If symptoms of hypothermia are detected take the person’s temperature. If it is below 95°, seek medical attention immediately. Get the victim to a warm location. Remove wet clothing. Warm the center of the body first by wrapping the person in blankets or putting on dry clothing. Give warm, non-alcoholic beverages if the victim is conscious. Seek medical help immediately.
  • After every winter storm restock your emergency supplies to be ready in case another storm hits.

  • Assess how well your supplies and family plan worked. What could you have done better?
  • Take a few minutes to improve your family plan and supplies before the next winter storm hits.
  • Talk to your neighbors and colleagues about their experiences and share tips with each other. 
  • Mice Infestation can be a Headache for Martha's Vineyard Property Owners

    10/15/2015 (Permalink)

    SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands has the training, protective gear, and equipment necessary to safely clean and restore mice infestation.

    Mice infestation can be a headache for property owners on Cape Cod and the Islands. With the cooler days of autumn come the chores of raking leaves and cleaning the gutters for the winter. Storing outdoor furniture and stacking wood are other essentials for preparing for the colder season. Lastly, we make sure that everything is properly secured in our backyards for those foul weathered days on the way. Humans are not the only ones who prepare for the upcoming season. Our dogs prepare by putting on their winter coats; some wildlife get ready by storing up food for the colder days.  Some—mice, for example—will plan for the upcoming winter by finding a cozy place to build their nests. And that often results in a problem for property owners. Tips: What you can do until help arrives.

    Because these rodents are without a skeletal system, they can easily maneuver into tiny spaces to gain entrance to a building. Once they are in, they get behind walls, in attics, basements and crawlspaces where fluffy pink insulation provides the ideal spot for nesting. If you think rabbits multiply, mice can double in population just as easily, quickly infesting a building.

    Once you begin to see evidence of mice infestation—usually in the form of tiny black feces no bigger than a sesame seed or holes chewed out of food containers in the pantry—you are going to have to address the problem. While getting rid of one or two mice is a one-person job, getting rid of many requires the expertise of a professional.  While exterminators can come in and eradicate the property of the mice infestation, that is where their job ends—leaving the property owner with the cleanup. And if there were a significant number of mice inside the structure, the damage and the cleanup are going to be far more than just picking up a few droppings or throwing out food from the pantry.

    We have been called onto jobs where a mice infestation had occurred, practically establishing an entire condominium complex inside the rafters of the basement.  They damaged the insulation and contaminated large portions of the property. Our team came in removed the killed rodents—exterminators usually set traps that contain poison that once eaten kill the creatures immediately which leaves a pungent odor. We also disposed of their feces and any contaminated insulation. Lastly, we sanitized the framing and studs and replaced the insulation, making it “Like it never even happened.”

    Hint: If you suspect a mice infestation, contact a professional immediately.

    How To Deter Mice From Entering Your Home

    ·      Install door sweeps on exterior doors and seal cracks and holes on the outside of the home or building.

    ·      Do not leave doors open and this includes the bulkhead.

    ·      Keep trash in secure buckets outside & away from the              house.

    ·      Dispose of trash on a regular basis.

    ·      Store firewood at least 20 feet from the home or building.

    Hiring A Restoration Firm To Clean Up After a Fire Damage in Plymouth, MA 02360

    10/15/2015 (Permalink)

    Before and after photos of a kitchen fire that we provided service for in Plymouth, MA 02360

    Time is critical in the aftermath of a fire damage and, ideally, restoration efforts begin right away. Aside from destruction caused by flames and heat, the acid contained in soot is a primary cause for ongoing damage to a home or commercial building.  SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands has the experience, training and resources to help you after a fire.

    Fire damage, including smoke and soot, affects not only the structure of your property but also your belongings. For this reason, quick action is imperative and removal of the soot is urgent. If left to accumulate, the acid soot can form a thick layer that is extremely difficult to remove and may irreversibly destroy textiles, furnishings, carpeting, walls, appliances, and fixtures. Unless the problem is contained without delay, soot accumulation can increase the cost of restoring a building to pre-loss condition exponentially.

    Property owners may feel compelled to start the cleanup but sometimes that can cause more damage. Using the wrong product can actually cause more damage to surfaces affected by smoke damage. Walking around can grind soot into the floor making areas not salvageable. And let's not forget that it is with certain that anyone working on a fire damage should be wearing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to protect themselves from breathing in possibly harmful chemicals that are a byproduct released from items that burned in the fire such as plastic. The cleaning experts can do intricate and detailed restoration services that are best suited for each situation to make the outcome, "Like it never even happened."

    This is what our customers had to say about us when we helped them recover from a fire damage.

    Vandalism in Harwich, MA more than Just Malicious Mischief

    10/12/2015 (Permalink)

    Vandalism cleanup may be covered under your insurance policy.

    While it took the three bears nearly a full day to determine that Goldilocks had broken into their house and had been sitting in their chairs, eating their porridge, and sleeping in their beds, in real life it typically takes the average homeowner less than a few minutes to discover that their home has been vandalized.

    Victims of this crime will tell you that it leaves them feeling violated and vulnerable. While the motivation behind most house breaks is robbery, many of those crimes involve some degree of property damage and even vandalism. Oftentimes, vandals will break into a house and use it as a place to stay during a cold winter. Called squatters, these vandals can do a certain degree of damage to the home. The worst damage, however, has come from teen offenders. 

    Properties with vandalism by teenagers who used the vacant house as a place to party and hang out can be a property owner's nightmare. But they went well beyond just hanging out and drinking beer. The kids threw parties, broke glass, set off the fire extinguishers throughout the property and left the refrigerator doors open so all the food spoiled, leaving a pungent odor behind. The cleanup from this type of vandalism required much more than just a good scrubbing to make it “Like it never even happened.”

    Hint: Our services to cleanup the vandalism were covered by the property owner's insurance policy. Check your policy to see if you have this type of coverage too. 

    Our Advice: Consider purchasing an alarm system or hiring a caretaker (one that comes with references from people you know and trust is the best) to check on your property on a regular basis. Both of these are great ways to protect your property while you are away… not only from unwanted guests but also other hidden problems like water damage.  

    What to do if you believe your home has been broken into.

  • Contact the police immediately.
  • Do not touch anything.  
  • Leave the home. If the suspects are still in the house, it can be dangerous to confront them. 
  • Call a professional cleaning company to help with the cleanup. 
  • Raccoon Family are the unwanted guests in an Osterville, MA Home

    10/7/2015 (Permalink)

    This raccoon may look cute but you can't imagine the damage that he can do to your home!

    The only thing worse than your teenage son or daughter throwing a party in your home for a hundred of their closest friends might be a family of raccoons squatting in your summer home over the winter. If this scenario sounds highly unlikely, keep on reading because that is exactly what happened to one of our customers.

    He had just arrived at his Osterville home, planning to open it for the summer. When he opened the front door and saw the destruction in his home, he was shocked. A house full of frat boys with an unlimited supply of alcohol couldn’t have done more damage than this family of raccoons. Tips for Property Owners

    With paws that act as human hands and fingers with the dexterity of a great surgeon, raccoons can get into anything they want—cabinet doors, refrigerators—nothing is out of reach. The vandalism was almost beyond words. They broke into the pantry and cabinets. The animals ripped holes in the wall to get at the insulation. They drank from the toilet and defecated throughout the house. Urine-soaked drywall caused a bedroom ceiling to cave in. The critters' paw prints could be seen on the walls throughout the house and on the central fireplace, providing the evidence of how they broke into the home. The animals even slept in the beds. 

    We arrived on the scene ready to begin the cleanup process but soon discovered that the work would have to wait. The vermin were still making their way back into the house and they had to be caught and completely removed from the area before we could start cleaning.

    Hint: The best method for removing raccoons is with a trap baited with food.

    One of the biggest concerns with this type of damage was the potential health issue. Raccoons are the primary host of Baylisascaris procyonis, a roundworm that can be harmful to people. Roundworm eggs are passed in the feces of infected raccoons, and people become infected when they breathe in the eggs. Anyone who is exposed to environments where raccoons frequent is potentially at risk. Wearing respirators to protect themselves, my team began the arduous process of making that scene of immense destruction, “Like it never even happened.”

    Hint: Most insurance companies do not cover the damages caused by vermin getting into the house.

    How to clean up after a raccoon has gotten into your home!

    • Take care to avoid contaminating hands and clothes.
    • Wear disposable gloves.
    • Wear rubber boots that can be scrubbed or cover your shoes with disposable booties that can be thrown away, so that you do not bring eggs into your household.
    • Wear a N95-rated respirator if working in a confined space to prevent accidental ingestion of eggs or other harmful materials.
    • Feces and material contaminated with raccoon feces should be removed and burned, buried, or bagged and placed in the trash to be sent to a landfill.

    Heating Things Up on Our Wedding Anniversary at Home in Sandwich, MA

    10/6/2015 (Permalink)

    A romantic fire can turn into a soot mess in a matter of minutes.

     As the cooler days of autumn arrive, I cannot help thinking about my upcoming anniversary. It is without doubt one of my favorite “holidays” to celebrate and I genuinely enjoy coming up with new ways to surprise my husband on our special day. And I have to admit that last year I truly outdid myself in terms of shocking Billy…and me.

    I had gotten home before Billy and started preparing for our celebration. I turned on the soft music, made myself a Cosmo, lit some candles around the room and then lit the fireplace. I was just about to change into “something a little more comfortable” when I noticed the room becoming smoky. I quickly determined that the flue in our chimney was broken and didn’t fully open. As the smoke continued backing up and pouring into the house, I considered different ways to douse the flames and decided that the fire extinguisher would be the best and safest method. Once the fire was out, I looked around and noticed all the soot covering my freshly painted walls. As the owner of a restoration company dealing with fire and soot damage on a daily basis, I knew the best way to clean the walls was with SERVPRO’s Wall & All cleaner. So I immediately got my rubber gloves, the cleaner, a bucket, and went to work. It was at that moment that my husband walked through the front door. Instead of finding me dressed in “something a little more comfortable” holding a drink in my hand…ready to celebrate, he saw me kneeling on the floor, wearing my sexiest rubber gloves, cleaning the walls. Yup, unfortunate surprises even happen to the owners of a restoration company. 

    HINT: Every home should have a fire extinguisher. Try to keep it near the kitchen, where most fires start.

    The Do’s of Fireplace Safety

  • Make sure the flu is open before starting a fire.
  • Have your chimney cleaned once a year. A buildup of creosote can cause a chimney fire.
  • Keep the doors closed and a hearth gate up if there are small children in the home. Supervise young children at all times when a fire is lit.   
  • The Don’ts of Fireplace Safety

  • Don't use gasoline to start the fire or to get it burning stronger. 
  • Don't let children sit near the hearth.
  • Don't burn a Christmas tree, which can cause a fire in your chimney.
  • Don't forget to check the fire to be sure it is fully out before you go to bed.
  • Don’t put the ashes and embers in the trash. Be sure to properly dispose of them at a safe distance from the house or other structures. 
  • Flooding: What Happens When It Rains Here on Cape Cod & Islands

    10/2/2015 (Permalink)

    The remnants of a storm that passed over Vineyard Haven, MA 02568.

    Life on this side of the bridge is vastly different from the rest of the world.

    In any other part of the state, a forecast for a tropical storm or hurricane will certainly have people running for the grocery stores—and I’m still not sure how bread and milk is critical to storm survival—but when you live on the Cape and the islands, those same predictions conjure up much different anxieties.

    Any fierce storms accompanied by strong winds can leave the people on this side of the bridge susceptible to becoming isolated from the rest of the world. Sustained winds of 70 miles per hour or higher will close the Bourne and Sagamore bridges, leaving Cape Codders and Islanders cut off from “civilization.” Depending on where you live and which side of the bridge you happen to be on when they are closed, that may not be a bad thing. For those living on Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket, isolation is even more frequent and probable. When the winds blow hard enough and the seas get rough enough, the Steamship Authority makes the call where you can stay or go! For people who happen to live on one of the islands and are visiting the “mainland,” or vice versa, worry goes well beyond, “will I have milk and bread for the next 24 hours,” to “can I get home before the storm.”

    I have been in situations where either I—or my crew—had to scramble to get that last ferry or plane on or off and know it is not a fun game to be played. Before you start thinking that getting stranded on either side seems more like a vacation than an inconvenience, consider that there tends to be fewer hotels and restaurants open during the winter and there are very few vacancies in the summer.

    I have also found myself in the predicament where I was off Cape and needed to get to this side of the bridge before a storm hit. It is even more stressful waiting for a loved one to make it home before the possibilities of either the bridges closing or the ferries and planes shutting down.

    As Hurricane Joaquin losses steam as he makes his way up the east coast, I am preparing for any remnants he might throw my way and this includes everything from making sure that my crew is ready for any calls that come in to fighting off shoppers for that last loaf of bread to making sure that I am on the right side of the bridge before the storm hits.

    If you have ever been unable to make it home during a storm to the Cape and Islands or worse—stranded at the airport—tell me about it. I would love to hear your story. 

    Wind and Flood Damage….A Coastal Property’s Enemy on Cape Cod

    10/2/2015 (Permalink)

    Water damage from a passing storm near Cape Cod.

    Nothing strikes fear into the heart of a property owner on the Cape and Islands like the words, Hurricane or Tropical Storm. Sure, we have lived through some significant storms—everyone remember Hurricane Bob?— and perhaps that is why we take it seriously when predictions about a hurricane or tropical storm begin to surface. Even if the storm doesn’t live up to the hype of weather forecasters, we know that these storms are likely going to include wind, rain, and flooding and those elements can do significant damage to coastal properties….whether those properties are located close to the water or a bit further inland. All homes and businesses are vulnerable to the damage that rain, wind, and flooding can cause but ironically many property  owners are not aware of the damages that can occur, how to respond to those damages, and what is even covered under their insurance policies.

    There are two types of water damage?

    Yes, there are two ways that water can get into your home—from the top and from the bottom. If it infiltrates the home from the roof, usually because of faulty shingles or gutters that were not cleaned, it is definitely an inconvenience but, fortunately, it is usually covered under your insurance policy. If it enters from the basement, it is called groundwater infiltration and this type of water damage is most likely not going to be covered by your insurance policy. But make no mistake about it, the damage needs to be cleaned up as soon as possible. If the basement is unfinished, and by unfinished, I mean concrete floors and walls with no drywall, framing, insulated walls, or carpeting and the water level is low—less than an inch—you can probably handle the clean up yourself. Start by turning off the power in that area—remember electricity and water are a bad combination, so be sure you know what you are doing—then prop up any items or boxes off the floor to mitigate further damage. Hint: if any of the boxes are cardboard, replace them with plastic bins. Even if the cardboard did not get wet, the material is a source of food for mold and wet cardboard is considered mold’s Thanksgiving Day. Remove the standing water by mopping it up, pushing it out with a broom or using a sump pump. If you have fans, bring those in to circulate the air and dry out the space. Hint: If there is any evidence of mold, do not use the fans since this will spread the spores. If the water level in the unfinished basement can be measured in inches or if the basement is a finished room to any degree, you need to call in a professional.  The water remediation professionals at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands have the knowledge, experience, and equipment to make it, “Like it never even happened.”

    Hot tip #1: If the water level can be measured in feet, you definitely need to call in a professional, immediately. When a high volume of water is pumped outside at a high rate of speed, it may cause significant structural damage.

    Wind can cause a variety of damages…from sending furniture and other debris into the air, crashing into windows, to knocking trees onto roofs, to ripping shingles up from the roof. The biggest misconception that property owners have about wind damage pertains to their insurance deductible. Most property owners believe that the deductible or amount that they will have to pay is based on the cost of the damage; however the deductible is actually based on the percentage of the total value for which the home is insured.

    Any damage caused by the wind should immediately be addressed. A broken window should be boarded up from the outside and any hole in the roof should be covered—from the outside!—with a tarp. Yes, we actually responded to a damage where the tarp used to protect the roof was secured from the inside and not the outside—providing a nice area for rain to collect causing the tarp to collapse inside the structure. If you are unsure of how to properly secure your home or reluctant to head up to the roof, contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands, who can begin the process of making it, “Like it never even happened.”

    Hot tip #2: Take notice of the trees around your property. If a tree’s root system does not seem sound or strong or there appears to be some erosion, consult an expert. Remove any branches that are hanging close to the roof or whose width is not relative to the height of the tree. 

    5 things to do before the storm arrives: 

  • Look around the property. Anything that is unsecured, lawn furniture, toys, tables, and chairs should be brought inside or stored away. Secure the grill as much as possible.
  • If your property is located near the water, and you have hurricane shutters, go ahead and use them, even if the storm is not categorized as a hurricane.
  • Remove any solar-powered ground lights. Ground lights that are hard-wired can be left in the ground.
  • Wrap burlap around ornamental trees or fragile bushes. You can also stake and string trees and bushes.
  • Take in any window air conditioners.
  • 4 things to do…and not to do… after a damage 

  • If water has infiltrated the basement, shut off the power. Remember, electricity and water are a deadly combination. If you have to walk through standing water to get to the circuit breaker box, consider calling your power company to come out to shut off the power. If you are unsure of the best and safest way to shut off the power, call your local fire department.
  • To mitigate any further damage to your valuables, raise any items up off of the floor and out of the water.
  • If the roof has incurred any damage, immediately cover it with a tarp. If a window has been broken, immediately board it up. If you are unsure of how to do this, contact a professional.
  • Check on neighbors—especially the elderly—to make sure they are safe.

    Fire Happens In a Blink of an Eye in Buzzards Bay, MA

    9/26/2015 (Permalink)

    Fire Damage at Eastern Inn, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532

    Fire Damage can occur in a blink of an eye.

    In 2014, there were 1,298,000 fires reported in the United States causing $11.6 Billion in property damage according to the National Fire Protection Association. The same site quotes, “a fire is reported in the U.S. every 64 seconds.” Many agree that the kitchen and more specifically, cooking is the #1 culprit. You may call your unclean stovetop messy, but safety experts would call it dangerous! Not cleaning your stovetop can result in grease buildup, which is flammable.  Tip # 1: If a grease or oil fire does occur, do not try to stop it with water. Water on a grease or oil fire will only make the fire bigger. Instead, smother the fire with a nearby pan lid or cookie sheet. There are two types of destructive fires that can occur at a residential or commercial property. One variety is a small-centralized fire in a kitchen mentioned above that damages only a few items while the other type is a large fire that destroys numerous important materials such as drywall and insulation of a building. Not only is a fire destructive due to hot flames, but there are additional problems from poisonous smoke and greasy soot that make it difficult to restore a property and the water or extinguisher that is used to put out the flames.

    The Role of Fire Restoration Technicians

    SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands’ fire restoration technicians are trained to restore a property as quickly as possible to prevent additional damage from soot, smoke and water. One of the first things that require repair are roofs and walls to prevent exposure to rain, snow and cold air. And the boarding up of any damaged doors and windows to reduce the chance of theft and personal liability. These repairs permit workers to enter a building to complete essential restoration to other fire damage materials. At the same time, SERVPRO technicians begin the process of removing water prevent moisture damage.

    Improving Air Circulation

    After a fire occurs, buildings often become humid from the water used to douse flames. Unfortunately, power in the building is frequently turned off, leading to poor air circulation. Lack of air circulation causes secondary problems from smoke odor and humidity. Our fire damage technicians install the fan systems to circulate air and reduce humidity levels. With an improvement in air quality and removal of moisture, it is possible to restore power to a building to complete other restorations.

    Cleaning and Sanitizing Surfaces Affected by Fire

    After major repairs are completed; our trained experts begin cleaning and sanitizing surfaces damaged by smoke and soot. Removing filthy soot is a specialized process to avoid contaminating other items. Industrial-strength equipment scrubs the surface while vacuuming debris that is isolated for disposal. Our technicians use sump pumps and extraction machines to remove moisture from water-soaked areas.

    Why hire a Fire Damage Remediation Expert

    After a fire, hiring a professional fire remediation company like SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands helps the property owner be able to begin the cleanup immediately upon the approval from the fire inspector after determining the cause and origin of the fire and that the building is safe to work in.  Hiring us means that you have someone taking care of your needs 24/7. We work directly with your insurance company and adjuster to help the process go as smooth as possible. Our goal is to ensure that you and your family will be back in your home or business as soon as possible making this terrible tragedy “Like it never even happened.”

    More information see: Fire Damage can occur in a blink of an eye 

    Are You Ready for a Storm?

    9/25/2015 (Permalink)

    You wouldn’t wait until December 24 to start preparing for Christmas, so why wait until a storm is predicted to begin preparing for that event. As someone who works well under the pressure of a deadline, I understand how attractive procrastination can be. But when it comes to the safety of my family and taking care of my property, I cannot put off until tomorrow what should be dealt with today. When you plan before a crisis, you have the benefit of clarity of thought and therefore your action plan will be complete and hopefully your emergency kit will contain a few unexpected pleasures.

    According to the website, ready.gov, there are several plans to put into place now so that you can rest somewhat easy when television stations across the state preempt favorite television shows to talk about an approaching storm.

    1. Have a plan in place for receiving emergency alerts and make sure all family members know where to meet in case the family is separated before or during an event. Cell phone coverage will most likely be limited so know where the closest emergency shelter is and consider making that your meeting place. Make a paper list of contact numbers and make sure all members of the family have a copy of the list. Just as an aside, don’t you miss the days when we could memorize our children’s and parents’ telephone numbers?

    2.  Emergency Kit. While most people know that it is important to put together an emergency kit, the majority of people do not know what items to put into the kit. After all, one person’s necessity is another person’s, “what the heck is that doing in here?” According to ready.gov, the kit should contain one gallon of water per person for at least three days, a flashlight with batteries, medications, a first aid kit, a whistle to signal for help, pliers or a wrench to turn off water or utilities, a manual can opener, and non-perishable canned goods. The kit can also contain games that the family can play or small toys and activities, depending on the age of your children. Consider including some hygiene products, such as hand sanitizer, wet cloths, and deodorant. Since you are preparing this kit well in advance of a storm, consider putting in some nice to have items, such as chocolate or other treats. Yes, you should change those items out with a fresh supply every few months.

    3.  Alternative Energy Solutions. If you have a backup power generator, make sure that it has been installed by a licensed electrician and has been tested. If the generator is gas powered, be sure that it is located a safe distance from the home. If you are using a fireplace or wood stove as a heat source during power loss, make sure that you have enough wood to keep warm for at least three days and that the home is properly ventilated. Check on neighbors—especially elderly neighbors—to make sure they are warm and safe. While a gas grill can be a great alternate cooking source, NEVER bring it inside the home or into garage.

    4. If the power does go out, chances are gas stations will not have power either and therefore, pumps will not work. Make sure that your vehicle’s gas tank is full and that there is gas for the generator and snow blower.

    September is hurricane preparedness month so take a few days to consider the items you use on a daily basis, the things your children love and that bring them comfort and make sure that as many of those items as possible are in your emergency kit. When a hurricane or severe snow storm does hit, it can be very inconvenient and uncomfortable. Being prepared for the storm can take away some of that discomfort and even make surviving a few days without power a fun memory.

    It's Gratitude Time

    9/25/2015 (Permalink)

    Today, both the day and night are equal in length, otherwise known as the Equinox. To celebrate the changing of seasons and the beginning of Autumn and the Equinox which occurred this morning at 4:21 am, September 23rd I would like to share my gratitude and encourage others to do the same! I'll go first.

    I'm grateful for...

    My husband and best friend

    Morning run with crisp autumn air

    Dark roast coffee

    My favorite restaurants

    Watching the birds in the blue skies

    Seeing how my work can sometimes change a person's life

    Ok now it's your turn!

    Love to hear from you.


    5 Steps Business Owners Can Take to Prepare for a Hurricane on Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard

    9/25/2015 (Permalink)

    This photo is of Hurricane Sandy as it approaches Nantucket , MA in 2012.

    The last week of September is Hurricane preparedness week in the U.S. The potential dangers from a hurricane or any significant storm include storm surge, power outages, possible electrical hazards, and falling trees. We know that nothing bad ever happens at a convenient time so now is the time to Plan, Talk, and Practice your Emergency Profile Response. Be ready for anything at any time. Here are five steps that business owners can take to be ready for a hurricane or any other storm.

    1. Create a Plan of Action. Establish who will be notified and in what order. This will help to keep everyone calm and creates a sense of order for both your employees and customers. Identify how you will communicate before, during, and after a hurricane. Remember, service for things like landlines, cell phones may be limited, so you will want to establish alternative forms of communication. Make sure employees are given a master cell phone contact list and everyone has it. A couple of good ways to let the public know you are still in business is through local radio, blogging, and social media outlets. Prepare a message prior to a storm. This is an ideal way to minimize the down time of communication.
    2. Establish your Needs:The #1 concern is electricity. Make sure a licensed electrician determines your power needs and what kind of back-up generator will work best for your situation. If you rent a space, check with the landlord first and get permission to bring a generator on to the property.
    3. Supply and Demand. Develop a master list of your vendors who understand your company’s needs and its expectations if the “Big One” hits! Don’t forget to ask them if they have a recovery plan too!
    4. Double Check Coverage. Contact your insurance agent to find out if your policy is up-to-date. Consider Business Interruption Insurance, which compensates you for lost income if you have to close your doors when disaster strikes. It’s also important to understand what your carrier’s plan is for recovery if there is a large area effected by damage.
    5. Prepare Staff. Your staff should be aware of your company’s Emergency Response Profile and understand their role and responsibilities in implementing the plan. Like your vendors, you should ask your employees if they have a recovery plan. We have a monthly staff meeting at our office and every September we always find it timely to share with our staff the importance of being prepared during hurricane season.

    Quick Hacks to Understanding Today's Language

    9/18/2015 (Permalink)

    While skimming through various social media platforms as well as some online news pages, I began to notice familiar words that now have new meanings. For instance, the word, hack—I have always considered that word to mean something negative—as in, “somebody hacked my Facebook.” Suddenly, it’s a great thing to do—“seven hacks to cutting credit card debt.” After researching the word, I learned that it is the shortened version of the word, life hack, which is defined as “a tip, trick, or efficient method for doing or managing a day-to-day task or activity.”

    Here are some other words, phrases, symbols that now have new definitions and connotations as well as some abbreviations that have become a part of today’s language.

    The symbol # is now referred to as hash tag and often refers to a tweet. Just ten years ago, it was called the pound sign and in the days before cell phones and iPads, we would draw that symbol on a piece of paper and play tick tack toe with a friend. But most businesses still refer to it as a pound sign—for instance when you call their customer service department and are told to press the pound sign if you wish to remain on hold for the next seven hours until a customer service representative can speak with you.

    Remember when the word tweet referred to the sound that a birdie makes? We now call our home phone our landline and when it rings, we immediately check the television to see who is calling. Ninety-nine percent of the time it is a robo call—the new telemarketer.

    Remember when a smiley face was a smiley face and not an emoji?

    And then there are the abbreviations.

    If you’re wondering what the letters IDK written in a text message from your child mean, I don’t know. No. Seriously. I don’t know. It’s a bit like, “who’s on first.”

    Here’s breaking news to keep you updated on today’s abbreviations so that you are not using outdated phrases that are so last week. According to Facebook, Haha, followed closely by laughing emojis and hehe, has officially replaced LOL, which stands for laugh out loud.

    Remember when teens were “instant messaging” one another on the “family computer” and using the abbreviation MOS—“Mom over shoulder,” to let their friends know they couldn’t “talk?” While that abbreviation has gone the way of the dinosaur and the desktop computer it was typed on, a new abbreviation—NSFW has taken its place. The abbreviation means Not Safe For Work, referring to material that should not be viewed while a person is sitting at their desk in the workplace. I am guessing the same generation that typed MOS is also responsible for coining the acronym NSFW.

    It is interesting to see some of the new phrases and abbreviations that have evolved to become a natural part of our language and to consider what we will be saying—and not saying—in just a few years. Feel free to share some of your favorite new words and catch phrases. 

    Making A Difference in Wareham, MA

    9/18/2015 (Permalink)

    SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & the Islands was called to clean a home that had a furnace malfunction and discovered hoarding conditions.

    The best we can hope for in life is that we do what we love and love what we do. One of the things I love most about my job is that it offers me the opportunity…. each and every day….to step in and help a fellow human being in need. That was the case a few years ago when we received a call to clean up a puff back from a furnace…. a rather routine service.

    The moment we stepped into the small home, we knew this was going to be a complicated job. The homeowner had done extensive traveling, and collected a significant number of figurines, memorabilia and books. Though she had downsized from a larger home to a smaller one, she had not downsized the contents of her house. Furniture, books, and lots of small items filled her cottage, leaving just a narrow aisle to get from one room to another. Without judgment, I immediately recognized that our customer suffered from a condition called hoarding. Working with a family member, I suggested that since we had to clean all of these items, which had been affected by the soot from the puff back, that we neatly and respectfully box up any unnecessary things for daily living so that they could be stored in the attic. We reduced the contents in her living space by about 70 percent, allowing our client to hold on to her treasured possessions without letting them interfere with the quality of living in her home.

    During the clean up, we noticed the basement was riddled with mold—another health hazard to our customer. I immediately called the insurance company told them the situation and got approved so that we could clean up another potential health hazard for this elderly woman. By the time we had finished the job, we had cleaned and organized our customer’s home so that it was a safe and healthy space for her to enjoy her life and the things that bring her joy. I feel so lucky to be in a position to do that for people and I consider it one of the many benefits of my job. I am sure that everyone, no matter what their career is, has a memory of when they left work at the end of the day feeling like they made a difference in someone's life. Please feel free to share your story—I would love to hear it! 

    Hoarding: It's More than Clutter

    9/11/2015 (Permalink)

    It's a dirty job but we will work with you to determine what is of value or needs to be thrown away.

    As the owner of a restoration company, I am usually one of the first people on the scene of a property damage. When someone experiences damage to their home, there is an emotional part that comes into play and I can’t help but to be affected and even become emotionally involved. As a result, there are some jobs that I carry with me. I remember the people I served and think about them from to time, and hope that in whatever way I could, I made some kind of an impact on their lives.

    The other day, I happened to think about a customer I met a few years ago. We received a call came from the facilities manager of a residential community for adults 55 years and older. One of the residents living there had died and the manager wanted us to come in and clean up the unit. The deceased’s husband was living in a nursing and their daughter was flying in from Arizona.

    We immediately went to the job and began cleaning the affected areas, the master bedroom and bathroom. The carpet had been stained from body fluids and it was clear to see that the woman had been in distress for a while. When her daughter arrived, I could see the pain on her face and knew that she was completely overwhelmed by everything that she had to address. She had to tell her dad about her mother’s death, she had to make funeral arrangements, and she had to grieve. She assumed that she would have to pay for our services out of her mother’s estate. I explained to her that the job was most likely covered by her mother’s homeowner’s insurance but I could also see that calling the insurance agent was the last thing on her mind. I couldn’t minimize her emotional pain but I could step in and help a bit with handling the logistics of this clean up. And so I did. I told her to focus on taking care of her dad and making the arrangements for the funeral and I would handle everything concerning the clean up and insurance. I contacted the agent who filed the claim for damages and I went back to the unit later to meet with the adjuster. We even helped clean up the basement of the unit so it could be prepared for sale.

    Some would say I went the “extra mile” to help this customer but I disagree. This woman had just suffered the worst loss imaginable. I consider what I did to be a part of the human condition—to reach out and help a person in a time of need. I often think of this customer and hope that she is doing well; that she passed the nursing exams she was studying for when her mother died. Most of all I hope that, in some small way, I helped to ease her burden during a very difficult time.

    Things That Frost My Cookies

    9/11/2015 (Permalink)

    There are certain things in life that though they are minor and inconsequential—irk us. They are called pet peeves—little annoyances that get under our skin. On occasion, I will complain to whoever is nearby about the irritation I just experienced but most of the time I simply keep my thoughts to myself. For instance, if a friend or business associate commits one of these faux pas, I let it pass and don’t say anything. I have a good friend and an associate that I greatly admire; they both use the word irregardless. Not a big deal, but it's not a word. Heck, right now spell check is highlighting that word in red to let me know I may have a misspelling here. Ninety percent of the time when these two people use the word, they really intend to use the word irrespective or regardless. But they don’t. They use irregardless. Well regardless of your thoughts about this word, here are a few more of my pet peeves—you know, the things that make me cringe!

    People who misuse the words there, their, and they’re.

    People who misuse the words your and you’re. And even worse, people who abbreviate the word “your” by spelling it “ur” and the word “you,” by spelling it “u.” And trust me, it’s even worse when they commit that error in a cover letter when applying for a job—round file!

    People who drive slowly in the left lane.

    Drivers who are too busy chatting—or worse texting—on their phone to pay attention to the road.

    Drivers who stop at a yield sign rather than yield.

    Drivers who don’t understand that the vehicles in the rotary have the right of way!

    Drivers who cross over the parking lines, taking up two spaces in a parking lot —especially during the holiday season.

    People who over share—I really don’t need to know that you are going into the bathroom to pee. Please let me use my imagination.

    People who talk loudly on their cell phones in public places such as the grocery store. But, being the curious person I am, I will listen to the conversation and I don’t feel the least bit guilty about it.

    People who leave dishes in the sink when the dishwasher is empty. And by people, I mean my husband and other members of the family.

    When my husband takes my electric toothbrush off of the charger to charge his—and neglects to tell me.

    Finding a coupon after it expires and it was actually a coupon I could use!

    People who mistake being busy for having bad time management skills—there is a difference.

    So there is my list of minor irritations. The great thing about pet peeves is that everybody has them, so please feel free to share yours!

    Six Easy Steps to a Clean Home

    9/4/2015 (Permalink)

    Clean and decluttered countertops is an instant facelift for any kitchen
    As the owner of a restoration company who spends more than 50 hours a week making sure other people’s homes are clean and healthy, I can certainly identify with the axiom, “the cobbler’s children have no shoes.” A bit of a neat freak by nature, I appreciate a clean home but as the owner of a company, I understand the temptation to look passed the messes, and opt for doing anything else during my “free time.” Over the years, I have had to come up with a plan that balances the need for a clean house with the need to relax and decompress. I offer the following six easy steps to getting a home ready to accept visitors—even a mother in law—without breaking too much of a sweat—or your back.

    Step 1 Kitchen Clean Up

    Begin with the kitchen. Since this is the most well used room in the house, it is the place where you want to focus your energy. Begin by putting all dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Wipe down countertop surfaces, sink, refrigerator handles and the front of the microwave with a multi-purpose cleaning agent. If it’s been more than a month, go ahead and hit the oven’s self-cleaning button. Bonus Tip: A clean oven cuts down on bad odors and reduces the potential for a smoke out situation, which occurs when previous spills become over heated, causing smoke to stream out of the oven, triggering the home’s smoke detectors.

    Step 2 Head to the bathroom

    Wipe down the toilet, counter, and sink area with a multi-purpose bathroom cleaner. Clear the counter of any items and put them back into drawers or closets. Hang fresh towels. The mirror takes the most abuse so be sure to wipe that down with a glass cleaner. Bonus Tip: sit down on the toilet and look around; what do you see in your sight line? If you can see it, so can your guests.

    Step 3 Dusting

    While most homes only need a good dusting once a month, it is a good habit to do some routine maintenance. Weekly cleaning of living spaces should include picking things up off the floor, throwing out old newspapers, organizing the magazines on the coffee table, fluffing pillows and couch cushions, folding throw blankets, and putting shoes away in the closet. When it is time to dust, use a good product, such as Pledge Multi-Purpose cleaner, and a micro fiber cloth, which works much better than paper towels. Bonus Tip: Always spray the product on the cloth and if you fold one micro fiber cloth into four parts, you will have eight clean sides to use throughout the house.

    Step 4 Go to Bed

    I have always been a fan of making beds—complete with hospital corners. I fondly remember my childhood ritual on Saturday mornings, listening to John Denver while making the bed in my pink-colored room. And though it has been many years since those days, it still gives me great joy to walk into my bedroom and see my bed dressed for success—the center of attention—with crisp sheets and matching comforter set. Making a bed is the single most important chore that can be done in the bedroom. It instantly makes the room look and feel cleaner and neater. Getting your children to agree with this philosophy, however, might prove a bit challenging. Once kids hit the teen years, you may have to pick and choose your battles and one of the easiest battles to give up is to allow them to have their own space, a room that they can decorate and keep however they want. For our family that space was their bedroom. From the pink walls in our daughter’s room—which I may have encouraged—to the ridiculous posters in our son’s room, we allowed them to do whatever they wanted—as long as it was legal—in those spaces. I just kept my opinions about their interior decorating choices to myself, smiled, and quietly shut the door.

    Step 5 Trash Talk

    It is amazing how much stuff a family can collect over time! It is a good idea to get rid of items that are no longer useful or relevant and taking up space in the basement or garage on an annual basis. For every day trash, however, consider putting three or four neatly organized plastic bins in the garage or a mudroom. It will make the chore of separating plastic, glass, paper, and cardboard that much easier. Bonus Tip: The more you recycle, the less trash you amass.

    #6 Suck It Up

    Borrowing from Nike’s tagline, “just do it!” The task of vacuuming is just one of those dreaded chores but it has the most significant impact. If you have done the routine maintenance suggested in Step 3, however, the work of vacuuming should be smooth sailing—straight down the halls, in and out of rooms. Start upstairs and work your down. Stick to the high traffic areas and leave areas under the beds and behind furniture for a much more thorough cleaning, when you enlist the help of the other family members living in the house!

    Tada! Go ahead and grab a magazine, put your feet up, and enjoy the feel of your clean home.

    Motivated By Love

    8/27/2015 (Permalink)

     Anyone who has spent any significant amount of time on the Cape or Islands knows there are a few local annual events that are not to be missed—the Scallop Festival in September moved recently to Falmouth from Buzzards Bay, the Daffodil Festival on Nantucket in April, and the New Balance Falmouth Road Race in August. (Cape Codders simply refer to it as the Falmouth Road Race.) 

    I've been seriously thinking about running in this famous local race since 2012. After moving to Pocasset last August, I started running as a new hobby or habit (whichever way you look at it). Despite record snowfalls and cold temperatures last winter, I did not miss my daily run. By early spring I had added a few more miles to my workout and before I knew it, I found myself training for the road race, a seven-mile route that travels from Woods Hole to Falmouth Heights. Before you ask … yes, there are hills involved!

    As the owner of SERVPRO of Upper Cape and the Islands, I am a member of several Chambers of Commerce and I see first hand the good work that these organizations do for the local business community. Before opening the doors to my own business, however, I worked for Community Connections, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping adults with disabilities. This position gave me insight into the thousands of nonprofit organizations spread out across the Cape and Islands. I firmly believe that at a certain point in our life we have an obligation to give back to our community so in 2014, I decided to volunteer my time and experience to a nonprofit. The big decision, however, was choosing one from among the thousands. As the mother of three children and grandmother to one granddaughter, Mackenzie, I chose to donate my time and talents to the Cape Cod Children’s Museum. I chose this non-profit among the many because of the wonderful educational opportunities it provides to young children and the outstanding activities available to families. I joined the board of directors in June 2014 and I soon found myself serving as the board’s President.

    Running in the Falmouth Road Race was a bit of a bucket list item for me, and the decision to run on behalf of the Children’s Museum was a “no brainer.” When I left the start line in Woods Hole, I was thrilled to be doing something so amazing for an organization I truly believe in. The first few miles I thought about my husband, Billy, and my kids.  I thought about my granddaughter and the experiences she will have at the museum and the things she will learn. And then I began to think about other children and young families who will benefit from the money that I was raising from running in this race…and those thoughts— combined with the high fives I received from all the kids along the seven mile route—spurred me on as the hot sun beat down on my back and humidity set in. Those thoughts kept me going as I hit the hills and the muscles in my legs tightened. From time to time, a cool breeze blew at my back and I was convinced that I could achieve this personal goal that would ultimately help so many. By the time I had completed mile 6, I was completely drained. As I approached the last hill in the heights—there when I needed it the most—were three young boys at the bottom, cheering me on, chanting, “You can do it!” Words of inspiration that I needed so desperately at that very moment pushed me up that monumental hill and across the finish line. With the beautiful views of the ocean just to my right, I thought of how lucky and blessed I am to be able to do this….to have the strength and stamina to complete this run and to have the friends, family, and support to raise $1,325 for the museum. 

    Life On Cape Cod

    8/21/2015 (Permalink)

    Welcome to my World!

    I consider myself lucky to have grown up on Cape Cod—Sandwich to be exact. I met my husband Bill at Sandwich High School and after we were married, we decided to raise our family in the same town where we grew up. It is familiar to us and we love being near the ocean. As true Cape Codders, we understand that there are certain expressions or activities that are unique to this particular region and to people who do not live here, “year round,” as we Cape Codders like to say, it can be a bit confusing or even perplexing. For instance, Cape Cod parents find it perfectly acceptable to teach and encourage our children to jump from bridges—well not the Bourne or Sagamore—but other local overpasses. In Sandwich, by the time children are 8 or 9, they have probably jumped from the Boardwalk Bridge at high tide. And by the time they have graduated high school, they have jumped from the overpass bridge at Scorton Creek. There are similar bridges in other towns on the Cape and Islands and we consider the activity of bridge jumping a rite of passage reserved for Cape and Island children.

    Here are a few other expressions and quirks unique to the Cape and Islands.

    A true Cape Codder is one who was born and raised on the Cape—even better if their parents and grandparents were as well. Anyone who was not born here is considered a wash ashore—even if they have lived here for 50 years or more!

    Local Cape Codders know the best routes to take on a Saturday and Sunday in the summer to avoid the MidCape Highway. I would tell you those routes but then I would probably have to kill you.  (Hint: we use the tunnel that travels under the Cape Cod Canal. You knew about that tunnel, right? )

    True Cape Codders wont go grocery shopping on Saturdays in the summer in fear of how busy they are. We will, however, stand in a line a mile long at our favorite ice cream shop.

    Local Cape Codders know the difference between Upper, Mid, and Lower Cape, and we are happy to extend our arm bent in the shape of the Cape to show you where we live.

    Islanders (those from Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket) refer to coming to the mainland as “going to America.” When Cape Codders travel over the bridge to the mainland, we simply refer to that as going “off Cape.”

    Cape Codders have no problem navigating rotaries or roundabouts as they are now called, which I suspect is a PR strategy to reduce the fear tourists have of these never ending traffic circles.

    Real Cape Codders live by the expression, On Cape Time, which means 15 to 20 minutes around the time I said I would be there. Cape casual is not just a clothing or interior design style—it’s a way of life.

    Flip flops and boat shoes are a perfectly acceptable office attire.

    Cape Codders wear shorts and sandals well into December and even January.

    For a true Cape Codder like me, whenever I see the Bourne or Sagamore bridge, I know I am indeed home.

    When Disaster Strikes

    8/13/2015 (Permalink)

    Pipes break! Washing machine hoses let go! Toilets overflow! It's a fact water damage happens and it is never at a convenient time!

    My mom used to say, "nothing good ever happens after midnight,"---which is how 12 AM became my curfew. In the clean up and restoration business, we know that no disaster ever happens at a convenient time. Mother Nature tends to send us some of her wildest storms this time of year----remember the downed trees and property damage from last week's rain storms? Though weather forecasters do a great job of letting us know when and where a storm will hit, there is little we can do to prevent the damage caused by a fallen tree, lightning strike, or floods. But we can at least be prepared when these types of things happen so that the process of restoring our home or business ----- can begin as quickly as possible. The best way to do that is through the SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile.This plan is available for both residential and commercial businesses and contains all of the information, including contact names and numbers, that will be needed when disaster strikes. Having this plan in place not only saves the homeowner or business owner time and money, it mitigates the stress that comes with an emergency and that can be extremely valuable in the aftermath of a disaster. Unplanned events happen all the time and they often happen at the worst time possible. Toilets overflow just as guests arrive; the oven will go on the blink on Thanksgiving Day the year you are hosting. The best way to deal with any disaster or unplanned event is to be prepared with an Emergency READY Profile and to arm ourselves with a solid sense of humor.

    Trust Your Locally Owned Company with National Resources

    We are proud to serve our local communities. 

    Keeping Cool When The Dew Point Rises

    8/7/2015 (Permalink)

    Given this past winter's record setting snow totals, it's difficult to complain about the heat. But as the dog days of summer arrive, it can be hard not to gripe. Hazy, hot, and humid causes more than just bad hair days.... high dew point levels can affect the well-being of your house. Humidity can take its toll on the outside and inside of a home and homeowners need to take precautions to prevent or at least mitigate the damage that moisture can have on a home and its contents. A central heating and cooling system or a whole house dehumidifier system will go a long way in preventing the damage that moisture can cause. But even with these systems, mold spores can find their way into a home. While some mold around the shower is to be expected, when there are multiple colonies of the small black spots, it may be time to call in the experts. Besides being unsightly, these spores can cause health effects. While household bleach will temporarily eradicate the spores, it is not a permanent fix. The spores are a bit like a dandelion...you can get rid of the yellow flower but if the root system is there, it is going to come back. Having grown up on Cape Cod, owners of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & the Islands Bill and Beth Russell understand that coastal communities like the Cape and Islands are especially prone to high humidity and their team of experts are well adept at battling this problem. The professionals at SERVPRO will not only eradicate the problem, the team can offer advice to prevent issues in the future. When the dew point rises and small black spots begin to show up in areas such as the bathroom, kitchen, or other areas of the home, call the experts at SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & the Islands to do the job right.

    Trust Your Locally Owned Company with National Resources

    We are proud to serve our local communities:

    • Sandwich, MA
    • Falmouth, MA
    • Bourne, MA
    • Sagamore Beach, MA
    • Buzzards Bay, MA
    • Martha’s Vineyard, MA
    • Nantucket, MA
    • Pocasset, MA
    • East Sandwich, MA
    • Vineyard Haven, MA

    Let's Talk...Water Damage In Your Home or Business.

    7/17/2015 (Permalink)

    When a storm leaves a home flooded, or a burst pipe causes serious issues in the house, getting water damage restoration services from a respected company should be considered a top priority. Unfortunately, this industry is not regulated, and there are people out there who pose as professionals or overstate their qualifications. Therefore, homeowners should be mindful of who they hire, as an untrained technician may do more harm than good or delay repairs, resulting in a higher degree of destruction. Before selecting a company to handle the job, keep in mind these points of emphasis:

    • Only choose certified professionals to perform water damage restoration services. Even though the industry is not regulated, technicians who have received certification have made the effort to get the best training possible, proving that they take their job seriously. Certification through the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is a sign that a professional has received the most up to date training and is knowledgeable in the latest techniques and technologies employed during repairs. The IICRC operates a Certified Firm registrant-only database on its site, making it easy to find a local, certified professional without trouble.
    • Do not select a technician based only on the price or an insurance company’s recommendation. When possible, speak to neighbors or friends who have had to hire a technician recently and try to get a recommendation from them. Insurance companies often select a restoration company based on price, and unusually low pricing suggests the company does not use modern drying or repair methods.
    • Choose a company that offers a range of water damage restoration services. The easiest way to determine the expertise of a firm is to see if they provide a full range of options for homeowners. Mold remediation, for example, is often needed given how quickly mold can set in. This is a standard field of knowledge that advanced technicians should possess. If a company doesn’t offer mold remediation, it may not be prepared for all job settings.
    • A company that is available 24/7 is a good sign. Stay away from any firms that are reluctant to start right away. In many cases modern equipment can enable near-complete drying in as little as 36 hours,  although many situations require longer. Also, a homeowner should not have to wait before repairs begin. Every minute counts when there is standing water present, and reputable professionals understand this. If a technician insists on waiting to begin the  remediation portion of the loss, they probably cannot be trusted to see the job through in a reasonable time frame.

    Using these guidelines, a homeowner should be able to find a technician that can be trusted and is equipped to do the job the right way. A storm or other disaster is hard enough to deal with, and a remediation firm should do everything in its power to make this difficult process easier. - Information provided above is from www.iicrc.org blog from June 20, 2014.

    Why Choose SERVPRO Upper Cape Cod & The Islands to handle your water damage?

    We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is close by and ready to respond to your flood or water damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

    We are proud to serve our local communities:

    We are water damage specialists who get started promptly to get your property dry and back to pre-water-damage condition. Using advanced water removal and drying equipment and scientific drying principles to get your property dried quickly, we document the drying process to validate your home or business is ready. Learn about our water damage training and certificates.

    Got Mold? The Do's & Do Not's Of Mold Remediation.

    7/17/2015 (Permalink)

    When a home suffers a water damage event, a mold infestation can quickly arise and spread throughout a home in 48-72 hours. Because mold can produce allergens and irritants, you will want a professional that has training and experience to properly resolve the mold infestation. If you suspect that your Sandwich home or business has a mold problem, SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands can inspect, assess and remediate your property.

    Here are examples of some Do's and Do Not's Of Mold Remediation:

    • Try not to disturb mold colonies after you've located them. Air motion will send millions of viable spore into the air, cross-contaminating the rest of the room/structure.  In other words...no fans!
    • Trying to kill mold with bleach or other fungicides does not remove the toxins from the air. A dead spore will continue to give off toxins until it is removed.
    • Mold will grow as long as there is enough moisture and a food source. Mold spores can stay dormant for up to 10 years until the right conditions can stimulate the growth.
    • Do not think that mold won’t hurt you. Mold is an airborne pathogen and as such it can seriously harm your health
    • Sealing and painting over mold does not kill the mold or remove the toxins. It is only a short-term fix while poor health symptoms will continue.
    • Make sure to wear a respirator with P100 hepa filtration cartridges, protective eye wear, gloves, long sleeve shirts and long pants when handling and/or examining mold.  This is for your protection!!!
    • And finally, do call a certified mold removal and remediation professional like SERVPRO Upper Cape Cod & The Islands to get a professional assessment of your mold issues

    We specialize in water and mold damage restoration, the cornerstone of our business. We have the training and expertise to safely handle any mold situation.

    • Applied Microbial Remediation Specialist
    • Water Damage Restoration Technician
    • Applied Structural Drying Technician

    We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod and The Islands is close by and ready to help with your mold-damaged property. We are proud to be an active member of the community and want to pitch in and help make our community the best it can be.

    We are proud to serve our local communities:

    Check Out The Summer Issue of Cape Cod Home Magazine

    7/8/2015 (Permalink)

    Living in a coastal area like the Cape or Islands may offer the ultimate lifestyle, but it also comes with a certain degree of responsibility for our fragile seaside eco-system. "People who live on the Cape or the Islands need to pay special attention to certain environmental conditions," says Beth Russell, president of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands

    Check out the article on helpful tips on protecting your home throughout all seasons. 

    Sewage Backup in Nantucket, MA

    7/7/2015 (Permalink)

    Sewage backup in the crawlspace of this Nantucket, MA home had the homeowner calling SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & the Islands to fix the issue.

    Upon arrival our knowledgeable and trained professionals started immediately on cleaning and fixing the issue for this homeowner.  The owner stated that SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & the Islands did "another high quality, excellent job" for him.

    Frozen Pipe in Nantucket, MA

    7/7/2015 (Permalink)

    Winter conditions caused a pipe to burst in the ceiling of this Nantucket home.  This before picture shows the location of the busted pipe. 

    SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands was able to clean up the aftermath!  The owner was thrilled and said "Wonderful job!  Very professional, attentive and kind.  Thank you!"

    SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands Names Stephanie Decatur Sales & Marketing Manager

    6/29/2015 (Permalink)

    Stephanie Decatur, Marketing Manager of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands.

    For Immediate Release

    Contact: Beth & Bill Russell

    Phone: 774-238-2999

    Email: Beth@SERVPROUpperCapeAndIslands.co 

    SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands Names Stephanie Decatur Sales & Marketing Manager

    Cape Cod, MA (June 2015)…SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands announces and welcomes Stephanie Decatur as sales and marketing manager.  Stephanie joined the team in June 2015 and will be covering Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket.

    In this new position, Stephanie will heading up the sales & marketing division of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands non-emergency services such as duct cleaning, carpet & upholstery cleaning, post construction cleaning, clean outs and janitorial services along with and  promoting SERVPRO’s Emergency Ready Profiles for business and property owners.  “Bill and I are excited to welcome Stephanie to our team!  She brings a diverse background and expertise with her.” says Beth Russell, co-owner of SERVPRO Upper Cape Cod & The Islands.

    Decatur brings over 15 years of sales, marketing and business experience to her new role.  Former positions include: director of sales, marketing & revenue management for Hostmark Hospitality Group, director of sales and marketing for Laquinta Inn Downtown Chattanooga, marketing and sales manager for Burroughs & Chapin/Broadway at the Beach and marketing, sales & convention services coordinator for Sands Resorts.  Stephanie’s qualifications consist of a strong sales background in the hospitality industry, business development, revenue management, and operations management.

    “I am thrilled to be part of the SERVPRO team!  My entire career has been spent in the marketing & sales industry and I look forward to continuing that tradition by providing our neighbors, friends and community with the best service solutions around!” comments, Decatur. 

    SERVPRO specializes in Residential and Commercial Restoration Services and is known nationwide as an industry leader. SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands employees are all trained and certified in all aspects of emergency and non-emergency services. 

    Your commercial property’s appearance speaks volumes to your clients. So when the need arises for professional cleaning or emergency restoration services, SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands Professionals help make it “Like it never even happened.” 

    Nominee SCORE: Martha's Vineyard's Small Business Owner of the Year Award

    4/25/2014 (Permalink)

    Bill and Beth Russell, Owners of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands

    SCORE has nominated Beth and Bill Russell, the owners of SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands one of the finalist to be awarded the "Build a Better Mousetrap Award" to be held on May 15, 2014.

    SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands is a Fire & Water Cleanup and Restoration company that employees over 16 people year round. They provided their services throughout the Cape area, as well as, on Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard.

    "It is an honor and a privilege to be nominated by the Chamber of Commerce for this award", said Ms. Russell. Beth also commented, "it's not everyday that a small business like ours is recognized for all that we do! We appreciate the Chamber for thinking so highly of us."

    Senator Dan Wolf at the Old Yarmouth Inn where the annual breakfast will be held on May 15th will announce the winner of the award. Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank, Rockland Trust, Cape & Islands Development and Edgartown National Bank are sponsoring the event.  

    Aim for Success on Cape Cod & Islands

    1/28/2014 (Permalink)

    Cape Cod SCORE presented its 20th annual "Small Business Owner of the Year" award to Beth and Bill Russell, Owners of SERVPRO.

    SERVPRO of Upper Cape Cod & The Islands is proud to announce that we have been Nominated for Business of the Year for 2014!

    The ceremony is scheduled to take place on May 15, 2014 at SCORE's annual awards breakfast at a location to be named at a later date.

    We are speechless for the opportunity to represent the small business community! Thank you. 

    Named Board President of the Cape Cod Children's Museum in Mashpee

    7/12/2013 (Permalink)

    The Cape Cod Children's Museum is located in Mashpee

    As a Native Cape Codder, parent of three and soon-to-be Grandmother and local business owner I feel the responsibly to support The Cape Cod Children’s Museum located in Mashpee to thrive in the landscape of the community as a vital and strong Non-Profit for all residents of Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard to enjoy for years to come. And for these reasons, I accept the responsiblity and honor of becoming Board President.

    CapeFlyer is a BIG Success on Cape Cod

    6/12/2013 (Permalink)

    CapeFlyer Train is helping people visit Cape Cod, MA.

    WOW what a weekend!

    Over 100 people on the CapeFLYER train and supporters were at the Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber Office & Railroad Station this past Saturday to welcome the trial run. This pilot program will begin Memorial Day weekend with weekend trips to and from Boston. Present were Tom Cahir, Executive Director, of the Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority, initiated the program. A high spirited crowed welcomed the train with remarks made by Tom Cahir, U.S. Representative Bill Keating, Marie Oliva of the Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber, Don Picard, Bourne Selectman, Sallie Riggs of BFDC, and others.


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